Professor Dr. Alexander Popp


Alexander Popp leads the research group on Land-Use Management at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research as well as the PIK activity on Land Use. He is also Professor for Sustainable Land Use and Climate Mitigation at University of Kassel and member of the Kassel Institute for Sustainability. Alexander Popp coordinates the development of the global land-use model ‘Model of Agricultural Production and its Impacts on the Environment’ (MAgPIE), which over the last years has evolved into one of the world’s leading integrated global land and water use modelling systems. Alexander Popp contributes to several international climate, biodiversity and land-use assessments such as IPCC (e.g. Lead author for SR on Land, Lead author for AR6) and IPBES. Since 2019, he has been an Associate Deputy Editor of the journal Climatic Change. Alexander Popp has published more than 150 peer reviewed scientific articles and is ranked by Web of Science among the 1% most influential scientists in the world due to his highly relevant publications in scientific literature since 2018. He was listed among the World's forty most influential climate scientists and for Germany in the top 3 on the Reuters Climate Hot-List.



Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK)
T +49 (0)331 288 2463
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam


Alexander Popp leads the research group on Land-Use Management at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research as well as the PIK activity on Land Use. He is also Professor for Sustainable Land Use and Climate Mitigation at University of Kassel and member of the Kassel Institute for Sustainability. Alexander Popp coordinates the development of the global land-use model ‘Model of Agricultural Production and its Impacts on the Environment’ (MAgPIE), which over the last years has evolved into one of the world’s leading integrated global land and water use modelling systems. Alexander Popp contributes to several international climate, biodiversity and land-use assessments such as IPCC (e.g. Lead author for SR on Land, Lead author for AR6) and IPBES. Since 2019, he has been an Associate Deputy Editor of the journal Climatic Change. Alexander Popp has published more than 150 peer reviewed scientific articles and is ranked by Web of Science among the 1% most influential scientists in the world due to his highly relevant publications in scientific literature since 2018. He was listed among the World's forty most influential climate scientists and for Germany in the top 3 on the Reuters Climate Hot-List.

  • Sustainable management of natural resources
  • Land-use management
  • Future land-use transformations
  • Land-based Climate Change mitigation
  • Competition for global land and water resources
  • Biodiversity and ecosystem services
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Vulnerability of the agricultural sector to climate change

Current projects

EAT-Lancet Commission on Food, Planet, Health 2.0 (EAT LANCET 2.0) [EAT 2023 - 2025]

Bridging current knowledge gaps to enable the UPTAKE of carbon dioxide removal methods (UPTAKE) [EU H2020: 2023 - 2027]

Climate-nature scenarios [Nature Finance: 2023 - 2024]

Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) [Climate Works Foundation: 2023 - 2024]

Upgrading knowledge and solutions to fast-track wetland restoration across Europe (WET HORIZONS) [EU H2020: 2022 - 2026]

CDR Synthesis and Transfer project (CDRSYNTRA) [BMBF, 2022 – 2026]

Enabling and leveraging climate action towards net-zero emissions (ELEVATE) [EU H2020: 2022 - 2026]

Optimal High Resolution Earth System Models for Exploring Future Climate Changes (OptimESM) [EU H2020: 2022 - 2026]

The Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land, and Energy Project (FABLE) India (FABLE India) [Sustainable Solutions Network SDSN, 2019 - 2020]

Net Pathway Research Through Integrated Assessment Model Advancement (PRISMA)
[EU H2020: 2022 - 2026]

Agroforestry’s Biophysical potentials for CDR and Decision making across scales (ABCDR) [BMBF, 2022 - 2025]

Pyrogenic carbon and carbonating minerals for enhanced plant growth and carbon capture and storage (PyMICCS) [BMBF, 2022 - 2025]

Response of the Earth System to overshoot, Climate neUtrality and negative Emissions (RESCUE) [EU H2020: 2022 - 2026]

Earth system models for the future (ESM2025) [EU H2020: 2021 - 2025]

Global Commons Stewardship Framework: Modelling Transformation Pathways (GCS) [University of Tokyo, 2021 - 2023]

Food Systemic Economic Commission (FSEC) [EAT, 2020 - 2023]

Land Management for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation (LAMACLIMA) [JPI, 2019 - 2023]


Past projects

Food Security and sustained coastal livelihoods through linking land and ocean and bio-economy (FOCUS) [BMBF, PT FZJ, 2019 - 2022]

Deep Transformation Scenarios for Informing the Climate Policy Discourse (DIPOL) [BMBF, 2018 –2022]

Co-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs (COACCH) [EU H2020, 2017 –2021]

Sustainable Integrated Management FOR the NEXUS of water-land-food-energy-climate for a resource-efficient Europe SIM4NEXUS [EU H2020, 2016 –2020]

Economic Growth Impacts of Climate Change (ENGAGE) [Leibniz, 2016 –2020]

Globale Treibhausgasemissionspfade bis 2050 [UBA, 2015 –2017]

Global Assessment of Land Use Dynamics on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Ecosystem Services (LUC4C) [EU FP7, 2013 –2017]

Visions of land use transitions in Europe (VOLANTE) [EU FP7, 2010 –2015]

Impact Quantification of Global Changes (Global-IQ) [EU FP7, 2010 –2015]

Global Assessment of Land Use Dynamics on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Ecosystem Services (GLUES) [BMBF, 2010 –2014]

Enhancing model integration for the assessment of global environmental change (ERMITAGE) [EU FP7, 2010 –2013]

ISI papers and reviewed book chapters

[169] Strefler J, Merfort L, Bauer N, Stevanović M, Tänzler D, Humpenöder F, Klein D, Luderer G, Pehl M, Pietzcker R, Popp A, Rodrigues R, Rottoli M, Kriegler E (2024) Technology availability, sector policies and behavioral change are complementary strategies for achieving net-zero emissions. Nature Communications 15:8440

 [168] Molina Bacca E J, Stevanović M, Bodirsky B L, Doelman J C, Parsons Chini L, Volkholz J, Frieler K, Reyer C, Hurtt G, Humpenöder F, Karstens K, Heinke J, Müller C, Dietrich J P, Lotze-Campen H, Stehfest E, and Popp A (2024) Future land-use pattern projections and their differences within the ISIMIP3b framework EGUsphere [preprint] https://doiorg/105194/egusphere-2024-2441

 [167] Du R, Cai H, Xuan J, Wang X, Stevanović M, Dietrich JP, Popp A, Lotze-Campen H. (2024) Enhancing Governance Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa Can Bolster Climate Mitigation and Food Security. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 10: 0241.

 [166] Chaplin-Kramer R, Polasky S, Alkemade R, Burgess N, Cheung W, Fetzer I, Harfoot M, Hertel T, Hill S, Andrew Johnson J, Janse J, José v Jeetze P, Kim H, Kuiper J, Lonsdorf E, Leclere D, Mulligan M, Peterson G, Popp A, Roe S, Schipper A, Snäll T, van Soesbergen A, Soterroni A, Stehfest E, van Vuuren D, Visconti P, Wang-Erlandsson L, Wells G and Pereira H (2024) Integrated modeling of nature’s role in human well-being: A research agenda Global Environmental Change 88 e102891 101016/jgloenvcha2024102891

 [165] Jäger F, Schwaab J, Quilcaille Y, Windisch M, Doelman J, Frank S, Gusti M, Havlik P, Humpenöder F, Augustynczik A, Müller C, Narayan K, Padron R, Popp A, van Vuuren D, Wogerer M, Seneviratne S (2024) Fire Weather Compromises Large-scale Afforestation Scenarios. Earth System Dynamics 15 (4), 1055-1071

 [164] Wang X, Du R, Cai H, Lin B, Dietrich J, Stevanovic M, Lotze-Campen H, Popp A (2024) Assessing the impacts of technological change on food security and climate change mitigation in China’s agriculture and land-use sectors. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 107, 107550

[163] Pereira H, Martins I, Rosa I, Kim H, Leadley P, Popp A, van Vuuren D, Hurtt G et al. (2024). Global trends and scenarios for terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem services from 1900 to 2050. Science 384 (6694) 458-465

[162] Mishra A, Humpenöder F, Reyer C, Beier F, Lotze-Campen H, Popp A (2024) Emission savings through the COP26 declaration of deforestation could come at the expense of non-forest land conversion. Environmental Research Letters DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/ad42b4. 

[161] Humpenöder F, Popp A,  Merfort L,  Luderer G,  Weindl I,  Bodirsky B, Stevanović M,  Rodrigues R,  Bauer N, Dietrich J, Lotze-Campen H,  Rockström J  (2024): Food matters: Dietary shifts increase the feasibility of 1 5°C pathways in line with the Paris Agreement  - Science Advances 10 (13) eadj3832

[160] Wang M, Bodirsky B, Rijneveld R, Beier F, Bak M, Batool M, Droppers B, Popp A, Strokal M (2024): Triple increase in basins with water scarcity due to future pollution worldwide. Nature Communications. [DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-44947-3]

[159] Grubert E, Lazaro L, Popp A, Merfort L, Luo T, Kati V, Meshram P, Dorn F, Hernandez D (2024) Making low-carbon energy sustainable. One Earth 7(2) 163-166

[158] Alders R, Amuasi J, Ashraf S, Becker D, Buckachi S, Burza S, Cleveland S, Omrani O, Erondu N, Ferreira J, Hassan L, Li B, Lloyd-Smith J, Loch-Temzelides T, Markotter W, Peiris M, Pfeiffer D, Plowright R, Popp A, Roche B, Scanlon J, Sizer N, Vale M, Vora N, Walzer C, Worah S (2024) Draft of WHO Pandemic Agreement plays down primary prevention. The Lancet 403 (10426), 525-526

[157] Jäger F, Schwaab J, Quilcaille Y, Windisch M, Doelman J, Frank S, Gusti M, Havlik P, Humpenöder F, Müller C, Padrón R, Popp A, van Vuuren D, Wögerer M, Seneviratne S (2024) Fire Weather Compromises Forestation-reliant Climate Mitigation Pathways. EGUsphere [preprint],

[156] Singh V, Stevanovic M, Jha C, Beier F, Ghosh R, Lotze-Campen H, Popp A (2023) Assessing policy options for sustainable water use in India’s cereal production system. Environmental Research Letters.

[155] Bacca E, Stevanović M, Bodirsky B, Karstens K, Chen D, Leip D, Müller C, Minoli S, Heinke J, Jägermeyr J, Folberth C, Iizumi T, Jain A, Liu W, Okada W, Smerald A, Zabel F, Lotze-Campen H, Popp A (2023) Uncertainty in land-use adaptation persists despite crop model projections showing lower impacts under high warming. Communications Earth & Environment 4 (284)

[154] Merfort L, Bauer N, Humpenöder F, Klein D, Strefler J, Popp A, Luderer G, Kriegler E (2023) State of global land regulation inadequate to control biofuel land-use-change emissions. Nature Climate Change

[153] Merfort L, Bauer N, Humpenöder F, Klein D, Strefler J, Popp A, Luderer G, Kriegler E (2023) Bioenergy-induced land-use-change emissions with sectorally fragmented policies. Nature Climate Change

[152] Kim H, Peterson G, Cheung W, Ferrier S, Alkemade R, Arneth A, Kuiper J, Okayasu S, Pereira L, Acosta L, Chaplin-Kramer R, den Belder E, Eddy T, Johnson J, Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen S, Kok M, Leadley P, Leclère D, Lundquist C, Rondinini C, Scholes R, Schoolenberg M, Shin J, Stehfest E, Stephenson F, Visconti P, van Vuuren D, Wabnitz C, Alava J, Cuadros-Casanova I, Davies K, Gasalla M, Halouani G, Harfoot M, Hashimoto S, Hickler T, Hirsch T, Kolomytsev G, Miller B, Ohashi H, Palomo G, Popp A, Remme R, Saito O, Sumalia U, Willcock S, Pereira H (2023) Towards a better future for biodiversity and people: modelling Nature Futures. Global Environmental Change 82 102681

 [151] von Jeetze P, Weindl I, Johnson J, Borrelli P, Panagos P, Molina Bacca E, Karstens K, Humpenöder F, Dietrich J, Minoli S, Müller C, Lotze-Campen H, Popp A (2023) Projected landscape-scale repercussions of global action for climate and biodiversity protection. Nature Communications 14 2515

[150] Beier F, Bodirsky B, Heinke J, Karstens K, Dietrich J, Müller C, Stenzel F, von Jeetze P, Popp A, Lotze-Campen H (2023) Technical and Economic Irrigation Potentials within land and water boundaries. Water Resources Research Doi: 10.1029/2021WR031924

[149] Orlov A, De Hertog S, Havermann F, Guo S, Luo F, Manola I, Thiery W, Lejeune Q, Pongratz J, Humpenöder F, Windisch M, Nath S, Popp A, Schleussner C (2023) Changes in Land Cover and Management Affect Heat Stress and Labour Capacity. Earth's Future

[148] Johnson J, Brown ME, Corong E, Dietrich JP, Henry R, Jeetze PJ, Leclere D, Popp A, Thakrar S, Williams D (2023) The meso scale as a frontier in interdisciplinary modeling of sustainability from local to global scales. Environmental Research Letters 18 (2)

[147] Mosnier A, Schmidt-Traub G, Obersteiner M, Jones S, […], Popp A et al. (2023) How to reconcile diverse national food and land-use priorities with global sustainability? Sustainability Science 1-11

[146] Wang X, Xu M, Lin B, Bodirsky B, Stevanović M, Dietrich J, Xuan J, Bai J, Ma L, Jin S, Lotze-Campen H, Popp A (2023) Reforming China’s fertilizer policies:  Implications for the environment and food security. Sustainability Science 1-14

[145] Jha C, Ranjan K, Saxena S, Singh V, Mosnier A, Guzman K, Stevanović M, Popp A, Lotze-Campen H (2023) Pathway to achieve a sustainable food and land-use transition in India. Sustainability Science 1-12

[144] Humpenöder F, Popp A, Schleussner C , Orlov A, Windisch M, Menke I, Pongratz J, Havermann F, Thiery W, Luo F, v. Jeetze P, Dietrich J, Lotze-Campen H, Weindl I, Lejeune Q (2022) Overcoming global inequality is critical for land-based mitigation in line with the Paris Agreement. Nature Communications 13 (1), 1-15

[143] Mishra A., Humpenöder, F., Churkina G., Reyer C. P. O., Beier F., Bodirsky B. L., Schellnhuber H. J., Lotze-Campen H., & Popp A. (2022) Land use change and carbon emissions of a transformation to timber cities. Nature Communications 13, 4889

[142] Jha C, Singh V, Stevanović M, Dietrich J, Mosnier A, Weindl I, Popp A, Schmidt-Traub G, Ranjan K, Lotze-Campen H (2022) The role of food and land use systems in achieving India's sustainability targets. Environmental Research Letters 17 (7), 074022

[141] Bodirsky B, Chen D, Weindl I, Soergel B, Beier F, Molina Bacca E, Gaupp F, Popp A, Lotze-Campen H (2022) Integrating degrowth and efficiency perspectives to enable an emission-neutral food system. Nature Food 3, 341–348

[140] Humpenöder F, Bodirsky B, Weindl I, Lotze- Campen H, Linder T, Popp A (2022) Animal free meat and dairy consumption could strongly reduce food-related environmental pressures. Nature 605, 90-96

[139] Rose S, Popp A, Fujimori S, Havlik P, Weyant J, Wise M, van Vuuren D, Brunelle T, Cui R, Daioglou V, Frank S, Hasegawa T, Humpenöder F, Kato E, Sands R, Sano F, Tsutsui J, Doelman J, Muratori M, Prudhomme R, Wada K, Yamamoto H (2022) Global biomass supply modeling for long-run management of the climate system. Climatic Change 172 (1), 1-27

[138] Doelman J, Beier F, Stehfest E, Bodirsky B, Beusen A, Mishra A, Popp A,  de Vos L, Weindl I, van Zeist W, Kram T (2022) Quantifying synergies and trade-offs in the global water-land-food-climate nexus using a multi-model scenario approach. Environmental Research Letters 17 (4), 045004

[137] Smith P, Arneth A, Barnes D, Ichii K, Marquet P, Popp A, Pörtner H, Rogers A, Scholes R, Strassburg B, Wu J, Ngo H (2022) How do we best synergise climate mitigation actions to co-benefit biodiversity? Global Change Biology 28 (8), 2555-2577

[136] Windisch M, Humpenöder F, Lejeune Q, Schleussner C, Lotze-Campen H, Popp A (2022) Accounting for local temperature effect substantially alters afforestation patterns. Environmental Research Letters 17 024030

[135] Luderer G, Madeddu S, Ueckerdt F, Pehl P, Pietzcker R,  Rottoli M, Schreyer F, Bauer N, Baumstark L, Bertram C, Dirnaichner A, Humpenöder F, Levesque A, Popp A, Rodrigues R, Strefler J, Kriegler E (2021) Accelerated electrification based on cheap renewables facilitates reaching Paris Climate targets. Nature Energy 1-11

[134] Gaup F, Lotze-Campen H, […], Popp A et al (2021) A Framework to Guide a Transformation towards a Healthy, Nature-positive and Inclusive Food System. Nature Food 1-7

[133] Riahi K, Bertram C, Huppmann D, Rogelj J, [..], Popp A et al (2021) Long-term economic benefits of stabilizing warming without overshoot – the ENGAGE model intercomparison. Nature Climate Change 11 (12), 1063-1069

[132] van Vuuren D, Zimm C, Busch S, Kriegler E, Leininger J, Messner D, Nakicenovic N, Rockstrom J, Sperling F, Schmidt-Traub G, Riahi K, Bosetti V, Cornell S, Gaffney O, Popp A, Ruhe C, von Schiller A, Soergel B (2022) Defining a Sustainable Development Target Space for 2030 and 2050. One Earth 5(2), 142-156

[131] Perino A, Pereira H, Felipe-Lucia M, Kim H, Kühl H, Marselle M, Meya J, Meyer C, Navaro L, Albert G, Barrat C, Klink R,   […], Popp A, et al. (2021) Biodiversity Post-2020: Closing the implementation gap. Conservation Letters

[130] Roe R, Streck C, Beach R, Busch J, [..], Popp A et al (2021) Land-based measures to mitigate climate change: potential and feasibility by country. Global Change Biology 00:1–34.

[129] Hasegawa T, Fujimori S, [..], Popp A et al (2021) Agriculture and land use implications of early climate change mitigation efforts without reliance on net-negative emissions. Nature Sustainability 4 (12), 1052-1059

[128] Soergel B, Kriegler E, Weindl I, Rauner S, Dirnaichner A, Ruhe C, Hofmann M, Bauer N, Bertram C, Bodirsky B, Leimbach M, Leininger J, Levesque A, Luderer G, Pehl M, Wingens C, Baumstark L, Beier F, Dietrich J, Humpenöder F , von Jeetze P, Klein D, Koch J, Pietzcker R, Strefler J, Lotze-Campen H, Popp A (2021) Climate action within the 2030 Agenda: A holistic sustainable development pathway.  Nature Climate Change 11 (8), 656–664

[127] Zhang X, Lassaletta L, Zou T, Mueller N, Lisk M, Lu C, Conant R, Dorich C, Gerber J, Tian H, Bruulsema T, Bodirsky B, Popp A, Bouwman L, Beusen A, Chang J, Havlík P, Leclère D, Canadell P, Jackson R, Tubiello F, Wanner N, Billen G, Heffer P, Davidson A (2021) Quantifying and evaluating nitrogen budgets for crop production at national scale. Nature Food 2, 529–540

[126] Strefler J, Bauer N, Humpenöder F, Klein D, Popp A, Kriegler E (2021) Carbon dioxide removal technologies are not born equal. Environmental Research Letters 16 074021

[125] Calvin K, Cowie A, Berndes G, Arneth A, Cherubini F, Portugal Pereira J, Grassi G, House J, Johnson F, Popp A, Rounsevell M, Slade R, Smith P (2021). Bioenergy for climate change mitigation: scale and sustainability . Global Change Biology - Bioenergy 00:1–26

[124] Mishra A, Humpenöder F, Dietrich J, Bodirsky B, B Sohngen, Reyer C, Lotze-Campen H, Popp A (2021) Estimating global land system impacts of timber plantations using MAgPIE 4.3. 2. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 1-39

[123] Soergel B, Kriegler E, Bodirsky B, Bauer N, Popp A (2021) Combining ambitious climate policies with efforts to eradicate poverty. Nature Communications 12, 2342

[122] Grassi G, Stehfest E, Rogelj J, van Vuuren D, Cescatti A, House J,  GJ Nabuurs, Rossi S, Alkama R, Viñas R, Calvin K, Ceccherini G, Federici S, Fujimori S, Gusti M, Hasegawa T, Havlik P, Humpenöder F, Korosuo A, Perugini L, Tubiello F, Popp A (2021) Critical adjustment of land mitigation pathways for assessing countries’ climate progress. Nature Climate Change

[121] Herrero M, Thornton P, Mason-D'Croz D, Palmer J, Bodirsky B, Pradhan P, Barrett C, Benton T, Hall T, Pikaar I, Bogard J, Bonnett G, Bryan B, Campbell B, Christensen S, Clark M, Fanzo J, Godde C, Jarvis A, Loboguerrero A, Mathys A, McIntyre L, Naylor R, Nelson R, Obersteiner M, Parodi A, Popp A, Ricketts K, Smith P, Valin H, Vermeulen S, Vervoort J, van Wijk M, van Zanten H, West P, Wood S, Rockström J (2021) Articulating the impact of food systems innovation on the Sustainable Development Goals. The Lancet Planetary Health 5 (1): e50–62

[120] Rose S, Bauer N, Popp A, Weyant J, Fujimori S, Havlik P, Wise M, van Vuuren D (2020) An overview of the Energy Modeling Forum 33rd study: Assessing large-scale global bioenergy deployment for managing climate change. Climatic Change

[119] Karstens K, Bodirsky B, Dietrich J, Dondini M, Heinke J, Kuhnert M, Müller C, Rolinski S, Smith P, Weindl I, Lotze-Campen H, Popp A (2020) Management induced changes of soil organic carbon on global croplands. Biogeosciences Discussions, 1-30

[118] Bauer N, Schultes A, Bertram C, Luderer G, Kriegler E, Popp A, Edenhofer O (2020) Quantifying the trade-off between cost-efficiency and sovereignty in international climate mitigation agreements. Nature 588, 261266

[117] Bauer N, Klein D, Humpenöder F, Kriegler E, Luderer G, Popp A, Strefler S (2020) Bio-energy and CO2 emission reductions: an integrated land-use and energy sector perspective. Climatic Change

[116] Humpenöder F, Karstens K, Lotze-Campen H, Leifeld J, Menichetti L, Barthelmes A, Popp A (2020) Peatland protection and restoration are key for climate change mitigation. Environmental Research Letters 15 (10)

[115] Bodirsky B, Dietrich J, Martinelli E, Stenstad A, Pradhan P, Gabrysch, Mishra A, Weindl I, Le Mouël C, Rolinski S, Baumstark L, Wang X, Waid J, Lotze-Campen H, Popp A (2020) Starved, stuffed and wasteful: interlinked symptoms of an advancing global nutrition transition. Scientific Reports 10, 19778

[114] Leclère D, Obersteiner M, Barrett M, Butchart S H M, Chaudhary A, De Palma A, DeClerck F A J, Di Marco M, Doelman J C, Durauer M, Fremman R, Harfoot M, Hasegawa T, Hellweg S, Hilbers J P, Hill S L, Humpenöder F, Jennings N, Krisztin T, Mace G M, Ohashi H, Popp A, et al. (2020): Bending the curve of terrestrial biodiversity needs an integrated strategy. Nature 585, 551–556

[113] Cacho O, Moss J, Thornton P, Herrero M, Henderson B, Bodirsky B, Humpenöder F, Popp A, Lipper L (2020) The value of climate-resilient seeds for smallholder adaptation in Sub-Saharan Africa. Climatic Change 1-17

[112] Pereira L, Davies K, [...], Popp A, et al (2020) Developing multi-scale and integrative nature-people scenarios: the IPBES Nature Futures framework. People and Nature DOI: 10.1002/pan3.10146

[111] Hurtt G, Chini L, Sahajpal R, Frolking R, Bodirsky B, Calvin K, Doelman J, Fisk J, Fujimori S, Goldewijk K, Hasegawa T, Havlik P, Heinimann A, Humpenöder F, Ma L, Mertz O, Pongratz J, Popp A, Poulter B, Riahi K, Shevliakova E, Stehfest E, Thornton P, van Vuuren D, Zhang X (2020) Harmonization of Global Land-Use Change and Management for the Period 850-2100 (LUH2) for CMIP6. Geoscientific Model Development 13, 5425–5464

[110] Hasegawa T, Sands R, Brunelle T, Cui Y, Frank S, Fujimori S, Popp A (2020) Food security under high bioenergy demand. Climatic Change.

[109] van Zeist W, Tabeau A, Verhagen W, Wiebe K, Sulser T, Kyle P, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Florian Humpenöder F, Meijl H, Hasegawa T, Havlik P, Valin H, Fujimori S, Doelman J, Popp A, Calvin K, Stehfest W. (2020) Are scenario projections overly optimistic about future yield progress?  Global Environmental Change 64 102120

[108] Wang X, Dietrich J, Lotze-Campen H, Biewald A, Stevanovic M, Bodirsky B, Brümmer B, Popp A (2020) Beyond land-use intensity: Assessing future global crop productivity growth under different socioeconomic pathways. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 160 120208

[107] Herrero M, Thornton P, Mason-D'Croz D, Palmer J, Benton T, Bodirsky B, L, Bogard J, Hall A, Lee B, Nyborg K, Pradhan P, Bonnett G, Bryan B, Campbell B, Christensen S, Clark M, Cook M, de Boer I, Downs C, Dizyer K, Folberth C, Godde C, Gerber J, Grundy M, Havlik P, Jarvis A, King J, Loboguerrero A, Lopes M, McIntyre C, Nylor R, Navarro J, Obersteiner M, Parodi A, Peoples M, Pikarr A, Popp A, Rockström J, Robertson M, Smith P, Stehfest E, Swain S, Valin H, van Wijk M, van Zanten H, Vervoort J, West P (2020) Innovation can accelerate the transition towards a sustainable food system, Nature FOOD 1 266–272

[106] Chen D, Bodirsky B, Krueger T, Mishra A, Popp A (2020) The world’s growing municipal solid waste: Trends and impacts. Environmental Research Letters 15  074021

[105] Kantner D, Winiwarter W, Bodirsky B, Bouwman L, Boyer E, Buckle S, Compton J, Dalgaard T, de vries W, Leclère D, Leip A, Muller C, Popp A, Raghuram N, Rao S, Sutton M, Tian H, Westhoek H, Zhang X, Zurek M (2020) A framework for nitrogen futures in the shared socioeconomic pathways. Global Environmental Change 6 1102209

[104] Li W, Ciais P, Stehfest E, van Vuuren D, Popp A, Arneth A, Di Fulvio F, Doelman J, Humpenöder F, Harper A, Park T, Makowski D, Havlik P, Obersteiner M, Wang J, Krause A, Liu W (2020) Mapping the yields of lignocellulosic bioenergy crops from observations at the global scale. Earth System Science Data 12, 789–804

[103] de Oliveira Garcia W, Amann T, Hartmann J, Karstens K, Popp A, Boysen L, Smith P, Goll D (2020)  Impacts of Enhanced Weathering on biomass production for negative emission technologies and soil hydrology. Biogeosciences 17, 2107–2133

[102] Rosa I, Purvis A, Alkemade R, Chaplin-Kramer R, Ferrier S, Guerra C, Hurtt G, Kim H, Leadley P, Martins I, Popp A, Schipper A, van Vuuren D, Pereira H (2020) Challenges in producing policy-relevant global scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Global Ecology and Conservation 22 e00886

[101] van Soest H, van Vuuren D, Hilaire J, Minx J, Harmsen M, Krey V, Popp A, Riahi K, Luderer G (2019) Sustainable Development Goals: Analysing Interactions with Integrated Assessment Models. Global Transitions 1, 210-225

[100] Luderer G, Pehl M, Arvesen A, Bodirsky B, Sytze de Boer H, Fricko O, Pietzcker R, Popp A, van Vuuren D,h, Hertwich E (2019) Environmental co-benefits and adverse side-effects of alternative power sector decarbonization strategies. Nature Communications 10, 5229

[99] Johnson N, Burek P, Byers E, Falchetta G, Floerke M, Fujimori S, Havlik P, Hejazi M, Hunt J, Krey V, Langan S, Nakicenovic N, Palazzo A, Popp A, Riahi K, van Dijk M, van Vliet M, van Vuuren D, Wada Y, Wiberg D, Willaarts D, Zimm C, Parkinson S (2019) Integrated solutions for the water-energy-land nexus: Are global models rising to the challenge? Water 11, 2223

[98] Roe S, Streck C, Obersteiner O, Griscom B, Harris N, Hasegawa T, Hausfather Z, Havlík P, House J, Nabuurs G, Popp A, Sanderman J, Smith P, Stehfest E, Lawrence D (2019) Contribution of the land sector to a 1.5°C World. Nature Climate Change 9, 817–828

[97] Hanssen S, Daioglou V, Steinmann D, Frank S, Popp A, Brunelle T, Lauri P, Hasegawa T, Huijbregts M, Van Vuuren D (2019) Biomass residues as twenty-first century bioenergy feedstock—a comparison of eight integrated assessment models. Climatic Change

[96] Smith P, Adams J, Beerling D, Beringer T, Calvin K, Fuss S, Griscom B, Hagemann N, Kammann C, Kraxner F, Minx J, Popp A, Renforth P, Vicente J, Keesstra S (2019) Impacts of Land-Based Greenhouse Gas Removal Options on Ecosystem Services and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Annual Review of Environment and Resources Vol 44

[95] Stehfest E, Zeist W-J van, Valin H, Havlik P, Popp A, Kyle P, Tabeau A, Mason-D'Croz D, Hasegawa T, Bodirsky B L, Calvin K, Doelman J, Fujimori S, Humpenöder F, Lotze-Campen H, van Meijl H, Wiebe, K (2019) Key determinants of global land-use projections. Nature Communications 10: 2166

[94] Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Krey V, Riahi K, Bertram C, Bodirsky B, Bosetti V, Callen J, Després J, Doelman J, Drouet L, Emmerling J, Frank S, Fricko O, Havlik P, Humpenöder F, Koopman J, van Meijl H, Ochi Y, Popp A, Schmitz A, Takahashi K, van Vuuren D (2019) A multi-model assessment of food security implications of climate change mitigation.  Nature Sustainability  2, 386–396

[93] Dietrich J, Bodirsky B, Humpenöder F, Weindl I, Stevanović M, Karstens K, Kreidenweis U, Wang X, Mishra A, Klein D, Ambrósio G, Araujo E, Yalew A, Baumstark L, Wirth S, Giannousakis A, Beier F, Meng-Chuen Chen D,Lotze-Campen H, Popp A (2019) MAgPIE 4 – A modular open source framework for modeling global land-systems. Geoscientific Model Development 12, 1299-1317.

[92] Gidden M, Riahi K, Smith S, Fujimori S, Luderer G, Kriegler E, van Vuuren D, van den Berg M, Feng L, Klein, Calvin K, Doelman J, Frank S, Fricko O, Harmsen M, Hasegawa T, Havlik P, Hilaire J, Hoesly R, Horing J, Popp A, Stehfest E, and Takahashi K (2019) Global emissions pathways under different socioeconomic scenarios for use in CMIP6: a dataset of harmonized emissions trajectories through the end of the century. Geoscientific Model Development 12 (4) 1299-1317

[91] Warren R, Edwards N, Babonneau F, Bacon P, Dietrich J, Ford R, Garthwaite P, Gerten D, Goswami S, Haurie A, Hiscock K, Holden P, Hyde M, Joshi S, Kanudia A, Labriet M, Leimbach M, Oyebamiji O, Osborn T, Pizzileo B, Popp A, Price J, Riley G, Schapoff S, Slavin P, Vielle M, Wallace C (2019) Producing Policy-relevant Science by Enhancing Robustness and Model Integration for the Assessment of Global Environmental Change. Environmental Modeling and Software 111, 248-258

[90] Kim H, Rosa IMD, Alkemade R, Leadley P, Hurtt G, Popp A, van Vuuren D, Anthoni P, Arneth A, Baisero D, Caton E, Chaplin-Kramer R, Chini L, De Palma A, Di Fulvio F, Di Marco M, Espinoza F, Ferrier S, Fujimori S, Gonzalez R E, Guerra C, Hartfoot M, Harwood T D, Hasegawa T, Haverd V, Havlik P, Hellweg S, Hill S L L, Hirata A, Hoskins A J, Janse J H, Jetz W, Johnson J A, Krause A, Leclere D, Martins I S, Matsui T, Merow C, Obersteiner M, Ohashi H, Poulter B, Purvis A, Quesada B, Rondinini C, Schipper A, Sharp R, Takahashi K, Thuiller W, Titeux N, Visconti P, Ware C, Wolf F, Pereira H (2018) A protocol for an intercomparison of biodiversity and ecosystem services models using harmonized land-use and climate scenarios. Geoscientific Model Development. 11, 4537-4562

[89] Kriegler E, Bertram, Christoph; Kuramochi T, Jakob M, Pehl M, Stevanovic M, Höhne N, Luderer G, Minx J, Fekete H, Hilaire J, Luna L, Popp A, Steckel J, Sterl S, Yalew A, Dietrich J, Edenhofer O (2018) Short term policies to keep the door open for Paris climate goals. Environmental Research Letters 13 074022

[88] Pikaar I, Matassa S, Bodirsky B, Weindl I, Bruschi M, Humpenöder F, Rabaey K, Boon N, Yuan Z, van Zanten H, Hannah; Herrero M, Verstraete W, Popp A (2018) Decoupling livestock from land use through industrial feed production pathways. Environmental Science & Technology 52 (13) 7351-7359

[87] Bertram C, Luderer G, Popp A, Minx J, Lamb W, Stevanovic M, Humpenöder F, Giannousakis A, Kriegler A, (2018) Targeted policies can compensate most of the increased sustainability risks in 1.5°C mitigation scenarios. Environmental Research Letters 13 064038

[86] van Meijl H, Havlik P, Lotze-Campen H, Stehfest E, Witzke P, Perez-Dominguez I, Bodirsky B, van Dijk M, Doelman J, Fellmann T, Humpenöder F, Levin-Koopman J, Müller C, Popp A, Tabeau A, Valin H, van Zeist W (2018) Comparing impacts of climate change and mitigation on global agriculture by 2050. Environmental Research Letters 13 (2018) 064021

[85] Kreidenweis U, Humpenöder F, Kehoe L, Kuemmerle T, Bodirsky B, Lotze-Campen H, Popp A (2018): Pasture intensification is insufficient to relieve pressure on conservation priority areas in open agricultural markets. Global Change Biology 24 (7): 3199-3213

[84] Krause A, Pugh T, Bayer A, Li W, Leung F, Bondeau A, Doelman J, Humpenöder F, Anthoni P, Bodirsky B, Ciais P, Müller C, Murray-Tortarolo G, Olin S, Popp A, Sitch S, Stehfest E, Arneth A (2018) Large uncertainty in carbon uptake potential of land-based climate-change mitigation efforts. Global Change Biology 24:3025–3038.

[83] Rogelj J, Popp A, Calvin KV, Luderer G, Emmerling J, Gernaat D, Fujimori S, Strefler J, Hasegawa T, Marangoni G, Krey V, Kriegler E, Riahi K, van Vuuren DP, Doelman J, Drouet L, Edmonds J, Fricko O, Harmsen M, Havlík P, Humpenöder F, Stehfest E, and Tavoni M (2018) Scenarios towards limiting global mean temperature increase below 1.5 °C. Nature Climate Change 8. 325–332

[82] Lotze-Campen H, Verburg P, Popp A, Lindner M,Verkerk P, Lindner M, Moiseyev A, Schrammeijer E, Helming J, Tabeu A, Schulp C, van der Zanden E, Lavalle C, Walz A, Bodirsky B (2018) A cross-scale impact assessment of European nature protection policies under contrasting future socio-economic pathways. Regional Environmental Change, 18(3) Volume 18, 751–762

[81] Verkerk P, Lindner M, Pérez-Sobab M, Paterson J, Helming J, Verburg P, Kuemmerle T, Lotze-Campen H, Moiseyev A, Müller D, Popp A, Schulpe C, Stürcke J, Tabeau A, Wolfslehner B, van der Zanden E (2018) Identifying pathways to visions of future land use in Europe. Regional Environmental Change, 18(3) 817–830

[80] Stürck J, Levers C, van der Zanden EH, Schulp CJE, Verkerk PJ, Kuemmerle T, Helming J, Lotze-Campen H, Popp A, Schrammeijer E, Verburg PH. (2018) Simulating and delineating future land change trajectories across Europe. Regional Environmental Change. 18(3) 733–749

[79] Kriegler E, Luderer G, Bauer N, Baumstark L, Fujimori S, Popp A, Rogelj J, Strefler J, van Vuuren D (2018) Pathways limiting warming to 1.5°C: A tale of turning around in no time? (2018) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 376: 20160457

[78] Seneviratne S, Wartenburger R, Guillod B, Hirsch A, Vogel M, Brovkin V, van Vuuren D, Schaller N, Boysen L, Calvin K, Davin E, Doelman J, Greve P, Havlik P, Humpenöder F, Krisztin T, Mitchell D, Popp A, Riahi K, Rogelj J, Schleussner C, Sillmann J, Stehfest, E (2018) Climate extremes, land-climate feedbacks, and land use forcing at 1.5°C. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 376: 20160450.

[77] Alcoforado M, Biewald A, Carneiro A, da Silva S, Popp A, Lotze-Campen H (2018) The impact of global changes on economic values of water for Public Irrigation Schemes at the São Francisco river basin in Brazil. Regional Environmental Change 18 (7), 1943-1955

[76] Heck V, Gerten D, Lucht W, Popp A (2018) Biomass-based negative emissions difficult to reconcile with planetary boundaries. Nature Climate Change 8, 151–155.

[75] Strefler J, Bauer N, Kriegler E, Popp A, Giannousakis A, Edenhofer O (2018) Between Scylla and Charybdis: Delayed mitigation narrows the passage between large-scale CDR and high costs. Environmental Research Letters 13 044015

[74] Humpenöder, F., Popp A, Bodirsky, B., Weindl, I., Biewald, A., Lotze-Campen, H., Dietrich, J., Klein, D., Kreidenweis, U., Müller, C., Rolinski, S., Stevanovic, M. (2018): Large-scale bioenergy production: How to resolve sustainability trade-offs? Environmental Research Letters. 024011

[73] Pehl M, Arvesen A, Humpenöder F, Popp A, Hertwich E, Luderer L (2017): Understanding Future Emissions from Low-Carbon Power Systems by Integration of Lice Cycle Assessment and Integrated Energy Modelling. Nature Energy 2, 939–945.

[72] Weindl I, Bodirsky B, Rolinski S, Biewald A, Lotze-Campen H, Müller C, Dietrich J, Humpenöder F, Stevanović M, Schaphoff S, Popp A (2017) Livestock production and the water challenge of future food supply: implications of agricultural management and dietary choices. Global Environmental Change 47, 121-132.

[71] Weindl I, Popp A, Lotze-Campen H, Humpenöder F, Dietrich J, Stevanović M (2017) Livestock and human use of land: productivity trends and dietary choices as drivers of future land and carbon dynamics. Global and Planetary Change 159, 1-10

[70] Krause A, Bayer A, Humpenöder F, Anthoni P, Olin S, Bodirsky B, Popp A, Stehfest E, Arneth A (2017) Global consequences of afforestation and bioenergy cultivation on ecosystem service indicators. Biogeosciences 14, 4829-4850.

[69] Rosa I, Pereira H, Ferrier S, Alkemade R, Belder E, Fujimori S, Harfoot M, Harrison A, Kauch J, Jetz W, King N, Kok M, Kolomytsev G, Leadley P, Meyer C, Navarro L, Ninan K, Palomo M, Pereira L, Pichs R, Popp A, Purvis A, Rondini C, Seppelt R, Settele J, van Vurren D (2017) Multiscale scenarios for nature futures. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1 (10), 1416

[68] Frieler K, Lange S, Piontek F,  Reyer C, Schewe J, Warszawski L, Zhao F, Chini L, Denvil S, Kerry E, Geiger T, Halladay K, Hurtt G, Mengel M, Murakami D, Ostberg S, Popp A et al. (2017) Assessing the impacts of 1.5°C global warming – simulation protocol of the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP2b). Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 1–25

[67] Szog S, Arneth A, Anthoni P, Doelman J, Humpenoeder F, Popp A, Pugh T, Stehfest E (2017) The impact of LULCC on the emission of BVOCs during the 21st century. Atmospheric Environment 165, 73-87

[66] Pikaar I, Matassa S, Rabaey K, Bodirsky B, Popp A, Herrero H, Verstraete W (2017) Microbes and the next Nitrogen revolution. Environmental Science & Technology 51(13), 7297–7303.

[65] Stevanović M, Popp A, Bodirsky B, Humpenöder F, Müller C, Weindl I, Dietrich J, Lotze-Campen H, Kreidenweis U, Rolinski S, Biewald A, Wang X (2017) Mitigation strategies for greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and land-use change: Consequences for food prices. Environmental Science & Technology 51 (1), 365–374

[64] Riahi, K., van Vuuren, D.P., Kriegler, E., Edmonds, J., O'Neill, B., Fujimori, S., Bauer, N., Calvin, K., Dellink, R., Fricko, O., Lutz, W., Popp, A., Crespo Cuaresma, J., Samir, KC, Leimback, M., Jiang, L., Kram, T., Rao, S., Emmerling, J., Ebi, K., Hasegawa, T., Havlik, P., Humpenöder, F., Da Silva, L.A., Smith, S., Stehfest, E., Bosetti, V., Eom, J., Gernaat, D., Masui, T., Rogelj, J., Strefler, J., Drouet, L., Krey, V., Luderer, G., Harmsen, M., Takahashi, K., Baumstark, L., Doelman, J., Kainuma, M., Klimont, Z., Marangoni, G., Lotze-Campen, H., Obersteiner, M., Tabeau, A. and Tavoni, M. (2017) The shared socioeconomic pathways and their energy, land use, and greenhouse gas emissions implications: An overview. Global Environmental Change 42, 153–168

[63] Popp A, Calvin K, Fujimori S, Havlik P, Humpenöder F, Stefest E, Bodirsky B, Dietrich J, Doelmann J, Gusti M, Hasegawa T, Kyle P, Obersteiner M, Tabeau A, Takashi K, Valin H, Waldhoff S, Weindl I, Wise M, Kriegler E, Lotze-Campen H, Fricko O, Ryahi K, van Vurren D (2017) Land use futures in the Shared Socio-Economic Pathways. Global Environmental Change 42, 331–345

[62] Kriegler E., Bauer N., Popp A., Humpenöder F., Leimbach M., Strefler J.; Baumstark L., Lavinia; Bodirsky B., Hilaire J., Klein D., Mouratiadou I., Weindl I., Bertram C., Dietrich J.-P., Luderer G., Pehl M., Pietzcker R., Piontek F., Lotze-Campen H., Biewald A., Bonsch M., Giannousakis A., Kreidenweis U, Rolinski S., Schultes A., Schwanitz J., Stevanovic M., Calvin K., Emmerling J., Fujimori S., Edenhofer O. (2017) Fossil-fueled development (SSP5): an energy and resource intensive scenario for the 21st century. Global Environmental Change 42, 297–315

[61] Robledo-Abad C, Althaus H, Berndes G, Bolwig S, Corbera E, Creutzig F, Garcia- Ulloa A, Geddes A, Gregg J, Haberl H, Hanger S, Harper R, Hunsberger C, Larsen R, Lauk C, Leitner C, Lilliestam J, Lotze-Campen H, Muys B, Nordborg M, Olund M, Olowsky B, Popp A, Portugal-Pereira J, Reinhard J, Scheiffle L, Smith P (2017) Bioenergy production and sustainable development: the science base for policy-making remains limited. Global Change Biology - Bioenergy 9, 541–556

[60] Alexander P, Prestele R, Verburg P, Arneth A, Baranzelli C, Sliva F, Brown C, Butler A, Calvin K, Dendoncker N, Doelman J, Dunford R, Engstrom K, Eitelberg D, Fujimori S, Harrison P, Hasegawa T., Havlik P, Holzhauer S, Humpenoder F, Joacobs-Crisoni C, Jain A, Krisztin T, Kyle P, Lavalle C, Lenton T, Liu J, Meiyappan P, Popp A, Powell T, Sands R, Schaldach R, Stehfest E, Steinbuks J, Tabeau A, Meijl H, Wise M, Rounsevell M (2017) Assessing uncertainties in land cover projections. Global Change Biology. 23, 767–781

[59] Leimbach M, Labriet M, Bonsch M, Dietrich J, Kanudia A, Mouratiado I, Popp A, Klein D (2016) Robust strategies of climate change mitigation in interacting energy, economy and land use systems. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 8(5) 732 - 757

[58] Stevanovic M, Popp A, Lotze-Campen H, Dietrich JP, Müller C, Bonsch M, Schmitz C, Bodirsky B, Humpenöder F, Weindl I (2016): High-End Climate Change Impacts on Agricultural Welfare. Science Advances 8(2)

[57]  Kreidenweis U, Humpenöder F, Stevanovic M , Bodirsky B, Kriegler E, Lotze-Campen H, Popp A (2016) Afforestation to mitigate climate change: impacts on food prices under consideration of albedo effects. Environmental Research Letters 11

[56] Mouratiadou I, Biewald A, Pehl M, Bonsch M, Baumstark L, Klein D, Popp A, Luderer G, Kriegler E (2016) The impact of climate change mitigation on water demand for energy and food: An integrated analysis based on the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Environmental Science and Policy 64: 48-58

[55] Prestele R, Alexander P, Rounsevell M, Arneth A, Calvin K, Doelman J, Eitelberg D, Engström K, Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Havlik P, Humpenöder F, Jain AK, Krisztin T, Kyle P, Meiyappan P, Popp A, Sands RD, Schaldach R, Schüngel J, Stehfest E, Tabeau A, van Meijl H, van Vliet J, Verburg PH (2016) Hotspots of uncertainty in land use and land cover change projections: a global scale model comparison. Global Change Biology 22, 3967–3983

[54] Wang X, Biewald A, Dietrich J, Schmitz C, Lotze-Campen H, Humpenöder F, Bodirsky B, Popp A. (2016) Taking Account of Governance: Implications for Land-Use Dynamics, Food Prices, and Trade Patterns. Ecological Economics 122, 12-24

[53] Bodirsky B and Popp A (2015) Sustainability: Australia at the crossroads. Nature 527,40–41

[52] Bodirsky B., Rolinski S., Biewald A., Weindl I., Popp A., Lotze-Campen H. (2015) Food Demand Projections for the 21st Century. PLoS ONE 10 (11) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0139201

[51] Weindl I., Lotze-Campen H., Popp A., Müller C., Havlík P.,Herrero M., Schmitz C. and Rolinski S. (2015) Livestock in a changing climate: production system transitions as an adaptation strategy for agriculture . Environmental Research Letters 10, 094021

[50] Wiebe, K; Lotze-Campen H., Sands R., Tabeau A., van der Mensbrugghe D., Biewald A., Bodirsky B., Islam S., Kavallari A., Mason-D'Croz D., Mueller C., Popp A., Robertson R., Robinson S., van Meijl H., Willenbockel. D. (2015) Climate change impacts on agriculture in 2050 under a range of plausible socioeconomic and emissions scenarios. Environmental Research Letters 10, 085010

[49] Humpenöder, F., Popp, A., Stevanovic, M., Müller, C., Bodirsky, B., Bonsch, M., Dietrich, J., Lotze-Campen, H., Weindl, I., Biewald A., Rolinski, S. (2015) Land-Use and Carbon Cycle Responses to Moderate Climate Change: Implications for Land-Based Mitigation? Environmental Science and Technology. 49 (11), 6731–6739.

[48] Schmitz C., Lotze-Campen H., Popp A., Krause M., Dietrich J. P., Müller, C. (2015) Agricultural trade and tropical deforestation - Interactions and related policy actions. Regional Environmental Change 15(8), 1757-1772

[47] Bonsch, M., Popp, A., Biewald A., Rolinski, S., Schmitz, C., Hoegner, K., Heinke, J. Ostberg, S., Dietrich, J. P., Bodirsky, B., Lotze-Campen, H., Stevanovic, M., Humpenöder, F., Weindl, I. (2015) Environmental flow provision: implications for agricultural water and land-use at the global scale. Global Environmental Change. 30, 113–132.

[46] Creutzig, F., Ravindranath, N.H., Berndes, G., Bolwig, S., Bright, R., Cherubini, F., Chum, H., Corbera, E., Delucchi, M., Faaij, A., Fargione J., Haberl H., Heath G., Lucon O., Plevin R. Popp A., Robledo-Abad C., Rose S., Smith P., Stromman A., Suh S., Masera O.  (2015). Bioenergy and climate change mitigation: an assessment. Global Change Biology – Bioenergy 7(5): 916-944.

[45] Bonsch M., Humpenoeder F., Popp A., Bodirsky B., Dietrich JP, Rolinski S, Biewald A., Lotze-Campen H., Weind I., Gerten D., Stevanovic M. (2015): Trade-offs between land and water requirements for large-scale bioenergy production. Global Change Biology – Bioenergy. Online available: doi:10.1111/gcbb.12226.

[44] Popp A., Humpenöder F., Weindl. I., Bodirsky B., Bonsch M., Lotze-Campen H., Müller C., Biewald A., Rolinski S., Stevanovic M., Dietrich JP. (2014) Land use protection for climate change mitigation. Nature Climate Change 4, 1095–1098.

[43] Klein D, Humpenöder F, Bauer N, Dietrich J, Popp A,  Bodirsky B, Bonsch M, and Lotze-Campen H. (2014). The Global Economic Long-Term Potential of Modern Biomass in a Climate-Constrained World. Environmental Research Letters 9 (7): 074017.

[42] Humpenöder F, Popp A, Dietrich J, Klein D, Lotze-Campen H, Bonsch M, Bodirsky B, Weindl I, Stevanovic M, Müller C (2014): Investigating afforestation and bioenergy CCS as climate change mitigation strategies. Environmental Research Letters 9 (6): 064029. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/9/6/064029. PDF

[41] Bodirsky BL, Popp A, Lotze-Campen H, Dietrich JP, Rolinski S, Weindl I, Schmitz C, Müller C, Bonsch M, Humpenöder F, Biewald A, Stevanovic M (2014): Reactive nitrogen requirements to feed the world in 2050 and potential to mitigate nitrogen pollution, Nature Communications, 5, 3858, doi: 10.1038/ncomms4858. [available online]

[40] Dietrich J.P., Schmitz S, Lotze-Campen, H., Popp, A. and Müller, C. (2014): Forecasting technological change in agriculture - An endogenous implementation in a global land use model.Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 81, 236–249

[39] Rose S, Kriegler E, Bibas R, Calvin K, Popp A, van Vuuren D, Weyant J (2014): Bioenergy in energy transformation and climate management. Climatic Change. 123. 477-493

[38] Lotze-Campen H, von Lampe M, Kyle P, Fujimori S, Havlík P, v. Meijl H, Hasegawa T, Popp A, Schmitz C, Tabeau A, Valin H, Willenbockel D, Wise M (2014): Impacts of increased bioenergy demand on global food markets: an AgMIP economic model intercomparison. Agricultural Economics, 45,1, 103-116.

[37] Schmitz C, van Meijl H, Kyle P, Nelson GC, Fujimori S, Gurgel A, Havlik P, Heyhoe E, Mason Croz D, Popp A, Sands R, Tabeau A, van der Mensbrugghe D, von Lampe M, Wise M, Blanc E, Hasegawa T, Kavallari A Valin H (2014): Land-use change trajectories up to 2050: insights from a global agro-economic model comparison. Agricultural Economics, 45,1, 69-84.

[36] Nelson GC, Valin H, Sands RD, Havlik P, Ahammad H, Deryng D, Elliott J, Fujimori S, Heyhoe E, Kyle P, von Lampe M, Lotze-Campen H, Mason d'Croz D, van Meijl H, van der Mensbrugghe D, Müller C, Popp A, Robertson R, Robinson S, Schmid E, Schmitz C, Tabeau A, Willenbockel D (2014): Climate change effects on agriculture: Economic responses to biophysical shocks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, 9 3274-3279

[35] Klein D, Luderer G, Kriegler E, Strefler J, Bauer N, Leimbach M, Popp A , Dietrich J P, Humpenöder F, Lotze-Campen H, Edenhofer O (2014): The value of bioenergy in low stabilization scenarios: an assessment using ReMIND-MAgPIE. Climatic Change. 123: 705-718

[34] Popp A, Rose S K, Calvin K, van Vuuren D P, Dietrich J P, Wise M, Stehfest E, Humpenöder F, Page K, van Vliet J, Bauer N, Lotze-Campen H, Klein D, Kriegler E (2014): Land-use transition for bioenergy and climate stabilization: model comparison of drivers, impacts and interactions with other land use based mitigation options. Climatic Change. 123: 495-509

[33] Dietrich J.P., Popp A., Lotze-Campen H. (2013): Reducing the loss of information and gaining accuracy with clustering methods in a global land-use model. Ecological Modelling 263, 233-243

[32] Schmitz, C., Lotze-Campen, H., Gerten, D., Dietrich, J.P., Bodirsky, B., Biewald, A. and Popp, A. (2013): Blue water scarcity and the economic impacts of future agricultural trade and demand, Water Resources Research.v 49(6): 3601-3617

[31] Smith, P., Haberl, H., Popp, A., Erb, K., Lauk, C., Harper, R., Tubiello, F., De Siqueira Pinto, A., Jafari, M., Sohi, S., et al. (2013). How much land based greenhouse gas mitigation can be achieved without compromising food security and environmental goals? Global Change Biology 19 (8): 2285-2302

[30] Domptail S.,  Popp A., Nuppenau E.-A., (2012), Land tax: towards a multifunctional institutional tool for land reform and rangeland conservation. International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 12 (1): 36-55

[29] Krause M., Lotze-Campen H., Popp A., Dietrich J.-P., Bonsch M. (2012) Conservation of undisturbed natural forests and economic impacts on agriculture. Land Use Policy 30: 344– 354

[28] Dietrich JP, Schmitz C, Müller C, Fader M, Lotze-Campen H, Popp A (2012): Measuring agricultural land-use intensity - A global analysis using a model-assisted approach. Ecological Modelling 232: 109–118

[27] F. Creutzig, A. Popp, R. Plevin, G. Luderer, J. Minx, O. Edenhofer (2012) Reconciling top-down and bottom-up modeling on future bioenergy deployment. Nature Climate Change 2, 320–327

[26] F. Creutzig, C. v. Stechow, D. Klein, C. Hunsberger, N. Bauer, A. Popp, O. Edenhofer (2012) Can Bioenergy Assessments Deliver? Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy 1(2): 65-82.

[25] Bodirsky B., Popp A., Weindl I.,  Dietrich J., Rolinski S., Scheiffele L., Schmitz C., Lotze-Campen H. (2012): N2O emissions from the global agricultural nitrogen cycle – current state and future scenarios. Biogeosciences, 9 (10), 4169–4197

[24] Füssel H., Popp A., Heinke J. (2012): Climate change and water supply. In: Edenhofer et al. (eds.): Climate Change, Justice and Sustainability: Linking Climate and Development Policy, Springer

[23] Lotze-Campen H., Popp A., Füssel H. Müller C. (2012): Food security in a changing climate. In: Edenhofer et al. (eds.): Climate Change, Justice and Sustainability: Linking Climate and Development Policy, Springer

[22] Popp A., Lotze-Campen H. Vohland K. (2012): Land use management for greenhouse gas mitigation. In: Edenhofer et al. (eds.): Climate Change, Justice and Sustainability: Linking Climate and Development Policy, Springer

[21] Lotze-Campen H., Popp A (2012): Agricultural adaptation options: production technology, insurance, trade. In: Edenhofer et al. (eds.): Climate Change, Justice and Sustainability: Linking Climate and Development Policy, Springer

[20] Vohland K., Walz A., Popp A. (2012): The role of ecosystem services in increasing the adaptive capacity of the poor. In: Edenhofer et al. (eds.): Climate Change, Justice and Sustainability: Linking Climate and Development Policy, Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4540-7_27, in press

[19] Popp A., Luderer G., Vohland K., Lotze-Campen H. (2012): Mechanisms for avoiding deforestation and forest degradation. In: Edenhofer et al. (eds.): Climate Change, Justice and Sustainability: Linking Climate and Development Policy, Springer

[18] Rounsevell, M.D.A., Pedroli, B., Erb, K., Gramberger, M., Gravsholt Busck, A., Haberl, H., Kristensen, S., Kuemmerle, T., Lavorel, S., Lindner, M., Lotze-Campen H., Metzger, M.J., Murray-Rust, D., Popp, A., Pérez-Soba, M., Reenberg, A., Vadineanu, A., Verburg, P.H., Wolfslehner, B. (2012): Challenges for land system science. Land Use Policy 29: 899– 910.

[17] Eppink F., Mäs S., Popp A., Werntze A., Seppelt R. (2012) Land Management and Ecosystem Services - How Collaborative Research Programmes Can Support Better Policies. GAIA 21/1: 55 – 63

[16] Leimbach, M., Popp, A., Lotze-Campen, H., Bauer, N., Dietrich, J.P., Klein, D. (2012): Integrated assessment models - the interplay of climate change, agriculture, and land use in a policy tool. In: Dinar, A., Mendelsohn, R. (eds.): Handbook on Climate Change in Agriculture. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK. (Chapter 10)

[15] Popp A., Krause M., Dietrich J., Lotze-Campen, H., Leimbach M.,  Beringer, T., Bauer N. (2012): Additional CO2 emissions from land use change – forest conservation as a precondition for sustainable production of second generation bioenergy. Ecological Economics, 74: 64-70

[14] Schmitz, C., Biewald, A., Lotze-Campen, H., Popp, A., Dietrich, J.P., Bodirsky, B., Krause, M., Weindl, I. (2012): "Trading more Food - Implications for Land Use, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and the Food System", Global Environmental Change, 22(1): 189-209.

[13] Popp A., Lotze-Campen, H., Leimbach M., Knopf B.,  Beringer, T., Bauer N., Bodirsky B. (2011) On sustainability of bio-energy production: integrating co-emissions from agricultural intensification. Biomass & Bioenergy, 35: 4770-4780.

[12] Popp, A., Dietrich, J.P., Lotze-Campen H., Klein, D., Bauer, N., Krause, M., Beringer, T., Gerten, D., Edenhofer, O. (2011): The economic potential of bioenergy for climate change mitigation with special attention given to implications for the land system. Environmental Research Letters 6 034017

[11] Lotze-Campen, H., Popp, A., Beringer, T., Müller, C., Bondeau, A., Rost, S., Lucht, W. (2010): Scenarios of global bioenergy production: The trade-offs between agricultural expansion, intensification and trade. Ecological Modelling  221: 2188-2196

[10] Popp A., Lotze-Campen H. and Bodirsky B. (2010) Food consumption, diet shifts and associated non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural production. Global Environmental Change 20: 451-462

[9] Knopf, B., Edenhofer, O., Flachsland, C., Kok, M.T.J., Lotze-Campen, H., Luderer, G., Popp, A., van Vuuren, D.P. (2010): Managing the low-carbon transition – from model results to policies. The Energy Journal, Volume 31 (Special Issue 1): 223-245. The Economics of Low Stabilization, 2010

[8] Gumpenberger, M., Vohland, K., Heyder, U., Poulter, B., Macey K., Rammig, A., Popp, A., Cramer, W. (2010) Predicting pan-tropical climate change induced forest stock gains and losses - implications for REDD. Environmental Research Letters 5 014013

[7] Popp A., Vogel M., Blaum N. and Jeltsch F. (2009) Scaling up eco-hydrological processes - Role of surface water flow in water-limited landscapes. J. Geophys. Res.,  114, G04013, doi:10.1029/2008JG000910. 

[6] Popp A., Blaum N. and Jeltsch, F. (2009) Ecohydrological feedback mechanisms in arid rangelands: Simulating the impacts of topography and landuse. Basic and Applied Ecology,  10: 319-329. doi:10.1016/j.baae.2008.06.002. [available online]   

[5] Popp A., Domptail S., Blaum N. and Jeltsch F. (2009) Land use experience does qualify for adaptation to climate change. Ecological Modelling, 220(5): 694-702. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2008.11.015. [available online]

[4] Domptail S., Popp A. and Nuppenau E. (2008) Management objectives and practices of commercial farmers in southern Namibia: between rangeland health and income generation. Kotoleon A., Pascual U., Smale M. (Eds): 'Agrobiodiversity and Development Economics'. Routledge. [available online]

[3] Lotze-Campen, H., Müller, C., Bondeau, A., Jachner, A., Popp A., Lucht, W. (2008) Food demand, productivity growth and the spatial distribution of land and water use: a global modelling approach. Agricultural Economics, 39(3): 325-338. doi: 10.1111/j.1574-0862.2008.00336.x. [available online]

[2] Popp A., Schwager M., Blaum N. and Jeltsch F. (2007) Simulating the impact of vegetation structure on the occurrence of a small mammalian carnivore in semi-arid savanna rangelands. Ecological Modelling, 209(2): 136-148. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2007.06.017. [available online]

[1] Blaum N., Rossmanith E., Popp A. and Jeltsch F. (2007) Shrub encroachment affects mammalian carnivore diversity in arid rangelands. Acta Oecologica, 31: 86-92.  doi: 10.1016/j.actao.2006.10.2004. [available online]


Selected Presentations

Popp A. (2021) Klimafreundliche Ernährung. Invited plenary presentation for Bürgerrat  Klima (BRK) 08.05.2021

Popp A. (2021) The importance of the human diet for a sustainable world. Invited plenary presentation at the annual conference for Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung. Jena 19.02.2021

Popp A. (2020) EU Green Deal – climate neutral food systems until 2050. Invited presentation for CSP - Network for International Politics and Co-operation. Berlin 31.10.2020

Popp A. (2019) SRCCL - IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land. Invited presentation at the French Embassy ClimaTalk 2019: Anstieg der Mobilisierungen, sinkende Prognosen – Welche Klimazukunft können wir realistischerweise erwarten? Berlin, 12.12.2019

Popp A. (2019) SRCCL – Der IPCC-Sonderbericht über Klimawandel und Landsysteme. Invited presentation at the Vorlesungsreihe Humboldt for Future, Berlin, 23.10.2019

Popp A. (2019) Land-Klima Interaktionen. Invited presentation at the Wissenschaftlicher Beirat für Globale Umweltveränderungen, Berlin, 20.09.2019

Popp A. (2019) Wird die Welt uns bald eine Grenze setzen? Neue wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse, Kurzvorstellung des IPCC-Berichts. Invited presentation at for expert talk ‚Sind wir noch zu retten? Klimapolitik vor dem Gipfel in New York‘ at the Deutsche Bundestag, Berlin, 13.09.2019

Popp A. (2019) Biodiversität und Klimawandel: Herausforderungen für IPCC und IPBES. Invited presentation at the Wissenssynthese zu Biodiversität & Klima organized by Netzwerk-Forum zur Biodiversitätsforschung (NeFo), Berlin, 28.05.2019

Popp A. (2018) Decoupling livestock from land use through industrial feed production pathways. Invited presentation at the IAMC annual meeting, Sevilla, 03.11.2018

Popp A. (2018) The interplay of land demanding CDR options with other sustainability objectives. Invited presentation at the DFG Priority Program on Climate Engineering workshop, Potsdam, 22.01.2018

Popp A. (2017) The Shared Socio-Economic Pathways. Invited presentation at the IPBES workshop on global biodiversity scenarios, iDVi Leipzig 04.10.2017

Popp A. (2017) Land based carbon dioxide removal technologies. Invited presentation at the Global Carbon Project workshop on land-based negative emission technologies, IIASA Vienna 02.02.2017

Popp A. (2017) Sustainable land use futures. Invited presentation at the Earth System Symposium, University of Zurich 31.01.2017

Popp A. (2016) The interplay of land demanding CDR options with other sustainability objectives. Invited presentation at the SPP workshop on the 1.5°C Target and Climate Engineering, Kiel 24.11.2016

Popp A. (2016) Land use futures in the Shared Socio-Economic Pathways. Invited presentation at the Global Land Project Conference, Beijing 27.10.2016

Popp A. (2016) SDG13: Climate action - land based mitigation and trade-offs with other SDGs. Invited presentation at the ICSU workshop on Assessing trade-offs within the SDG framework, Paris 21.1.2016

Popp A. (2016) Climate change and the land system. Invited keynote at the EIR-A PhD programme conference, Montpellier, 5. 4. 2016

Popp A. (2015) Global scenarios of BECCS, afforestation and reforestation and their effects on biodiversity. Oral presentation and panel discussion at the CBD Side-Event: Pathways to sustainability: scenarios for assessing synergies and tradeoffs in achieving climate mitigation, biodiversity and sustainable development goals, COP 21, Paris.

Humpenöder F and Popp A (2015) Large-scale bioenergy production: Can adjustment policies neutralize negative side effects? Oral presentation at the 8th IAMC Meeting, Potsdam

Popp A. (2015) Potential impacts of mitigation scenarios on bio-energy deployment, land use, and food security. Invited keynote at the IPCC expert meeting on Food Security, Vienna

Popp A. (2015) Shared Socio-economic Pathways - a framework for assessing potential land use futures. Invited keynote at the Our Common Future under Climate Change (CFCC), Session 2217: Global scenarios of land-use change and land-based mitigation, and their importance in the climate system, Paris

Popp A. and Calvin K. (2015) Agriculture and Land Use in the IAM Quantification of the SSPs. Invited keynote at the IPCC expert meeting on Scenarios, Vienna

Weindl I., Bodirsky, B., Popp, A., Rolinski, S., Biewald, A., Heinke, J., Humpenöder, F. (2015) Livestock and the water challenge of future food supply. Oral presentation at the IAMO Forum 2015 in Halle (Saale), Germany.

Bodirsky B., Heintz V., Lotze-Campen H., Popp A., Rolinski S., Lutz F. (2015) Scenarios of future agricultural phosphorus stocks and flows. Presented at the 2nd European Sustainable Phosphorus Conference, Berlin, Germany

Biewald A., Lehtonen, H., Lotze-Campen, H., Bodirsky, B., Humpenöder, F., Popp, A., (2015): Cereals and oilseed production in Finland under different socioeconomic scenarios until 2050: an analysis with models of two different scales. Paper accepted as oral presentation at the 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Milano, Italy.

Popp A., Bodirsky B. (2015) Methane emissions from agriculture - a global perspective. Fachgespräch „Klimawirkung und Minderungspotential von Methanemissionen“ der Deutschen Umwelthilfe, Berlin 24.03.2015

Popp A. (2015) Land - a complex system. Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden 17.3.2015

Bodirsky B., Popp A., Lotze-Campen H., Dietrich J., Rolinski S., Weindl I., Schmitz C., et al. (2014) Stuck in the Anthropocene. The case of reactive nitrogen Oral presentation at the 18th nitrogen workshop in Lisboa, 30th June-3rd July 2014.

Rolinski S., Bodirsky B., Biewald A., Weindl I., Popp A., Lotze-Campen H. (2014) Global food intake and household waste scenarios for the 21st century Poster at the Global Food Security Conference, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands.

Weindl I., Bodirsky B., Popp A., Lotze-Campen H., Rolinski S., Biewald A. (2014). Livestock and deforestation: potentials of dietary choices and changes in production systems to reduce pressures on forests.Oral presentation at the Global Land Project 2ndOpen Science Meeting in Berlin, March 19-21, 2014.

Bonsch M, Dietrich J., Popp A, Rolinski S, Bodirsky B, Lotze-Campen H (2014). Model output evaluation as a validation test for land use models. Presented at the Global Land Project Conference, Berlin, Germany.

Biewald A., Lotze-Campen H., Otto I, Rolinski S, Bonsch M, Popp A, Bodirsky B. (2014) Modeling the impact of climate change on agriculturally related poverty at a subnational scale. Presented at the TradeM workshop, 24.09.2014, Vienna, Austria.

Popp A. (2013) Bioenergiepotenziale – eine globale und multi-sektorale Perspektive. Nachhaltiges Landmanagement, Berlin, Germany, 18.4.2013

Bonsch M., Popp A., Biewald A., Dietrich J. P., Heinke J., Bodirsky B. L., Rolinski S., Lotze-Campen H.. (2013). Implementing Water Management Policies – Possible Caveats and Leakage Effects presented at the Water in the Anthroposcene Conference, May 21, Bonn, Germany. pdf.

Bodirsky B., Popp A., Lotze-Campen H., Dietrich J., Rolinski S., Weindl I., Schmitz C., et al. (2012) Can we stay within planetary boundaries? The case of reactive Nitrogen. Oral presentation at the Green Cycles II Conference, Potsdam

H. Lotze-Campen, A. Popp, C. Mueller,  S. Rolinski, J.P. Dietrich, C. Schmitz (2012) Cumulative pressures on future global agriculture and the role of technological change. Oral presentation at Planet Under Pressure Conference, London, 26-29 Mar 2012

F. Creutzig, R. Plevin, A. Popp, G. Luderer,  J. Minx , O. Edenhofer (2012): Bioenergy as a solution for climate change mitigation? Reconciling top-down and bottom-up modeling on future bioenergy deployment, and implications for a risk-based paradigm shift in climate change policy. Oral presentation at Planet Under Pressure Conference, London, 26-29 Mar 2012

Bodirsky B., Weindl I.,Lotze-Campen H., Popp A  (2011) How will increasing food demand change the global nitrogen cycle? Oral presentation at the 'Nitrogen and Global Change 2011' Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, April 11-14

Schmitz C., Biewald, A., Lotze-Campen, H. and Popp, A. (2011): "Increased Agricultural Trade and its Impacts on Food System, Land-Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions", Selected reviewed paper presented at GTAP 14th Annual Conference in Venice (Italy), June 16-18 2011.

Popp, A. (2011) Bioenergy costs and potentials with special attention to implications for the land system. Oral presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, United States

Popp A. (2010) Land use, Land use change and associated GHG emissions. Organazied session at Global Land Project Meeting: Land Systems, Global Change and Sustainability, Arizona State University, Tempe Arizona, USA. 17.-19.Oct 2010

Popp A. (2010) Food consumption, diet shifts and associated non-CO2 greenhouse gases from agricultural production. Oral presentation at Global Land Project Meeting: Land Systems, Global Change and Sustainability, Arizona State University, Tempe Arizona, USA. 17.-19.Oct 2010

Popp A. (2010) The potential contribution of bioenergy to climate change mitigation including its costs and side effects. Oral presentation at Global Land Project Meeting: Land Systems, Global Change and Sustainability, Arizona State University, Tempe Arizona, USA. 17.-19.Oct 2010

Popp A. (2009) On sustainability of bio-energy production: integrating co-emissions from agricultural intensification. IHDP Open Meeting 2009, Bonn, 28 Apr 2009.

Other Publications

Bednar-Friedl B, Berndes G, Birkmann J, Cabeza L, Creutzig F, Kiessling W, Krey V, Krinner G, Langhans S, Lecoqu F, Gunn E, Marotzke J, Masson-Delmotte V, Minx J, Pirani A, Popp A, Pörtner H, Ranasinghe R, Riahi K, Rogelij J, Seneviratne S, Skea J, Thorne P, van Aalst M (2024) The Next Frontier for Climate Change Science: Insights from the authors of the IPCC 6th Assessment Report on knowledge gaps and priorities for research. Publications Office of the European Union,

Ruggeri Laderchi, C, Lotze-Campen, H, DeClerck, F, Bodirsky, BL, Collignon, Q, Crawford, MS, Dietz, S, Fesenfeld, L, Hunecke, C, Leip, D, Lord, S, Cowder, S, Nagenborg, S, Pilditch, T, Popp, A, Wedl, I, Branca, F, Fan, S, Fanzo, J, Ghosh, J, Harriss-White, B, Ishii, N, Kyte, R, Mathai, W, Chomba, S, Nordhagen, S, Nugent, R, Swinnen, J, Torero, M, Laborde Debouquet, D, Karfakis, P, Voegele, J, Sethi, G, Winters, P, Edenhofer, O, Kanbur, R, & Songwe, V (2024) The Economics of the Food System Transformation Food System Economics Commission (FSEC), Global Policy Report

Köberle A C, Holtedahl P, Gurgel A, Bodirsky B L, Beier F, Humpenöder F, von Jeetze P, Karstens K, Weindl I, Stevanović M, Collignon Q, Dietrich J P, Lotze-Campen H, Popp A, Alves M, Wirth S, Springmann M  (2023)  Livestock intensification and the role of finance in the Food Systems Transformation in Brazil  Working paper for the Food Systems Economics Commission

Das P, Singh V, Stevanović M, Kumar Jha C, Bodirsky B L, Beier F, Humpenöder F, Leip D, Chen D, Crawford M, von Jeetze P, Molina Bacca E, Soergel B, Springmann M , Dietrich J P, Popp A, Kumar Gosh R, Lotze-Campen H  (2023)  A healthy, sustainable, and Inclusive Food System transformation for India

 Wang X, Cai H, Xuan J, Du R, Lin B, Bodirsky B L, Stevanović M, Collignon Q, Yuan C, Yu L,  Crawford M, Beier F, Xu M, Chen H, Springmann M, Leip D, Chen D M C, Humpenöder F, von Jeetze P, Fan S, Soergel B, Dietrich J P, Müller C, Popp A,  Lotze-Campen H  (2023)  Sustainable transformation pathways of Chinese food system for the environment, public health and inclusion

Popp A (2022) Our imprint on land. In: Greta Thunberg (ed.): The Climate Book, Penguin

Nabuurs G-J, Mrabet R, Hatab A, Bustamante M, Clark H, Havlík P, House J, Mbow C, Ninan K, Popp A, Roe S, Sohngen B, Towprayoon S (2022): Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses (AFOLU). In IPCC, 2022: Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [P.R. Shukla, J. Skea, R. Slade, A. Al Khourdajie, R. van Diemen, D. McCollum, M. Pathak, S. Some, P. Vyas, R. Fradera, M. Belkacemi, A. Hasija, G. Lisboa, S. Luz, J. Malley, (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA. doi: 10.1017/9781009157926.009

Soergel B, Kriegler E, Bertram C, Crawford M, Delsa L, Franks M, Humpenöder F, Leip D, Lessmann K, Popp A, Taconet N, Weindl I, Edenhofer O (2022), Joint implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, climate change mitigation and biosphere protection: Policy options for tackling multiple crises simultaneously, Policy paper by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.                    

 Jones S, Mosnier A, Douzal C, DeClerck F, Diaz M, [..], Popp A et al (2022) Pathways for food and land systems to contribute to global biodiversity targets. FABLE Policy Brief. March 2022

Pörtner, H.O., Scholes, R.J., Agard, J., Archer, E., Arneth, A., Bai, X., Barnes, D., Burrows, M., Chan, L., Cheung, W.L., Diamond, S., Donatti, C., Duarte, C., Eisenhauer, N., Foden, W., Gasalla, M. A., Handa, C., Hickler, T., Hoegh-Guldberg, O., Ichii, K., Jacob, U., Insarov, G., Kiessling, W., Leadley, P., Leemans, R., Levin, L., Lim, M., Maharaj, S., Managi, S., Marquet, P. A., McElwee, P., Midgley, G., Oberdorff, T., Obura, D., Osman, E., Pandit, R., Pascual, U., Pires, A. P. F., Popp, A., Reyes-García, V., Sankaran, M., Settele, J., Shin, Y. J., Sintayehu, D. W., Smith, P., Steiner, N., Strassburg, B., Sukumar, R., Trisos, C., Val, A.L., Wu, J., Aldrian, E., Parmesan, C., Pichs-Madruga, R., Roberts, D.C., Rogers, A.D., Díaz, S., Fischer, M., Hashimoto, S., Lavorel, S., Wu, N., Ngo, H.T. (2021) IPBES-IPCC co-sponsored workshop report on biodiversity and climate change; IPBES and IPCC. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4782538.

Jha C.K., Singh V., Saxena S., Ghosh R.K., Stefanović M., Dietrich J.P., Bodirsky B.L., Lotze-Campen H. and Popp A. (2020) Pathways to Sustainable Land-Use and Food Systems in India by 2050 In: FABLE 2020, Pathways to Sustainable Land-Use and Food Systems, 2020 Report of the FABLE Consortium. Laxenburg and Paris: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), pp. 349-385.

Arneth A, Barbosa H, Benton T, Calvin K, [..], Popp A et al (2019). Summary for policymakers. In Climate change and land. IPCC Special Report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems. IPCC.

Jia J,Shevliakova E, Artaxo P, De Noblet-Ducoudré N, Houghton R, House J, Kitajima K, Lennard C, Popp A, Sirin A, Sukumar R, Verchot L (2019) Land-Climate Interactions. In:  Climate Change and Land. An IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems [V. Masson-Delmotte, P. Zhai, H. O. Pörtner, D. Roberts, J. Skea, P.R. Shukla, A. Pirani, W. Moufouma-Okia, C. Péan, R. Pidcock, S. Connors, J. B. R. Matthews, Y. Chen, X. Zhou, M. I. Gomis, E. Lonnoy, T. Maycock, M. Tignor, T. Waterfield (eds.)]. In Press.

Gidden, Matthew; Riahi, Keywan; Smith, Steven; Fujimori, Shinichiro; Luderer, Gunnar; Kriegler, Elmar; van Vuuren, Detlef; van den Berg, Maarten; Feng, Leyang; Klein, David; Calvin, Kate; Doelman, Jonathan; Frank, Stefan; Fricko, Oliver; Harmsen, Mathijs; Hasegawa, Tomoko; Havlik, Petr; Hilaire, Jérôme; Hoesly, Rachel; Horing, Jill; Popp, Alexander; Stehfest, Elke; Takahashi, Kiyoshi (2018). input4MIPs.CMIP6.ScenarioMIP.IAMC. Earth System Grid Federation.

Allen M, Coninck H de, Dube O P, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Jacob D, Jiang K, Revi A, Rogelj J, Roy J, Shindell D, Solecki W, Taylor M, Tschakert P, Waisman H, Halim S A, Antwi-Agyei P, Aragón-Durand F, Babiker M, Bertoldi P, Bindi M, Brown S, Buckeridge M, Camilloni I, Cartwright A, Cramer W, Dasgupta P, Diedhiou A, Djalante R, Dong W, Ebi K L, Engelbrecht F, Fifita S, Ford J, Forster P, Fuss S, Hayward B, Hourcade J-C, Ginzburg V, Guiot J, Handa C, Hijioka Y, Humphreys S, Kainuma M, Kala J, Kanninen M, Kheshgi H, Kobayashi S, Kriegler E, Ley D, Liverman D, Mahowald N, Mechler R, Mehrotra S, Mulugetta Y, Mundaca L, Newman P, Okereke C, Payne A, Perez R, Pinho P F, Revokatova A, Riahi K, Schultz S, Séférian R, Seneviratne S I, Steg L, Suarez Rodriguez A G, Sugiyama T, Thomas A, Vilarino M V, Wairiu M, Warren R, Zhou G, Zickfeld K, [], Luderer G, [], Popp A, [], Zougmoré R B. Technical Summary In: Global warming of 15 °C Ed: Masson-Delmotte V, Zhai P, Pörtner H O, Roberts D, Skea J, Shukla P R, Pirani A, Moufouma-Okia W, Péan C, Pidcock R, Connors S, Matthews J B R, Chen Y, Zhou X, Gomis M I, Lonnoy E, Maycock T, Tignor M, Waterfield T Geneva : Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2018 27-46 p

Rogelj J, Shindell D, Jiang K, Fifita S, Forster P, Ginzburg V, Handa C, Kheshgi H, Kobayashi S, Kriegler E, Mundaca L, Séférian R, Vilarino M V, Calvin K, de Oliveira de Portugal Pereira J C, Edelenbosch O, Emmerling J, Fuss S, Gasser T, Gillett N, He C, Hertwich E, Höglund-Isaksson L, Huppmann D, Luderer G, Markandya A, Meinshausen M, McCollum D, Millar R, Popp A, Purohit P, Riahi K, Ribes A, Saunders H, Schädel C, Smith C, Smith P, Trutnevyte E, Xu Y, Zhou W, Zickfeld K Mitigation Pathways Compatible with 15°C in the Context of Sustainable Development In: Global warming of 15 °C Ed: Masson-Delmotte V, Zhai P, Pörtner H O, Roberts D, Skea J, Shukla P R, Pirani A, Moufouma-Okia W, Péan C, Pidcock R, Connors S, Matthews J B R, Chen Y, Zhou X, Gomis M I, Lonnoy E, Maycock T, Tignor M, Waterfield T Geneva : Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2018 93-174 p IPCC Special Report

Schoolenberg M, Belder E D, Okayasu S, Alkemade R, Lundquist C, Pereira H, Chettri N, Cheung W, Ferrier S, Hauck J, Hendriks R, Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen S, Kim H, Kolomytsev G, Kuiper J, Leadley P, Metzger J P, Ninan K N, Palomo G, Pereira L, Pichs R, Popp A, Ravera F, Rondinini C, Rosa I, Sathyapalan J, Vuuren D V (2018) Report on the Workshop 'Next Steps in Developing Nature Futures' PBL Netherlands  Environmental Assessment Agency The Hague, 2018 PBL publication number: 3411

Vuuren D van, Kriegler E, Riahi K, Zimm C, Creutzig F, Goujon A, Grubler A, Hasegawa T, McCollum D, Muttarak R, Parkinson S, Scheelbeek P, Sellers S, Aguiar A P, Bhowmik A, Boza-Kiss B, Busch S, Campagnolo L, Collste D, Cornell S, Drombrowsky I, Ebi K L, Edelenbosch O, Edmonds J, Fujimori S, Haberl H, Häyhä T, Kamei M, Kolp P, Leininger J, Lotze-Campen H, Messner D, Murray K, Obersteiner M, Pachauri S, Popp A, Pereira JP, Schaeffer R, Sempeho G, Soest H van, Wada Y Sustainable Development Pathways In: Transformations to Achive the Sustainable Development Goals Ed: Kriegler E, Messner D, Nakicenovic N, Riahi K, Rockström J, Sachs J, Leeuw S van der, Vuuren D van Laxenburg : International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) 2018

Leclère D, Obersteiner M, Alkemade R, Almond R, Barrett M, Bunting G, Burgess N D, Butchart S H M, Chaudhary A, Cornell S, De Palma A, DeClerc F A J, Di Fulvio F, Di Marco M, Doelman J C, Durauer M, Ferrier S, Freeman R, Fritz S, Fujimori S, Grooten M, Harfoot M, Harwood T, Hasegawa T, Havlík P, Hellweg S, Herrero M, Hilbers J P, Hill S L L, Hoskins A J, Humpenöder F, Kram T, Krisztin T, Lotze-Campen H, Mace G M, Matsui T, Meyer C, Nel D, Newbold T, Ohashi H, Popp A, Purvis A, Schipper A M, Schmidt-Traub G, Stehfest E, Strassburg B, Tabeau A, Valin H, Meijl H van, Vuuren D P van, Zeist W J van, Visconti P, Ware C, Watson J E M, Wu W, Young L (2018) Towards Pathways Bending the Curve of Terrestrial  Biodiversity Trends within the 21st Century Laxenburg : International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) 2018 43 p 1022022/ESM/04-201815241

Van Meijl, H., P. Havlik, H. Lotze-Campen, E. Stehfest, P. Witzke, I. Pérez Domínguez, B. Bodirsky, M. van Dijk, J. Doelman, T. Fellmann, F. Humpenoeder, J. Levin-Koopman, C. Mueller, A. Popp, A. Tabeau, H. Valin (2017): Challenges of Global Agriculture in a Climate Change Context by 2050 (AgCLIM50). JRC Science for Policy Report, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, doi: 10.2760/772445

Spencer T, Pierfederici R, Waisman H, Colombier M, Bertram C, Krielger E, Luderer G, Popp A, et al. (2015). Beyond the numbers: understanding the transformation induced by INDCs, Study N°05/15, IDDRI - MILES Project Consortium, Paris, France, 80 p.

Bertram C, Kriegler E, Luderer G, Humpenöder F, Popp A, Edenhofer O, Elzen M den, Vuuren D van, Soest H van Building the Bridge from INDCs to 2 Degrees: Implications for the Paris Agreement In: Beyond the Numbers: Understanding the Transformation Induced by INDCs Ed: Spencer T, Pierfederici R, Waisman H, Colombier M Paris : Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI) 2015 59-66 p IDDRI Study 05/2015

Biewald, A., Lotze-Campen, H., Otto, I., Brinckmann, N., Bodirsky, B., Weindl, I., Popp, A., Schellnhuber, H. J. (2015) The Impact of Climate Change on Costs of Food and People Exposed to Hunger at Subnational Scale.  PIK-Report 128. Background paper to the World Bank Report "Shock Waves: Managing the Impacts of Climate Change on Poverty".

Bauer, N., Klein, D., Luderer, G., Hilaire, J., Leimbach, M., Mouratiadou, I., Strefler, J., Dietrich, J.P., Humpenöder, F., Lotze-Campen, H., Popp, A., Müller, C., Kriegler, E. (2014). Climate change stabilization and the energy-land nexus. In: Proceedings of the 2014 International Energy Workshop, Beijing, June 4-6.

Popp, A. and  Lotze-Campen, H. (2013) Fleischverzicht fürs Klima? Landwirtschaft und Klimawandel In: Essen ist Leben, Gütersloh, Brockhaus, Brockhaus Horizonte

Schmitz, C., Lotze-Campen, H., Krause, M. and Popp, A. (2012): Interactions between agricultural trade and tropical deforestation under different forest protection policies", Reviewed Conference Paper presented at IAMO Forum 2012, Halle, June 20-22, 2012.

Lotze-Campen H., Popp, A., Obersteiner, M., Antle, J., Märkl, M. (2012): Pressures on agriculture from increased bioenergy demand and biospheric carbon management. Organized session at Planet under Pressure 2012 Conference, London, 26-29 Mar 2012.#

Popp, A. and Lotze-Campen H. (2012) Klimaschutz an der Fleischtheke. Die globale Erwärmung und die Rolle der Landwirtschaft. In: W. Bartmann (Ed.): Not für die Welt. pp. 148-155.

Müller C., Lotze-Campen H, Huber V, Popp A, Svirejeva-Hopkins A, Krause M and Schellnhuber HJ, (2011). Preface Essays: Towards a Great Land-Use Transformation? In: Brauch H G,Oswald Spring Ú,Mesjasz C, Grin J, Kameri-Mbote P, Chourou B, Dunay P, Birkmann J (Eds.), 2011. Coping with Global Environmental Change, Disasters and Security - Threats, Challenges, Vulnerabilities and Risks. of the editors: AFES-PRESS: of the editors: AFES-PRESS: Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace, vol. 5, Springer, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York. [available online]

Klein D., Bauer B., Bodirsky B., Dietrich J., Popp A. (2011) Bio-IGCC with CCS as a long-term mitigation option in a coupled energy-system and land-use model. Energy Procedia 4 (2011) 2933–2940. [available online]

Popp A. and Lotze-Campen H. (2010). Von Fleischverzicht und Emissionshandel. Sonderausgabe der Bauernzeitung. 4-7.

Popp A., Lotze-Campen H., Vohland K. (2010). Klimaschutz in Landwirtschaft und Landnutzung. In: Edenhofer, Wallacher, Reder, Lotze-Campen (Hrsg): Global aber gerecht: Klimawandel bekämpfen – Entwicklung ermöglichen, Beck Verlag

Füssel H.-M., Heinke J., Popp A., (2010). Klimawandel und Wasserversorgung. In: Edenhofer, Wallacher, Reder, Lotze-Campen (Hrsg): Global aber gerecht: Klimawandel bekämpfen – Entwicklung ermöglichen, Beck Verlag

Lotze-Campen H., Füssel H.-M., Popp A., Müller C. (2010). Klimawandel und Ernährungssicherheit. In: Edenhofer, Wallacher, Reder, Lotze-Campen (Hrsg): Global aber gerecht: Klimawandel bekämpfen – Entwicklung ermöglichen, Beck Verlag

Lotze-Campen H., Popp A. (2010). Anpassung des Wassermanagements an den Klimawandel. In: Edenhofer, Wallacher, Reder, Lotze-Campen (Hrsg): Global aber gerecht: Klimawandel bekämpfen – Entwicklung ermöglichen, Beck Verlag

Popp A., Luderer G., Lotze-Campen H., Vohland K. (2010). Nachhaltige Nutzung von Wäldern. In: Edenhofer, Wallacher, Reder, Lotze-Campen (Hrsg): Global aber gerecht: Klimawandel bekämpfen – Entwicklung ermöglichen, Beck Verlag

Dietrich J. P., Schmitz C., Müller C., Fader M., Lotze-Campen M., Popp A. (2010) Measuring agricultural land-use intensity. Paper presented at HAWEPA 2010 workshop in Halle, Germany, June 28-29, 2010.

Blaum, N., Rossmanith, E., Popp, A., Schwager, M., Steinhäuser, J., Wichmann, M., Jeltsch, F. (2010): Modelling animal responses to changes in climate and landuse. – In: Schmiedel, U., Jürgens, N. [Eds.]: Biodiversity in southern Africa. Volume 2: Patterns and processes at regional scale: pp. 283–288, Klaus Hess Publishers, Göttingen & Windhoek.

Jeltsch, F., Blaum, N., Claasen, N., Eschenbach, A., Grohmann, C., Gröngröft, A., Joubert, D. F., Horn, A., Lohmann, D., Linsenmair, K. E., Lück-Vogel, M., Medinski, T. V., Meyfarth, S., Mills, A., Petersen, A., Popp, A., Poschlod, P., Reisch, C., Rossmanith, E., Rubilar, H., Schütze, S., Seymour, C., Simmons, R., Smit, G. N., Strohbach, M., Tews, J., Tietjen, B., Wesuls, D., Wichmann, M., Wieczorek,, M., Zimmermann, I. (2010): Impacts of landuse and climate change on the dynamics and biodiversity in the Thornbush Savanna Biome. – In: Hoffman, M. T., Schmiedel, U., Jürgens, N. [Eds.]: Biodiversity in southern Africa. Volume 3: Implications for landuse and management: pp. 33–74, Klaus Hess Publishers, Göttingen & Windhoek.

Weindl I., Lotze-Campen H., Popp A., Bodirsky B., Roliski S. (2010) Impacts of livestock feeding technologies on greenhouse gas emissions. Contributed paper at the IATRC Public Trade Policy Research and Analysis Symposium Climate Change in World Agriculture: Mitigation, Adaptation, Trade and Food Security‘ Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany, June 27-29, 2010

Schmitz C., Dietrich J., Lotze-Campen H., Müller C., Popp A. (2010) Implementing endogenous technological change in a global land-use model. Selected reviewed paper presented at the GTAP 13. Annual Conference in Penang, Malysia, June 9-11, 2010. GTAP Resource #3283. 24p.

Herrero M, Thornton PK, Rosegrant M, Havlik P, Msangi S, Fritz S, Lotze-Campen H, Notenbaert A, Popp A, Eickhout B, Müller C, Van de Steeg J, Gerten D, Sulserm T, Ringler C, Wood S, Freeman HA (2009): Incorporating livestock in global integrated assessments of land use and agro-ecosystems services. In: Van Ittersum MK, Wolf J, Van Laar HH (Eds), 2009. Proceedings of the Conference on Integrated Assessment of Agriculture and Sustainable Development: Setting the Agenda for Science and Policy (AgSAP 2009). Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 10-12 March 2009. Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen, 560 pp, pages 148-149.

Noleppa S., Lotze-Campen H., Popp A., von Witzke H. (2009) Strategien zur Anpassung der Landwirtschaft an den Klimawandel. Background Paper for the TAB report no. 142: Possible Contributions of Research to Solve the World Food Problem — Approaches, Strategies, Implementation. Berlin 2011, 188 pages

Bodirsky, B., R. Crassous-Doerfler, H. van Essen, J.-C. Hourcade, B. Kampman, H. Lotze-Campen, A. Markowska, S. Monjon, K. Neuhoff, S. Noleppa, A. Popp, P. del Río González, S. Spielmans, J. Strohschein, H. Waisman (2009): How can each sector contribute to 2C? RECIPE Background Paper.

Edenhofer, O., C. Carraro, J.-C. Hourcade, K. Neuhoff, G. Luderer, C. Flachsland, M. Jakob, A. Popp, J. Steckel, J. Strohschein, N. Bauer, S. Brunner, M. Leimbach, H. Lotze-Campen, V. Bosetti, E. de Cian, M. Tavoni, O. Sassi, H. Waisman, R. Crassous-Doerfler, S. Monjon, S. Dröge, H. van Essen, P. del Río, A. Türk (2009): RECIPE - The Economics of Decarbonization. Synthesis Report.

Lotze-Campen H., Popp A., Dietrich J., Krause M. Competition for land between food, bioenergy and conservation. . Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). Background note for the World Development Report 2010. Contribution to the World Development Report 2010: Development and Climate Change. The World Bank, Washington, DC

Müller C., Bondeau A, Popp A, Waha K, Fader M. Climate change impacts on agricultural yields. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). Background note for the World Development Report 2010. Contribution to the World Development Report 2010: Development and Climate Change. The World Bank, Washington, DC

Lotze-Campen H., Popp A., Beringer T., Mueller C., Lucht W. (2009): A spatial bio-economic modelling approach on the trade-offs between global bioenergy demand, agricultural intensification, expansion, and trade. Selected reviewed paper presented at the 27th International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference in Beijing, China, August 16-22, 2009. International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), Milwaukee, USA. AgEcon.   [available online]

Krause M., Lotze-Campen H., Popp, A. (2009): Spatially-explicit scenarios on global cropland expansion and available forest land in an integrated modelling framework. Selected reviewed paper presented at the 27th International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference in Beijing, China, August 16-22, 2009. International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), Milwaukee, USA. AgEcon. 22p.  [available online]

Krause M., Lotze-Campen H., Popp A. (2009): Global cropland conversion in a spatially-explicit scenario on available land in an integrated modelling framework. Selected reviewed paper presented at the GTAP Twelfth Annual Conference in Santiago, Chile, June 10-12, 2009. GTAP Resource #4526. 26p.[available online]

Popp A. and Lotze-Campen H. (2009) The net-benefit of bio-energy for climate change mitigation. Proceedings of the IARU International Congress "Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions", Copenhagen, Denmark. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 6, 112013. [online available at doi: 10.1088/1755-1307/6/24/242007]

Lotze-Campen H. and Popp A. (2009) Technological change in agriculture and the trade-offs between land-expansion, intensification and international trade. (2009) Proceedings of the IARU International Congress "Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions", Copenhagen, Denmark. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 6, 112013. [online available at doi: 10.1088/1755-1307/6/51/512003]

Vohland K., Badeck F., Popp A., Holsten A., Cramer W. (2009) Naturschutzgebiete im Klimawandel – Risiken für Schutzziele und Handlungsoptionen. Klimaszenarien und Vulnerabilitäten. In: Korn H, Schliep R, Stadler J (eds.) Biodiversität und Klima – Vernetzung der Akteure in Deutschland IV – Ergebnisse und Dokumentation des 4. Workshops an der Internationalen Naturschutzakademie des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz, Insel Vilm 14.-17.10.2007. Bfn-Skripten 246. Bonn-Bad Godesberg. Pp 11-13 [available online]

Vohland K, Badeck F-W, Böhning-Gaese K, Holsten A, Hanspach J, Ibisch P, Klotz S, Kreft S, Kühn I, Laube I, Popp A & Cramer W 2009 Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt "Schutzgebiete und Klimawandel" - ein Überblick über das Forschungsvorhaben. In: Korn H, Schliep R, Stadler J (eds.) Biodiversität und Klima – Vernetzung der Akteure in Deutschland IV – Ergebnisse und Dokumentation des 4. Workshops an der Internationalen Naturschutzakademie des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz, Insel Vilm 14.-17.10.2007. Bfn-Skripten 246. Bonn-Bad Godesberg. Pp 9-10

Popp A. and Lotze-Campen H. (2008) Food demand, productivity growth and the spatial distribution of land and water use: a global modelling approach. ESF-FMSH Entre-Sciences Conference: Interdisciplinary Environmental Sciences New Methodologies and Interdisciplinary Approaches in Global Change Research. Porquerolles, France [available online]

Popp A. (2008) Impacts of rising food and bioenergy demand. Proceedings of the International Symposium "Climate Change and Global Sustainability", Potsdam, Germany, 27-29 October 2008.

Edenhofer, O.; Luderer, G.; Flachsland, C.; Füssel, H.; Popp, A.; Knopf, B.; Feulner,  G.; Held, H. (2008): A Global Contract on Climate Change. Policy paper for the conference "A Global Contract Based on Climate Justice: The Need for a New Approach Concerning International Relations" in Brussels, 11 November 2008. 76 pp.

Edenhofer, O.; Luderer, G.; Flachsland, C.; Füssel, H.; Popp, A.; Knopf, B.; Feulner,  G.; Held, H. (2008): A Global Contract on Climate Change. Summary. 10 pp.

Domptail, S.; Popp A. (2008) Can land taxes be a tool for rangeland conservation? – Application of bioeconomic modeling for on-farm conservation. International Society of Ecological Economics: Applying Ecological Economics for social and environmental sustainability. Nairobi.

Schroeder A., Popp A. and Vohland K. (2008) Den Schutz der Wälder gerecht gestalten! Robin Wood Magazin 98

Schroeder A., Vohland K. and Popp A. (2008) Wald ist nicht nur eine Kohlenstoffsenke. Welt-sichten, 5-2008.

Popp A. (2008) Die Lebensmittelproduktion als Verursacher und Betroffener des Klimawandels. Verbraucherpolitisches Forum der Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband e.V. zur Grünen Woc

Blaum, N.; Popp, A.; Rossmanith, E.; Schwager, M.; Seymour, C.; Thiele, T.; Wasiolka, B.; Jeltsch, F. (2007) Land use in arid savannas affects species diversity across taxa: Integrating small scale processes into regional simulation modeling. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 37: 441.

Domptail, S., Popp, A.; Nuppenau E.-A., (2007) On range degradation: qualitative and quantitative methods to investigate factors influencing farmers practices. European Society of Ecological Economics “Integrating natural and social sciences for sustainability”, Leipzig.

Popp, A., M. Vogel, A. Groengroeft, F. Jeltsch  (2006) On the impact of topography and landuse on vegetation dynamics and hydrological processes in semi-arid environments. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 36.

Domptail S., Popp A., Nuppenau E.A. (2006) On management of natural rangelands: A Case study of commercial farms in southern Namibia. Conference Proceedings of the 8th annual Bioecon Conference on "Economic Analysis of Ecology and Biodiversity", Kings College of Cambridge.

Domptail S., Popp A., Nuppenau E.A. (2006) Facilitating range management: What is Important? Case of a typical commercial farm in southern Namibia. 9th Biannual conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics, Delhi.

Popp, A.; Jeltsch F.: On the impact of landuse and topography on vegetation dynamics and hydrological processes in a semi-arid environment (2006) Earth System Science Partnership Open Science Conference, Beijing.

Domptail S., Popp A., Nuppenau E.A. (2006) On Management of Natural Rangelands: a case study of commercial farms in Southern Namibia. BIOECON Annual Conference in Cambridge.

Popp, A.; Blaum, N.; Domptail, S.; Groengroeft, A.; Herpel, N.; Hoffmann, T.; Jürgens, N.; Milton, S.; Nuppenau, E.-A.; Rossmanith, E.; Schmidt, M.; Vogel, M.; Vohland, K.; Jeltsch, F. (2005) From satellite imagery to soil plant interactions: integrating disciplines and scales in process based simulation models. BIOLOG. Biodiversity and Global Change, Würzburg.

Domptail, S.; Popp, A. (2005) Bio-economic modeling: a powerful tool for informed policy making. BIOLOG. Biodiversity and Global Change, Würzburg.

Jeltsch, F.; Blaum, N.; Brandl, R.; Dean, W. R. J.; Krämer, A.; Langerwisch, F.; Meyer, J.; Milton, S. J.; Popp, A.; Poschlod, P.; Rooyen, G.;van Rossmanith, E.; Schwager, M.; Seymour, C.; Vohland, K.; Wasiolka, B. (2005) Structural, functional and species diversity in semiarid savannas of southern Africa: scaling up and model based integration. BIOLOG. Biodiversity and Global Change Status Report

Review Activities

Agricultural Economics, Climatic Change, Ecological Economics, Ecological Modelling, Ecosystems, Energy Policy, Environmental Modelling & Software, Environmental Research Letters, GAIA, Global Change Biology, Global Change Biology – Bioenergy, Global Environmental Change, Journal of Biogeography, Land Use Policy, The Energy Journal, Energy Economics, Nature, Nature Climate Change, Nature Communications, Regional Environmental Change

Me in the media (selection):

Der Standard (3.4.2024): Besser essen - wie sehr flexitarische Ernährung zum Erreichen der Klimaziele beiträgt

FAZ (17.10.2023): Pandemieprävention : Scheuklappen ablegen

Tagesspiegel (12.10.2023): Fachleute entwerfen Aktionsplan: Fünf Strategien gegen Pandemien

NZZ (8.7.2023): Kühe schlachten fürs Klima Irland will die Emissionen senken

Inforadio RBB (22.5.2023): Tag der Biodiversität - Eine Million Arten vom Ausstreben bedroht

Hessischer Rundfunk (6.9.2022): Alle Wetter - klimafreundliches Bauen

GEO (31.8.2022): Climat - Construire les villes du futur en bois, une idée controversée qui fait débat

Tagesspiegel (30.8.2022): Klimaschutz beim Wohnungsbau

Guardian (30.8.2022): Timber cities ‘could cut 100bn tons of CO2 emissions by 2100

The Ecologist (3.5.2022): Eat Fungus - Save Forests

Deutschlandfunk (5.4.2022): Bericht des Weltklimarats: Landwirtschaft kann groß zur Lösung des Problems beitragen

WDR (5.5.2022): Weniger Tierhaltung, mehr Moore

3SAT - Nano (4.4.2022): Weltklimarat - jedes Zehntelgrad zählt

Spiegel Online (27.04.2021): Forscher bemängeln problematische Lücke in der Klimabilanz

Washington Post: (26.04.2021): The giant accounting problem that could hamper the world’s push to cut emissions

Energiezukunft (26.11.2020): Die Klimakrise verschärft die Nahrungskrise und umgekehrt

ZDF (29.11.2020): Weniger Fleisch im Trend - Das Rätsel um die Flexitarier

ORF (18.11.2020): Kluft zwischen Hunger und Übersättigung

Stuttgarter Nachrichten (18.11.2020): Weltweite Kluft zwischen Hunger und Übersättigung wird immer größer

querFeldein (19.10.2020): Künstliches Fleisch & Co.

Deutschlandradio (14.10.2020): Aufgabe für EU-Agrarpolitik: Moore fördern als CO2-Speicher

New York Times (09.10.2020): What’s Green, Soggy and Fights Climate Change?

Frankfurter Rundschau (22.05.2020): Wie unser Essen umweltfreundlicher wird (21.01.2020): Weltweite Ausbreitung von Wüsten: Klimawandel bedroht die Lebensmittelproduktion

BR24 (02.12.2019): So viele Treibhausgase verursacht die Landwirtschaft

Frankfurter Rundschau (02.12.19): Wind und Solarstrom sind der beste Ersatz für fossile Brennstoffe

BR24 (19.11.2019): Einfach wegräumen? Wie Treibhausgase wieder verschwinden sollen

Bild (19.11.2019): Energiewende wird uns alle gesünder machen

Deutsches Klimakonsortium (06.11.2019): Klimaschutz in der Kantine

Mannheimer Morgen (09.08.2019): Wir haben einen Überkonsum

Zeit (08.08.2019): So geht es nicht weiter

Focus (22.8.2019): Extreme Dürre: Wo auch in Deutschland in Zukunft Wüsten drohen

Spiegel Online (08.08.2019): Der Druck auf die Bauern wird zunehmen

Tagesspiegel (01.08.2019): IPCC analysiert Klimafolgen der Landnutzung

Kieler Nachrichten (27.7.2019):

Frankfurter Rundschau (02.02.2019): Fleischverzicht schont das Klima

Bild (22.01.2019): Mit Gemüsesalat will Paul McCartney das Klima schützen!

Süddeutsche Zeitung (22.6.2018): Astronautennahrung für das liebe Vieh

MDRWissen (22.06.2018): Gut für die Umwelt: Kosmonauten-Kraftfutter für Kühe

Der Westen (20.11.2014): Forscher warnen vor zu viel Stickstoff in der Luft

Deutsche Welle (11.08.2011): Veggie-Burger und Co: Schützen Veganer das Klima?

Tagesspiegel (08.01.2011): Ein Lob dem Sonntagsbraten

Welt (29.06.2010): Vegetarier sind die besseren Klimaschützer

Zeit online (30.6.2010): Klimaforscher raten zu weniger Fleischkonsum