
Klimapolitik, Ökonomie & Energie
Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Krausmann, Fridolin, Pichler, Peter-Paul, Schaeffer, Robert K., Stadler, Stefan (2023): Great transformations: Social revolutions erupted during energy transitions around the world, 1500–2013 - Energy Research and Social Science
Stechemesser, Annika, Kotz, Maximilian, Auffhammer, M., Wenz, Leonie (2023): Prolonged exposure weakens risk perception and behavioral mobility response: Empirical evidence from Covid-19 - Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Singh, Vartika, Stevanović, Miodrag, Jha, Chandan Kumar, Beier, Felicitas, Ghosh, Ranjan Kumar, Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Popp, Alexander (2023): Assessing policy options for sustainable water use in India’s cereal production system - Environmental Research Letters
Többen, Johannes, Pichler, Peter-Paul, Jaccard, Ingram S., Kratena, Kurt, Moran , Daniel, Zheng, Heran, Weisz, Helga (2023): Unequal carbon tax impacts on 38 million German households: assessing spatial and socio-economic hotspots. - Environmental Research: Climate
Nauck, Christian, Lindner, Michael, Schürholt, Konstantin , Hellmann, Frank (2023): Toward dynamic stability assessment of power grid topologies using graph neural networks - Chaos
Reyer, Christopher P. O., Saes, Hetty, Bruhn, Anja, Stuparu, D., van den Hurk, B., de Bruin, K., West, C., Ebrey, R., Mauricio-Planas, C., Thévignot, C., Dessai, S., Pacchetti Baldissera, M., Fronzek, S., Carter, T., Knaepen, H., Tondel, F., Shepherd, T., Aylett, C., Grafham, O., Magnuszewki, P., Harris, K., Hochrainer-Stigler, S., Otto, Ilona M., Bosello, F, Sillmann, J., Mysiak, J., Ercin, E., Monasterolo, I. (2023): Cross-border climate change impacts and systemic risks in Europe and beyond: Book of abstracts
Bez, Charlotte Sophia, Bosetti, Valentina, Colantone, Italo, Zanardi, Maurizio (2023): Exposure to international trade lowers green voting and worsens environmental attitudes - Nature Climate Change
Dolphin, Geoffroy, Pahle, Michael, Burtraw, Dallas, Kosch, Mirjam (2023): A net-zero target compels a backward induction approach to climate policy - Nature Climate Change
Borghesi, Simone, Pahle, Michael, Perino, Grischa, Quemin, Simon, Willner, Maximilian (2023): The Market Stability Reserve in the EU Emissions Trading System: A Critical Review - Annual Review of Resource Economics
Sureth, Michael, Kalkuhl, Matthias, Edenhofer, Ottmar, Rockström, Johan (2023): A Welfare Economic Approach to Planetary Boundaries - Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik
Biehl, Juliane, Missbach, Leonard, Riedel, Franziska, Stemmle, Ruben, Jüchter, Julian, Weber, Jessica, Kucknat, Johanna, Odenweller, Adrian, Nauck, Christian, Lukassen, Laura J., Zech, Matthias, Grimm, Marie (2023): Wicked facets of the German energy transition – examples from the electricity, heating, transport, and industry sectors - International Journal of Sustainable Energy
Hoff, Holger, Ogeya, Mbeo, de Condappa, Devaraj, Brecha, Robert J., Dahl Larsen, Morten Andreas, Halsnaes, Kirsten, Salack, Seyni, Sanfo, Safiétou, Sterl, Sebastian, Liersch, Stefan (2023): Stakeholder-guided, model-based scenarios for a climate- and water-smart electricity transition in Ghana and Burkina Faso - Energy Strategy Reviews
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Franks, R. Maximilian (2023): Optimal Wealth Taxation When Wealth Is More Than Just Capital - FinanzArchiv - Public Finance Analysis
Weituschat, Chiara Sophia, Pascucci , Stefano, Materia, Valentina Cristiana, Caracciolo , Francesco (2023): Can contract farming support sustainable intensification in agri-food value chains? - Ecological Economics
Middelanis, Robin, Willner, Sven, Kuhla, Kilian, Quante, Lennart, Otto, Christian, Levermann, Anders (2023): Stressed economies respond more strongly to climate extremes - Environmental Research Letters
Michelini, Sidney, Sedova, Barbora, Schewe, Jacob, Frieler, Katja (2023): Extreme weather impacts do not improve conflict predictions in Africa - Humanities and Social Sciences Communications
Molina Bacca, Edna J., Stevanović, Miodrag, Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Karstens, Kristine, Chen, David Meng-Chuen, Leip, Debbora, Müller, Christoph, Minoli, Sara, Heinke, Jens, Jägermeyr, Jonas, Folberth, Christian, Iizumi, Toshichika, Jain, Atul K., Liu, Wenfeng, Okada, Masashi, Smerald, Andrew, Zabel, Florian, Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Popp, Alexander (2023): Uncertainty in land-use adaptation persists despite crop model projections showing lower impacts under high warming - Communications Earth and Environment
Ma, Rui, Yayao , Zhang , Han, Miao, Kurths, Jürgen, Zhan, Meng (2023): Synchronization stability and multi-timescale analysis of renewable-dominated power systems - Chaos
Fillon, Romain, Guivarch, Céline, Taconet, Nicolas (2023): Optimal climate policy under tipping risk and temporal risk aversion - Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Beaufils, Timothé, Berthet, Etienne, Ward, Hauke, Wenz, Leonie (2023): Beyond production and consumption: using throughflows to untangle the virtual trade of externalities - Economic Systems Research
Rockström, Johan, Norström, Albert V., Matthews, Nathanial, Biggs, Reinette, Folke, Carl, Harikishun, Ameil, Huq, Saleemul, Krishnan, Nisha, Warszawski, Lila, Nel, Deon (2023): Shaping a resilient future in response to COVID-19 - Nature Sustainability
Manych, Niccolò, Egli, Florian, Ohlendorf, Nils, Schmidt, Tobias S, Steffen, Bjarne, Stünzi, Anna, Steckel, Jan Christoph (2023): Pushed to finance? Assessing technology export as a motivator for coal finance abroad - Environmental Research Letters
Ordonez, Jose Antonio, Jakob , Michael, Steckel, Jan Christoph, Ward, Hauke (2023): India's just energy transition: Political economy challenges across states and regions - Energy Policy