Publikationen - Eis, Ozeane & Meeresspiegelanstieg

Clark, P. U., Mix, A. C., Eby, M., Levermann, Anders, Rogelj, J., Nauels, A., Wrathall, D. J. (2018): Sea-level commitment as a gauge for climate policy [Commentary] - Nature Climate Change
Mengel, Matthias, Nauels, A., Rogelj, J., Schleussner, Carl-Friedrich (2018): Committed sea-level rise under the Paris Agreement and the legacy of delayed mitigation action - Nature Communications
Reese, Ronja, Albrecht, Torsten, Mengel, Matthias, Asay-Davis, Xylar S., Winkelmann, Ricarda (2018): Antarctic sub-shelf melt rates via PICO - The Cryosphere
Gölzer, H., Nowicki, S., Edwards, T., Beckley, M., Abe-Ouchi, A., Aschwanden, A., Calov, Reinhard, Gagliardini, O., Gillet-Chaulet, F., Golledge, N. R., Gregory, J., Greve, R., Humbert, A., Huybrechts, P., Kennedy, J. H., Larour, E., Lipscomb, W. H., Le clec´h, S., Lee, V., Morlighem, M., Pattyn, F., Payne, A. J., Rodehacke, C., Rückamp, M., Saito, F., Schlegel, N., Seroussi, H., Shepherd, A., Sun, S., Wal, R. van de, Ziemen, F. A. (2018): Design and results of the ice sheet model initialisation experiments initMIP-Greenland: an ISMIP6 intercomparison - The Cryosphere
Caesar, Levke, Rahmstorf, Stefan, Robinson, A., Feulner, Georg, Saba, V. (2018): Observed fingerprint of a weakening Atlantic Ocean overturning circulation - Nature
Reese, Ronja, Gudmundsson, G. H., Levermann, Anders, Winkelmann, Ricarda (2018): The far reach of ice-shelf thinning in Antarctica - Nature Climate Change
Calov, Reinhard, Beyer, Sebastian, Greve, R., Beckmann, Johanna, Willeit, Matteo, Kleiner, T., Rückamp, M., Humbert, A., Ganopolski, Andrey (2018): Simulation of the future sea level contribution of Greenland with a new glacial system model - The Cryosphere
Rybski, Diego, Prahl, Boris F., Kropp, Jürgen P. (2017): Comment on 'High-income does not protect against hurricane losses' - Environmental Research Letters
Waha, Katharina, Krummenauer, Linda, Adams, S., Aich, Valentin, Baarsch, Florent, Coumou, Dim, Fader, M., Hoff, Holger, Jobbins, G., Marcus, R., Mengel, Matthias, Otto, Ilona M., Perrette, Mahé, Rocha, M., Robinson, Alexander, Schleussner, Carl-Friedrich (2017): Climate change impacts in the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) region and their implications for vulnerable population groups - Regional Environmental Change
Bittermann, Klaus, Rahmstorf, Stefan, Kopp, R. E., Kemp, A. C. (2017): Global mean sea-level rise in a world agreed upon in Paris - Environmental Research Letters
Riedl, M., Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2017): Visualizing driving forces of spatially extended systems using the recurrence plot framework - European Physical Journal - Special Topics
Wiedermann, Marc, Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Handorf, D., Kurths, Jürgen, Donner, Reik V. (2017): Hierarchical structures in Northern Hemispheric extratropical winter ocean–atmosphere interactions - International Journal of Climatology
Feulner, Georg (2017): Formation of most of our coal brought Earth close to global glaciation - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Smirnov, D. A., Breitenbach, S. F. M., Feulner, Georg, Lechleitner, F. A., Prufer, K. M., Baldini, J. U. L., Marwan, Norbert, Kurths, Jürgen (2017): A regime shift in the Sun-Climate connection with the end of the Medieval Climate Anomaly - Scientific Reports
Slangen, A. B. A., Adloff, F., Jevrejeva, S., Leclercq, P. W., Marzeion, B., Wada, Y., Winkelmann, Ricarda (2017): A review of recent updates of sea-level projections at global and regional scales - Surveys in Geophysics
Rahmstorf, Stefan (2017): Rising hazard of storm-surge flooding [Commentary] - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Robinson, Alexander, Alvarez-Solas, J., Calov, Reinhard, Ganopolski, Andrey, Montoya, M. (2017): MIS-11 duration key to disappearance of the Greenland ice sheet - Nature Communications
Davis, R. J., Morales Maqueda, M. A., Li, A., Ganopolski, Andrey (2017): Millennial-scale shifts in the methane hydrate stability zone due to Quaternary climate change - Geology
Lenk, Stephan, Rybski, Diego, Heidrich, O., Dawson, R. J., Kropp, Jürgen P. (2017): Costs of sea dikes - regressions and uncertainty estimates - Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
Fujiwara, N., Kirchen, K., Donges, Jonathan Friedemann, Donner, Reik V. (2017): A perturbation-theoretic approach to Lagrangian flow networks - Chaos
Nauels, A., Meinshausen, M., Mengel, Matthias, Lorbacher, K., Wigley, T. M. L. (2017): Synthesizing long-term sea level rise projections - the MAGICC sea level model v2.0 - Geoscientific Model Development
Mengel, Matthias, Levermann, Anders, Frieler, Katja, Robinson, Alexander, Marzeion, Ben, Winkelmann, Ricarda (2016): Future sea level rise constrained by observations and long-term commitment - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)