From Planetary Boundaries to Global Commons: “PIK Research Days” with latest science update

15.02.2024 – From planetary boundaries and tipping points to global commons and the economic implications of climate change, from methods like integrated assessment modeling or machine learning to the science-policy interface: The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research gathered for its traditional in-house conference, the “PIK Research Days”. The two-day event was packed with talks, panel discussions and elevator pitches about current and planned research.
From Planetary Boundaries to Global Commons: “PIK Research Days” with latest science update
All PIK researchers gathered to discuss topics, methods and challenges at the Research Days 2024. Photo: PIK

Across all research departments, future labs and groups, the PIK Research Days bring together researchers of all ages and seniority: PhD students and scientific guests, senior staff, department heads as well as the institute’s Board of Directors. The conference aims at updating each other about ongoing activities and discuss new findings, methods and challenges to foster new synergies and collaboration.

A wide range of research topics were on the agenda: From the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation to the role of atmospheric rivers for precipitation patterns and the importance of a food system transformation. After COP28 in the United Arab Emirates, focus was also on climate policies needed for a path to climate neutrality in Germany, the European Union and on a global level. Colleagues from the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) complemented the talks and joined discussions with topics from Inequality and fiscal perspectives to Carbon Dioxide Removal Technologies.

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