Land Biosphere Dynamics

Land Biosphere Dynamics

In this working group we explore how climate change impacts agricultural productivity and how improved agricultural management can help to make land-use systems more resilient against climate change. Management of pastureland and cropland strongly affects agricultural productivity, environmental impacts, and resource-use efficiencies. Agronomic aspects need to be better understood and represented in simulation models and future scenarios to allow for assessing climate change impacts and for exploring a range of adaptation options, e.g. crop variety choice or multiple cropping systems. To this end, we continuously develop the model LPJmL and apply them in scientific research. We also develop modelling capacities to better address future challenges in human nutrition, with a focus on food diversity.

Working Group Leader:


LPJmL - Lund-Potsdam-Jena managed Land Dynamic Global Vegetation, Agriculture and Water Balance Model

Joint activities:

Our working group Land Biosphere Dynamics is part of the cross-cutting activity Global Biosphere and Water Modeling, together with the working groups Terrestrial Safe Operating Space (RD1) and Ecosystems in Transition (RD1), which works on modeling managed and natural land ecosystems.

The working group Land Biosphere Dynamics addresses the role of land management on large-scale biogeochemical cycles. Our global-scale assessments can guide selection of regional hot-spots for detailed impacts studies. Interaction and cooperation with the international scientific community is a central aspect in our work, e.g. through the leadership role in the AgMIP's Global Gridded Crop Model Intercomparison team.