Towards improved simulations of NCS potentials

Natural climate solutions (NCS) are believed to play an important role in reaching net-zero global CO2 emissions within the next decades. This project will provide a stocktake of which relevant NCS activities on land can already be simulated with our LPJmL model. Based on the results of this stocktake, a strategy will be developed to implement the most important missing processes to improve NCS simulations with LPJmL. The improved model version will then be used to simulate future scenarios of large-scale NCS implementation with LPJmL.

The project key goal is to improve the ability to simulate natural climate solutions (NCS) and provide global scenarios of the potential carbon sequestration by large-scale NCS implementation.

PIK will contribute simulations of large-scale NCS implementation with its LPJmL model.


Mar 01, 2023 until Jan 31, 2026

Funding Agency

Conservation International


Christoph Müller, Johan Rockström