Dynamics in power systems: from science to industry

06/12/2017 - Power grids face new challenges due to climate change. While global warming from fossil fuel emissions forces us to replace coal plants by energy input from clean sources such as solar and wind, the latter are more variable and hence not easy to integrate. A meeting of experts from both science and industry at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) now aims at transferring findings from mathematical research on grid stability to the practioners.
Dynamics in power systems: from science to industry

The conference is part of the CoNDyNET project - Complex Nonlinear Dynamics on Networks - led by PIK researchers and funded by the German Federal Ministry for Science and Research. The experts will discuss their results on dynamical phenomena in future power systems, optimal network design, governance and market interactions and more. Participants include representatives from Siemens Corporate Technology, grid operator 50Hertz, Agora Energiewende, Universität Kassel, ETH Zürich, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation.

Weblink: http://www.condynet.de/konferenz2017pik.html

More Info: http://forschung-stromnetze.info/