Dr. Yu Huang

Postdoctoral Researcher

Postdoc, the Future Lab 'Artificial Intelligence in the Anthropocene' at PIK, and the Earth System Modelling group at TUM


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam


Earth System Modelling, Technical University of Munich

I am a Postdoc based in the Earth System Modelling Group of Prof. Boers. I obtained my PhD in Meteorology at Peking University. I am a Humboldtian by Humboldt Research Fellowship since 2022.

I focus on climate dynamics in the context of global warming, trying to understand and predict climate regarding to the extremes' occurrences, critical transitions, forcing-response causality under anthropogenic radiative forcing.

I am drawn to the cutting-edge methodologies in stochastic and dynamical approaches, such as deep learning, nonlinear time series analysis, causality detection, complex network, Normal Mode Function, and dynamical systems theory. The advancements and applications of these techniques hold great appeal to me as they contribute significantly to enhancing climate research.

My current research project is predicting climate changes and critical transitions based on the combination of physical climate models and deep learning.