Humboldt University of Berlin, Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, diploma degree

Professional Experience
since 2008:
science coordinator of PIK Research Domain 2 "Climate Impacts and Vulnerabilities", since 2019 Research Department "Climate Resilience"

2009-2012: project manager/coordinator of the Guanting project "Sustainable water and agricultural land use in the Guanting watershed under limited water resources"
2002-2010: project manager/coordinator of the GLOWA-Elbe project "Integrated Analysis of the Impacts of Global Change on Environment and Society in the Elbe Basin"
1993-2001: scientific assistance for third funded projects and proposals, project "FACE and FACE2U", several research stays in Phoenix/Arizona/USA in the context of the Free Air Carbon Enrichment Experiment

of chapter III "Auswirkungen des Klimawandels in Deutschland" in the Book "Klimawandel in Deutschland", Springer 2017.

Co-Editor of the Special Issue "German climate change impact study", Meteorologische Zeitung 2015.
Member of the Advisory Board of the H2020 EU Project SOCLIMPACT "DownScaling CLImate ImPACTs and decarbonisation pathways in EU islands, and enhancing socioeconomic and non-market evaluation of Climate Change for Europe, for 2050 and beyond."
Representation of PIK in the Leibniz Research Alliance "INFECTIONS´ 21".