PalMod 1.1

PalMod 1.1 Kopplung von Eisschild- und Klimamodellen Teilprojekt 5 Kopplung von Eisschildmodellen für Paläo-Simulationen

The overarching goal of the work package is the development of coupled model systems (atmosphere-ocean-ice sheets-solid Earth) that will be used for the transient simulations. This involves the general setup, the test of various effects/parametrisations and the incorporation of important processes (e.g. interactive land sea mask, dust) into the model systems. The model systems will contain interactively coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice-sheet-solid earth models. All components will be state-of-the-art models.

A PostDoc will perform coupling of the CLIMBER-4 model with the PISM continental ice sheet model in collaboration with other teams coupling their AOGCMs with PISM. This will enable the CLIMBER-4 model for transient glacial simulations for phase 2 of the project. The second task of the proposed PostDoc will be to test the EBM surface mass balance scheme and compare it with others. Reinhard Calov will incorporate basal interface (sediments, permafrost, subglacial and periglacial hydrology) into CLIMBER-2 and to perform with this model simulations to analyse the role of aeloian dust and hydrology on the evolution of the ice sheet during termination. Another task will be to perform stability analysis. This PostDoc and Reinhard Calov will use 50% of his /her time for PalMod 1.1 and 50% for PalMod 1.3.


Sep 01, 2015 until Aug 31, 2019

Funding Agency


Funding Call

Nationale Paläoklimamodellierungsinitiative PalMod


Andrey Ganopolski

Project Website