On this issue, climate economist Ottmar Edenhofer, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC):
"This proposal is a big deal - there's no turning back now. The EU's policy package for stabilizing our climate is the most comprehensive of its kind to date, and it builds on much that research has developed. Europe is creating a second emissions trading scheme, it is for transport and heating, in addition to the one for power generation and industry. This has fundamental significance for our entire economy: almost all sectors are now covered by carbon pricing. The European Union has created a robust comprehensive system of carbon pricing – which is also a prerequisite for the EU to be able to negotiate effectively with the USA and China on more international cooperation to achieve greenhouse gas emissions reductions. Weather extremes around the world clearly illustrate that strong action is key now if we want to limit costs and risks, and secure a safe future for all."
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