Strategies for financing the global energy transformation

09/06/2012 - Who is paying for the transformation of our energy systems? And how can this transformation be globalized? The German Advisory Council on Global Change (WGBU) today submitted a policy paper entitled “Financing the Global Energy-System Transformation” to the Federal Minister of the Environment, Peter Altmaier. According to the paper, it needs decisive politics and a reduction of risks to enable a successful transformation of the energy systems and more energy efficiency.
Strategies for financing the global energy transformation

The policy paper focuses on the feasibility of a global energy transformation. A change to renewable energies and a pullout from nuclear power hold significant costs. According to the paper, these costs could be covered through private capital for example, and politics are in charge to create suitable conditions for the corresponding investments. It is important to promote renewable energy technologies and cut back on subsidies for fossil or nuclear energy, the paper says. By saving costs for fossil fuels and conventional technologies, the necessary investments for the energy systems transformation could be compensated within 30 years, according to the policy paper that includes further strategies. Germany’s pioneering role in the transformation of its own energy system should be used as a model to demonstrate political and financial feasibility of such a transformation, the WGBU recommends.

Link to policy paper „Financing the Global Energy-System Transformation“