Workshop for Journalists “Communicating the Climate Crisis: Causes, Pathways, and Solutions in Central Asia" was held between June 4th - 8th in Dushanbe

Workshop for Journalists “Communicating the Climate Crisis: Causes, Pathways, and Solutions in Central Asia" was held between June 4th - 8th in Dushanbe

In cooperation with N-OST, our team from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research hosted a workshop for journalists in Dushanbe (Tajikistan). The workshop "Communicating Climate Crisis: Causes, Pathways, and Solutions in Central Asia"   was held between June 4th to 8th. Eight journalists with different background from Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan participated in this workshop. The workshop schedule included a diverse range of sessions that covered various topics. In the initial session, journalists presented the perspective of climate change in their respective countries. In the second session, the PIK experts presented their work on climate change trends and how it impacts Central Asia's water resources, agriculture, and security.


The participants commenced working on their individual media projects with the guidance of PIK and N-Ost, based on the input received during the initial three days. The participants submitted a text abstract as a partial draft for their media projects. The PIK experts reviewed and provided feedback on the draft, which discussed ideas with the participants individually. The media projects will be finalized within the next 8 weeks with support and guidance provided during regular online meetings. We are looking forward to the diverse media output by the journalists with topics ranging from small scale renewable energy sources for the rural population in Tajikistan to impacts of climate change on the agriculture production.


As part of the workshop agenda, PIK experts and journalists were scheduled to participate in IFAS' 30th Anniversary Conference, titled "Central Asia: Towards a Sustainable Future through a Strong Regional Institution". PIK expert team presented the impact of climate change in the Central Asia region and demonstrated how to access valuable climate data through our Klimafolgen online database. 


The key organizing team of this workshop was Ira Ponedelnik, Angelina Davydova from N-OST and Dr. Iulii Didovets, Stefanie Wesch, Paula Romanovska, and Dr. Qaisar Saddique from the PIK, Green Vision Central Asia (GVCA) project. Both designed the concept and drafted the program in collaboration. GVCA project team facilitated inputs and participatory formats on-site.