Delegations from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan visited PIK

Delegations from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan visited PIK

Delegations from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and GFZ visited the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) on November 15th and 16th, 2023, to meet with Green Central Asia project representatives. The primary objective of the meeting was to understand the impacts of climate change in Central Asia and to explore research approaches used by scientists at PIK.

The event also aimed to provide insights into how the region can adapt and mitigate the impacts of climate change. It commenced with a warm welcome speech from the project leader, Dr. Iulii Didovets. He introduced the overview of PIK and the research conducted at the institution. He also explained the Green Central Asia project and its working packages to the guests. Twelve insightful talks were presented at the event, covered a range of topics and addressed the various issues, including the impacts and extremes of climate change, security, health, agricultural water management, monitoring of water resources and water availability in Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. The event concluded with an enthusiastic discussion, where participants shared innovative ideas and valuable insights on how their countries could work together to mitigate the impacts of climate change. The atmosphere was enthusiastic, with many proposing potential cooperation and further knowledge exchange to strengthen relationships within the region. Participants of the delegation included Prof. Dr. Fazliddin Khikmatov, Dr. Gulomjon Umirzakov, Prof. Dr. Nilufar Komilova from the National University of Uzbekistan, Dr. Tursunova Aisulu, Saparova Assel, and Salavatova Zhanat from the Institute of Geography and Water Security Science. Additionally, Dr. Larissa Kogutenko and Dr. Viktoriya Krylova were present from Kazakh-German University, while Dr. Abror Gafurov represented the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ).DelegationPIK_New1.jpg
