Special Issue of the journal "Earth System Dynamics"

Jonathan Donges, Axel Kleidon of MPI Jena and Wolfgang Lucht, together with PIK's COPAN project and the Stockholm Resilience Centre's Planetary Boundaries programme, have organised a Special Issue of the EGU-sponsored ISI journal "Earth System Dynamics" entitled
Special Issue of the journal "Earth System Dynamics"

We have organized a Special Issue entitled “Social dynamics and planetary boundaries in Earth system modelling” published in the increasingly highly reputed, ISI-listed journal Earth System Dynamics (ESD), published by the European Geosciences Union (EGU) .

  • Timeline: 2014 – 2017
  • Guest Editors: W. Lucht, J. F. Donges, A. Kleidon, S. Cornell, J. Dyke, M. Sivapalan, and J. J. Finnigan
  • Fast track challenge: Finished and championed by Tim Garrett with his paper titled Long-run evolution of the global economy Part II: Hindcasts of innovation and growth (Earth Syst. Dynam. 6, 673-688, doi:10.5194/esd-6-673-2015, 2015). The reward: As the lead author of the first paper to be submitted to this Special Issue before the deadline (1 March 2015), Tim Garrett received an original palaeolithic hand axe (selected by Wolfgang Lucht) that is at least 200,000 years old. This artefact is from a large old collection and not of specific value to archaeologists.

Topics covered are:

  • Earth and social systems thermodynamics and stoichiometry (e.g., socio-industrial metabolism)
  • Socio-ecological systems modelling
  • Conceptual, empirical, or agent-based models from the social sciences
  • Adaptive and temporal networks
  • Dynamical and evolutionary game theory
  • Quantifications of planetary boundaries

Special Issue papers on ESD website