Awards for COPAN Master students in 2018

Sebastian Heinz, Master student supervised by Ilona M. Otto, was awarded the Best Thesis Award at Technical University München for his thesis on the influence of uncertainty and agent heterogeneity on common pool resource management.

Antonia Schuster, Master student supervised by Ilona M. Otto, was awarded a Travel Grant from the Humboldt University International Office to present her thesis on socio-metabolic classes in the German society at the 26. Symposium on Science and Technology at the São Paulo University in Brazil.

More information on the Master theses:

Antonia Schuster, Master thesis in Agricultural Economics, Humboldt University Berlin, 2018: Socio-metabolic class theory and statistical analysis of German population survey data. An interdisciplinary approach of assessing socio metabolic classes on the German society and the inherent role of different types of capital on carbon emissions (main copan supervisor: Dr. I Otto).

Sebastian Heinz, Master thesis in Sustainable Resource Management, Technical University Munich, 2018: Examining the Impact of Environmental Uncertainty and the Drivers of Adaptation in the Context of Asymmetric Resource Management Dilemmas: Lessons from Behavioral Irrigation Experiments Carried Out in China (main copan supervisor: Dr. I Otto)

Other successfully completed Bachelor, Master and PhD theses at COPAN.

Antonia Schuster, Master student supervised by Ilona M. Otto, was awarded a Travel Grant from the Humboldt University International Office to present her thesis on socio-metabolic classes in the German society at the 26. Symposium on Science and Technology at the São Paulo University in Brazil.

More information on the Master theses:

Antonia Schuster, Master thesis in Agricultural Economics, Humboldt University Berlin, 2018: Socio-metabolic class theory and statistical analysis of German population survey data. An interdisciplinary approach of assessing socio metabolic classes on the German society and the inherent role of different types of capital on carbon emissions (main copan supervisor: Dr. I Otto).

Sebastian Heinz, Master thesis in Sustainable Resource Management, Technical University Munich, 2018: Examining the Impact of Environmental Uncertainty and the Drivers of Adaptation in the Context of Asymmetric Resource Management Dilemmas: Lessons from Behavioral Irrigation Experiments Carried Out in China (main copan supervisor: Dr. I Otto)

Other successfully completed Bachelor, Master and PhD theses at COPAN.