Recent publications

In press 

  • Flores, Bernardo M., Montoya, Encarni, Sakschewski, Boris, Nascimento, Nathália, Staal, Arie, Betts, Richard, Lapola, David M., Esquível-Muelbert, Adriane, Jakovac, Catarina, Nobre, Carlos A., Levis, Carolina, Oliveira, Rafael S., Borma, Laura S., Nian, Da, Boers, Niklas, Hecht, Susanna B., Steege, Hans ter, Arieira, Julia, Lucas, Isabella L., Berenguer, Erika, Marengo, José A., Gatti, Luciana V., Mattos, Caio R. C., Hirota, Marina,
    Critical transitions in the Amazon forest system,
    Nature, in press.







At the time of establishment of the Earth Resilience FutureLab in January 2019, we build on the following works from our earlier research, many of which were carried out in the COPAN and ANTHROIA flagships projects as well as in the framework of the DominoES project: