Simon Merschroth

Research Analyst


FutureLab / Science Unit

Curriculum Vitae

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Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam


Simon Merschroth acts as a research analyst and project manager within the PREVIEW Project at PIK. His research interests center around the the nexus of climate change, (im)mobility, and conflict as well as on the socially differentiated impacts of climate change. Further, he works towards building a global climate-conflict-vulnerability index. Simon uses both qualitative and quantitative approaches, ranging from modelling based on remotely sensed data, via population data analysis based on microdata, to focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews.

Simon earned a Master degree in Geography from the University of Vienna, and a Bachelor degree in Environmental Engineering from the Technical University of Darmstadt. He previously had engagements with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig, and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Austria. Simon moreover worked as a research assistant at the University of Vienna, conducted qualitative fieldwork in Northern Ghana and attended a six month research training at the University of Nagoya, Japan.

Merschroth, S., Sterly, H., Sakdapolrak, P., Abu, M. & Janoth, J.N. (2024). Subjectivity and social positions shape habitability in the context of environmental change: a qualitative case study in Northern Ghana. Die ERDE. Forthcoming.

Janoth, J. N., Abu, M., Sakdapolrak, P., Sterly, H., & Merschroth, S. (2024). The impact of migration on culturally-embedded and subjective perceptions of habitability in a context of environmental change: A case study from Northern Ghana. ERDKUNDE, 78(1), 35–55.

Merschroth, S., Miatto, A., Weyand, S., Tanikawa, H., & Schebek, L. (2020). Lost Material Stock in Buildings due to Sea Level Rise from Global Warming: The Case of Fiji Islands. Sustainability, 12, 834.

University of Vienna (Austria)
2022: Teaching assistant for migration data modelling in RStudio
2021: Teaching assistant for hydrological modelling in RStudio

Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany)
2017: Lecturer on the basics of environmental sciences for engineers
2016: Teaching assistant in stochiometry for engineers
2015: Teaching assistant in stochiometry for engineers
2015: Lecturer in the basics of environmental sciences for engineers