Dr. Ricarda Rosemann

Postdoctoral Researcher

As a trained mathematician with a strong interest in climate change mitigation, Ricarda Rosemann is keen to apply mathematical tools in order to study corresponding policy instruments. In her PhD at the department of Mathematics at TU Kaiserslautern (now RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau), she developed a stochastic model of emissions trading and studied its analytical properties.

She joined the National Energy Transitions Team at PIK in December 2022. In her research she analyzes and aims to improve the representation of energy demand in integrated assessment modeling, specifically focusing on the buildings sector. This work is intended to enable a more detailed understanding of the impact of different policy regimes and socio-economic conditions on the development of energy usage in and by buildings.


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam