Benjamin is curious about the global land system and food system. What are the large-scale and long-term transitions of these systems? What are the drivers and dynamics behind these changes? What are the spatial patterns? What are the consequences for the environment, dietary health and inequality? And, most of all, how could we create the political conditions for a sustainable food system?
Benjamin works mainly on three topic clusters:
- Food systems, dietary change, food security and obesity
- The global nitrogen cycle, greenhouse gas emissions, and planetary boundaries
- Land systems, agricultural markets, climate impacts, bioenergy and mitigation policies
The unifying element behind these topics is his methodological approach. He enjoys designing and developing quantitative simulation models that combine economic and biophysical dynamics. He is one of the main developers of the open-source land system modelling framework MAgPIE (, the food demand model, and the geospatial data inventory MADRAT.
14412 Potsdam
Employment and education
- Employed since 2007 at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in the Landuse Modelling research team
- Seconded to the World Vegetable Center (Tainan, Taiwan) from February till December 2022
- Seconded to CSIRO (Brisbane, Australia) in the Food Systems and Global Change research team (2014-2016)
- Seconded to CIAT (Cali, Colombia) in the Decision and Policy Analysis research area (2013-2014)
- Studied Economics, Politics, Sociology and History at TU Berlin, University of Potsdam, Sciences Po Bordeaux, Université Montesquieu Bordeaux, University of Edinburgh
Scientific Positions (current)
- Member of the interdisciplinary working group "Ernährung, Gesundheit, Prävention" of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
- Secretariat member of the Food System Economics Commission (FSEC)
Scientific Positions (past)
- Steering committee member of the German Alliance for Global Health Research (Representative of Engineering and other sciences)
- Guest editor for a special issue in Global Food Security
- Guest editor for a special issue in Environmental Research Letters
- Guest editor for a special issue in Environmental Research Communications
Fields of Interest
- Designing and developing quantitative computer models (MAgPIE, Food Demand Model, MADRAT)
- The global nitrogen cycle
- Projections of future food demand
- Estimates of greenhouse gas emissions (N2O, CH4, CO2) from agriculture and land-use change
- Land system scenarios
- Policy options to improve sustainability of agriculture within the challenges of climate change
Benjamin has been included in the 2021, 2023 and 2024 list of highly cited researchers. Benjamin Bodirsky has been recognized with the 2022 Rising Star of Science award.
Peer-reviewed journals
- Wang, Xiaoxi, Hao Cai, Jiaqi Xuan, Ruiying Du, Bin Lin, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Miodrag Stevanović, et al. 2025. “Bundled Measures for China’s Food System Transformation Reveal Social and Environmental Co-Benefits.” Nature Food, January, 1–13.
- Chen, David Meng-Chuen, Benjamin Bodirsky, Xiaoxi Wang, Jiaqi Xuan, Jan Philipp Dietrich, Alexander Popp, and Hermann Lotze-Campen. 2025. “Future Food Prices Will Become Less Sensitive to Agricultural Market Prices and Mitigation Costs.” Nature Food, January, 1–12.
- Weindl, Isabelle, Bjoern Soergel, Geanderson Ambrósio, Vassilis Daioglou, Jonathan Doelman, Felicitas Beier, Arthur Beusen, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, et al. 2024. “Food and Land System Transformations under Different Societal Perspectives on Sustainable Development.” Environmental Research Letters 19 (12): 124085.
- Soergel, Bjoern, Sebastian Rauner, Vassilis Daioglou, Isabelle Weindl, Alessio Mastrucci, Fabio Carrer, Jarmo Kikstra, ... Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, et al. 2024. “Multiple Pathways towards Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Targets.” Environmental Research Letters 19 (12): 124009.
- Chen, Hui, Xiaoxi Wang, John S. Ji, Liyan Huang, Ye Qi, You Wu, Pan He, ..., Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, et al. 2024. “Plant-Based and Planetary-Health Diets, Environmental Burden, and Risk of Mortality: A Prospective Cohort Study of Middle-Aged and Older Adults in China.” The Lancet Planetary Health 8 (8): e545–53.
Humpenöder, Florian, Alexander Popp, Leon Merfort, Gunnar Luderer, Isabelle Weindl, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Miodrag Stevanović, et al. 2024. “Food Matters: Dietary Shifts Increase the Feasibility of 1.5°C Pathways in Line with the Paris Agreement.” Science Advances 10 (13): eadj3832.
Wang, Mengru, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Rhodé Rijneveld, Felicitas Beier, Mirjam P. Bak, Masooma Batool, Bram Droppers, Alexander Popp, Michelle T. H. van Vliet, and Maryna Strokal. 2024. “A Triple Increase in Global River Basins with Water Scarcity Due to Future Pollution.” Nature Communications 15 (1): 880.
- Molina Bacca, Edna J., Miodrag Stevanović, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Kristine Karstens, David Meng-Chuen Chen, Debbora Leip, Christoph Müller, et al. 2023. “Uncertainty in Land-Use Adaptation Persists despite Crop Model Projections Showing Lower Impacts under High Warming.” Communications Earth & Environment 4 (1): 1–13.
- Beier, Felicitas Dorothea, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Jens Heinke, Kristine Karstens, Jan Philipp Dietrich, Christoph Müller, Fabian Stenzel, Patrick José von Jeetze, Alexander Popp, and Hermann Lotze-Campen. 2023. “Technical and Economic Irrigation Potentials Within Land and Water Boundaries.” Water Resources Research 59 (4): e2021WR031924.
- Gu, Baojing, Xiuming Zhang, Shu Kee Lam, Yingliang Yu, Hans J. M. van Grinsven, Shaohui Zhang, Xiaoxi Wang, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, et al. 2023. ‘Cost-Effective Mitigation of Nitrogen Pollution from Global Croplands’. Nature 613 (7942): 77–84.
- Karstens, Kristine, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Jan Philipp Dietrich, Marta Dondini, Jens Heinke, Matthias Kuhnert, Christoph Müller, et al. 2022. ‘Management-Induced Changes in Soil Organic Carbon on Global Croplands’. Biogeosciences 19 (21): 5125–49.
- Braun, Johanna, Fabian Stenzel, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Mika Jalava, and Dieter Gerten. ‘Dietary Changes Could Compensate for Potential Yield Reductions upon Global River Flow Protection’. Global Sustainability, July, 1–27.
- Mishra, Abhijeet, Florian Humpenöder, Galina Churkina, Christopher P. O. Reyer, Felicitas Beier, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Hermann Lotze-Campen, and Alexander Popp. 2022. ‘Land Use Change and Carbon Emissions of a Transformation to Timber Cities’. Nature Communications 13 (1): 4889.
- Wang, Xiaoxi, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Christoph Müller, Kevin Z. Chen, and Changzheng Yuan. 2022. ‘The Triple Benefits of Slimming and Greening the Chinese Food System’. Nature Food, August.
- Xia, Lili, Alan Robock, Kim Scherrer, Cheryl S. Harrison, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Isabelle Weindl, Jonas Jägermeyr, Charles G. Bardeen, Owen B. Toon, and Ryan Heneghan. 2022. ‘Global Food Insecurity and Famine from Reduced Crop, Marine Fishery and Livestock Production Due to Climate Disruption from Nuclear War Soot Injection’. Nature Food, August, 1–11.
- Wang, Xiaoxi, Meng Xu, Bin Lin, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Jiaqi Xuan, Jan Philipp Dietrich, Miodrag Stevanović, et al. 2022. ‘Reforming China’s Fertilizer Policies: Implications for Nitrogen Pollution Reduction and Food Security’. Sustainability Science, July.
- Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, David Meng-Chuen Chen (shared first authorship), Isabelle Weindl, Bjoern Soergel, Felicitas Beier, Edna J. Molina Bacca, Franziska Gaupp, Alexander Popp, and Hermann Lotze-Campen. 2022. ‘Integrating Degrowth and Efficiency Perspectives Enables an Emission-Neutral Food System by 2100’. Nature Food, 10.
- Humpenöder, Florian, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Isabelle Weindl, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Tomas Linder, and Alexander Popp. 2022. ‘Projected Environmental Benefits of Replacing Beef with Microbial Protein’. Nature 605 (7908): 90–96.
- Doelman, Jonathan C, Felicitas D Beier, Elke Stehfest, Benjamin L Bodirsky, Arthur H W Beusen, Florian Humpenöder, Abhijeet Mishra, et al. ‘Quantifying Synergies and Trade-Offs in the Global Water-Land-Food-Climate Nexus Using a Multi-Model Scenario Approach’. Environmental Research Letters 17 (4): 045004.
- Gaupp, F., C. Ruggeri Laderchi, H. Lotze-Campen, F. DeClerck, B. L. Bodirsky, S. Lowder, A. Popp, et al. ‘Food System Development Pathways for Healthy, Nature-Positive and Inclusive Food Systems’. Nature Food, December, 1–7.
- Stuhr, Luisa, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Melanie Jaeger-Erben, Felicitas Beier, Claudia Hunecke, Quitterie Collignon, and Hermann Lotze-Campen. 2021. ‘German Pig Farmers’ Perceived Agency under Different Nitrogen Policies’. Environmental Research Communications, July.
- Mouratiadou, Ioanna, Catharina Latka, Floor van der Hilst, Christoph Müller, Regine Berges, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Frank Ewert, et al. 2021. ‘Quantifying Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture: The Contribution of Metrics and Modelling’. Ecological Indicators 129 (October): 107870.
- Zhang, Xin, Tan Zou, Luis Lassaletta, Nathaniel D. Mueller, Francesco N. Tubiello, Matthew D. Lisk, Chaoqun Lu, ... Benjamin Leon Boidrsky et al. 2021. ‘Quantification of Global and National Nitrogen Budgets for Crop Production’. Nature Food, July.
- Soergel, Bjoern, Elmar Kriegler, Isabelle Weindl, Sebastian Rauner, Alois Dirnaichner, Constantin Ruhe, Matthias Hofmann, Nico Bauer, Christoph Bertram, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky et al. 2021. ‘A Sustainable Development Pathway for Climate Action within the UN 2030 Agenda’. Nature Climate Change 11 (8): 656–64.
- Soergel, Bjoern, Elmar Kriegler, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Nico Bauer, Marian Leimbach, and Alexander Popp. 2021. ‘Combining Ambitious Climate Policies with Efforts to Eradicate Poverty’. Nature Communications 12 (1): 2342.
- Herrero, Mario, Philip K Thornton, Daniel Mason-D’Croz, Jeda Palmer, Benjamin L Bodirsky, Prajal Pradhan, Christopher B Barrett, et al. 2021. ‘Articulating the Effect of Food Systems Innovation on the Sustainable Development Goals’. The Lancet Planetary Health 5 (1): e50–62.
- Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Jan Philipp Dietrich, Eleonora Martinelli, Antonia Stenstad, Prajal Pradhan, Sabine Gabrysch, Abhijeet Mishra, et al. 2020. ‘The Ongoing Nutrition Transition Thwarts Long-Term Targets for Food Security, Public Health and Environmental Protection’. Scientific Reports 10 (1): 19778.
- Mitter, Hermine, Anja-K. Techen, Franz Sinabell, Katharina Helming, Erwin Schmid, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Ian Holman, et al. 2020. ‘Shared Socio-Economic Pathways for European Agriculture and Food Systems: The Eur-Agri-SSPs’. Global Environmental Change 65 (November): 102159.
- Hurtt, George C., Louise Chini, Ritvik Sahajpal, Steve Frolking, Benjamin L. Bodirsky, Katherine Calvin, Jonathan C. Doelman, et al. 2020. ‘Harmonization of Global Land Use Change and Management for the Period 850–2100 (LUH2) for CMIP6’. Geoscientific Model Development 13 (11): 5425–64.
- Leip, Adrian, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, and Susanna Kugelberg. 2020. ‘The Role of Nitrogen in Achieving Sustainable Food Systems for Healthy Diets’. Global Food Security, October, 100408.
- Cacho, Oscar J., Jonathan Moss, Philip K. Thornton, Mario Herrero, Ben Henderson, Benjamin L. Bodirsky, Florian Humpenöder, Alexander Popp, and Leslie Lipper. 2020. ‘The Value of Climate-Resilient Seeds for Smallholder Adaptation in Sub-Saharan Africa’. Climatic Change 162 (3): 1213–29.
- Herrero, Mario, Philip K. Thornton, Daniel Mason-D’Croz, Jeda Palmer, Tim G. Benton, Benjamin L. Bodirsky, Jessica R. Bogard, et al. 2020. ‘Innovation Can Accelerate the Transition towards a Sustainable Food System’. Nature Food 1 (5): 266–72.
- Wang, Xiaoxi, Jan P. Dietrich, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Anne Biewald, Miodrag Stevanović, Benjamin L. Bodirsky, Bernhard Brümmer, and Alexander Popp. 2020. ‘Beyond Land-Use Intensity: Assessing Future Global Crop Productivity Growth under Different Socioeconomic Pathways’. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 160 (November): 120208.
- T. Hasegawa, S. Fujimori, P. Havlík, H. Valin, B. L. Bodirsky, J. C. Doelman, T. Fellmann, P. Kyle, J. F. L. Koopman, H. Lotze-Campen, D. Mason-D’Croz, C. Müller, Y. Ochi, I. Pérez Domínguez, E. Stehfest, T. B. Sulser, A. Tabeau, K. Takahashi, J. Takakura, H. van Meijl, W.-J. van Zeist, K. Wiebe, P. Witzke, Reply to: An appeal to cost undermines food security risks of delayed mitigation. Nature Climate Change. 10, 420–421.
- Sanz-Cobena, Alberto, Roberta Alessandrini, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Marco Springmann, Eduardo Aguilera, Barbara Amon, Fabio Bartolini, et al. 2020. ‘Research Meetings Must Be More Sustainable’. Nature Food 1 (4): 187–89. read and sign the petition!
- Chen, David Meng-Chuen, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Tobias Krueger, Abhijeet Mishra, and Alexander Popp. ‘The World’s Growing Municipal Solid Waste: Trends and Impacts’. Environmental Research Letters.
- Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Prajal Pradhan, and Marco Springmann. 2020. ‘Reducing Ruminant Numbers and Consumption of Animal Source Foods Are Aligned with Environmental and Public Health Demands’. Landbauforschung : Journal of Sustainable and Organic Agricultural Systems, no. 69(2019)1 (February): 25–30.
- Kanter, David R., Wilfried Winiwarter, Benjamin L. Bodirsky, Lex Bouwman, Elizabeth Boyer, Simon Buckle, Jana E. Compton, et al. 2020. ‘A Framework for Nitrogen Futures in the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways’. Global Environmental Change 61 (March): 102029.
- Gerten, Dieter, Vera Heck, Jonas Jägermeyr, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Ingo Fetzer, Mika Jalava, Matti Kummu, et al. 2020. ‘Feeding Ten Billion People Is Possible within Four Terrestrial Planetary Boundaries’. Nature Sustainability, January, 1–9.
- Mitter, Hermine, Anja-K. Techen, Franz Sinabell, Katharina Helming, Kasper Kok, Jörg A. Priess, Erwin Schmid, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky et al. 2019. ‘A Protocol to Develop Shared Socio-Economic Pathways for European Agriculture’. Journal of Environmental Management 252 (December): 109701.
- Luderer, Gunnar, Michaja Pehl, Anders Arvesen, Thomas Gibon, Benjamin L. Bodirsky, Harmen Sytze de Boer, Oliver Fricko, et al. 2019. ‘Environmental Co-Benefits and Adverse Side-Effects of Alternative Power Sector Decarbonization Strategies’. Nature Communications 10 (1): 1–13.
- Milford, Anna Brigitte, Le Mouël, Chantal, Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Rolinski, Susanne, 2019. Drivers of meat consumption. Appetite 141, 104313.
- Fujimori, Shinichiro, Tomoko Hasegawa, Volker Krey, Keywan Riahi, Christoph Bertram, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Valentina Bosetti, u. a. „A Multi-Model Assessment of Food Security Implications of Climate Change Mitigation“. Nature Sustainability 2, Nr. 5 (Mai 2019): 386.
- Stehfest, Elke, Willem-Jan van Zeist, Hugo Valin, Petr Havlik, Alexander Popp, Page Kyle, Andrzej Tabeau, ..., Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, u. a. „Key Determinants of Global Land-Use Projections“. Nature Communications 10, Nr. 1 (Dezember 2019): 2166.
- Dietrich, Jan Philipp, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Florian Humpenöder, Isabelle Weindl, Miodrag Stevanović, Kristine Karstens, Ulrich Kreidenweis, et al. 2019. “MAgPIE 4 – a Modular Open-Source Framework for Modeling Global Land Systems.” Geoscientific Model Development 12 (4): 1299–1317.
- Harmsen, Mathijs, Detlef P. van Vuuren, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Jean Chateau, Olivier Durand-Lasserve, Laurent Drouet, Oliver Fricko, u. a. 2019. „The Role of Methane in Future Climate Strategies: Mitigation Potentials and Climate Impacts“. Climatic Change, Mai.
- Springmann, Marco, Michael Clark, Daniel Mason-D’Croz, Keith Wiebe, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Luis Lassaletta, Wim de Vries, et al. 2018. “Options for Keeping the Food System within Environmental Limits.” Nature, October, 1.
- Pikaar, Ilje, Silvio Matassa, Benjamin L. Bodirsky, Isabelle Weindl, Florian Humpenöder, Korneel Rabaey, Nico Boon, et al. 2018. “Decoupling Livestock from Land Use through Industrial Feed Production Pathways.” Environmental Science & Technology, June.
- Hasegawa, Tomoko, Shinichiro Fujimori, Petr Havlík, Hugo Valin, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Jonathan C. Doelman, Thomas Fellmann, et al. 2018. “Risk of Increased Food Insecurity under Stringent Global Climate Change Mitigation Policy.” Nature Climate Change 8 (8): 699–703.
- Meijl, Hans van, Petr Havlik, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Elke Stehfest, Peter Witzke, Ignacio Pérez Domínguez, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, et al. 2018. “Comparing Impacts of Climate Change and Mitigation on Global Agriculture by 2050.” Environmental Research Letters 13 (6): 064021.
- Arvesen, Anders, Gunnar Luderer, Michaja Pehl, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, and Edgar G. Hertwich. 2018. “Deriving Life Cycle Assessment Coefficients for Application in Integrated Assessment Modelling.” Environmental Modelling & Software 99 (January): 111–25.
- Kreidenweis, Ulrich, Florian Humpenöder, Laura Kehoe, Tobias Kuemmerle, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Hermann Lotze‐Campen, and Alexander Popp. 2018. “Pasture Intensification Is Insufficient to Relieve Pressure on Conservation Priority Areas in Open Agricultural Markets.” Global Change Biology 0 (0).
- Krause Andreas, Pugh Thomas A. M., Bayer Anita D., Li Wei, Leung Felix, Bondeau Alberte, Doelman Jonathan C., Humpenöder Florian, Peter Anthoni, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky et al. 2018. “Large Uncertainty in Carbon Uptake Potential of Land‐based Climate‐change Mitigation Efforts.” Global Change Biology 0 (0).
- Rolinski, S., C. Müller, J. Heinke, I. Weindl, A. Biewald, B. L. Bodirsky, A. Bondeau, et al. 2018. “Modeling Vegetation and Carbon Dynamics of Managed Grasslands at the Global Scale with LPJmL 3.6.” Geosci. Model Dev. 11 (1): 429–51.
- Humpenöder, Florian, Alexander Popp, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Isabelle Weindl, Anne Biewald, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Jan Philipp Dietrich, et al. 2018. “Large-Scale Bioenergy Production: How to Resolve Sustainability Trade-Offs?” Environmental Research Letters 13 (2): 024011.
- Frieler, K., S. Lange, F. Piontek, C. P. O. Reyer, J. Schewe, L. Warszawski, F. Zhao,...B.L.Bodirsky,... et al. “Assessing the Impacts of 1.5 °C Global Warming – Simulation Protocol of the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP2b).” Geosci. Model Dev. 10 (12):4321–45.
- Krause, Andreas, T. A. M. Pugh, A. D. Bayer, J. C. Doelman, F. Humpenöder, P. Anthoni, S. Olin, B.L. Bodirsky et al. 2017. “Global Consequences of Afforestation and Bioenergy Cultivation on Ecosystem Service Indicators.” Biogeosciences 14 (21):4829–50.
- Goswami, Bedartha, Paul Schultz, Birte Heinze, Norbert Marwan, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Hermann Lotze-Campen, and JüRgen Kurths. 2017. “Inferring Interdependencies from Short Time Series.” Indian Academy of Sciences – Conference Series 1 (1): 51–60.
- Weindl, Isabelle, Alexander Popp, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Susanne Rolinski, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Anne Biewald, Florian Humpenöder, Jan Philipp Dietrich, and Miodrag Stevanović. “Livestock and Human Use of Land: Productivity Trends and Dietary Choices as Drivers of Future Land and Carbon Dynamics.” Global and Planetary Change. Accessed October 23, 2017.
- Weindl, Isabelle, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Susanne Rolinski, Anne Biewald, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Christoph Müller, Jan Philipp Dietrich, et al. “Livestock Production and the Water Challenge of Future Food Supply: Implications of Agricultural Management and Dietary Choices.” Global Environmental Change 47 (Supplement C):121–32.
- Pikaar, Ilje, Silvio Matassa, Korneel Rabaey, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Alexander Popp, Mario Herrero, and Willy Verstraete. 2017. “Microbes and the Next Nitrogen Revolution.” Environmental Science & Technology 51 (13):7297–7303.
- Popp, Alexander, Katherine Calvin, Shinichiro Fujimori, Petr Havlik, Florian Humpenöder, Elke Stehfest, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, et al. “Land-Use Futures in the Shared Socio-Economic Pathways.” Global Environmental Change (42) 331-345. doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2016.10.002. pdf.
- Rao, Shilpa, Zbigniew Klimont, Steven J. Smith, Rita Van Dingenen, Frank Dentener, Lex Bouwman, Keywan Riahi, ..., Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, et al. 2017. ‘Future Air Pollution in the Shared Socio-Economic Pathways’. Global Environmental Change 42 (January): 346–58.
- Kriegler, Elmar, Nico Bauer, Alexander Popp, Florian Humpenöder, Marian Leimbach, Jessica Strefler, Lavinia Baumstark, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky et al. “Fossil-Fueled Development (SSP5): An Emission, Energy and Resource Intensive Reference Scenario for the 21st Century.” Global Environmental Change (42) 297-315.
- Miodrag Stevanović, Alexander Popp, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Florian Humpenöder, Christoph Müller, Isabelle Weindl, Jan Philipp Dietrich, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Ulrich Kreidenweis, Susanne Rolinski, Anne Biewald, Xiaoxi Wang: Mitigation strategies for greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and land-use change: Consequences for food prices. Environmental Science & Technology 51 (1). DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b04291
Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Peter H. Verburg, Alexander Popp, Marcus Lindner, Pieter J. Verkerk, Alexander Moiseyev, Elizabeth Schrammeijer, John Helming, Andrzej Tabeau, Catharina Schulp, Emma van der Zanden, Carlo Lavalle, Filipe Batista e Silva, Ariane Walz, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky 2017. “A Cross-Scale Impact Assessment of European Nature Protection Policies under Contrasting Future Socio-Economic Pathways.” Regional Environmental Change, May, 1–12. doi:10.1007/s10113-017-1167-8.
- Grosjean, Godefroy, Sabine Fuss, Nicolas Koch, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Stéphane De Cara, and William Acworth. “Options to Overcome the Barriers to Pricing European Agricultural Emissions.” Climate Policy 0 (0): 1–19. doi:10.1080/14693062.2016.1258630. pdf
- Stevanović, Miodrag, Alexander Popp, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Jan Philipp Dietrich, Christoph Müller, Markus Bonsch, Christoph Schmitz, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Florian Humpenöder, and Isabelle Weindl. 2016. ‘The Impact of High-End Climate Change on Agricultural Welfare’. Science Advances 2 (8): e1501452.
- Kreidenweis, Ulrich, Florian Humpenöder, Miodrag Stevanović, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Elmar Kriegler, Hermann Lotze-Campen, and Alexander Popp. 2016. “Afforestation to Mitigate Climate Change: Impacts on Food Prices under Consideration of Albedo Effects.” Environmental Research Letters 11 (8): 85001. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/11/8/085001.
- Wang, Xiaoxi, Anne Biewald, Jan Philipp Dietrich, Christoph Schmitz, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Florian Humpenöder, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, and Alexander Popp. 2016. “Taking Account of Governance: Implications for Land-Use Dynamics, Food Prices, and Trade Patterns.” Ecological Economics 122 (February): 12–24. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2015.11.018.
- Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, and Alexander Popp. 2015. “Sustainability: Australia at the Crossroads.” Nature 527 (7576): 40–41. doi:10.1038/527040a PDF.
- Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Susanne Rolinski, Anne Biewald, Isabelle Weindl, Alexander Popp, and Hermann Lotze-Campen. “Global food demand scenarios for the 21st century.” PLoS ONE 10 (11): e0139201. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0139201. Open Access pdf. Open-Source Model Website. Shared first authorship with Susanne Rolinski.
- Bonsch, Markus, Alexander Popp, Anne Biewald, Susanne Rolinski, Christoph Schmitz, Isabelle Weindl, Miodrag Stevanovic, Högner Kathrin, Heinke Jens, Ostberg Sebastian, Dietrich Jan Phillip, Bodirsky Benjamin Leon, Lotze-Cempen Hermann, Humpenöder Florian 2015. “Environmental Flow Provision: Implications for Agricultural Water and Land-Use at the Global Scale.” Global Environmental Change 30 (January): 113–32. doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2014.10.015.
- Wiebe, Keith; Hermann Lotze-Campen, Ronald Sands, Andrzej Tabeau, Dominique van der Mensbrugghe, Anne Biewald, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Shahnila Islam, Aikaterini Kavallari, Daniel Mason-D'Croz, Christoph Mueller, Alexander Popp, Richard Robertson, Sherman Robinson, Hans van Meijl, Dirk Willenbockel. Climate change impacts on agriculture in 2050 under a range of plausible socioeconomic and emissions scenarios. Environmental research letters 10(8), doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/8/085010(Open Access).
- Humpenöder Florian, Alexander Popp, Miodrag Stevanovic Miodrag, Christoph Müller Christoph, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Markus Bonsch, Jan Philipp Dietrich, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Isabelle Weindl, Anne Biewald and Susanne Rolinski. Land-Use and Carbon Cycle Responses to Moderate Climate Change: Implications for Land-Based Mitigation? Environ. Sci. Technol 49(11). Online:
- Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon and Christoph Müller. “Robust Relationship between Yields and Nitrogen Inputs Indicates Three Ways to Reduce Nitrogen Pollution.” Environmental Research Letters 9 (11): 111005. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/9/11/111005. (PDF)
- Popp, Alexander, Florian Humpenöder, Isabelle Weindl, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Markus Bonsch, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Christoph Müller, et al. “Land-Use Protection for Climate Change Mitigation.” Nature Climate Change 4 1095–1098. doi:10.1038/nclimate2444.
Bonsch, Markus, Florian Humpenöder, Alexander Popp, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Jan Philipp Dietrich, Susanne Rolinski, Anne Biewald, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Isabelle Weindl, Dieter Gerten, Miodrag Stevanovic. "Trade-offs between land and water requirements for large-scale bioenergy production." GCB Bioenergy doi:10.1111/gcbb.12226.
- Klein, David, Florian Humpenöder, Nico Bauer, Jan Philipp Dietrich, Alexander Popp, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Markus Bonsch, and Hermann Lotze-Campen. “The Global Economic Long-Term Potential of Modern Biomass in a Climate-Constrained World.” Environmental Research Letters 9 (7): 074017. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/9/7/074017.
- Humpenöder, Florian, Alexander Popp, Jan Philip Dietrich, David Klein, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Markus Bonsch, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Isabelle Weindl, Miodrag Stevanovic, and Christoph Müller. Investigating Afforestation and Bioenergy CCS as Climate Change Mitigation Strategies. Environmental Research Letters 9 (6): 064029. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/9/6/064029. PDF
- Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Alexander Popp, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Jan Phillip Dietrich, Susanne Rolinski, Isabelle Weindl, Christoph Schmitz, Christoph Müller, Markus Bonsch, Florian Humpenöder, and Miodrag Stevanovic. Reactive nitrogen requirements to feed the world in 2050 and potential to mitigate nitrogen pollution. Nature Communications 5, (2014). (DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4858)(pdf).
- Huber, Veronika, Ina Neher, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Kathrin Höfner, and Joachim Schellnhuber. Will the World Run out of Land? A Kaya-Type Decomposition to Study Past Trends of Cropland Expansion, Environmental Research Letters 9(2) (pdf).
- Valin, H., Sands, R. D., van der Mensbrugghe, D., Nelson, G. C., Ahammad, H., Blanc, E., Bodirsky, B., Fujimori, S., Hasegawa, T., Havlik, P., Heyhoe, E., Kyle, P., Manson-D'Croz, D., Paltsev, S., Rolinski, S., Tabeau, A., van Meijl, H., von Lampe, M., Willenbockel, D. . The Future of Food Demand: Understanding Differences in Global Economic Models, Agricultural Economics 45: 51–67. (PDF)
- Schmitz, C., Lotze-Campen, H., Gerten, D., Dietrich, J.P., Bodirsky, B., Biewald, A. and Popp, A.. Blue water scarcity and the economic impacts of future agricultural trade and demand, Water Resources Research 49 (6): 3601–17. doi:10.1002/wrcr.20188.
- Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Alexander Popp, Isabelle Weindl, Jan Phillip Dietrich, Susanne Rolinski, Lena Scheiffele, Christoph Schmitz, and Hermann Lotze-Campen. N2O emissions of the global agricultural nitrogen cycle - current state and future scenarios. Biogeosciences 9 (10) (October 31): 4169–4197. doi:10.5194/bg-9-4169-2012 (under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License).
- Christoph Schmitz, Anne Biewald, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Alexander Popp, Jan Philipp Dietrich, Benjamin Bodirsky, Michael Krause, Isabelle Weindl. Trading more food: Implications for land use, greenhouse gas emissions, and the food system. Global environmental change, 22(1): 189-209. doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2011.09.013.
- Popp A., H. Lotze-Campen, M. Leimbach, B. Knopf, T. Beringer, N. Bauer, B. Bodirsky On sustainability of bioenergy production: integrating co-emissions from agricultural intensification. Biomass & Bioenergy, 35: 4770-4780. doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2010.06.014.
- Popp, A., H. Lotze-Campen, and B. Bodirsky. Food consumption, diet shifts and associated non-CO2 greenhouse gases from agricultural production. Global Environmental Change 20 (3) (August): 451–462. doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2010.02.001.
Other publications (non peer-reviewed)
- Steven, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Debbora Leip, Hermann Lotze-Campen, and Michael S. Crawford. 2024. “Global Economic Benefits of Eating Better.” In Regenerative Farming and Sustainable Diets. Routledge.
- Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Felicitas Beier, Florian Humpenöder, and Debbora Leip. 2023. “A Food System Transformation Can Enhance Global Health, Environmental Conditions and Social Inclusion.”
- Ruggeri Laderchi, C., H Lotze-Campen, F DeClerck, B.L. Bodirsky, Collignon, Q., Crawford, M.S., Dietz, S., et al. 2023 “The Economics of the Food System Transformation.” Global policy report. Accessed April 22, 2024.
- Roberta Alessandrini, David R. Kanter, Benjamin L. Bodirsky, Ivanka Puigdueta and Alberto Sanz-Cobeña "Chapter 2. Nitrogen in the food system: health and environment implications" Report chapter in Leip, A. et al. (2023) Appetite for Change: Food system options for nitrogen, environment & health. 2nd European Nitrogen Assessment Special Report on Nitrogen & Food. UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Edinburgh, UK. Available at:
- Fesenfeld, Lukas, Lisa M. Pörtner, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Marco Springmann, Peter von Philipsborn, Franziska Gaupp, Daniel Müller, Josef Settele, Sabine Gabrysch, Florian Freund, Linus Mattauch, Felix Creutzig, Hermann Lotze-Campen "Policy Brief: Für Ernährungssicherheit und eine lebenswerte Zukunft - Pflanzenbasierte Ernährungsweisen fördern, Produktion und Verbrauch tierischer Lebensmittel reduzieren", Zenodo , September 2022
- Chen, David Meng-Chuen, and Benjamin Leon Bodirsky. 2022. ‘Degrowth Scenarios for the Food System to Reduce GHG Emissions’. Nature Food, May, 1–2.
- Fesenfeld, Lukas, Alexander Schrode, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Dominic Lemken, Marco Springmann, Linus Mattauch, Lisa M. Pörtner, et al. 2022. ‘Offener Brief – Handlungsmöglichkeiten Für Die Transformation Des Ernährungssystems Angesichts Des Russischen Angriffs Auf Die Ukraine’. Zenodo.
- Pörtner, Lisa M., Nathalie Lambrecht, Marco Springmann, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Franziska Gaupp, Florian Freund, Hermann Lotze-Campen, and Sabine Gabrysch. 2022. ‘We Need a Food System Transformation—In the Face of the Russia-Ukraine War, Now More than Ever’. One Earth, May.
- Winiwarter, Wilfried, Barbara Amon, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Henning Friege, Markus Geupel, Luis Lassaletta, and Nandula Raghuram. 2022. ‘Focus on Reactive Nitrogen and the UN Sustainable Development Goals’. Environmental Research Letters 17 (5): 050401.
- Pörtner, Lisa M.; Lambrecht, Nathalie; Springmann, Marco; Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon; Gaupp, Franziska; Freund, Florian; Lotze-Campen, Hermann; Gabrysch, Sabine “We need a food system transformation – in the face of the Ukraine war, now more than ever”. Policy statement on 29th March 2022,
- Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Franziska Gaupp, and Hermann Lotze-Campen. 2022. ‘The Importance of Analyzing Interdependencies to Build a Healthy, Nature-Positive, and Inclusive Food System’. FSEC Working Paper. Food System Economics Commission.
- Valin, Hugo, Thomas Hertel, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Tomoko Hasegawa, and Elke Stehfest. ‘A Review of Quantitative Assessments of Synergies and Tradeoffs amongst the UN Sustainable Development Goals’. Scientific group report for the UN food summit.
- Debbora Leip, Michael S. Crawford, Claudia Hunecke, Quitterie Collignon, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Franziska Gaupp, Hermann Lotze-Campen (2021) "The Importance of Analyzing Interdependencies to Build a Healthy, Nature-Positive, and Inclusive Food System", FSEC Working Paper.
- Karstens, Kristine, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Jan Philipp Dietrich, Marta Dondini, Jens Heinke, Matthias Kuhnert, Christoph Müller, et al. 2020. ‘Management Induced Changes of Soil Organic Carbon on Global Croplands’. Biogeosciences Discussions, December, 1–30.
- Hurtt, George C., Louise Chini, Ritvik Sahajpal, Steve Frolking, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Katherine Calvin, Jonathan C. Doelman, et al. ‘Harmonization of Global Land-Use Change and Management for the Period 850–2100 (LUH2) for CMIP6’. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, April, 1–65. doi:
- De Vries W., Wilfried W., Bouwman L., Beusen A., Bodirsky B., Leclère D., Chang J., Leip A., Muntean M., Van Dingenen R., Kanter D., Van Grinsven H., Schipper A., Janse J., Vieno M., Bealey B., Lesschen J.P., Kroeze C., Strokal M., Holt J., Wakelin S., Tian H., Boyer E., 2020. Global-scale modelling of flows and impacts of nitrogen use: Modelling approaches, Linkages and Scenarios. INMS Report 2020/1. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Edinburgh on behalf of the International Nitrogen Management System (INMS).
- FAO. 2018. Future of food and agriculture 2018: Alternative Pathways to 2050. This is no co-authorship, but the FAO projections were made using our regression model from 2015.
- Dietrich, Jan Philipp, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Florian Humpenöder, Isabelle Weindl, Miodrag Stevanović, Kristine Karstens, Ulrich Kreidenweis, et al. 2018. “MAgPIE 4 - A Modular Open Source Framework for Modeling Global Land-Systems.” Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, December, 1–26. - Dietrich, Jan Philip, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Isabelle Weindl, Florian Humpenöder, Miodrag Stevanovic, Ulrich Kreidenweis, Xiaoxi Wang, et al. 2018. MAgPIE - An Open Source Land-Use Modeling Framework (version 4.0). Potsdam, Germany: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
- Hasegawa, T.; Fujimori, S.; Havlik, P.; Valin, H.; Bodirsky, B.; Doelman, J.; Fellmann, T.; Kyle, P.; Koopman, J. F. L.; Lotze-Campen, H.; Mason-D'Croz, D.; Ochi, Y.; Perez Dominguez, I.; Stehfest, E.; Sulser, T.; Tabeau, A.; Takahashi, K.; Takakura, J.; Meijl, H. van; Zeist, W.-J. van; Wiebe, K.; Witzke, P. AgMIP - Food insecurity and global climate change mitigation policy. Joint Research Centre (JRC) : European Commission.
- Meijl, Hans van, Petr Havlik, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Elke Stehfest, Peter Witzke, Ignacio Perez Dominguez, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, et al. 2017. “Challenges of Global Agriculture in a Climate Change Context by 2050 - AgCLIM50.” JRC Science for Policy Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
- FAO, ed. 2016. Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. The State of Food and Agriculture 2016. Rome: FAO. Contributing Author. pdf
- Jans, Yvonne, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Dieter Gerten, Florian Humpenöder, Sibyll Schaphoff, Miodrag Stevanovic, and Christoph Thies. 2016. “Envisioning a Sustainable and Equitable Land Use Future.” Background report for Greenpeace. Potsdam: PIK.
- Anne Biewald, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Ilona Otto, Nils Brinckmann, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Isabelle Weindl, Alexander Popp, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber. “The impact of climate change on costs of food and people exposed to hunger at subnational scale“ Background paper for the Worldbank report “Shock Waves : Managing the Impacts of Climate Change on Poverty” by Hallegatte et al (2016). PDF
- Rolinski, Susanne and Benjamin Leon Bodirsky. 2015. “A New Approach for Estimating Food Calorie Demand.” Project report for the FAO.
- Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Agricultural nitrogen pollution: the human food-print. PhD thesis/Dissertation at TU Berlin Full Version
- Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Susanne Rolinski, and Alexander Popp. Der Weltweite Konsum Tierischer Produkte Und Die Folgen Für Die Umwelt. Umweltjournal Rheinland-Pfalz 56. pdf.
- Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Alexander Popp, Isabelle Weindl, Jan Phillip Dietrich, Susanne Rolinski, Lena Scheiffele, Christoph Schmitz, and Hermann Lotze-Campen. Current state and future scenarios of the global agricultural nitrogen cycle. Biogeosciences Discuss., 9(3): 2755-2821. doi: 10.5194/bgd-9-2755-2012
- David Klein, Nico Bauer, Benjamin Bodirsky, Jan Philipp Dietrich, Alexander Popp Bio-IGCC with CCS as a long-term mitigation option in a coupled energy-system and land-use model Energy Procedia 4, pp. 2933 – 2940, presented at the 10th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies.
- Weindl, I., H. Lotze-Campen, A.Popp, B. Bodirsky, S. Rolinski. Impacts of livestock feeding technologies on greenhouse gas emissions. Contributed paper at the IATRC Public Trade Policy Research and Analysis Symposium 'Climate Change in World Agriculture: Mitigation, Adaptation, Trade and Food Security', Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany, June 27-29
- Bodirsky, B., R. Crassous-Doerfler, H. van Essen, J.-C. Hourcade, B. Kampman, H. Lotze-Campen, A. Markowska, S. Monjon, K. Neuhoff, S. Noleppa, A. Popp, P. del Río González, S. Spielmans, J. Strohschein, H. Waisman: How can each sector contribute to 2C? RECIPE Background Paper.
- Bodirsky, B. Was ist Militär? Ansätze, Probleme, Perspektiven der Forschung. pdf.
- Bodirsky, B., The Impact of Industrial Nitrogen Fertilizer Taxation on Agicultural N2O Emissions, Agricultural Production and Food Prices. Diploma (M.Sc.) Thesis. pdf.
Reviews for
- Nature
- Scientific Reports
- Environmental Science and Technology
- Annual Review of Resource Economic
- Global Environmental Change
- Global Food Security
- Environmental Research Letters
- Ecological Economics
- Economics E-Journal
Current Research Projects
- GreenPlantFood
Projects since 2019
July 2021
- Digital summer school “Future Foods”
September 2019
- Summer school „Modeling food security” at the Centre for Environmental Research (UfZ) Leipzig, together with Birgit Müller, Christoph Müller, Gunnar Dreßler and Mark van Wijk
Weltmärkte der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft (World markets of agriculture and food industry) at HU Berlin, together with Hermann Lotze-Campen (2SWS/2SWS)
Weltmärkte der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft (World markets of agriculture and food industry) at HU Berlin, together with Hermann Lotze-Campen (2SWS/2SWS)
Final poster presentation of one of the 5 modelling projects developed as exercise within the course 'World markets of agriculture and food industry'. Courtesy by Marcel Glomb, Leonard Melzig, Leopold Tafel.
Final poster presentation of one of the 5 modelling projects developed as exercise within the course 'World markets of agriculture and food industry'. Courtesy by Salome Schafroth, Sheila v. Kaweczynski, Hans v. Hertzberg
Final poster presentation of one of the 5 modelling projects developed as exercise within the course 'World markets of agriculture and food industry'. Courtesy by Morris Wiench, Christian Neumann
- Weltmärkte der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft (World markets of agriculture and food industry) at HU Berlin, together with Hermann Lotze-Campen (2SWS/2SWS)
Final presentation of one of the 7 modelling projects developed as exercise within the course 'World markets of agriculture and food industry'. Courtesy by Robert Huth, Bryan Lancien and Leonard Zechmeister.
- Megatrends 2100 at Berliner Technische Kunsthochschule. Development of interactive installations for data visualization, e.g. the mitigation box. Together with Steffen Klaue (photos below courtesy of Benjamin Kriemann)
- Weltmärkte der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft (World markets of agriculture and food industry) at HU Berlin, together with Hermann Lotze-Campen and Anne Biewald
SS 2011
- Social Data at Berliner Technische Kunsthochschule, together with Steffen Klaue, Thomas Noller, Johannes Osterhoff.
«« CLICK HERE This visualisation tool designed by Kai Schefferski, was one of the student projects within the course. It can be used to have a comprehensive look at some exemplary model results. It visualizes regional food demand scenarios for the 4 SRES storylines.
Teaching (single events)
- "Scenarios on future food demand for a sustainable food system transformation", lecture for the course "Human-Environment Systems Interaction" at HU Berlin, 16.12.2024
- "Food System Transformation", lecture for the course "Climate Change Management" at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf, 3rd December 2024
- "Essen für die Zukunft", lecture of the course "Global Change" in the framework of the Leibniz Kolleg of the Uni Tübingen, 1.6.2022
- "Growth and degrowth pathways within the global food system", lecture within the seminar "Klimapolitik im Kapitalozän" at Universität Konstanz, 24.1.2022
- "The global meal plan - How our diets shape public health and the planet‘s health", guest-lecture within the course "Human-Environmental Systems Interaction" at Humboldt Universität Berlin, 24.1.2022
- "Expert communication tools - needs from a research institute". Guest-lecture at the University of Europe, 12.11.2021
- "Der globale Speiseplan-wie unsere Ernährungsgewohnheiten das Klima beeinflussen" Lecture in Studium Generale of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, 19th october 2021.
- "Future Food - Langzeittrends in der globalen Ernährung, und die Auswirkungen auf Gesundheit und Umwelt", Lecture in the series „Klimakommunikation in audiovisuellen Medien - IS THE HOUSE ON FIRE?“ at Filmhochschule Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, 4.5.2021
- "Der globale Speiseplan – Wie unsere Ernährungsgewohnheiten das Klima beeinflussen" Lecture within the webinar-series "Klimawandel und Wissenschaft: Fakten, Analysen, Modelle" of the University Mainz, 15th December 2020
- "Ernährung, Gesundheit und Umwelt: Ein globaler Überblick" Lecture within the webinar-series "Nachhaltigkeitswoche" of the University Potsdam, 25th November 2020
- "Food and environment, how to implement the transition toward sustainability" Lecture at Webinar of the Turin School of Regulation, 24th November 2020
- "Planetare Grenzen, Gesundheit und Ernährung " Lecture within the webinar-series "Planetare Ernährung" of the University Munich, 18th November 2020
- "Starved, stuffed and wasteful - What do we eat in the year 2050?" Lecture for the Global Change Management Week block seminar of the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development
- Lecture on "Der globale Speiseplan" at the Universität der Künste, Berlin, 20 November 2019
- Lecture on "Klimawandel in der Landwirtschaft" at the "Ringvorlesung zukunftsfähige Landwirtschaft" Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 08 November 2018
- Lecture on "A DIY course for modelling the future of global food demand" at the itdUPM Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 22 May 2018
- Lecture on "Food Demand Modelling" for the Global Change Management Week block seminar of the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development
- Online Course Material for the University of Queensland (UQ)
The story of nitrogen. Teaching video for the University of Queensland, created by Scott Buckley. Corrigendum: In minute 10:20 I say its 8 times more nitrogen, actually nitrogen fixation is today "only" about 5 times the pre-industrial natural fixation rate (Bodirsky et al 2014).
School education
- Was macht der Klimawandel im Kochtopf? Lecture at the children university Dresden ofTU Berlin, 27th April 2021
- Globale Erwärmung - was hat das mit der Landwirtschaft zu tun? Vortrag für Schüler am Berggrün-Gymnasium Berlin 3.6.2019
- Cooking and debating with school students and star cook Flynn McGarry about sustainable food at the film festival Berlinale, Kulinarisches Kino, 22.2.2018
- School lesson "Landwirtschaft und Klimawandel" on climate impacts on agriculture, greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and mitigation, Evangelische Schule Berlin Zentrum. Interactive presentation for adolescents in the age of 13-15. April 2014.
- Lecture (together with Christoph Schmitz) on "Long-term developments of the agricultural sector" for adolescents of the age 17-18. January 2012.
- Kristine Karstens (PhD)
- Felicitas Beier (PhD)
- Edna Molina Bacca (PhD)
- David Chen (PhD)
- Luisa Stuhr (Master)
- Chen, David Meng-Chuen. 2020. ‘A Bayesian Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste: Future Global Projections and Environmental Impacts’. Master Thesis, Berlin: HU Berlin.
- Jasmin Wehner ‘Adaptation of Land Systems to Climate Change Impacts on Marine Fisheries’, Master thesis, HU Berlin.
- Martinelli, Eleonora. 2017. “Scenarios of Future Caloric Requirement, Actual Intake and Food Waste.” Master Thesis in Quantitative Economics, Paris: Universite Sorbonne Paris 1.
- Stenstad, Anthonia. 2017. “A Software Solution for Automatic Creation of Food Demand Scenarios.” Master Thesis in Bioinformatics, Potsdam: Universität Potsdam.
- Heintz, Veikko. “A Planetary Boundary for Phosphorus.” Masters thesis in agricultural economics at the Humboldt-University. pdf
- Ina Neher (Master). "Bioenergy and other drivers of land-expansion and greenhouse gas emissions - a Kaya-like decomposition." Masters thesis in regenerative energy systems at the Technische Universität Berlin. pdf.
In the Media
- "Enorme Klimaschäden und großes Tierleid: Foodwatch fordert drastische Reduzierung der Milchkuhhaltung", Tagesspiegel, 22.10.2024
- "Laut Foodwatch-Report: So sehr schaden Milchprodukte dem Klima und den Tieren wirklich", GEO, 22.10.2024
- "Was wäre wenn wir kein Fleisch mehr essen würden" 3sat nano, 17.1.2024.
- "Zukunft der Landwirtschaft" Live-Interview in Tagesschau24, 17.1.2024.
- "Nitrogen wars: the Dutch farmers’ revolt that turned a nation upside-down" Article in The Guardian, 16th November 2024
- "Signale der Grenzüberschreitung" Article in the Agrarzeitung, 24.09.2023
- "Können wir den Planeten gesund essen?" SWR2 Forum Panel discussion with Hubert Hohler and Anke Neumeier at the Schillertage in Mannheim, 24th June 2023, broadcasted in the radio SWR2
- "Nachhaltige Ernährung: 'Man muss nicht komplett auf Fleisch verzichten'" Interview for the newspage of and , 8th February 2023
- "Stickstoffverschmutzung muss einen Preis bekommen" Interview in Deutschlandfunk, 6th January 2023.
- "Belastetes Verhältnis", Taz am Wochenende", 17. September 2022
- "Erbsenzählerei", Süddeutsche Zeitung, 10. September 2022
- "Globale Überdosis: Stickstoff – die unterschätzte Gefahr für Umwelt und Gesundheit" Popular science book by Anne Preger
- "Die Klimakrise macht keine Pause" Interview in Deutschlandradio Kultur, 27.07.2022
- "Putins Kriegserklärung an die Welt", Article in Spiegel, 15.07.2022
- "Putin Weaponizes the Global Food Supply" Article in Spiegel International, 20.7.2022
- "Volle Kanne", ZDF Sendung zur Zukunft der Ernährung, auch unter Berückstichtigung des Ukraine-Konflikts, 27.4.2022
- "The Global Food Shortages Caused by Putin's War" Article in Spiegel International, 15.4.2022.
- "Freiheitskalorien" Artikel im taz-blog AnthropoScenes. 10.4.2022.
- Press briefing on "Ernährungssicherheit in Kriegszeiten" by the science media center, 01.04.2022.
- "Wie lässt sich die Welternährung in der Krise sichern?" Article on spiegel online, 05.04.2022
- "Klima und Ernährung", politisch-kulinarische Online-Kochshow der Europäischen Akademie Berlin in der Reihe "Wir kochen Europa"
- "Mammutaufgabe Klimaschutz: Was muss die neue Bundesregierung tun?" Television series "Unkraut" in Bayrischer Rundfunk
- "Lachgas: Dünger für die Erderwärmung" Artikel im Energiewende-Magazin der Elektrizitätswerke Schönau, 10/2021.
- "Grüne Aktien: So investieren Sie in den Klimaschutz - aber richtig" Wirtschaftwoche, 17.8.2021
- "Zu viel Dicke, zu viel Dünne", Sendung in "Umwelt und Verbraucher" Deutschlandfunk, 18.11.2020
- "Ein dickes Problem: Vier Milliarden Übergewichtige im Jahr 2050" Artikel (online + print) in Berliner Zeitung, 18.11.2020
- "Stickstoff: Mangelware im Überfluss" Zweiteiliger Podcast von StoryQuarcks, 26.10.2020
- "Umweltfreundlich essen - geht und schmeckt das?" Beitrag im Hessischen Rundfunk
- "Essend dem Planeten helfen" Berliner Zeitung, 5.7.2020 link
- "alles wissen: Nachhaltige Ernährung" Hessischer Rundfunk, ausgestrahlt am 02.07.2020
- "Wer schadet der Erde mehr: Fleisch oder Gemüse-Esser?", BILD am Sonntag, 29.06.2020
- "Acht Stellschrauben für nachhaltige Ernährung", MDR Wissen, 20.05.2020
- "Living Planet: Satiating our taste for meat without killing animals", Interviewin Deutsche Welle, 14th May 2020
- "Essen und Zeit - die neue Volksküche", Podcastim HR-Info Funkkolleg
- "Future Food", Radio Deutschlandfunk in the braodcast "Aus Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften" vom 19.03.2020 mp3
- "Eine Frage der richtigen Anpassung?", Interview in alverde DM-Magazin, January 2020
- "Junge Akademie prämiert die besten Promotionsrituale", Deutschlandfunk, Campus & Karriere, 3.9.2019
- "Sie wollen die Gutmenschenboulette sein" Zeit online, 21.8.2019
- Erdüberlastungstag - Kleine Änderungen, große Wirkung für die Erde. am 29.7.2019
- Tonne statt Teller? Vom Wert unserer Nahrungsmittel. Interview in MDR KULTUR. 19.10.2018
- Ackern in heißen Zeiten: Bringt der Klimawechsel die Agrarwende? Deutschlandfunk Kultur 10.08.2018
- "Jedes Jahr, das wir warten, ist verheerend" Interview in Forum, 21.09.2018
- Large media coverage on the press release of an article on Single Cell Protein as animal feed, with >40 print newspapers and magazines (including Süddeutsche Zeitung (21. Juni 2018), Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung (23. Juli 2018)), >150 online articles (including MDR , Spiegel Online , N-TV, ), Radio (including Antenne Brandenburg, AAAS Science Update), and Potsdam TV
- "Forscher fordern Umdenken in der Fleischindustrie" Greenpeace Magazin, 20. Juli 2018
- "Nachgefragt: Klimawandel und Landwirtschaft" Podcast von Michaela Voth, Mai 2018
- "Stickstoff, Phosphor & Co. - Der Einfluss von Treibhausgasen und Politik auf das Klima" Interview in "Kochen ohne Knochen" #28, August 2017
- "Die Erde würde Gemüse essen" Wochenendmagazin der Märkisch-Oderzeitung 24/25. Juni 2017 und der Schweriner Volkszeitung am 27. Juni 2017
- "Wir müssen mehr Gemüse essen" Ein Podcast von und mit Friederike Schmitz von Animal Climate Action.
- "Es gibt Auswege aus dem Dilemma" Gastkommentar im Weserkurier, Jan 2017
- Die Welt ist nicht genug. Article about nitrogen pollution in the Tagesspiegel
- Why Your Hamburger Might Be Leading To Nitrogen Pollution in "The Salt", blog by the US National Public Radio
- Fallout of reactive nitrogen. Article about our study in the Indian newspaper The Statesman, 6th June 2014; and a similar article in the Indian newspaper the Deccan Herald on the 17th June 2014.
- Radio-Interview in MDR-Info, 13th May 2014.
Public Presentations and Policy Workshops
- "Gesund und nachhaltig – Wie kann die Politik die Zukunft unserer Ernährung gestalten?", Panel discussion with Renate Künast MdB, Oliver Vogt MdB, Walter Willett and Laura M. König as part of the event "Science on the Spree" organized by SpringerNature in Berlin, 6. November 2023.
- "Wie kann das Konzept der planetaren Grenzen genutzt werden um im Ernährungssektor Maßstab für private Entscheidungen und öffentliches Monitoring zu werden?" Presentation for the Umweltbundesamt, 12.10.2023
- "Degrowth in the food system" Presentation at the event "Environmental impact of food systems" at Wageningen University, 12th June 2023.
- "Planetary Health Diet" Presentation and panel discussion with Zoe Mayer (MdB) at the general meeting of the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Kreisverband Pankow, 28th March 2023.
- "Klimawandel, Ernährung und Planetare Gesundheit" Discusssion with members of the Tutzinger Klimasalon, 20th March 2023.
- "Ernährung und Klima" Presentation at the Fachforum Ernährungswirtschaft of Grüner Wirtschaftsdialog (GWD), 15th March 2023.
- "Unsere Grüne Woche: Düngemittel - Bedeutet der Ausstieg aus Fossilen auch einen Ausstieg aus synthetischem Stickstoffdünger?" Podium discussion at the Boell Stiftung, 18th January 2023
- „One Health und Landwirtschaft“ Herbsttagung des Think Tank 30 der Deutschen Gesellschaft des Club of Rome, 15.10.2022
- "Agrarsysteme der Zukunft", Vortrag und Podiumsdiskussion beim "Ernährungssymposium" der Planetary Health Academie, 27.09.2022
- "Klimawandel, Ernährung und Planetary Health", Vortrag im "Klimawandel in der Schule Symposium 2022 (KISS 2022)", Freitag 16.09.2022
- "Der globale Speiseplan - wie unsere Ernährungsgewohnheiten das Klima beeinflussen" Presentation for adolescents at the Johannesgemeinde, Berlin, 9.11.2021.
- "Fair.Gesund.Klimaneutral – was ist zu tun in Landwirtschaft und Ernährung?" One-Health Online Podium discussion with Renate Künast (MdB), Kai Kolpatzik, Holger Stromberg, Ophelia Nick (MdB), 28.6.2021
- "The global nutrition transition: A risk for public health and the environment" lecture at the webinar "Food Systems Webinar: Climate Change and Nutrition #5" of the GIZ development agency
- "Introduction: Transformation of the food system and role of the congress" Lecture at the Food System Change Online Kongress, 22-24 March 2021
- "Einladung: Expert*Innenrunde - Ökonomische Instrumente zur Luftreinhaltung in der Landwirtschaft" DUH und FÖS, 21.01.2021
- "Klimawandel und die Folgen für die Agrarwirtschaft – notwendige Anpassungen und Veränderungen" , Presentation at the Agrarhandelstag, Burg Warberg, 27/28.11.2019
- "Der globale Speiseplan - wie unsere Ernährungsgewohnheiten das Klima beeinflussen" Presentation at the Akademie der Evangelischen Nordkirche, Rostock, 19.11.2019.
- "The global nutrition transition and future food environments", Oral presentation at the Nature Food event for the Berlin science week, Berlin, 7. November 2019..
- "Stickstoff - Zu viel des Guten?", Oral presentation at the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, 1. November 2019.
- "The global nutrition transition and the opportunity for dietary leapfrogging", Pre-Recorded Keynote for the GIZ Sector Network Rural Development (SNRD) Africa, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, 29th October 2019.
- "Stickstoff - Zu viel des Guten?", Two oral presentations and participation in moderated group sessions at the one-day civic participation workshop on Nitrogen in Agriculture, organized by the BMU, Oldenburg, 28. September 2019.
- "Stickstoff - Zu viel des Guten?", Two oral presentations and participation in moderated group sessions at the one-day civic participation workshop on Nitrogen in Consumption, organized by the BMU, Weimar, 21. September 2019.
- "Was macht der Klimawandel im Kochtopf?", scientific cooking workshop at the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact research 15.6.2019
- "Für immer fleischlos?", Talk at Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden, and panel discussion with the moral theologian Martin Lintner. 27.3.2019
- "Welche Zukunftsszenarien für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft sind denkbar?", Talk at the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin in the special exhibition "Artefakte". 23.3.2019
- Discussion with students at the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, at the event of the Friday for Future demonstrations. 15.3.2019
- Nahrungsmittelverteilung: globale Zusammenhänge. Vortrag beim Arbeitskreis Umwelt der Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. 20.10.2018.
- Presentation "Nahrung, Ernährung und Nährstoffe." at the Kyritzer Wintergespräche of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, 01. März 2018 in Kyritz
- Presentation "Operationalisierung der Planetaren Grenzen für Stickstoff" for the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), 28. June 2018 in Potsdam
- "Chef Flynn" Movie screening at the Berlinale Film festival, discussion session with more than 100 school children together with young star-cook Flynn McGarry, 2.2.2018
- Presentation "Simulating the future of the global agro-food system" at the 34th Chaos Communication Congress (34C3), 29.12.2017
- Participation in the policy workshop "Für eine nachhaltige Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik – heute und nach 2020" of the Forum Ökologisch-Soziale Marktwirtschaft e.V.(FÖS), 25. Oct 2017
- Participation in the policy workshop "Gesamtreduktionsziel Stickstoff" organized by the Bundesumweltamt. 6th September 2017
- Presentation at the policy workshop „Chancen zur Minderung der Ammoniakemissionen aus der Landwirtschaft“ of the Deutsche Umwelthilfe . 3rd July 2017
- Presentation "Development of National N budget approaches" at the Expert Panel on Nitrogen Budgets of the Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen (TFRN) 12 meeting in Aarhus, June 29-30 2017.
"Modellierung produktions- und nachfrageseitiger Maßnahmen im Bereich tierischer Nahrungsmittel und ihrer Wirkung für verschie-
dene Umweltprobleme" Vortrag beim Workshop "Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft und die Zukunft tierischer Nahrungsmittel" in der Evangelischen Akademie, Lutherstadt Wittenberg 21-22. April - "Unsere Zukunft geht durch den Magen" Podiumsgespräch beim 6. Bildungsforum in Klimahaus Bremerhaven 28. March 2017
- „Szenarien für die Welternährung im Jahr 2050 und damit verbundene Umweltfolgen“, Vortrag in der Reihe "Monokulturen, Mastanlagen, Mahlzeit" Oekoscouts e.V., Hannover
- „Szenarien für die Welternährung im Jahr 2050 und damit verbundene Umweltfolgen“, Vortrag in der Reihe "Landwirtschaft – Krisenwirtschaft", TU Berlin
- „Klimaveränderung – die Herausforderungen für globale Produktion und Beschaffung“. Vortrag und Podiumsdiskussion bei der Fruit Logistica Messe, gemeinsam mit Dr. Susanne Rolinski
- „Klimawirkung und Minderungspotential von Methanemissionen“ Fachgespräch der Deutschen Umwelthilfe (zusammen mit Dr. Alexander Popp)
- Lecture with Christoph Schmitz for the theme week "Frisch auf den Tisch" on sustainable food consumption. HU Berlin. June 2014.
- Lecture on "Nitrogen Pollution - too much of a good thing" at the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft. PIK Potsdam. June 2013
The story of nitrogen. Teaching video for the University of Queensland, created by Scott Buckley. Corrigendum: In minute 10:20 I say its 8 times more nitrogen, actually nitrogen fixation is today "only" about 5 times the pre-industrial natural fixation rate (Bodirsky et al 2014).
- "A food system transformation can enhance global health, environmental conditions and social inclusion", keynote at the 33. Jahrestagung of the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie (ÖGA), Vienna, 28-29. September 2023.
- "A food system transformation can enhance global health, environmental conditions and social inclusion", presentation at the conference "The Political Economy of the Meat System Transformation", Monte Verita, 24-26 September 2023.
- "Der globale Speiseplan - wie unsere Ernährungsgewohnheiten den Planeten verändern", presentation at the interdisciplinary workshop "Die Zukunft unserer Ernährung und ihrer Rolle in der Krankheitsprävention" at the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 20.4.2023
- "Nitrogen and global health", presentation at the congress "Armut und Gesundheit", 22.3.2022
- "Klimaeffekte von Nutztierhaltung und Ernährungsgewohnheiten" presentation at the workshop "Kompetenznetzwerk Nutztierhaltung / klimapolitische Perspektive" of the Deutsche Agrarforschungsallianz - DAFA, 8th/9th of July
Benjamin Leon Bodirsky "Ernährungssysteme der Zukunft: Folgen für Umwelt und Gesundheit" Webinar for the symposium "Adipositasprävention und Klimawandel" at the "Adipositas Kongress 2020", 8.-10. October 2020
Benjamin Leon Bodirsky "Ernährung im Anthropozän - Wie unser Essen die Welt verändert" Webinar for the public health conference "Armut und Gesundheit", 22. April 2020
Benjamin Leon Bodirsky "Globale Langzeittrends für Untergewicht, Fettleibigkeit und Ernährungsstile" Webinar for the Minisymposium "Essen der Zukunft - PHN und Agenda 2030" on the (non-)occasion of the DGE Conference 2020, 12 March 2020
Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Roberta Alessandrini, Hermine Mitter, Adrian Leip, Prajal Pradhan, Antje Gonera, Anna Birgitte Milford, Katja-Maria Prexl, Alberto Sanz Cobeña, Isabelle Weindl, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Alexander Popp "Food Futures: Narratives of Food Systems for Diet and Nutrition along the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (diet‐SSPs)" Oral presentation at the 12th IAMC Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 2nd to December 4th, 2019
Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Jan Philipp Dietrich, EleonoraMartinelli, Antonia Stenstad, Prajal Pradhan, Sabine Gabrysch, Abhijeet Mishra, Isabelle Weindl, Chantal Le Mouël, Susanne Rolinski, Lavinia Baumstark, Xiaoxi Wang, Jillian Waid, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Alexander Popp "Starved and stuffed: Using anthropometrics to estimate future food demand and food waste under an advancing nutrition transition", Poster presented by Florian Humpenöder at the 12th IAMC Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 2nd to December 4th, 2019
Benjamin Leon Bodirsky "How the nutrition transition shapes the global food system." Oral presentation at the Oxford-Berlin-LSHTM Dialogue, Healthy Planet – Healthy People, 24th October 2019, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin
Benjamin Leon Bodirsky "How the nutrition transition shapes the global food system." Oral presentation at the Oxford-Berlin-LSHTM Dialogue, Healthy Planet – Healthy People, 24th October 2019, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin
Benjamin Leon Bodirsky "Starved and stuffed: Outcomes of an advancing food demand transition", Oral presentation at the 4th International Congress Hidden Hunger at the University of Hohenheim, Germany
Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Ilje Pikaar, S. Matassa, Korneel, Rabaey, Alexander Popp, et al "Decoupling livestock from land use through industrial feed production pathways" Oral Presentation held by Miodrag Stevanovic at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC 2018)
- Hermine Mitter, Franz Sinabell, Erwin Schmid, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Katarina Helming, Anja Techen, Martin Schönhart "Scenarios for European agriculture to support landuse modelling" Poster at the Landscape 2018 conference, 12-16 March 2018, Berlin
Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Roberta Alessandrini, Adrian Leip, Prajal Pradhan et al "Dietary megatrends and storylines for future scenarios" Oral presentation at the Workshop on Storylines for European Agriculture, 16 March 2018, Berlin
- Benjamin Leon Bodirsky. “Planetary Boundaries: Interpretations, metrics and quantification for regional applications”, Presentation at the "Planetary Boundary Conference", 24-25 April in Berlin
- Benjamin Leon Bodirsky "National Nitrogen Budgets from 1965 to 2010 for 212 countries" Presentation at the dNmark Conference Innovative Solutions for sustainable management of nitrogen
- Benjamin Leon Bodirsky "Background Presentation: Diet modelling", Presentation at the Nitrogen and Food Workshop, Wageningen, 21-22.June 2017
- Bodirsky, Benjamin LeonThe MAgPIE model Presented at the Food System Modelling Workshop, Oxford, UK.
- Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Veikko Heintz, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Alexander Popp, Susanne Rolinski, Femke Lutz. Scenarios of future agricultural phosphorus stocks and flows. Presented at the 2nd European Sustainable Phosphorus Conference, Berlin, Germany.
- Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon The global context of GHG-emissions and climate change, Invited oral presentation at the Internationales CO2-Symposium, Braunschweig, Germany
- Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon Flows and scenario options in the global nitrogen cycle INMS plenary meeting, 27-28 April 2015 in Lisboa, Portugal
- Stephenson, E., Waha, K., Thornton, P., Remans, R., Bodirsky, B., Choudry, A. & Herrero, M. (2015) Quality or quantity; assessing available energy and nutrient diversity in association with nutrient deficiency diseases in the African continent. International Conference on Global Food Security, Cornell University, Ithaca, United States of America, 11th-14th October, 2015.
- Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Alexander Popp, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Jan Phillip Dietrich, Susanne Rolinski, Isabelle Weindl, Christoph Schmitz, Christoph Müller, Markus Bonsch, Florian Humpenöder, and Miodrag Stevanovic. Stuck in the Anthropocene. The case of reactive nitrogen Oral presentation at the 18th nitrogen workshop in Lisboa, 30th June-3rd July 2014.
- Susanne Rolinski, Isabelle Weindl, Jens Heinke, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Anne Biewald and Hermann Lotze-Campen. Large scale impacts of grassland management and changes in livestock production systems. Presented at the International Livestock Modelling and Research Colloquium, Bilbao, Spain.
- Markus Bonsch, Jan Philipp Dietrich, Alexander Popp, Susanne Rolinski, Benjamin Bodirsky, Hermann Lotze-Campen. Model output evaluation as a validation test for land use models. Presented at the Global Land Project Conference, Berlin, Germany.
- Anne Biewald, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Ilona Otto, Susanne Rolinski, Markus Bonsch, Alexander Popp, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky. Modeling the impact of climate change on agriculturally related poverty at a subnational scale. Presented at the TradeM workshop, 24.09.2014, Vienna, Austria.
- S. Rolinski, B.L. Bodirsky, A. Biewald, I. Weindl, A. Popp, H. Lotze-Campen Global food intake and household waste scenarios for the 21st century Poster at the Global Food Security Conference, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands.
- Bonsch, Markus, A. Popp, A. Biewald, J. P. Dietrich, J. Heinke, B. L. Bodirsky, S. Rolinski, H., Lotze-Campen. 2013. Implementing Water Management Policies – Possible Caveats and Leakage Effects presented at the Water in the Anthroposcene Conference, May 21, Bonn, Germany. pdf.
- Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Alexander Popp, Isabelle Weindl, Jan Phillip Dietrich, Susanne Rolinski, Christoph Müller, and Hermann Lotze-Campen. Can we stay within planetary boundaries? The case of reactive Nitrogen. Oral presentation at the Green Cycles II Conference, Potsdam
- Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon. Driving parameters for Nitrogen scenarios in the landuse optimization model MAgPIE. Oral presentation at the Workshop on global nitrogen scenarios in the 21st century, Vienna.
- Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Susanne Rolinski, Anne Biewald, Isabelle Weindl, Alexander Popp, Hermann Lotze-Campen. Food demand projections for the 21st century. Oral presentation at the Dames Conference, Potsdam
- Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon, Alexander Popp, Isabelle Weindl, Jan Phillip Dietrich, Susanne Rolinski, Christoph Müller, and Hermann Lotze-Campen. Can we return into planetary boundaries? The case of reactive nitrogen. Poster presented at the 'Planet under Pressure Conference', London, United Kingdom, March 26-29
- Veronika Huber, Ina Neher and Benjamin Bodirsky. Will the world run out of land? A Kaya-like decomposition to study past trends of cropland expansion. Poster at the 'AGU fall meeting 2011', San Francisco, USA, December 5-9
- Bodirsky, B., I. Weindl, H. Lotze-Campen, A. Popp. How will increasing food demand change the global nitrogen cycle? Oral presentation at the 'Nitrogen and Global Change 2011' Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, April 11-14
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