Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam
14412 Potsdam
In December 2020, I started my PhD with Prof. Dr. Ricarda Winkelmann on the long-term contribution to sea-level rise from the Antarctic Ice Sheet. My work is funded by the EU H2020 project PROTECT.
PROTECT – PROjecTing sEa-level rise: from iCe sheets to local implicaTions (EU H2020)
- Tutor in Lecture on Ice dynamics in Greenland and Antarctica, Winter Semester 2021/2022, Department of Physics, University of Potsdam, Germany, with Prof. Dr. Ricarda Winkelmann
Supervised students
- Astrid Bragstad Gjelsvik, Erasmus internship, University of Oslo, 2022: Tipping fast and slow - quantifying early warning signals for systems of different time scales
- Jasmine Zhang, HMEI summer internship program, Princeton University, 2022: Coupling social and climate tipping dynamics
Lena Schmidt, Master student, Free University Berlin, 2021/2022: Spatial early warning signals as precursors of tipping cascades within the Amazon rainforest
- IGS Symposium on Verification and Validation of Cryospheric Models, 4-9 August 2024, Newcastle, UK
Klose, A.K., and Winkelmann, R.: Long-lasting and irreversible Antarctic ice loss caused by warming overshoots - EGU General Assembly, 14-19 April 2024, Vienna, Austria
Klose, A.K., and Winkelmann, R.: Stability regimes and safe overshoots in West and East Antarctica - Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology, 9 April 2024, Jena, Germany
Klose, A.K., Coulon, V., Pattyn, F., and Winkelmann, R.: Long-term sea-level commitment and reversibility of ice loss from Antarctica - Ice Dynamics and Paleoclimate Seminar, British Antarctic Survey, 8 November 2023, Cambridge, UK
Klose, A.K., Coulon, V., Pattyn, F., and Winkelmann, R.: Long-term sea-level commitment and reversibility of ice loss from Antarctica - Cold Environments Seminar, Northumbria University, 1 November 2023, Newcastle, UK
Klose, A.K., Coulon, V., Pattyn, F., and Winkelmann, R.: Long-term sea-level commitment and reversibility of ice loss from Antarctica - PROTECT Fall Meeting, 10-13 October 2023, Soesterberg (Utrecht), The Netherlands
Klose, A.K., Coulon, V., Pattyn, F., and Winkelmann, R.: Long-term sea-level commitment and reversibility of ice loss from Antarctica - 36th Forum for Research into Ice Shelf Processes (FRISP 2023), 19-22 June 2023, Stalheim, Norway
Klose, A.K., Coulon, V., Pattyn, F., and Winkelmann, R.: (Ir)reversibility of future Antarctic mass loss on multi-millennial timescales - EGU General Assembly, 23-28 April 2023, Vienna, Austria
Klose, A.K., Coulon, V., Pattyn, F., and Winkelmann, R.: (Ir)reversibility of future Antarctic mass loss on multi-millennial timescales - CriticalEarth Winter School on Critical Transitions in observed and simulated complex systems, 13-21 February 2023, Garching, Germany
- Math on Ice Forum, 6 February, 2023, online
Klose, A.K., Coulon, V., Donges, J. F., Feudel, U., Pattyn, F., Winkelmann, R.: Role of timescale differences for (cascading) tipping in the climate system - PISM Workshop, 23-25 October 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark
Klose, A.K., Coulon, V., Pattyn, F., and Winkelmann, R.: The long-term sea-level commitment from Antarctica - PROTECT Fall Meeting, 4-7 October 2022, Grenoble, France
Klose, A.K., Coulon, V., Pattyn, F., and Winkelmann, R.: The long-term sea-level commitment from Antarctica - Summer School on Ice Sheets and Glaciers in the Climate System, 24 May-4 June 2022, Karthaus, Italy
- EGU General Assembly, 23-27 May 2022, Vienna, Austria
Klose, A.K., Coulon, V., Pattyn, F., and Winkelmann, R.: The long-term sea-level commitment from Antarctica - 728. Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar “Interacting tipping elements in the natural and social components of the Earth system”, 15-18 August 2021, Bad Belzig, Germany
Klose, A.K., Donges, J. F., Feudel, U., and Winkelmann, R.: Cascading tipping behavior of the interacting Greenland Ice Sheet and Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in a model of low complexity - EGU General Assembly, 19-30 Apr 2021, online
Klose, A.K., Donges, J. F., Feudel, U., and Winkelmann, R.: Cascading tipping behavior of the interacting Greenland Ice Sheet and Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in a model of low complexity - EGU General Assembly, 4-8 May 2020, online
Klose, A.K., Karle, V., Winkelmann, R., and Donges, J. F.: Dynamic emergence of domino effects in systems of interacting tipping elements in ecology and climate
- since October 2022: Early Career Scientists Representative in EU-H2020 PROTECT Steering Committee
- October 2021: Public Talk Evangelische Akademie Sachsen, Dresden, Germany
Wenn Eisbär und Pinguin Domino spielen. Klimakipppunkte in den Polarregionen - March 2021 - April 2022: Elected member of the PhD Representatives at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany