Current PhD theses RD2


Start date


Supervisor at PIK University
David Abigaba
01/2024 Identifying strategies for building climate resilient agricultural systems in West Africa through crop modelling C. Gornott & B. Schauberger University of Kassel

Felicitas Beier

01/2019 Analysis and evaluation of policy instruments for an economically efficient and environmentally sustainable water use in agriculture considering socio-economic impacts and equity H. Lotze-Campen HU Berlin
Marie Brunel 01/2018 Modelling the role of grassland fire on Brasilian land use change H. Lotze-Campen HU Berlin
Friedrich Busch 04/2024 Integration of phenological models for arable crops into a Germany-wide simulation and scenario platform F. Hattermann
HU Berlin
Carla Cronauer 07/2024 The Role of Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Rural Smallholder Farmers’ Response to Climate Change C. Gornott
University of Kassel
Henry Engelhardt 08/2024 Climate Change Impacts on Major Health Threats in Sub-Saharan Africa F. Hattermann
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Manon Glockmann 04/2018 Projections of global urban land cover J. Kropp Uni Potsdam
Nele Gloy 05/2023 Assessing the potential for agroforestry systems in a climate-water-soil-nexus to enhance food security in Western Africa C. Gornott Uni Kassel
Marie Hemmen 08/2021 Right for the wrong reasons: The role of heat stress in agricultural yield simulations H. Lotze-Campen HU Berlin
Sophie von Loeben 05/2023 Loosing value, adding value – climate change impacts on coffee value chains and possible adaptation strategies in Eastern Africa C. Gornott Uni Kassel
Mats Nieberg (Mahnken) 06/2019 Resilience of forest ecosystem services - effects of varying management and uncertain extents of climatic shifts with associated disturbance regime transformation in Europe C. Reyer TU Dresden
Stefanie Wesch 07/2020 Security in Times of Climate Change: Armed Group Recruitment under Extreme Weather Impacts I. Didovets Hamburg University
Stephen Wirth 01/2019 Interactions of plant trait diversity and graying management in different climates: modelling forage supply by grassland ecosystems S. Rolinski Christian Albrechts Uni Kiel