Wintersemester 2024 / 2025

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Name Fachbereich Titel
Lotze-Campen, Hermann Department of Agricultural Economics Human-Environmental Systems Interaction: Social-Ecological Systems Analysis and Land Use Modelling of Climate Change Impacts
Gerten, Dieter Geography Hydrosphere
Lucht, Wolfgang Geography Earth as a Complex System (Climate and Earth System Dynamics)
Leonie Wenz Integrated Natural Resource Management Study Project
Helga Weisz all disciplines Global Environmental Change and Social Inequality
Auer, Cornelia; Grundmann, Philipp Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM) Climate Change and Bioenergy Management
Auer, Cornelia; Grundmann, Philipp Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM) Climate Change and Bioenergy Management

Technische Universität Berlin

Name Fachbereich Titel
Linus Mattauch, Till Armbruster Economics Wirtschaftspolitik (Introduction to Economic Policy)
Linus Mattauch Economics How to advance climate policy? Economic perspectives on the climate crisis
Luderer, Gunnar Energy economics New Research in Energy Systems Modeling
Edenhofer, Ottmar Ökonomie des Klimawandels / Economics of Climate Change The Economics of Climate Policy
Linus Mattauch, Dagmar Bauer Economics Volkswirtschaftslehre & Nachhaltigkeit: Eine Einführung [Economics and Sustainability: an introduction]
Max Franks Economics of Climate Change Ökonomie der Klimapolitik/Economics of Climate Policy

Universität Potsdam

Name Fachbereich Titel
Feulner, Georg; Diekmann, Bernhard Environmental Science and Geography Earth's Climate History
Marwan, Norbert Institute of Geoscience Nonlinear Data Analysis Concepts for Geosciences
Johan Rockström, Jonathan Donges, Nico Wunderling Geosciences Global Sustainability in the Anthropocene
Rahmstorf, Stefan Physik und Astronomie Klimageschichte der Erde
Katja Frieler, Christian Otto Institut für Umweltwissenschaften und Geographie; Geoökologie Impact Attribution
Werner von Bloh Astrophysics Extrasolar planets and astrobiology
Elmar Kriegler, Matthias Kalkuhl, David Bantje, Timothé Beaufils Economics Climate Economics and Policy
Kirsten Thonicke Institut für Umweltwissenschaften und Geographie Globaler Wandel - die Erde als System
Botta (PIK); Böhne (Uni Potsdam); Richter (Uni Potsdam) Computer Science Cartesian Seminar
Rahmstorf, Rahmstorf Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät Klimageschichte der Erde
Christian Otto, Katja Frieler Institute of Environmental Science and Geography Climate Change Adaptation
Anders Levermann Institut für Physik und Astronomie Dynamics of Climate System
Detlef Sprinz Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences Modeling Political Decisions for Sustainability: EU Carbon Removals


Name Universität Titel
Sabine Gabrysch, Oskar Masztalerz, Henrika Kleineberg-Massuthe, Anna Mueller-Hauser, Jillian Waid, Amanda Wendt, Pauline Harich, Lisa Pörtner Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin Planetary Health: Health of People and Planet in the Anthropocene (Elective Module for PhD students and M.Sc. Public Health/Epidemiology)
Sabine Gabrysch, Oskar Masztalerz, Henrika Kleineberg-Massuthe, Anna Mueller-Hauser, Jillian Waid, Amanda Wendt, Pauline Harich, Lisa Pörtner Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin Planetary Health: Health of People and Planet in the Anthropocene (Elective Module for Medical Students)
Niklas Boers, Maximilian Gelbrecht, Philipp Hess TU Munich Machine Learning in Earth System Modelling
Christof Schötz, Niklas Boers TU Munich Höhere Mathematik 1 für Geodäsie und Geoinformation
Alistair White, Maximilian Gelbrecht Technische Universität München Modelling and Machine Learning of Dynamical Systems in Julia
Niklas Boers Technische Universität München Numerical Modelling
Chen Gong, Professor Sha Chen Beijing University of Technology Environmental science
Oskar Masztalerz, Henrika Kleineberg-Massuthe Akkon Hochschule für Humanwissenschaften Planetary Health
Christoph Gornott Kassel Analyse der Klimaresilienz von Agrarökosystemen