Dr. Jonas Bergmann



Dr. Jonas Bergmann has recently worked for the Climate Migration Council (CMC), Emerson Collective, and the Thematic Working Group on Environmental Change and Migration of the Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD) at the World Bank.

Prior, he conducted his doctoral research at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) on climate change and migration, in particular in Peru. His work supported pertinent stakeholders in developing a governance approach to the topic. In his dissertation at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, he applied mixed methods to analyze the objective and subjective well-being impacts of different forms of climate (im)mobilities across Peru's three large regions: the coastal desert, the highlands, and the Amazon rainforest. After finalizing the PhD research, he continued to contribute to PIK as a guest researcher.

FutureLab / Science Unit


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
T +49 (0)331 288 2030
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam


Dr. Bergmann has consulted for the Climate Migration Council (CMC); Emerson Collective; the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Development Centre and its Development Co-operation Directorate's Crises and Fragility Team; the Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD) Working Group on Migration and Environmental Change in Washington D.C.; as well as for the World Bank’s Climate Policy Team. His publications have covered various aspects of environmental migration and displacement, and he is co-author of the highly cited World Bank’s flagship report "Groundswell" on internal climate migration. Dr. Bergmann has also worked as a research associate at the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) in Berlin, where he conducted research on protecting people in mixed migration settings in West Africa.

In addition, Dr. Bergmann's teaching includes a block seminar on Climate Risks and Migration at the University of Dresden. He has also worked and interned with the Institute for the Study of International Migration, Human Rights Watch, the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs, the International Human Rights Unit of the German Foreign Service, and the Chilean National Human Rights Institute. Furthermore, he has participated in various refugee and migration networks as well as co-founded two NGOs for migrant empowerment in Germany and the U.S.

Dr. Bergmann defended his dissertation on the well-being impacts of climate (im)mobilities with magna cum laude at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He received his Master of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., and completed his bachelor’s degree in International Affairs in Dresden, Valparaíso (Chile), and Lyon (France). His studies, both completed with summa cum laude, have been supported by the Fulbright Commission, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Georgetown University, the German National Academic Foundation, and the German Economy Foundation.

Dr. Bergmann speaks German, English, Spanish, and French. He is member of the Population-Environment Research Network of IUSSP (PERN), the AKGeographie Migrationsforschung, the Young Earth System Scientists community (YESS), and the Young Policy Network on Migration (YPNM, funded by Mercator Foundation Switzerland and NCCR).


  • Climate Migration Council (2024): Advocating for Change: A Compendium on Climate Mobility. Resources for raising awareness and driving action toward solutions. Palo Alto, California. Authored by J. Bergmann.
  • J. Bergmann, P. Escribano & K. Vinke (2024): Migrating, Adapting in Place, or Missing Options? A Systematic Review of Climate Change-Migration Links in Peru. In: A. Neef, N. Pauli & B. Salami: De Gruyter Handbook of Climate Migration and Climate Mobility Justice. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 114-146. doi: 10.1515/9783110752144-007.
  • J. Bergmann & S. F. Martin (forthcoming 2024): Disruption and restart? Human (im)mobilities in the age of COVID-19. In: S. Irudaya Rajan: Edward Elgar Handbook of Research on Migration, COVID-19, and Cities.
  • J. Bergmann & R. Hoffmann (in preparation): Multidimensional ill-being after flood displacement: a mixed methods study of the 2017 Coastal El Niño disaster in Peru. To be submitted to Population and Environment.
  • J. Bergmann & S.F. Martin (in preparation): Human immobilities under climate change. To be submitted to International Migration.
  • J. Bergmann & S.F. Martin (2023): Addressing Climate-Change Related Immobilities. KNOMAD Paper 54, November 2023. Washington, D.C. 
  • J. Bergmann (2023): At Risk of Deprivation: the Multidimensional Well-being Impacts of Climate Migration and Immobility in Peru. Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-42298-1.
  • OECD (2023): Addressing forced displacement in climate change adaptation. No longer a blind spot. In OECD Development Policy Papers DOI: 10.1787/891ced36-en. Authored by J. Bergmann, J. Hesemann & J. Gagnon.
  • S. F. Martin & J. Bergmann (2023): Environmental (im)mobilities: Improving the evidence base for effective policy making. In International Migration, Article imig.13178. DOI: 10.1111/imig.13178.
  • Escribano & J. Bergmann, contributing author to: UNEP (2023): Human Migration and Natural Resources: Global Assessment of an Adaptive Complex System. Nairobi, Kenya.
  • J. Bergmann, acknowledged contribution to: UNICEF (2022) Guiding Principles for Children on the Move in the Context of Climate Change.
  • J. Bergmann, A. Aleinikoff, S.F. Martin, K.K. Riguad & S. Plaza (2022): Addressing the links between climate change and human (im)mobilities. In: KNOMAD Migration and Development Brief 37, November 2022.
  • J. Bergmann (2021): Planned relocation in Peru: Moving from well-intentioned legislation to good practice. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 11:365–375, doi:10.1007/s13412-021-00699-w.
  • J. Bergmann, K. Vinke, C.F. Palomino, C. Gornott, S. Gleixner, R. Laudien, A. Lobanova, J. Ludescher & H.J. Schellnhuber (2021): Assessing the Evidence: Climate Change and Migration in Peru. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and International Organisation for Migration (IOM): Potsdam and Geneva.
  • J. Bergmann, K. Vinke, C.F. Palomino, C. Gornott, S. Gleixner, R. Laudien, A. Lobanova, J. Ludescher & H.J. Schellnhuber (2021): Too much, too little water: Addressing climate risks, no-analog threats and migration in Peru. In Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Policy Brief Series Vol. 6 (Issue 1).
  • S.F. Martin & J. Bergmann (2021): (Im)mobility in the age of COVID-19. International Migration Review 55 (3):660–687, doi:10.1177/0197918320984104.
  • J.M. Blocher, J. Bergmann, H. Upadhyay & K. Vinke (2021): Hot, wet and deserted: Climate Change and Internal Displacement in India, Peru, and Tanzania. Insights from the EPICC Project. Background Paper for the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (GRID 2021).
  • J. Bergmann (2021): Klimawandel, Migration und Menschliche Sicherheit in Peru. Deutschland sollte Forschung zu Lösungsansätzen fördern. PeaceLab Blog. Berlin, Germany.
  • S.F. Martin & J. Bergmann (2021): Planning for Climate Change and Human Mobility: The US Return to the Paris Accord on Climate Change. Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS). New York, USA.
  • S.F. Martin, J. Bergmann, K.K. Rigaud & Nadege Desiree Yameogo (2021): Climate Change, Human Mobility and Development. Migration Studies 9 (1): 142–149, doi: 10.1093/migration/mnaa030.
  • K. Vinke, J. Bergmann, J. Blocher, R. Hoffmann & H. Upadhyay (2020): Migration as Adaptation? Migration Studies 8 (4):626–634, doi: 10.1093/migration/mnaa029.
  • S.F. Martin & J. Bergmann (2020): Covid-19 and the transformation of migration and mobility globally – Shifting forms of mobility related to COVID-19. In Time for a re-set: Implications for migration policies arising from COVID-19. International Organization for Migration (IOM). Geneva.
  • M. Becker, K. Vinke & J. Bergmann (2020): Vom wütenden Wett er vertrieben. Welt-Sichten Dezember/Januar 12-2020/1-2021, 34-36.
  • J. Bergmann (2019): The role of population movements in dealing with climate hazards in Peru. Systematically disentangling a Gordian relationship. Master’s thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Prof. Helga Weisz.
  • J. Bergmann (2019): Double Exposure: The Role of Gender in Climate Migration. Journal of the International Alliance of Women 14 (1):13–15.
  • K.K. Rigaud, A. de Sherbinin, B. Jones, J. Bergmann, V. Clement, K. Ober, J. Schewe, S. Adamo, B. McCusker, S. Heuser & A. Midgley (2018): Groundswell: Preparing for Internal Climate Migration. World Bank, Washington, DC.
  • J. Bergmann, World Bank (2018): Policy Notes 1-3 on Internal Climate Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Latin America. World Bank, Washington, DC (Author).
  • S.F. Martin, J. Bergmann, H. Wyss & K.K. Rigaud (2018): Environmental change and human mobility: Perspectives from the World Bank. In Robert McLeman & François Gemenne (eds.): Routledge Handbook on Environmental Migration and Displacement. London: Routledge, doi:10.4324/9781315638843.
  • S.F. Martin, E. Ferris, K.K. Rigaud & J. Bergmann (2018): The Global Compacts and Environmental Drivers. KNOMAD Policy Brief 11, July 2018. Washington, DC: KNOMAD.
  • J. Bergmann & S.F. Martin (2018): Addressing Environmental Mobility through Better Institutional Frameworks. KNOMAD Policy Brief 10, January 2018.Washington, DC: KNOMAD.
  • J. Bergmann, J. Lehmann, W. Powell & T. Munsch (2017): Protection Fallout. How Increasing Capacity for Border Management Affects Migrants’ Vulnerabilities in Niger and Mali. GPPi and DRC/RMMS Report, 2017: Berlin & Dakar.
  • S.F. Martin & J. Bergmann (2017): Environmental Change and Human Mobility: Reducing Vulnerability & Increasing Resilience. KNOMAD Policy Brief 6, April 2017
  • E. Ferris & J. Bergmann (2017): Soft law, Migration and Climate Change Governance. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 8 (1):6–29, doi:10.4337/jhre.2017.01.01.
  • J. Bergmann, acknowledged contribution to: Georgetown University, UNHCR, IOM (2017): A toolbox: Planning Relocations to Protect People from Disasters and Environmental Change.
  • J. Bergmann (internal working paper, 2017): Institutional Support in the Context of Climate Change Adaptation and Migration, background paper for the World Bank flagship report on “Groundswell: Preparing for Internal Climate Migration”
  • J. Bergmann (2016): Building Contact between Immigrants and Host Communities is Vital to Integration, World Bank KNOMAD Policy Blog and Migration Newsletter of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

Teaching includes a block seminar on Climate Risks and Migration at the University of Dresden.