M.Sc. Héctor Rodríguez-Chávez

Project Manager, Scientist

Héctor Rodríguez is a scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK ) and works in the Urban Transformations working group. Previously, he collaborated with the Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS).

He coordinates the scientific aspects of the EU project EU City Calculator and supports cities in developing and implementing climate-friendly measures.

He is managing the PIK activities in the EU project DIALOGUES, which will support the goals of the European Energy Union with operational research on the overarching theme of "energy citizenship", enabling citizens to play a central role in the adoption of low-carbon energy solutions.

Héctor Rodríguez's focus and experience are in the areas of climate finance, social and economic impacts of renewable energy, and climate and energy policy. His research interests also include environmental ethics, circular economy and innovative renewable technologies.

Héctor holds an M.Sc. in Economics, Politics and Philosophy from the University of Hamburg and a B.Sc. in Economics from the University of Guadalajara.


Working Group

Curriculum Vitae

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Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam

- Climate and energy policy
- Social and economic impacts of renewables
- Climate finance mechanisms (CDM´s, NAMA´s, etc)
- Climate governance
- NDC revision and implementation

Rodríguez-Chávez, H., Epp, J., Bock, S., Reusswig, F., Lass, W. (2022): Pathways to energy citizenship and their connection with ownership, participation, and conflict. DIALOGUES: Preprint research paper (to be published)

Helgenberger, S.Mbungu, G. K., Rodríguez-Chávez, H., Nunez, A. (2021): The Social Performance Index (SPI): Assessing and monitoring community well-being through energy sector investments. - IASS Discussion Paper, November 2021. https://doi.org/10.48481/iass.2021.041

Sperfeld, F., Kovac, S., Dolinga, S., Nagel, L., & Rodríguez-Chávez, H. (Eds.). (2021). Co-Benefits Knowledge Commons: Renewable energy, employment opportunities and skill requirements. IASS Fact Sheet, November 2021. [PubMan] 

Rodríguez-Chávez, H., Helgenberger, S. (2020): Co-Benefits: How the Energy Transition contributes to Sustainable Development in Mexico. (2020). IASS Study, November 2020. [PubMan] 

Rodríguez-Chávez, H., Helgenberger, S. (2020): Co-beneficios: Contribución de la Transición Energética para el Desarrollo Sostenible en México. (2020). IASS Study, February 2020. [PubMan] 

Rodríguez-Chávez, H., Helgenberger, S., Ertör, P., Nagel, L. (2020): Sabanci University Istanbul Policy Center (Ed.). (2020). Securing Turkey’s energy supply and balancing the current account deficit through renewable energy. Assessing the co-benefits of decarbonising the power sector. IASS Study, October 2020. [PubMan]

DIALOGUES (EU Horizon 2020): https://www.dialoguesproject.eu/consortium/

European City Calculator (EU Horizon 2020): https://europeancitycalculator.eu/

2020 SEMARNAT- GIZ, Mexico City, Museum of memory and tolerance, workshop moderator: “Co-benefits Mexico session with the Mexican federal states representatives”.

2020 SEMARNAT- GIZ, Mexico City, Museum of memory and tolerance, speaker: “La Acción Climática para el Desarrollo Sostenible en México”.

2019 COP25, Madrid, EU pavilion, speaker: Mobilizing Co-Benefits and Raising NDC Ambition with Just Transition Perspectives: Latin America Context.

2019 COP25, Madrid, Turkish Pavilion, discussion panel: "Social and Economic Co-Benefits of Renewable Energy and Climate Action".

2019 COP25, Madrid, EU pavilion, discussion panel: "Social and Economic Co-Benefits of Renewable Energy and Climate Action".

2019 GGGI week, Seoul, discussion panel: "Inclusive Renewable Energy Transition and Generation of Jobs".

2019 Climate Opportunity 2019, Berlin, workshop moderator: “Prosperity and local value creation”.

2018 COP24, Katowice, UNFCCC side event, workshop co-moderator.