Prof. Dr Katja Frieler

Head of Research Department

Katja Frieler is Head of the Research Department 3 "Transformation Pathways" with a research focus on "Pathway-specific climate risks".  She leads the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) and the open climate impact encyclopedia ISIpedia. Katja Frieler is lead author for Chapter 16 on "Key Risks Across Sectors and Regions" of the 6th IPCC Assessment Report of Working Group 2. She works on the quantification of the observed impacts of climate change on natural and human systems (impact attribution) with a specific interest in the impacts of extreme weather events. She holds a Diploma in Mathematics and a PhD in "Physics of the Atmosphere" of the University of Potsdam. Since 2024 she is Professor for "impacts of climate change" at the University of Potsdam (Institute for Environmental Science and Geography).


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
T +49 (0)331 288 2522
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam


After finishing her MSc studies (Diplom, with distinction) in mathematics at the University of Bielefeld Katja Frieler spent three months at Banach Center for Differential Equations and Stochastic Processes at the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland (Marie Curie Fellowship, 2002). She finally decided against doing her PhD in mathematics but instead worked on improving our quantitative understanding of stratospheric ozone losses at the Alfred Wegener Institute of Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Potsdam. She earned her PhD (Dr. rer. nat., magna cum laude) in physics of the atmosphere at the University of Potsdam in 2006. Since 2024 she is Professor for the impacts of climate change at the University of Potsdam, Institute of Environmental Science and Geographie.

Before joining the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in July 2008 she did a PostDoc at the Department of Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology, Charité- Universitätsmedizin Berlin to deepen her knowledge in statistics. At PIK she started to work on the development of simplified functions that allow for probabilistic projections of regional climate change in terms of global mean temperature change within the PRIMAP (Potsdam Real-time Integrated Model for the probabilistic Assessment of emission Paths) research group. Starting from probabilistic projections of climate change itself, her research focussed more and more on its impacts on natural and human systems.

In 2012 she initiated the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project ISIMIP with a small group of other scientists at PIK. Furthermore, Katja Frieler leads the open climate impacts encyclopedia ISIpedia, an online portal that provides low-threshold access to knowledge and data from the latest climate impact science. In January 2019 she became the acting Co-Head of Research Department 3 on Transformation Pathways – Climate Risks and Sustainable Development (RD3) at PIK together with Prof. Elmar Kriegler. Katja Frieler is lead author of Chapter 16 on "Key Risks Across Sectors and Regions" of the 6th IPCC-Assessment Report (AR6) of Working Group 2.

Katja Frieler’s research is dedicated to increasing our understanding of the impacts of climate change on natural and human systems through i) the integration of impact projections from different disciplines and ii) the attribution of observed changes in natural and human systems to historical changes in climate or direct human forcings such as landuse changes, changes in water or agricultural management, or in exposure or vulnerability of human systems. In this context Katja Frieler’s research is particularly focussed on human displacement and economic damage induced by weather-related extreme events. She has published more than 90 peer-reviewed articles and was named Highly Cited Researcher in 2020.

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Peer-reviewed articles:


98. Jones, C. G., Adloff, F., Booth, B. B. B., Cox, P. M., Eyring, V., Friedlingstein, P., Frieler, K., Hewitt, H. T., Jeffery, H. A., Joussaume, S., Koenigk, T., Lawrence, B. N., O'Rourke, E., Roberts, M. J., Sanderson, B. M., Séférian, R., Somot, S., Vidale, P. L., van Vuuren, D., Acosta, M., Bentsen, M., Bernardello, R., Betts, R., Blockley, E., Boé, J., Bracegirdle, T., Braconnot, P., Brovkin, V., Buontempo, C., Doblas-Reyes, F., Donat, M., Epicoco, I., Falloon, P., Fiore, S., Frölicher, T., Fučkar, N. S., Gidden, M. J., Goessling, H. F., Graversen, R. G., Gualdi, S., Gutiérrez, J. M., Ilyina, T., Jacob, D., Jones, C. D., Juckes, M., Kendon, E., Kjellström, E., Knutti, R., Lowe, J., Mizielinski, M., Nassisi, P., Obersteiner, M., Regnier, P., Roehrig, R., Salas y Mélia, D., Schleussner, C.-F., Schulz, M., Scoccimarro, E., Terray, L., Thiemann, H., Wood, R. A., Yang, S., and Zaehle, S. (2024): Bringing it all together: science priorities for improved understanding of Earth system change and to support international climate policy, Earth Syst. Dynam., 15, 1319–1351,

97. Vogt, T., Treu, S., Mengel, M., Frieler, K., Otto, C. (2024). Modeling surge dynamics improves coastal flood estimates in a global set of tropical cyclones. Commun Earth Environ 5, 529 (2024).

96. Zhao, F., Lange, S., Goswami, B., & Frieler, K. (2024). Frequency bias causes overestimation of climate change impacts on global flood occurrence. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL108855.

95. Heinicke, Stefanie, Jan Volkholz, Jacob Schewe, Simon N Gosling, Hannes Müller Schmied, Sandra Zimmermann, Matthias Mengel, et al. 2024. “Global Hydrological Models Continue to Overestimate River Discharge.” Environmental Research Letters.

94. Sauer, I.J., Mester, B., Frieler, K. et al. (2024) "Limited progress in global reduction of vulnerability to flood impacts over the past two decades". Commun Earth Environ 5, 239 (2024).

93. Nkwasa, A., Chawanda, C.J., Schlemm, A., Frieler, K., v. Griensven, A. (2024) "Historical climate impact attribution of changes in river flow and sediment loads at selected gauging stations in the Nile basin", Climatic Change 177, 42.

92. Erazo, D., Grant, L., Ghisbain, G., ... Frieler, K., et al. Contribution of climate change to the spatial expansion of West Nile virus in Europe. Nat Commun15, 1196 (2024).

91. Simon Treu, Sanne Muis, Sönke Dangendorf, Thomas Wahl, Julius Oelsmann, Stefanie Heinicke, Katja Frieler, Matthias Mengel (2024) "Reconstruction of hourly coastal water levels and counterfactuals without sea level rise for impact attribution", Earth System Science Data, 16, 1121–1136,

90. Frieler, Katja, Jan Volkholz, Stefan Lange, Jacob Schewe, Matthias Mengel, María del Rocío Rivas López, Christian Otto, et al. (2024). Scenario Set-up and Forcing Data for Impact Model Evaluation and Impact Attribution within the Third Round of the Inter-Sectoral Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP3a). Geoscientific Model Development, 17, 1–51, 2024.

89. Stürmer, Julian, Anton Plietzsch, Thomas Vogt, Frank Hellmann, Jürgen Kurths, Christian Otto, Katja Frieler, and Mehrnaz Anvari. 2024. “Increasing the Resilience of the Texas Power Grid against Extreme Storms by Hardening Critical Lines.” Nature Energy 9 (5): 526–35.


88. Mester, Benedikt, Thomas Vogt, Seth Bryant, Christian Otto, Katja Frieler, and Jacob Schewe (2023): Human displacements from Tropical Cyclone Idai attributable to climate change, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 3467–3485,, 2023.

87. Michelini, Sidney, Barbora Šedová, Jacob Schewe, and Katja Frieler. (2023): Extreme Weather Impacts Do Not Improve Conflict Predictions in Africa. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10 (1): 1–10.

86. Mester, B., Frieler, K., Schewe, J. (2023): Human displacements, fatalities, and economic damages linked to remotely observed floods (FLODIS) Scientific Data 10, 482.

85. Karger, D. N., Lange, S., Hari, C., Reyer, C. P. O., Conrad, O., Zimmermann, N. E., and Frieler, K. (2023): CHELSA-W5E5: daily 1 km meteorological forcing data for climate impact studies, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 15, 2445–2464,

84. Otto, C., Kuhla, K., Geiger, T., Schewe, J., Frieler, K. (2023). Better Insurance Could Effectively Mitigate the Increase in Economic Growth Losses from U.S. Hurricanes under Global Warming. Science Advances 9 (1): eadd6616.


83. Rikani, A., Frieler, K., Schewe, J. (2022): Climate change and international migration: Exploring the
macroeconomic channel. - PloS ONE, 17, 11, e0276764.

82. Golub, Malgorzata, Wim Thiery, Rafael Marcé, Don Pierson, Inne Vanderkelen, Daniel Mercado-Bettin, R. Iestyn Woolway, Katja Frieler, et al. (2022). A Framework for Ensemble Modelling of Climate Change Impacts on Lakes Worldwide: The ISIMIP Lake Sector. Geoscientific Model Development 15 (11): 4597–4623.

81. Stefanie Heinicke, Katja Frieler, Jonas Jägermeyr, and Matthias Mengel (2022). Global gridded crop models underestimate yield responses to droughts and heatwaves. Environ. Res. Lett., 17 044026,

80. IPCC, 2022: Summary for Policymakers [H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, E.S. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, M. Tignor, A. Alegría, M. Craig, S. Langsdorf, S. Löschke, V. Möller, A. Okem (eds.)]. In: Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, M. Tignor, E.S. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Craig, S. Langsdorf, S. Löschke, V. Möller, A. Okem, B. Rama (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA, pp. 3–33, doi:10.1017/9781009325844.001. (Drafting Contributing Authors)

79. O'Neill, B., M. van Aalst, Z. Zaiton Ibrahim, L. Berrang Ford, S. Bhadwal, H. Buhaug, D. Diaz, K. Frieler, M. Garschagen, A. Magnan, G. Midgley, A. Mirzabaev, A. Thomas, and R. Warren, 2022: Key Risks Across Sectors and Regions. In: Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, M. Tignor, E.S. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Craig, S. Langsdorf, S. Löschke, V. Möller, A. Okem, B. Rama (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA, pp. 2411–2538, doi:10.1017/9781009325844.025.


78. Hazem Krichene, Tobias Geiger, Katja Frieler, Sven N. Willner, Inga Sauer, Christian Otto (2021). Long-term impacts of tropical cyclones and fluvial floods on economic growth – Empirical evidence on transmission channels at different levels of development. World Development, 144: 105475,

77. Thiery, W., Lange, S., Rogelj, J., Schleussner, C.-F., Gudmundsson, L., Seneviratne, S.I., Andrijevic, M., Frieler, K., Emanuel, K., Geiger, T., Bresch, D.N., Zhao, F., Willner, S.N., Büchner, M., Volkholz, J., Bauer, N., Chang, J., Ciais, P., Dury, M., François, L., Grillakis, M., Gosling, S.N., Hanasaki, N., Hickler, T., Huber, V., Ito, A., Jägermeyr, J., Khabarov, N., Koutroulis, A., Liu, W., Lutz, W., Mengel, M., Müller, C., Ostberg, S., Reyer, C.P.O., Stacke, T., Wada, Y. (2021). Intergenerational inequities in exposure to climate extremes. Science.

76. Geiger, T., Gütschow, J., Bresch, D.N., Emanuel, K., Frieler, K. (2021). Double benefit of limiting global warming for tropical cyclone exposure. Nature Climate Change.

75. Mengel, M., Treu, S., Lange, S., Frieler, K. (2021). ATTRICI v1.1 – counterfactual climate for impact attribution. Geoscientific Model Development.

74. Mester, B., Willner, S.N., Frieler, K., Schewe, J. (2021). Evaluation of river flood extent simulated with multiple global hydrological models and climate forcings. Environmental Research Letters.

73. Shi, H., Tian, H., Pan, N., Reyer, C.P.O., Ciais, P., Chang, J., Forrest, M., Frieler, K., Fu, B., Gädeke, A., Hickler, T., Ito, A., Ostberg, S., Pan, S., Stevanovic, M., Yang, J. (2021). Saturation of global terrestrial carbon sink under a high warming scenario. Global Biogeochemical Cycles.

72. Sauer, I.J., Reese, R., Otto, C.,  Geiger, T., Willner, S.N., Guillod, B.P., Bresch, D.N., Frieler, K. (2021) Climate signals in river flood damages emerge under sound regional disaggregation. Nature Communications 12, 2128.


71. Lange, S., Volkholz, J., Geiger, T., Zhao, F., Vega, I., Veldkamp, T., Reyer, C. P. O., Warszawski, L., Huber, V., Jägermeyr, J., Schewe, J., Bresch, D. N., Büchner, M., Chang, J., Ciais, P., Dury, M., Emanuel, K., Folberth, C., Gerten, D., Gosling, S. N., Grillakis, M., Hanasaki, N., Henrot, A., Hickler, T., Honda, Y., Ito, A., Khabarov, N., Koutroulis, A., Liu, W., Müller, C., Nishina, K., Ostberg, S., Mueller Schmied, H., Seneviratne, S. I., Stacke, T., Steinkamp, J., Thiery, W., Wada, Y., Willner, S., Yang, H., Yoshikawa, M., Yue, C., & Frieler, K. (2020). Projecting exposure to extreme climate impact events across six event categories and three spatial scales. Earth's Future, 8(12): e2020EF001616. doi:10.1029/2020EF001616.

70. Xu, W., Chang, J., Ciais, P., Guenet, B., Viovy, N., Ito, A., Reyer, C. P. O., Tain, H., Shi, H., Frieler, K., Forrest, M., Ostberg, S., Schaphoff, S., & Hickler, T. (2020). Reducing uncertainties of future global soil carbon responses to climate and land use change with emergent constraints. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 34(10): e2020GB006589. doi:10.1029/2020GB006589.

69. Otto, C., Piontek, F., Kalkuhl, M., & Frieler, K. (2020). Event-based models to understand the scale of the impact of extremes [Comment]. Nature Energy, 5(2), 111-114. doi:10.1038/s41560-020-0562-4.

68. Reyer, C. P. O., Gonzalez, R. S., Dolos, K., Hartig, F., Hauf, Y., Noack, M., Lasch-Born, P., Rötzer, T., Pretzsch, H., Mesenburg, H., Fleck, S., Wagner, M., Bolte, A., Sanders, T. G. M., Kolari, P., Mäkelä, A., Vesala, T., Mammarella, I., Pumpanen, J., Collalti, A., Trotta, C., Matteucci, G., D'Andrea, E., Foltýnová, L., Krejza, J., Ibrom, A., Pilegaard, K., Loustau, D., Bonnefond, J.-M., Berbigier, P., Picart, D., Lafont, S., Dietze, M., Cameron, D., Vieno, M., Tian, H., Palacios-Orueta, A., Cicuendez, V., Recuero, L., Wiese, K., Büchner, M., Lange, S., Volkholz, J., Kim, H., Horemans, J. A., Bohn, F., Steinkamp, J., Chikalanov, A., Weedon, G. P., Sheffield, J., Babst, F., Vega del Valle, I., Suckow, F., Martel, S., Mahnken, M., Gutsch, M., & Frieler, K. (2020). The PROFOUND database for evaluating vegetation models and simulating climate impacts on forests. Earth System Science Data, 12(2), 1295-1320. doi:10.5194/essd-12-1295-2020.

67. Pan, S., Yang, J., Tian, H., Shi, H., Chang, J., Ciais, P., Francois, L., Frieler, K., Fu, B., Hickler, T., Ito, A., Nishina, K., Ostberg, S., Reyer, C. P. O., Schaphoff, S., Steinkamp, J., & Zhao, F. (2020). Climate Extreme Versus Carbon Extreme: Responses of Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes to Temperature and Precipitation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125(4): e2019JG005252. doi:10.1029/2019JG005252.

66. Huber, V., Krummenauer, L., Pena-Ortiz, C., Lange, S., Gasparrini, A., Vicedo-Cabrera, A. M., Garcia-Herrera, R., & Frieler, K. (2020). Temperature-related excess mortality in German cities at 2 °C and higher degrees of global warming. Environmental Research, 186: 109447. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2020.109447.


65. Schewe, J., Gosling, S. N., Reyer, C. P. O., Zhao, F., Ciais, P., Elliott, J., Francois, L., Huber, V., Lotze, H. K., Seneviratne, S. I., Vliet, M. T. H. v., Vautard, R., Wada, Y., Breuer, L., Büchner, M., Carozza, D. A., Chang, J., Coll, M., Deryng, D., Wit, A. d., Eddy, T. D., Folberth, C., Frieler, K., Friend, A. D., Gerten, D., Gudmundsson, L., Hanasaki, N., Ito, A., Khabarov, N., Kim, H., Lawrence, P., Morfopoulos, C., Müller, C., Müller Schmied, H., Orth, R., Ostberg, S., Pokhrel, Y., Pugh, T. A. M., Sakurai, G., Satoh, Y., Schmid, E., Stacke, T., Steenbeek, J., Steinkamp, J., Tang, Q., Tian, H., Tittensor, D. P., Volkholz, J., Wang, X., & Warszawski, L. (2019). State-of-the-art global models underestimate impacts from climate extremes. Nature Communications, 10: 1005. doi:10.1038/s41467-019-08745-6.

64. Ueckerdt, F., Frieler, K., Lange, S., Wenz, L., Luderer, G., & Levermann, A. (2019). The economically optimal warming limit of the planet. Earth System Dynamics, 10(4), 741-763. doi:10.5194/esd-10-741-2019.

63. Vogel, E., Donat, M. G., Alexander, L. V., Meinshausen, M., Ray, D. K., Karoly, D., Meinshausen, N., & Frieler, K. (2019). The effects of climate extremes on global agricultural yields. Environmental Research Letters, 14(5): 054010. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab154b.


62. Garcia Cantu Ros, A., Frieler, K., Reyer, C. P. O., Ciais, P., Chang, J., Ito, A., Nishina, K., Francois, L., Henrot, A.-J., Hickler, T., Steinkamp, J., Rafique, R., Zhao, F., Ostberg, S., Schaphoff, S., Tian, H., Pan, S., Yang, J., Morfopoulos, C., & Betts, R. (2018). Evaluating changes of biomass in global vegetation models: the role of turnover fluctuations and ENSO events. Environmental Research Letters, 13(Art. 075002). doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aac63c.

61. Schewe, J., Otto, C., & Frieler, K. (2018). Corrigendum: The role of storage dynamics in annual wheat prices (2017 Environ. Res. Lett. 12 054005). Environmental Research Letters, 13(Art. 079501). doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aacd77.

60. Rückamp, M., Falk, U., Frieler, K., Lange, S., & Humbert, A. (2018). The effect of overshooting 1.5 °C global warming on the mass loss of the Greenland ice sheet. Earth System Dynamics, 9(4), 1169-1189. doi:10.5194/esd-9-1169-2018.

59. Willner, S., Levermann, A., Zhao, F., & Frieler, K. (2018). Adaptation required to preserve future high-end river flood risk at present levels. Science Advances, 4(1): eaao1914. doi:10.1126/sciadv.aao1914.

58. Jägermeyr, J., & Frieler, K. (2018). Spatial variations in crop growing seasons pivotal to reproduce global fluctuations in maize and wheat yields. Science Advances, 4(Art. eaat4517). doi:10.1126/sciadv.aat4517.

57. Ostberg, S., Schewe, J., Childers, K., & Frieler, K. (2018). Changes in crop yields and their variability at different levels of global warming. Earth System Dynamics, 9(2), 479-496. doi:10.5194/esd-9-479-2018.

56. Dottori, F., Szewczyk, W., Ciscar, J.-C., Zhao, F., Alfieri, L., Hirabayashi, Y., Bianchi, A., Mongelli, I., Frieler, K., Betts, R. A., & Feyen, L. (2018). Increased human and economic losses from river flooding with anthropogenic warming. Nature Climate Change, 8(9), 781-786. doi:10.1038/s41558-018-0257-z.


55. Frieler, K., Lange, S., Piontek, F., Reyer, C. P. O., Schewe, J., Warszawski, L., Zhao, F., Chini, L., Denvil, S., Emanuel, K., Geiger, T., Halladay, K., Hurtt, G., Mengel, M., Murakami, D., Ostberg, S., Popp, A., Riva, R., Stevanović, M., Suzuki, T., Volkholz, J., Burke, E., Ciais, P., Ebi, K., Eddy, T. D., Elliott, J., Galbraith, E., Gosling, S. N., Hattermann, F. F., Hickler, T., Hinkel, J., Hof, C., Huber, V., Jägermeyr, J., Krysanova, V., Marcé, R., Müller Schmied, H., Mouratiadou, I., Pierson, D., Tittensor, D. P., Vautard, R., Vliet, M. v., Biber, M. F., Betts, R. A., Bodirsky, B. L., Deryng, D., Frolking, S., Jones, C. D., Lotze, H. K., Lotze-Campen, H., Sahajpal, R., Thonicke, K., Tian, H., & Yamagata, Y. (2017). Assessing the impacts of 1.5 °C global warming - simulation protocol of the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP2b). Geoscientific Model Development, 10(12), 4321-4345. doi:10.5194/gmd-10-4321-2017.

54. Schauberger, B., Archontoulis, S., Arneth, A., Balkovič, J., Ciais, P., Deryng, D., Elliott, J., Folberth, C., Khabarov, N., Müller, C., Pugh, T. A. M., Rolinski, S., Schaphoff, S., Schmid, E., Wang, X., Schlenker, W., & Frieler, K. (2017). Consistent negative response of US crops to high temperatures in observations and crop models. Nature Communications, 8: 13931. doi:10.1038/ncomms13931.

53. Huber, V., Ibarreta, D., & Frieler, K. (2017). Cold- and heat-related mortality: a cautionary note on current damage functions with net benefits from climate change. Climatic Change, 142(3), 407-418. doi:10.1007/s10584-017-1956-6.

52. Schewe, J., Otto, C., & Frieler, K. (2017). The role of storage dynamics in annual wheat prices. Environmental Research Letters, 12(5): 054005. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aa678e.

51. Zhao, F., Veldkamp, T., Frieler, K., Schewe, J., Ostberg, S., Willner, S., Schauberger, B., Gosling, S., Müller Schmied, H., Portmann, F., Leng, G., Huang, M., Liu, X., Tang, Q., Hanasaki, N., Biemans, H., Gerten, D., Satoh, Y., Pokhrel, Y., Stacke, T., Ciais, P., Ducharne, A., Guimberteau, M., Wada, Y., Kim, H., & Yamazaki, D. (2017). The critical role of the routing scheme in simulating peak river discharge in global hydrological models. Environmental Research Letters, 12(7): 075003. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aa7250.

50. Chang, J., Ciais, P., Wang, X., Piao, S., Asrar, G., Betts, R., Chevallier, F., Dury, M., François, L., Frieler, K., Garcia Cantu Ros, A., Henrot, A.-J., Hickler, T., Ito, A., Morfopoulos, C., Munhoven, G., Nishina, K., Ostberg, S., Pan, S., Rafique, R., Reyer, C., Rödenbeck, C., Schaphoff, S., Steinkamp, J., Tian, H., Viovy, N., Yang, J., Zeng, N., & Zhao, F. (2017). Benchmarking carbon fluxes of the ISIMIP2a biome models. Environmental Research Letters, 12(45002). doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aa63fa.

49. Frieler, K., Schauberger, B., Arneth, A., Balkovič, J., Chryssanthacopoulos, J., Deryng, D., Elliott, J., Folberth, C., Khabarov, N., Müller, C., Olin, S., Pugh, T. A. M., Schaphoff, S., Schewe, J., Schmid, E., Warszawski, L., & Levermann, A. (2017). Understanding the weather signal in national crop-yield variability. Earth's Future, 5(6), 605-616. doi:10.1002/2016EF000525.

48. Geiger, T., Frieler, K., & Levermann, A. (2017). Reply to Comment on 'High-income does not protect against hurricane losses'. Environmental Research Letters, 12(9): 098002. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aa88d6.

47. Otto, C., Willner, S., Wenz, L., Frieler, K., & Levermann, A. (2017). Modeling loss-propagation in the global supply network: The dynamic agent-based model acclimate. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 83, 232-269. doi:10.1016/j.jedc.2017.08.001.

46. Rosenzweig, C., Arnell, N. W., Ebi, K. L., Lotze-Campen, H., Raes, F., Rapley, C., Stafford Smith, M., Cramer, W., Frieler, K., Reyer, C. P. O., Schewe, J., Vuuren, D. v., & Warszawski, L. (2017). Assessing inter-sectoral climate change risks: the role of ISIMIP. Environmental Research Letters, 12(1): 010301. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/12/1/010301.


45. Schleussner, C.-F., Rogelj, J., Schaeffer, M., Lissner, T., Licker, R., Fischer, E. M., Knutti, R., Levermann, A., Frieler, K., & Hare, W. (2016). Science and policy characteristics of the Paris Agreement temperature goal. Nature Climate Change, 6(9), 827-835. doi:10.1038/nclimate3096.

44. Geiger, T., Frieler, K., & Levermann, A. (2016). High-income does not protect against hurricane losses. Environmental Research Letters, 11(8): 084012. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/11/8/084012.

43. Mengel, M., Levermann, A., Frieler, K., Robinson, A., Marzeion, B., & Winkelmann, R. (2016). Future sea level rise constrained by observations and long-term commitment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 113(10), 2597-2602. doi:10.1073/pnas.1500515113.

42. Schleussner, C.-F., Lissner, T. K., Fischer, E. M., Wohland, J., Perrette, M., Golly, A., Rogelj, J., Childers, K., Schewe, J., Frieler, K., Mengel, M., Hare, W., & Schaeffer, M. (2016). Differential climate impacts for policy-relevant limits to global warming: the case of 1.5 °C and 2 °C. Earth System Dynamics, 7(2), 327-351. doi:10.5194/esd-7-327-2016.

41. Ruane, A. C., Teichmann, C., Arnell, N. W., Carter, T. R., Ebi, K. L., Frieler, K., Goodess, C. M., Hewitson, B., Horton, R., Sari Kovats, R., Lotze, H. K., Mearns, L. O., Navarra, A., Ojima, D. S., Riahi, K., Rosenzweig, C., Themessl, M., & Vincent, K. (2016). The Vulnerability, Impacts, Adaptation and Climate Services Advisory Board (VIACS AB v1.0) contribution to CMIP6. Geoscientific Model Development, 9(9), 3493-3515. doi:10.5194/gmd-9-3493-2016.

40. Frieler, K., Mengel, M., & Levermann, A. (2016). Delaying future sea-level rise by storing water in Antarctica. Earth System Dynamics, 7(1), 203-210. doi:10.5194/esd-7-203-2016.


39. Frieler, K., Clark, P. U., He, F., Buizert, C., Reese, R., Ligtenberg, S. R. M., Broeke, M. R. v. d., Winkelmann, R., & Levermann, A. (2015). Consistent evidence of increasing Antarctic accumulation with warming. Nature Climate Change, 348-352. doi:10.1038/nclimate2574.

38. Frieler, K., Levermann, A., Elliott, J., Heinke, J., Arneth, A., Bierkens, M. F. P., Ciais, P., Clark, D. B., Deryng, D., Döll, P., Falloon, P., Fekete, B., Folberth, C., Friend, A. D., Gellhorn, C., Gosling, S. N., Haddeland, I., Khabarov, N., Lomas, M., Masaki, Y., Nishina, K., Neumann, K., Oki, T., Pavlick, R., Ruane, A. C., Schmid, E., Schmitz, C., Stacke, T., Stehfest, E., Tang, Q., Huber, V., Piontek, F., Warszawski, L., Schewe, J., Lotze-Campen, H., & Schellnhuber, H. J. (2015). A framework for the cross-sectoral integration of multi-model impact projections: land use decisions under climate impacts uncertainties. Earth System Dynamics, 6(2), 447-460. doi:10.5194/esd-6-447-2015.

37. Lehmann, J., Coumou, D., & Frieler, K. (2015). Increased record-breaking precipitation events under global warming. Climatic Change, 132(4), 501-515. doi:10.1007/s10584-015-1434-y.


36. Warszawski, L., Frieler, K., Huber, V., Piontek, F., Serdeczny, O., & Schewe, J. (2014). The Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISI–MIP): Project framework. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 111(9), 3228-3232. doi:10.1073/pnas.1312330110.

35. Lehmann, J., Coumou, D., Frieler, K., Eliseev, A., & Levermann, A. (2014). Future changes in extratropical storm tracks and baroclinicity under climate change. Environmental Research Letters, 9(8). doi:10.1088/1748-9326/9/8/084002.

34. Schewe, J., Heinke, J., Gerten, D., Haddeland, I., Arnell, N. W., Clark, D. B., Dankers, R., Eisner, S., Fekete, B. M., Colón-González, F. J., Gosling, S. N., Kim, H., Liu, X., Masaki, Y., Portmann, F. T., Satoh, Y., Stacke, T., Tang, Q., Wada, Y., Wisser, D., Albrecht, T., Frieler, K., Piontek, F., Warszawski, L., & Kabat, P. (2014). Multimodel assessment of water scarcity under climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 111(9), 3245-3250. doi:10.1073/pnas.1222460110.

33. Piontek, F., Müller, C., Pugh, T. A. M., Clark, D. B., Deryng, D., Elliott, J., Jesus Colón-González, F. d., Flörke, M., Folbert, C., Franssen, W., Frieler, K., Friend, A. D., Gosling, S. N., Hemming, D., Khabarov, N., Kim, H., Lomas, M. R., Masaki, Y., Mengel, M., Morse, A., Neumann, K., Nishina, K., Ostberg, S., Pavlick, R., Ruane, A. C., Schewe, J., Schmid, E., Stacke, T., Tang, Q., Tessler, Z. D., Tompkins, A. M., Warszawski, L., Wisser, D., & Schellnhuber, H. J. (2014). Multisectoral climate impact hotspots in a warming world. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 111(9), 3233-3238. doi:10.1073/pnas.1222471110.

32. Levermann, A., Winkelmann, R., Nowicki, S., Fastook, J. L., Frieler, K., Greve, R., Hellmer, H. H., Martin, M. A., Meinshausen, M., Mengel, M., Payne, A. J., Pollard, D., Sato, T., Timmermann, R., Lang, W. L., & Bindschadler, R. A. (2014). Projecting Antarctic ice discharge using response functions from SeaRISE ice-sheet models. Earth System Dynamics, 5(2), 271-293. doi:10.5194/esdd-4-1117-2013.

31. Huber, V., Schellnhuber, H. J., Arnell, N. W., Frieler, K., Friend, A. D., Gerten, D., Haddeland, I., Kabat, P., Lotze-Campen, H., Lucht, W., Parry, M., Piontek, F., Rosenzweig, C., Schewe, J., & Warszawski, L. (2014). Climate impact research: beyond patchwork. Earth System Dynamics, 5(2), 399-408. doi:10.5194/esd-5-399-2014.

30. Schellnhuber, H. J., Frieler, K., & Kabat, P. (2014). The elephant, the blind, and the intersectoral intercomparison of climate impacts - [Introduction]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 111(9), 3225-3227. doi:10.1073/pnas.1321791111.

29. Elliott, J., Deryng, D., Müller, C., Frieler, K., Konzmann, M., Gerten, D., Glotter, M., Flörke, M., Wada, Y., Best, N., Eisner, S., Fekete, B. M., Folberth, C., Foster, I., Gosling, S. N., Haddeland, I., Khabarov, N., Ludwig, F., Masaki, Y., Olin, S., Rosenzweig, C., Ruane, A. C., Satoh, Y., Schmid, E., Stacke, T., Tang, Q., & Wisser, D. (2014). Constraints and potentials of future irrigation water availability on agricultural production under climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 111(9), 3239-3244. doi:10.1073/pnas.1222474110.


28. Menon, A., Levermann, A., Schewe, J., Lehmann, J., & Frieler, K. (2013). Consistent increase in Indian monsoon rainfall and its variability across CMIP-5 models. Earth System Dynamics, 4(2), 287-300. doi:10.5194/esd-4-287-2013.

27. Warszawski, L., Friend, A., Ostberg, S., Frieler, K., Lucht, W., Schaphoff, S., Beerling, D., Cadule, P., Ciais, P., Clark, D. B., Kahana, R., Ito, A., Keribin, R., Kleidon, A., Lomas, M., Nishina, K., Pavlick, R., Rademacher, T. T., Büchner, M., Piontek, F., Schewe, J., Serdeczny, O., & Schellnhuber, H. J. (2013). A multi-model analysis of risk of ecosystem shifts under climate change. Environmental Research Letters, 8(44018). doi:10.1088/1748-9326/8/4/044018.

26. Perrette, M., Landerer, F., Riva, R., Frieler, K., & Meinshausen, M. (2013). A scaling approach to project regional sea level rise and its uncertainties. Earth System Dynamics, 4(1), 11-29. doi:10.5194/esd-4-11-2013.

25. Frieler, K., Meinshausen, M., Golly, A., Mengel, M., Lebek, K., Donner, S. D., & Hoegh-Guldberg, O. (2013). Limiting global warming to 2°C is unlikely to save most coral reefs. Nature Climate Change, 3(2), 165-170. doi:10.1038/nclimate1674.

24. Schellnhuber, H. J., Hare, W., Serdeczny, O., Schaeffer, M., Adams, S., Baarsch, F., Schwan, S., Coumou, D., Robinson, A., Vieweg, M., Piontek, F., Donner, R., Runge, J., Rehfeld, K., Rogelj, J., Perette, M., Menon, A., Schleußner, C.-F., Bondeau, A., Svirejeva-Hopkins, A., Schewe, J., Frieler, K., Warszawski, L., & Rocha, M.(2013). Turn Down the Heat. Climate Extremes, Regional Impacts, and the Case for Resilience. Washington DC: World Bank.


23. Winkelmann, R., Levermann, A., Frieler, K., & Martin, M. A. (2012). Uncertainty in future solid ice discharge from Antarctica. The Cryosphere, 6(1), 673-714. doi:10.5194/tcd-6-673-2012.

22. Schneider von Deimling, T., Meinshausen, M., Levermann, A., Huber, V., Frieler, K., Lawrence, D. M., & Brovkin, V. (2012). Estimating the near-surface permafrost-carbon feedback on global warming. Biogeosciences, 9(2), 649-665. doi:10.5194/bg-9-649-2012.

21. Schellnhuber, H. J., Hare, W., Serdeczny, O., Adams, S., Coumou, D., Frieler, K., Martin, M., Otto, I. M., Perrette, M., Robinson, A., Rocha, M., Schaeffer, M., Schewe, J., Wang, X., & Warszawski, L.(2012). Turn Down the Heat. Why a 4°C Warmer World Must be Avoided. Washington D.C.: World Bank.

20. Frieler, K., Meinshausen, M., Mengel, M., Braun, N., & Hare, W. (2012). A scaling approach to probabilistic assessment of regional climate change. Journal of Climate, 25(9), 3117-3144. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00199.1.

19. Winkelmann, R., Levermann, A., Martin, M. A., & Frieler, K. (2012). Increased future ice discharge from Antarctica owing to higher snowfall. Nature, 492(7428), 239-242. doi:10.1038/nature11616.

18. Levermann, A., Winkelmann, R., Nowicki, S., Fastook, J. L., Frieler, K., Greve, R., Hellmer, H. H., Martin, M. A., Mengel, M., Payne, A. J., Pollard, D., Sato, T., Timmermann, R., Wang, W. L., & Bindschadler, R. A. (2012). Projecting Antarctic ice discharge using response functions from SeaRISE ice-sheet models. The Cryosphere Discussions, 6(4), 3447-3489.


17. Kremser, S., Schofield, R., Bodeker, G. E., Connor, B. J., Rex, M., Barret, J., Mooney, T., Salawitch, R. J., Canty, T., Frieler, K., Chipperfield, M. P., Langematz, U., & Feng, W. (2011). Retrievals of chlorine chemistry kinetic parameters from Antarctic ClO microwave radiometer measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11(11), 5183-5193. doi:10.5194/acp-11-5183-2011.

16. Frieler, K., Meinshausen, M., Schneider von Deimling, T., Andrews, T., & Forster, P. (2011). Changes in global-mean precipitation in response to warming, greenhouse gas forcing and black carbon. Geophysical Research Letters, 38(L04702). doi:10.1029/2010GL045953.

15. Schleußner, C. F., Frieler, K., Meinshausen, M., Yin, J., & Levermann, A. (2011). Emulating Atlantic overturning strength for low emission scenarios: consequences for sea-level rise along the North American east coast. Earth System Dynamics, 2(2), 191-200. doi:10.5194/esd-2-191-2011.


14. Hoffmann, H., Frieler, K., Schlattmann, P., Hamm, B., & Dewey, M. (2010). Influence of statin treatment on coronary atherosclerosis visualised using multidetector computed tomography. European Radiology, 20(12), 2824-2833. doi:10.1007/s00330-010-1880-x.


13. Schlenk, F., Frieler, K., Nagel, A., Vajkoczy, P., & Sarrafzadeh, A. S. (2009). Cerebral microdialysis for detection of bacterial meningitis in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage patients: a cohort study. Critical Care, 13(1 (Art. R2)).

12. Meinshausen, M., Meinshausen, N., Hare, W., Raper, S. C. B., Frieler, K., Knutti, R., Frame, D. J., & Allen, M. R. (2009). Greenhouse-gas emission targets for limiting global warming to 2 °C. Nature, 458(7242), 1158-1162. doi:10.1038/nature08017.

11. Kawa, S. R., Stolarski, R. S., Newman, P. A., Douglass, A. R., Rex, M., Hofmann, D. J., Santee, M. L., & Frieler, K. (2009). Sensitivity of polar stratospheric ozone loss to uncertainties in chemical reaction kinetics. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9(22), 8651-8660.

10. Schneider, N., Frieler, K., Pfeiffer, E., Lehmkuhl, U., & Salbach-Andrae, H. (2009). Comparison of body size estimation in adolescents with different types of eating disorders. European Eating Disorders Review, 17(6), 468-475. doi:10.1002/erv.956.

9. Salbach-Andrae, H., Klinkowski, N., Holzhausen, M., Frieler, K., Bohnekamp, I., Thiels, C., Bender, C., Vandereycken, W. (2009) "The German version of the Anorectic Behavior Observation Scale (ABOS)", European Child Adolescent Psychiatry, 18, 5, 321.

8. Nagel, A., Graetz, D., Schink, T., Frieler, K., Sakowitz, O., Vajkoczy, P., & Sarrafzadeh, A. (2009) "Relevance of intracranial hypertension for cerebral metabolism in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage." Journal of Neurosurgery, 111, 1, 94-101.


7. Schneider, N., Frieler, K., Ehrlich, S., Pfeiffer, E., Lehmkuhl, U., Salbach-Andrae, H. (2008) "Persönlichkeitsstile und dimensionale Diagnostik bei Jugendlichen Patientinnen mit Anorexia und Bulimia nervosa", Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 37, 4, 236-244.

6. Hoffmann, H., Frieler, K., Hamm, B., Dewey, M. (2008) "Intra- and interobserver variability in detection and assessment of calcified and noncalcified coronary artery plaques using 64-slice computed tomography", The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, 24, 7, 735-742.

5. Gossler, A., Schultheiss, M., Martus, P., Frieler, K., Thuerauf, N. (2008) “Assessing Olfactory Hedonic Estimates: How Complex Does the Study Design Have To Be?”, Chemical Senses, 33, 8, 141-S141.

4. Goektas, O., Fleiner, F., Frieler, K., Scherer, H., & Paschen, C. (2008) “The scent-diffusing ventilator for rehabilitation of olfactory function after laryngectomy”, American Journal of Rhinology, 22, 5, 487-490.

3. Caffier, P. P., Frieler, K., Scherer, H., Sedlmaier, B., & Göktas, Ö. (2008) ”Rhinitis medicamentosa: therapeutic effect of diode laser inferior turbinate reduction on nasal obstruction and decongestant abuse”, American Journal of Rhinology, 22, 4, 433-439.

2. Schofield, R., Frieler, K., Wohltmann, I., Rex, M., von Hobe, M., Stroh, F., Koch, G., Peter, T., Canty, T., Salawitch, R.J., Volk, C.M. (2008). "Polar stratospheric chlorine kinetics from a self-match flight during SOLVE II / EUPLEX", Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L10807.


1. Frieler, K., Rex, M., Salawitch, R. J., Canty, T., Streibel, M., Stimpfle, R., Pfeilsticker, K., Dorf, M., Weisenstein, D. K., Godin-Beekmann, S. (2006). "Toward a better quantitative understanding of polar stratospheric ozone loss", Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L10812.