Earth League: International network established by leading research institutes

02/14/13 - Leading research institutes from more than 10 nations joined forces last week in London and launched the “Earth League”. As a global alliance of eminent scientific representatives from climate research, environmental sciences and economics, this distinguished network focuses on planetary processes and sustainability issues. The Earth League will meet once a year to provide robust background information for decision makers on the most urging challenges for the future.
Earth League: International network established by leading research institutes

“Mankind is changing the face of Planet Earth like no other species did before,” says Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), one of the initiators of Earth League: “Only a great transformation towards sustainability can answer the challenges of climate change”. From the impacts or global warming to the depletion of natural resources to water scarcity - the members of the Earth League will define key questions of sustainability and providing multiple options how to address these. As a leading alliance of science, the network will be a united voice in the global dialogue on planetary issues.

Apart from PIK director Schellnhuber, Ottmar Edenhofer from Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC), the British economist Lord Nicholas Stern from the London School of Economics, Sir Brian Hoskins from the Grantham Institute for Climate Change at Imperial College London, Jennifer Morgan from the World Resources Institute in the US, Peter Schlosser from Earth Institute at Columbia University, Xu Guanhua of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Nobel Laureate for Chemistry Mario Molina are among the international experts of the Earth League. The network’s chair is Guy Brasseur, director of the Climate Service Center (CSC) in Hamburg.

Weblink to the Earth League Website