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Zur aktuellen "Klimahysterie"-Mediendiskussion

Bitte lesen Sie auch den Artikel "DIE EISZEIT KOMMT - und andere Presse-Irrtümer".


List of Ocean-Related Press Releases
(Sorry, not currently up to date... for a list of all PIK press releases, click here.)

Stochastic resonance in glacial climate

18 January 2002
Klimakapriolen der Eiszeit ausgelöst durch stochastische Resonanz?
A climatic roller coaster - is stochastic resonance to blame?

23 July 2001

False quotes and another case of media hype
July 2001

Simulation of abrupt climate changes in glacial times
05 January 2001

Long-term global warming scenarios, risk of Atlantic cooling
09 September 1999 The Gibraltar Dam controversy
25 June 1998 Simulation of Ice Age climate
19 January 1998