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Description of input files

Simulation control file

Run options

Run option 1

Run option 2

Run option 7

Run option 8

Run option 9

Run option 10

Run option 1

The choice multi run (run option 1) enables the performance of multiple simulation runs one after another with changing of the control configuration and with diverse input files (see example). After choosing the run option in the simulation control file (recommended extension *.sim) the number of simulations has to be declared additionally.

According to the number of simulations the complete records of the input files, including the location title and inventory number, are being declared. This means that the first run is being defined by the information up to line 52, and the definition of the next run starts at line 53 whereas all input files have to be declared once again. All control flags still apply further on, unless they are not overwritten explicitly.

 Valid is always only the most recently generated constellation!

This option can be used for simulations at diverse locations as well as for a sensitivity analysis. In this last case (for consistent location) the data with the species parameters or the control flags are being changed.

For each simulation run the selected set of output data is created, that is generated from the run. The output files are indicated by the location name (site_name) and a numeration after the appendix out, res or ini. (see: Description of the output-files)

Run option 2

This run option allows multiple simulation runs with modified climate data (see example of simulation control file). Two additional lines with 3 values per line are added to the simulation file after the last line with the litter file. The first line indicates temperature changes, the second line refers to changes in precipitation.
The first value per line indicates the the absolute step by which the daily climate parameter shall be increased and/or decreased (i.e. “1” for 1 °C, or “0.05” for 5 % of original precipitation). The second and third value describe the amount of increasing and decreasing steps you wish to conduct (i.e. “2” for 2 simulations. In this example one simulation with +1 and one with +2 °C of temperature).

stepT N_ T_down N_T_up

fac_P N_P_down N_P_ up

stepT: value for the (additional) change of daily temperature (dailyT = orgT +/- stepT*x, x=1 ,.. N_T_down/ N_T_up), with orgT is the unchanged daily temperature (from climate file)

N_T_down: number of steps by which the daily temperature is reduced by stepT for one simulation run

N_T_up: number of steps by which the daily temperature is increased by stepT for one simulation run

fac_P: value for the (multiplied) change of precipitation (dailyP= orgP +/- orgP*fac_P*x, x = 1,..., N_P_down/ N_P_up), with orgP is the unchanged daily precipitation (from climate file)

N_P_down: number of steps by which the daily precipitation is reduces by fac_P*orgP

N_P_up: number of steps by which the daily precipitation is increased by fac_P*orgP

One run is performed with the original climate data. The total number of simulations is (N_T_down + N_T_up + 1) * (N_P_down+N_P_up +1).



Run option 7

Similar to run option 8 the run option 7 enables the execution of several simulation runs with the same model control configuration (see example). The structure of the simulation control file is the same up to line 43. The name of a data file with special structure follows after the site_name.
This site control file (recommended extension *.con) arranges the site depending files for each simulation run and the sequence of their simulations.
The following table lists the description of the control file from line 41 in case of flag_multi = 7..

 41  ***  input data  comment line  
 42  specfile species parameter file (species.par)  string  
 43  site_name name of output-files  string identifier (first part of  the name of all output files of this run)
 44  siteall name of the site control file (*.con)  string controls the combination of all files for climate, management,and stand initialization
 45  pathdir1 name of the path of cilmate data  string sets the path to the directory of the climate data
 pathdir2 name of the path of soil data  string sets the path to the directory of the files with soil description data
 47  pathdir3 name of the path of stand data  string sets the path to the directory of the files with stand initialization data
 48  pathdir4 name of the ptah of management files  string sets the path to the directory of the management files
 49  pathdir5 name of the path of deposition data files  string sets the path to the directory of the files with deposition data
 pathdir6 name of the path of RedN files  string sets the path to the directory of the files with reduction factors RedN
 pathdir7 name of the path of litter files  string sets the path to the directory of the files with litter initialisation data

The brackets contain the recommended file extension.

Example see


Run option 8

On run option 8 it is possible to execute several simulation runs with the same model control configuration (see example). The structure of the simulation control file is the same up to line 43. Names of data files with special structure follow after the site_name. The arrangement of site depending files for each simulation run and their order of simulation is described in a special site control file (recommended extension *.con).
In the following table the sequence of the lines in the control file from line 41 are listed.

 41  ***  input data  comment line  
 42  specfile species parameter file (species.par)  string  
 43  site_name name of output-files  string identifier (first part of  the name of all output files of this run)
 treefile name of initialization file of stand (*.ini)  string file contains the initializations of all stands used in the simulation
 45  manfile management file  string  
 46  siteall name of the site control file (*.con)  string controls the combination of all files for the sites and their order of simulation
 47  climall name of the file of climate stations  string file contains all climate stations with coordinates
 48  pathdir1 name of the path of cilmate data  string sets the path to the directory of the climate data
 pathdir2 name of the file of soil data  string file contains the soil data description of all simulation sites
 50  climszen identification of climate scenarios  string  
 51  text kind of generation of climate scenario names  string identifies the kind of generation of climate scenario names
52  outvar    string definition of names of output variables, each name requires a new line, ending with a certain line (name = end); this last line is always necessary

The brackets contain the recommended file extension.

The name of the climate scenarios (0 - 3K) will be generated as follows:


<app> will be created internally controlled by 'text'

text app Description
BRB cli
scenarios for Brandenburg
BAWUE dat scenarios for Baden-Würtemberg
DEU dat scenarios for Germany
REMO txt scenarios from REMO
WETTREG dat scenarios from WETTREG

Example see


Run option 9

On run option 9 it is possible to execute several simulation runs with the same model control configuration (see example). The structure of the simulation control file is the same up to line 43. Names of data files with special structure follow after the site_name. The arrangement of site depending files for each simulation run and their order of simulation is described in a special site control file (recommended extension *.con).
In the following table the sequence of the lines in the control file from line 41 are listed.

 41  ***  input data  comment line  
 42  specfile species parameter file (species.par)  string  
 43  site_name name of output-files  string  identifier (first part of  the name of all output files of this run)
 treefile name of initialization file of stand (*.ini)  string file contains the initializations of all stands used in the simulation
 45  manfile management file  string  
 46  siteall name of the site control file (*.con)  string controls the combination of all files for the sites and their order of simulation
 47  climall name of the file of climate stations  string file contains all climate stations with coordinates
 48  pathdir1 name of the path of cilmate data  string sets the path to the directory of the climate data
 pathdir2 name of the file of soil data  string file contains the soil data description of all simulation sites
 50  climszen identification of climate scenarios  string  
 51  text type of climate scenarios  string identification of all levels of climate scenarios ( in general the steps of the temperature change) ; the levels will be separated by blank
 52  nrreal number of realizations of climate scenarios  integer  
 53  outvar    string definition of names of output variables, each name requires a new line, ending with a certain line (name = end); this last line is always necessary

The brackets contain the recommended file extension.

The name of the climate scenarios (0 - 3K) will be generated as follows:

             <pathdir1><part of text>/real_<i>/<climate_station><climszen>.dat

with i = 1 to nrreal


Run option 10

On run option 10 it is possible to execute several simulation runs with the same model control configuration (see example). The structure of the simulation control file is the same up to line 43. Names of data files with special structure follow after the site_name. The arrangement of site depending files for each simulation run and their order of simulation is described in a special site control file (recommended extension *.con).
In the following table the sequence of the lines in the control file from line 41 are listed.

 41  ***  input data  comment line  
 42  specfile species parameter file (species.par)  string  
 43  site_name name of output-files  string  identifier (first part of  the name of all output files of this run)
 treefile name of initialization file of stand (*.ini)  string file contains the initializations of all stands used in the simulation
 45  manfile management file  string  
 46  siteall name of the site control file (*.con)  string controls the combination of all files for the sites and their order of simulation
 47  climall name of the file of climate stations  string file contains all climate stations with coordinates
 48  pathdir1 name of the path of cilmate data  string sets the path to the directory of the climate data
 pathdir2 name of the file of soil data  string file contains the soil data description of all simulation sites
 50  climszen identification of climate scenarios  string  
 51  text type of climate scenarios  string line not used, but must have any character (for instance "dummy")
 52  nrreal number of realizations of climate scenarios  integer  
 53  outvar    string definition of names of output variables, each name requires a new line, ending with a certain line (name = end); this last line is always necessary

The brackets contain the recommended file extension.

The name of the climate scenarios will be generated as follows:


with i = 1 to nrreal

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