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Does implementing measures reduce vulnerability in other areas or sectors?

Adaptation options need to be implemented within existing governance and legislative constraints which will inevitably influence which responses are considered to be feasible. Understanding as much as possible about the context of this wider landscape allows a balance to be struck between actions that fit within these existing structures while also ensuring that these structures evolve to create an enabling environment to support appropriate adaptation decision-making in the future. This complexity means t is a greater challenge to ensure that adaptation in one area does not increase vulnerability in another, that 'windows of opportunity' and 'win-win' opportunities are maximised. Therefore next question to address is therefore whether implementing adaptation options will reduce (or increase) vulnerability in other areas or sectors? If not there are a range of tools to support this through exploring complexity in the context of implementation adaptation.

AP interactive decision tree - click any node to select it

[text to be added]

This section is based on the UNEP PROVIA guidance document

Criteria checklist

1. You want to implement adaptation actions.
2. The phases of "Getting started" have been adressed.
3. There is agreement about which stakeholders need to be involved.
4. Implementing the plan is within the (perceived) responsibility of the stakeholders identified.
5. Stakeholders have the (perceived) capacity and will to engage.
6. As a next step you are faced with the question whether implementing measures does reduce vulnerability in other areas or sectors.