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Have areas been identified where capacity building is required?

At this point, it is important to build enough capacity to ensure that the implementation will result in change that is sustainable and aligned with the principles and objectives set out in the design of the adaptation plan. This can require the building of additional skill sets, increasing education and awareness about certain issues and developing trust and cooperation - these are often barriers which undermine the effectiveness of adaptation processes. The first question that arises is whether areas have been identified where capacity is lacking. If not, then capacity analysis should be undertaken.

AP interactive decision tree - click any node to select it

[text to be added]

This section is based on the UNEP PROVIA guidance document

Criteria checklist

1. You want to implement adaptation actions.
2. There is support and agreement about the purpose of the option.
3. Shared principles underlying the work have been explored.
4. The options are clear enough to define activities.
5. There is insufficient capacity to implement the option.
6. As a next step you are faced with the question whether areas have been identified where capacity building is required.