Transition @ PIK

Sustainable development - goals and trends

Quantifying tradeoffs and synergies across and within SGD's

A total of 230 indicators across 169 targets were proposed to help countries keep track with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) progress. Given the limited capacity of countries to invest in every goal at the same time prioritization is required. Our approach consists in preforming a systematic quantification of synergies and trade-offs between the proposed indicators - synergies.

Benchmarking INDC's

INDC's are a political documents determining voluntarily emission reduction from countries. In the Transition Flagship we evaluate to what extent these documents go beyond a business-as-usual approach that accounts from expected decarbonization from development gains.

Development within climate targets

The dynamics of decoupling carbon emissions from development and economic activity are heterogeneous across countries. Division of decarbonization efforts between developed and developing countries following the approach in Costa et al, (2011).