Technical Policy Briefing Notes - 4

Real Options Analysis

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Real Options Analysis
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Black, F., Scholes, M., 1973. The pricing of
options and corporate liabilities. Journal of
Political Economy I 81, 637–659.

Dixit, A.K., Pindyck, R.S., 1994. Investment
under Uncertainty. Princeton University Press,
Princeton, NJ.

Eijgenraam, C., Brekelmans, R., den Hertog, D.
and Roos, K. (2012). Flood Prevention by
Optimal Dike Heightening. Working paper, Tilburg

Fuss S, Johansson DJA, Szolgayova J,
Obersteiner M (2009). Impact of climate policy
uncertainty on the adoption of electricity
generating technologies. Energy Policy,
37(2):733-743 (February 2009).

Hlouskova, J., Kossmeier, S., Obersteiner, M.,
Schnabl, A., 2005. Real options and the value of
generation capacity in the German electricity
market. Review of Financial Economics 14 (3–4),

Jeuland, M and Whittington, D (2013). Water
Resources Planning under Climate Change: A
“Real Options” Application to Investment
Planning in the Blue Nile. Environment for
Development. Discussion Paper Series March
2013. EfD DP 13-05.

HMT (2007). The Green Book. Appraisal and
Evaluation in Central Government Treasury
Guidance. Her Majesty’s Treasury. London:TSO.

HMT, 2009. Accounting for the Effects of Climate
Change. June 2009. Supplementary Green Book

Laurikka, H., Koljonen, T., 2006. Emissions
trading and investment decisions in the power
sector-a case study of Finland. Energy Policy 34,

McDonald, R., Siegel, D., 1986. The value of
waiting to invest. Quarterly Journal of Economics
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Rothwell, G., 2006. A real options approach to
evaluating new nuclear power plants. Energy
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Szolgayova J, Fuss S, Khabarov N, Obersteiner
M (2011). Robust energy portfolios under climate
policy and socioeconomic uncertainty.
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in press (Published online 5 July 2011).

van Dantzig, D. (1956). Economic Decision-
Problems for Flood Prevention. Econometrica 24
(3), 276-287.

Further Reading and Reference Sources

MEDIATION Policy Briefing Note 1: Method Overview

Copeland, T., Antikarov, V., 2001. Real Options: A
Practitioner’s Guide. WW Norton & Co.