Automatic, multi-objective calibration on the PIK cluster

This example shows how to run ready setup autocalibration in the SWIM Blankenstein test project in the hope that it will be useful to transfer for other projects. This example works entirely with preinstalled software (incl. SWIMpy) on the PIK cluster and uses as little Python code as possible, i.e. mainly bash commands.


The autocalibration setup is committed to a SWIM branch and can be cloned/downloaded like this (will prompt for your PIK gitlab username and password).

$ module load git/2.16.1
$ git clone --branch swimpy_autocalibration
$ cd swim

Once downloaded, compile SWIM as usual and doublecheck if the Blankenstein project is running as expected:

$ module load compiler/gnu/7.3.0
$ cd code
$ make
$ cd ../project
$ make

We need SWIMpy (and all its dependencies) to run the calibration, i.e. either follow Installation or activate the preinstalled conda environment like this (your prompt should be prefixed with (swimpyenv) from now on) and test it’s working by showing the help:

$ module load anaconda/5.0.0_py3
$ source activate /home/wortmann/src/swimpy/swimpyenv
$ swimpy -h


All SWIMpy settings are given in the swimpy/ in the Blankenstein project/ and, for the purpose of this example, all autocalibration settings have been prepared there. Give this a good read (vim swimpy/

"""swimpy settings file.

This file accepts standard python code. See the docs for further details

#: Parameters from the .bsn file, (lower, upper) bounds
SMSEMOA_parameters = {
    'bff': (0, 1),
    'sccor': (0.1, 10),
    'roc2': (1, 20),
    'roc4': (1, 20),
    'smrate': (0., 1),
    'ecal': (0.8, 1.2),
    'xgrad1': (0., 0.001),

#: Objective functions renamed to short versions
#: This could be any function or attribute of the swimpy project, eg.
#: a function defined in this file.
SMSEMOA_objectives = {
    'rNSE': 'station_daily_discharge.rNSE.BLANKENSTEIN',
    'bias': 'station_daily_discharge.pbias_abs.BLANKENSTEIN',

#: Population (parallel model runs) and generations to run.
SMSEMOA_population_size = 16
SMSEMOA_max_generations = 10

#: try to restart from existing output file
SMSEMOA_restart = True

#: How to perform parallel model runs
#: mp : multiprocessing on the available CPUs of machine
#: jobs : send each model run as a SLURM job
#: mpi : MPI parallelisation
cluster_run_parallel_parallelism = "mp"

#: If you are running with jobs and you want to control any sbatch parameters
#: (e.g. qos, account, cpus-per-task), give them here. Note that the time
#: parameter is overridden and adapted to the model runtime.
cluster_slurmargs = {'account': 'swim'}

In this example we’ll be using the SMS-EMOA optimisation algorithm, a multiobjective, evolutionary algorithm based on the maximisation of the dominated hypervolume of the objective space (but there are others, such as the commonly used NSGA algorithm, see the evoalgos documentation for details). All the settings prefixed with SMSEMOA_ refer to the algorithm settings and can also be parsed on the commandline (see swimpy SMSEMOA -h for details). The population_size and max_generations settings here represent test values, commonly used values are 50-100 for both, totaling around 5000-10000 model runs per calibration. But this is not to say that even ~100 runs will already lead to strong performance improvements.

Running the algorithm

Since all required settings are given in the swimpy/ file, running it only requires (--output has the default here):

$ swimpy SMSEMOA --output SMSEMOA_populations.csv

SWIMpy will now perform a test run of the model, the model parameter assignment and the retrieval of the objective functions. If this test passes, it will start with the parallel model runs according to the chosen parallelisation and writes out the population median and min. objectives to the console and for all model runs to the output file.

Multi-process parallelisation

If cluster_run_parallel_parallelism = "mp", all available CPUs of your machine are used to run SWIM in parallel. Note that on the cluster login nodes, this defaults to 48, which will overload the nodes. It is recommended to not use more than 16 multi-processes, as is e.g. the case on a single compute node.

SLURM job parallelisation

If cluster_run_parallel_parallelism = "jobs", each model run is submitted as SLURM job. There is virtually now limit on the number of parallel runs, however, the jobs will have to pass through the SLURM queue, which can get busy and as you accumulate CPU hours, your priority will shrink, thus increasing your queuing time.

MPI parallelisation

If cluster_run_parallel_parallelism = "mpi", model runs are performed on distributed CPUs on the cluster. This method, however, requires more setup and a specific submission command. The advantage is that you are neither bound by node CPUs nor by the SLURM queue. (… will document this in more detail later …)

Visualising results

(… to be continued, see :docs:`examples/mulitobjective_optimisation` for a Python-based visualisation …)

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