Source code for pyunicorn.timeseries.surrogates

# This file is part of pyunicorn.
# Copyright (C) 2008--2024 Jonathan F. Donges and pyunicorn authors
# URL: <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)
# Please acknowledge and cite the use of this software and its authors
# when results are used in publications or published elsewhere.
# You can use the following reference:
# J.F. Donges, J. Heitzig, B. Beronov, M. Wiedermann, J. Runge, Q.-Y. Feng,
# L. Tupikina, V. Stolbova, R.V. Donner, N. Marwan, H.A. Dijkstra,
# and J. Kurths, "Unified functional network and nonlinear time series analysis
# for complex systems science: The pyunicorn package"

Provides classes for analyzing spatially embedded complex networks, handling
multivariate data and generating time series surrogates.

# array object and fast numerics
import numpy as np
from numpy import random

# easy progress bar handling
from tqdm import trange

from ..core._ext.types import to_cy, ADJ, DEGREE, FIELD, DFIELD
from ._ext.numerics import _embed_time_series_array, _recurrence_plot, \
    _twins_s, _twin_surrogates_s, _test_pearson_correlation, \

#  Define class Surrogates

[docs] class Surrogates: """ Encapsulates structures and methods related to surrogate time series. Provides data structures and methods to generate surrogate data sets from a set of time series and to evaluate the significance of various correlation measures using these surrogates. More information on time series surrogates can be found in [Schreiber2000]_ and [Kantz2006]_. """ # # Define internal methods #
[docs] def __init__(self, original_data, silence_level=1): """ Initialize an instance of Surrogates. .. note:: The order of array dimensions is different from the standard of ``core``. Here it is [index, time] for reasons of computational speed! :type original_data: 2D array [index, time] :arg original_data: The original time series for surrogate generation. :arg int silence_level: The inverse level of verbosity of the object. """ if silence_level <= 1: print("Generated an instance of the Surrogates class.") # Set class variables self.original_data = original_data """The original time series for surrogate generation.""" self.silence_level = silence_level """(string) - The inverse level of verbosity of the object.""" # Set flags self._normalized = False self._fft_cached = False self._twins_cached = False # Cache self._twins = None self._original_data_fft = None
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Returns a string representation. """ return f"Surrogates: time series shape {self.original_data.shape}."
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """Clean up cache.""" try: del self._original_data_fft del self._twins except AttributeError: pass
# # Methods for testing purposes #
[docs] @staticmethod def SmallTestData(): """ Return Surrogates instance representing test a data set of 6 time series. :rtype: Surrogates instance :return: a Surrogates instance for testing purposes. """ # Create time series ts = np.zeros((6, 200)) for i in range(6): ts[i, :] = np.sin(np.arange(200)*np.pi/15. + i*np.pi/2.) + \ np.sin(np.arange(200) * np.pi / 30.) return Surrogates(original_data=ts, silence_level=2)
# # Define methods to normalize and analyze the data #
[docs] @staticmethod def normalize_time_series_array(time_series_array): """ :index:`Normalize <pair: normalize; time series array>` an array of time series to zero mean and unit variance individually for each individual time series. **Modifies the given array in place!** **Examples:** >>> ts = Surrogates.SmallTestData().original_data >>> Surrogates.SmallTestData().normalize_time_series_array(ts) >>> r(ts.mean(axis=1)) array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) >>> r(ts.std(axis=1)) array([ 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) :type time_series_array: 2D array [index, time] :arg time_series_array: The time series array to be normalized. """ mean = time_series_array.mean(axis=1) std = time_series_array.std(axis=1) for i in range(time_series_array.shape[0]): # Remove mean value from time series at each node (grid point) time_series_array[i, :] -= mean[i] # Normalize the standard deviation of anomalies to one if std[i] != 0: time_series_array[i, :] /= std[i]
[docs] def embed_time_series_array(self, time_series_array, dimension, delay): """ Return a :index:`delay embedding` of all time series. .. note:: Only works for scalar time series! **Example:** >>> ts = Surrogates.SmallTestData().original_data >>> Surrogates.SmallTestData().embed_time_series_array( ... time_series_array=ts, dimension=3, delay=2)[0,:6,:] array([[ 0. , 0.61464833, 1.14988147], [ 0.31244015, 0.89680225, 1.3660254 ], [ 0.61464833, 1.14988147, 1.53884177], [ 0.89680225, 1.3660254 , 1.6636525 ], [ 1.14988147, 1.53884177, 1.73766672], [ 1.3660254 , 1.6636525 , 1.76007351]]) :type time_series_array: 2D array [index, time] :arg time_series_array: The time series array to be normalized. :arg int dimension: The embedding dimension. :arg int delay: The embedding delay. :rtype: 3D array [index, time, dimension] :return: the embedded time series. """ if self.silence_level <= 1: print(f"Embedding all time series in dimension {dimension} " f"and with lag {delay} ...") (N, n_time) = time_series_array.shape embedding = np.empty( (N, n_time - (dimension - 1)*delay, dimension), dtype=DFIELD) _embed_time_series_array( N, n_time, dimension, delay, to_cy(time_series_array, DFIELD), embedding) return embedding
# FIXME: I(wb) included the line # dimension = embedding.shape[1] # whose missing caused an error. I can't guarantee if it is correct.
[docs] def recurrence_plot(self, embedding, threshold): """ Return the :index:`recurrence plot <pair: recurrence plot; time series>` from an embedding of a time series. Uses supremum norm. :type embedding: 2D array [time, dimension] :arg embedding: The embedded time series. :arg float threshold: The recurrence threshold. :rtype: 2D array [time, time] :return: the recurrence matrix. """ if self.silence_level <= 1: print("Calculating the recurrence plot...") n_time = embedding.shape[0] dimension = embedding.shape[1] R = np.ones((n_time, n_time), dtype=ADJ) _recurrence_plot(n_time, dimension, threshold, to_cy(embedding, FIELD), R) return R
# FIXME: I(wb) included the line # dimension = embedding_array.shape[2] # whose missing caused an error. I can't guarantee if it is correct.
[docs] def twins(self, embedding_array, threshold, min_dist=7): """ Return list of the :index:`twins <pair: twins; surrogates>` of each state vector for all time series. Two state vectors are said to be twins if they share the same recurrences, i.e., if the corresponding rows or columns in the recurrence plot are identical. References: [Thiel2006]_, [Marwan2007]_. :type embedding_array: 3D array [index, time, dimension] :arg embedding_array: The embedded time series array. :arg float threshold: The recurrence threshold. :arg number min_dist: The minimum temporal distance for twins. :rtype: [[number]] :return: the list of twins for each state vector in the time series. """ if self.silence_level <= 1: print("Finding twins...") N = embedding_array.shape[0] n_time = embedding_array.shape[1] dimension = embedding_array.shape[2] twins = [] # Initialize the R matrix with ones R = np.empty((n_time, n_time), dtype=ADJ) # Initialize array to store the number of neighbors for each sample nR = np.empty(n_time, dtype=DEGREE) _twins_s(N, n_time, dimension, threshold, min_dist, to_cy(embedding_array, DFIELD), R, nR, twins) return twins
# # Define methods to generate sets of surrogate time series #
[docs] def white_noise_surrogates(self, original_data): """ Return a shuffled copy of a time series array. Each time series is shuffled individually. The surrogates correspond to realizations of white noise consistent with the :attr:`original_data` time series' amplitude distribution. **Example** (Distributions of white noise surrogates should the same as for the original data): >>> ts = Surrogates.SmallTestData().original_data >>> surrogates = Surrogates.\ SmallTestData().white_noise_surrogates(ts) >>> np.allclose(np.histogram(ts[0,:])[0], ... np.histogram(surrogates[0,:])[0]) True :type original_data: 2D array [index, time] :arg original_data: The original time series. :rtype: 2D array [index, time] :return: The surrogate time series. """ if self.silence_level <= 1: print("Generating white noise surrogates by random shuffling...") # Generate reference to shuffle function shuffle = random.shuffle surrogates = original_data.copy() for i in range(surrogates.shape[0]): shuffle(surrogates[i, :]) return surrogates
[docs] def correlated_noise_surrogates(self, original_data): """ Return Fourier surrogates. Generate surrogates by Fourier transforming the :attr:`original_data` time series (assumed to be real valued), randomizing the phases and then applying an inverse Fourier transform. Correlated noise surrogates share their power spectrum and autocorrelation function with the original_data time series. The Fast Fourier transforms of all time series are cached to facilitate a faster generation of several surrogates for each time series. Hence, :meth:`clear_cache` has to be called before generating surrogates from a different set of time series! .. note:: The amplitudes are not adjusted here, i.e., the individual amplitude distributions are not conserved! **Examples:** The power spectrum is conserved up to small numerical deviations: >>> ts = Surrogates.SmallTestData().original_data >>> surrogates = Surrogates.\ SmallTestData().correlated_noise_surrogates(ts) >>> all(r(np.abs(np.fft.fft(ts, axis=1))[0,1:10]) == \ r(np.abs(np.fft.fft(surrogates, axis=1))[0,1:10])) True However, the time series amplitude distributions differ: >>> all(np.histogram(ts[0,:])[0] == np.histogram(surrogates[0,:])[0]) False :type original_data: 2D array [index, time] :arg original_data: The original time series. :rtype: 2D array [index, time] :return: The surrogate time series. """ if self.silence_level <= 1: print("Generating correlated noise surrogates...") # Calculate FFT of original_data time series # The FFT of the original_data data has to be calculated only once, # so it is stored in self._original_data_fft. if self._fft_cached: surrogates = self._original_data_fft else: surrogates = np.fft.rfft(original_data, axis=1) self._original_data_fft = surrogates self._fft_cached = True # Get shapes (N, n_time) = original_data.shape len_phase = surrogates.shape[1] # Generate random phases uniformly distributed in the # interval [0, 2*Pi] phases = random.uniform(low=0, high=2 * np.pi, size=(N, len_phase)) # Add random phases uniformly distributed in the interval [0, 2*Pi] surrogates *= np.exp(1j * phases) # Calculate IFFT and take the real part, the remaining imaginary part # is due to numerical errors. return np.ascontiguousarray(np.real(np.fft.irfft(surrogates, n=n_time, axis=1)))
[docs] def AAFT_surrogates(self, original_data): """ Return surrogates using the amplitude adjusted Fourier transform method. Reference: [Schreiber2000]_ :type original_data: 2D array [index, time] :arg original_data: The original time series. :rtype: 2D array [index, time] :return: The surrogate time series. """ # Create sorted Gaussian reference series gaussian = random.randn(original_data.shape[0], original_data.shape[1]) gaussian.sort(axis=1) # Rescale data to Gaussian distribution ranks = original_data.argsort(axis=1).argsort(axis=1) rescaled_data = np.zeros(original_data.shape) for i in range(original_data.shape[0]): rescaled_data[i, :] = gaussian[i, ranks[i, :]] # Phase randomize rescaled data phase_randomized_data = \ self.correlated_noise_surrogates(rescaled_data) # Rescale back to amplitude distribution of original data sorted_original = original_data.copy() sorted_original.sort(axis=1) ranks = phase_randomized_data.argsort(axis=1).argsort(axis=1) for i in range(original_data.shape[0]): rescaled_data[i, :] = sorted_original[i, ranks[i, :]] return rescaled_data
[docs] def refined_AAFT_surrogates(self, original_data, n_iterations, output="true_amplitudes"): """ Return surrogates using the iteratively refined amplitude adjusted Fourier transform method. A set of AAFT surrogates (:meth:`AAFT_surrogates`) is iteratively refined to produce a closer match of both amplitude distribution and power spectrum of surrogate and original data. Reference: [Schreiber2000]_ :type original_data: 2D array [index, time] :arg original_data: The original time series. :arg int n_iterations: Number of iterations / refinement steps :arg str output: Type of surrogate to return. "true_amplitudes": surrogates with correct amplitude distribution, "true_spectrum": surrogates with correct power spectrum, "both": return both outputs of the algorithm. :rtype: 2D array [index, time] :return: The surrogate time series. """ # Get size of dimensions n_time = original_data.shape[1] # Get Fourier transform of original data with caching if self._fft_cached: fourier_transform = self._original_data_fft else: fourier_transform = np.fft.rfft(original_data, axis=1) self._original_data_fft = fourier_transform self._fft_cached = True # Get Fourier amplitudes original_fourier_amps = np.abs(fourier_transform) # Get sorted copy of original data sorted_original = original_data.copy() sorted_original.sort(axis=1) # Get starting point / initial conditions for R surrogates # (see [Schreiber2000]_) R = self.AAFT_surrogates(original_data) # Start iteration for i in range(n_iterations): # Get Fourier phases of R surrogate r_fft = np.fft.rfft(R, axis=1) r_phases = r_fft / np.abs(r_fft) # Transform back, replacing the actual amplitudes by the desired # ones, but keeping the phases exp(iψ(i) s = np.fft.irfft(original_fourier_amps * r_phases, n=n_time, axis=1) # Rescale to desired amplitude distribution ranks = s.argsort(axis=1).argsort(axis=1) for j in range(original_data.shape[0]): R[j, :] = sorted_original[j, ranks[j, :]] if output == "true_amplitudes": return R elif output == "true_spectrum": return s elif output == "both": return (R, s) else: return (R, s)
[docs] def twin_surrogates(self, original_data, dimension, delay, threshold, min_dist=7): """ Return surrogates using the twin surrogate method. Scalar twin surrogates are created by isolating the first component (dimension) of the twin surrogate trajectories. Twin surrogates share linear and nonlinear properties with the original time series, since they correspond to realizations of trajectories of the same dynamical systems with different initial conditions. References: [Thiel2006]_ [*], [Marwan2007]_. The twin lists of all time series are cached to facilitate a faster generation of several surrogates for each time series. Hence, :meth:`clear_cache` has to be called before generating twin surrogates from a different set of time series! :type original_data: 2D array [index, time] :arg original_data: The original time series. :arg int dimension: The embedding dimension. :arg int delay: The embedding delay. :arg float threshold: The recurrence threshold. :arg number min_dist: The minimum temporal distance for twins. :rtype: 2D array [index, time] :return: the twin surrogates. """ # The algorithm proceeds in several steps: # 1. Embed the original_data time series, using time delay embedding # for simplicity. Use the same dimension and time delay delay for # all time series for simplicity. Determine delay using time # delayed mutual information and d using false nearest neighbors # methods. # 2. Use the algorithm proposed in [*] to find twins # 3. Reconstruct one-dimensional twin surrogate time series (N, n_time) = original_data.shape n_time = n_time - (dimension-1)*delay # Make sure that twins are calculated only once if self._twins_cached: twins = self._twins else: embedding = self.embed_time_series_array(original_data, dimension, delay) twins = self.twins(embedding, threshold, min_dist) self._twins = twins self._twins_cached = True return _twin_surrogates_s(N, n_time, twins, to_cy(original_data, DFIELD))
# # Defines methods to generate correlation measure matrices based on # original_data and surrogate data for significance testing. #
[docs] @staticmethod def eval_fast_code(function, original_data, surrogates): """ Evaluate performance of fast and slow versions of algorithms. Designed for evaluating fast and dirty C code against cleaner code using Blitz arrays. Does some profiling and returns the total error between the results. :type function: Python function :arg function: The function to be evaluated. :type original_data: 2D array [index, time] :arg original_data: The original time series. :type surrogates: 2D array [index, time] :arg surrogates: The surrogate time series. :return float: The total squared difference between resulting matrices. """ # Some profiling #"fastResult = function(original_data, surrogates, # fast=True)") #"slowResult = function(original_data, surrogates, # fast=False)") fast_result = function(original_data, surrogates, fast=True) slow_result = function(original_data, surrogates, fast=False) # Return error return np.sqrt(((fast_result - slow_result)**2).sum())
[docs] @staticmethod def test_pearson_correlation(original_data, surrogates): """ Return a test matrix of the Pearson correlation coefficient (zero lag). The test matrix's entry :math:`(i,j)` contains the Pearson correlation coefficient between original time series i and surrogate time series j at lag zero. The resulting matrix is useful for significance tests based on the Pearson correlation matrix of the original data. .. note:: Assumes, that original_data and surrogates are already normalized. :type original_data: 2D array [index, time] :arg original_data: The original time series. :type surrogates: 2D array [index, time] :arg surrogates: The surrogate time series. :rtype: 2D array [index, index] :return: the Pearson correlation test matrix. """ (N, n_time) = original_data.shape return _test_pearson_correlation(to_cy(original_data, DFIELD), to_cy(surrogates, DFIELD), N, n_time)
[docs] @staticmethod def test_mutual_information(original_data, surrogates, n_bins=32): """ Return a test matrix of mutual information (zero lag). The test matrix's entry :math:`(i,j)` contains the mutual information between original time series i and surrogate time series j at zero lag. The resulting matrix is useful for significance tests based on the mutual information matrix of the original data. .. note:: Assumes, that original_data and surrogates are already normalized. :type original_data: 2D array [index, time] :arg original_data: The original time series. :type surrogates: 2D Numpy array [index, time] :arg surrogates: The surrogate time series. :arg int n_bins: Number of bins for estimating prob. distributions. :rtype: 2D array [index, index] :return: the mutual information test matrix. """ (N, n_time) = original_data.shape # Calculate symbolic time series and histograms # Calculate 2D histograms and mutual information # mi[i,j] gives the mutual information between the ith original_data # time series and the jth surrogate time series. return _test_mutual_information(to_cy(original_data, DFIELD), to_cy(surrogates, DFIELD), N, n_time, n_bins)
# # Define methods to perform significance tests on correlation measures # based on surrogates. #
[docs] def original_distribution(self, test_function, original_data, n_bins=100): """ Return a normalized histogram of a similarity measure matrix. The absolute value of the similarity measure is used, since only the degree of similarity was of interest originally. :type test_function: Python function :arg test_function: The function implementing the similarity measure. :type original_data: 2D array [index, time] :arg original_data: The original time series. :arg int n_bins: The number of bins for estimating prob. distributions. :rtype: tuple of 1D arrays ([bins],[bins]) :return: the similarity measure histogram and lower bin boundaries. """ if self.silence_level <= 1: print("Estimating probability density distribution of " "original_data ...") # Normalize original_data time series to zero mean and unit variance if not self._normalized: self.normalize_time_series_array(original_data) self._normalized = True correlation_measure = np.abs(test_function(original_data, original_data)) (hist, lbb) = np.histogram(correlation_measure, n_bins, density=True) # Normalize hist /= hist.sum() lbb = lbb[:-1] return (hist, lbb)
[docs] def test_threshold_significance(self, surrogate_function, test_function, realizations=1, n_bins=100, interval=(-1, 1)): """ Return a test distribution for a similarity measure. Perform a significance test on the values of a correlation measure based on original_data time series and surrogate data. Returns a density estimate (histogram) of the absolute value of the correlation measure over all realizations. The resulting distribution of the values of similarity measure from original and surrogate time series is of use for testing the statistical significance of a selected threshold value for climate network generation. :type surrogate_function: Python function :arg surrogate_function: The function implementing the surrogates. :type test_function: Python function :arg test_function: The function implementing the similarity measure. :arg int realizations: The number of surrogates to be created for each time series. :arg int n_bins: The number of bins for estimating probability distribution of test similarity measure. :type interval: (float, float) :arg interval: The range over which to estimate similarity measure distribution. :rtype: tuple of 1D arrays ([bins],[bins]) :return: similarity measure test histogram and lower bin boundaries. """ if self.silence_level <= 1: print(f"Starting significance test based on {realizations} " "realizations of surrogates...") original_data = self.original_data self._fft_cached = False self._twins_cached = False # Create reference to np.histogram function numpy_hist = np.histogram # Normalize original_data time series to zero mean and unit variance if not self._normalized: self.normalize_time_series_array(original_data) self._normalized = True # Initialize density estimate density_estimate = np.zeros(n_bins) for _ in trange(realizations, disable=self.silence_level > 2): # Get the surrogate # Mean and variance are conserved by all surrogates surrogates = surrogate_function(original_data) # Get the correlation measure test matrix correlation_measure_test = np.abs(test_function(original_data, surrogates)) # Test if correlation measure values are outside range if correlation_measure_test.min() < interval[0]: print("Warning! Correlation measure value left of range.") if correlation_measure_test.max() > interval[1]: print("Warning! Correlation measure value right of range.") # Estimate density of current realization (hist, lbb) = numpy_hist(correlation_measure_test, n_bins, interval, normed=True) # Add to density estimate over all realizations density_estimate += hist # Clean up (should be done automatically by Python, # but you never know...) del surrogates, correlation_measure_test # Normalize density estimate density_estimate /= density_estimate.sum() lbb = lbb[:-1] return (density_estimate, lbb)