Source code for

# This file is part of pyunicorn.
# Copyright (C) 2008--2024 Jonathan F. Donges and pyunicorn authors
# URL: <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)
# Please acknowledge and cite the use of this software and its authors
# when results are used in publications or published elsewhere.
# You can use the following reference:
# J.F. Donges, J. Heitzig, B. Beronov, M. Wiedermann, J. Runge, Q.-Y. Feng,
# L. Tupikina, V. Stolbova, R.V. Donner, N. Marwan, H.A. Dijkstra,
# and J. Kurths, "Unified functional network and nonlinear time series analysis
# for complex systems science: The pyunicorn package"

Provides classes for analyzing spatially embedded complex networks, handling
multivariate data and generating time series surrogates.

import sys                          # performance testing
import time
from functools import partial
from typing import Tuple, Optional
from import Hashable
from multiprocessing import get_context, cpu_count

import numpy as np                  # array object and fast numerics
from numpy import random
from scipy import linalg            # solvers
from scipy.linalg import expm
from scipy import sparse as sp      # fast sparse matrices
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigsh, inv, splu
from tqdm import tqdm, trange       # easy progress bar handling

import igraph                       # high performance graph theory tools

from .cache import Cached
from ..utils import mpi             # parallelized computations

from ._ext.types import \
from ._ext.numerics import \
    _local_cliquishness_4thorder, _local_cliquishness_5thorder, \
    _nsi_betweenness, _mpi_newman_betweenness, _mpi_nsi_newman_betweenness, \
    _do_nsi_clustering_I, _do_nsi_clustering_II, _do_nsi_hamming_clustering

# =============================================================================
#  Utilities

[docs] def nz_coords(matrix): """ Find coordinates of all non-zero entries in a sparse matrix. :return: list of coordinates [row,col] :rtype: array([[int>=0,int>=0]]) """ return np.array(matrix.nonzero()).T
[docs] class NetworkError(Exception): """ Used for all exceptions raised by Network. """
[docs] def __init__(self, value): Exception.__init__(self) self.value = value
[docs] def __str__(self): return repr(self.value)
# ============================================================================= # Doctest helpers
[docs] def r(obj, decimals=4): """ Round numbers, arrays or iterables thereof. Only used in docstrings. """ if isinstance(obj, (np.ndarray, np.matrix)): if obj.dtype.kind == 'f': rounded = np.around(obj.astype(np.float128), decimals=decimals).astype(np.float64) elif obj.dtype.kind == 'i': rounded = obj.astype( elif isinstance(obj, list): rounded = map(r, obj) elif isinstance(obj, tuple): rounded = tuple(map(r, obj)) elif isinstance(obj, (float, np.float32, np.float64, np.float128)): rounded = np.float64(np.around(np.float128(obj), decimals=decimals)) elif isinstance(obj, (int, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32)): rounded = int(obj) else: rounded = obj return rounded
[docs] def rr(obj, decimals=4): """ Round arrays in scientific notation. Only used in docstrings. """ print(np.vectorize('%.4g'.__mod__)(r(obj, decimals=decimals)))
# =============================================================================
[docs] class Network(Cached): """ A Network is a simple, undirected or directed graph with optional node and/or link weights. This class encapsulates data structures and methods to represent, generate and analyze such structures. Network relies on the package igraph for many of its features, but also implements new functionality. Highlights include weighted and directed statistical network measures, measures based on random walks, and node splitting invariant network measures. **Examples:** Create an undirected network given the adjacency matrix: >>> net = Network(adjacency=[[0,1,0,0,0,0], [1,0,1,0,0,1], ... [0,1,0,1,1,0], [0,0,1,0,1,0], ... [0,0,1,1,0,1], [0,1,0,0,1,0]]) Create an Erdos-Renyi random graph: >>> net = Network.Model("ErdosRenyi", n_nodes=100, link_probability=0.05) Generating Erdos-Renyi random graph with 100 nodes and probability 0.05... """ # # Definitions of internal methods #
[docs] def __init__(self, adjacency=None, n_nodes=None, edge_list=None, directed=False, node_weights=None, silence_level=0): """ Return a new directed or undirected Network object with given adjacency matrix and optional node weights. :type adjacency: square array-like [node,node], or pysparse matrix of 0s and 1s :arg adjacency: Adjacency matrix of the new network. Entry [i,j] indicates whether node i links to node j. Its diagonal must be zero. Must be symmetric if directed=False. :type n_nodes: int :arg n_nodes: Number of nodes, optional argument when using edge_list :type edge_list: array-like list of lists :arg edge_list: Edge list of the new network. Entries [i,0], [i,1] contain the end-nodes of an edge. :arg bool directed: Indicates whether the network shall be considered as directed. If False, adjacency must be symmetric. :type node_weights: 1d numpy array or list [node] of floats >= 0 :arg node_weights: Optional array or list of node weights to be used for node splitting invariant network measures. Entry [i] is the weight of node i. (Default: list of ones) :type silence_level: int >= 0 :arg silence_level: The higher, the less progress info is output. :rtype: :class:`Network` instance :return: The new network. """ self.directed: bool = directed """indicates whether the network is directed""" self.silence_level: int = silence_level """higher -> less progress info""" self._mut_A: int = 0 """mutation count tracking `self.adjcency`""" self._mut_nw: int = 0 """mutation count tracking `self.node_weights`""" self._mut_la: int = 0 """mutation count tracking ``""" self.N: int = 0 """number of nodes""" if n_nodes is not None: self.N = n_nodes self.n_links: int = 0 """number of links""" self.link_density: float = 0 """proportion of linked node pairs""" self.sp_A: sp.csc_matrix = None """ Adjacency matrix. A[i,j]=1 indicates a link i -> j. Symmetric if the network is undirected. """ self.sp_dtype = None self.graph: igraph.Graph = None """embedded graph object providing some standard network measures""" self._node_weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None self.mean_node_weight: float = 0 """mean node weight""" self.total_node_weight: float = 0 """total node weight""" if adjacency is not None: self.adjacency = adjacency elif edge_list is not None: self.set_edge_list(edge_list, n_nodes) else: raise NetworkError("An adjacency matrix or edge list has to be " "given to initialize an instance of Network.") self.node_weights = node_weights
[docs] def __cache_state__(self) -> Tuple[Hashable, ...]: return (self.directed, self._mut_A,)
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Return a short summary of the network. **Example:** >>> print(Network.SmallTestNetwork()) Network: undirected, 6 nodes, 7 links, link density 0.467. :rtype: string """ net_type_prefix = '' if self.directed else 'un' return (f"Network: {net_type_prefix}directed, " f"{self.N} nodes, {self.n_links} links, " f"link density {self.link_density:.3f}.")
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Return the number of nodes as the 'length'. **Example:** >>> len(Network.SmallTestNetwork()) 6 :rtype: int > 0 """ return self.N
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a copy of the network. """ return Network(adjacency=self.sp_A, directed=self.directed, node_weights=self.node_weights, silence_level=self.silence_level)
[docs] def undirected_copy(self): """ Return an undirected copy of the network. Nodes i and j are linked in the copy if, in the current network, i links to j or j links to i or both. **Example:** >>> net = Network(adjacency=[[0,1],[0,0]], directed=True); print(net) Network: directed, 2 nodes, 1 links, link density 0.500. >>> print(net.undirected_copy()) Network: undirected, 2 nodes, 1 links, link density 1.000. :rtype: :class:`Network` instance """ return Network(adjacency=self.undirected_adjacency(), directed=False, node_weights=self.node_weights, silence_level=self.silence_level)
[docs] def permuted_copy(self, permutation): """ Return a copy of the network with node numbers rearranged. This operation should not change topological information and network measures. :type permutation: array-like [int] :arg permutation: desired permutation of nodes :rtype: :class:`Network` instance """ idx = np.array(permutation) if (sorted(idx) != np.arange(self.N)).any(): raise NetworkError("Incorrect permutation indices!") return Network(adjacency=self.sp_A[idx][:, idx], node_weights=self.node_weights[idx], directed=self.directed, silence_level=self.silence_level)
[docs] def splitted_copy(self, node=-1, proportion=0.5): """ Return a copy of the network with one node splitted. The specified node is split in two interlinked nodes which are linked to the same nodes as the original node, and the weight is splitted according to the given proportion. (This method is useful for testing the node splitting invariance of measures since a n.s.i. measure will be the same before and after the split.) **Example:** >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork(); print(net) Network: undirected, 6 nodes, 7 links, link density 0.467. >>> net2 = net.splitted_copy(node=5, proportion=0.2); print(net2) Network: undirected, 7 nodes, 9 links, link density 0.429. >>> print(net.node_weights); print(net2.node_weights) [ 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5] [ 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2. 0.5] :type node: int :arg node: The index of the node to be splitted. If negative, N + index is used. The new node gets index N. (Default: -1) :type proportion: float from 0 to 1 :arg proportion: The splitted node gets a new weight of (1-proportion) * (weight of splitted node), and the new node gets a weight of proportion * (weight of splitted node). (Default: 0.5) :rtype: :class:`Network` """ N, A, w = self.N, self.sp_A, self.node_weights if node < 0: node += N new_A = sp.lil_matrix((N+1, N+1)) new_w = np.zeros(N+1) new_A[:N, :N] = A # add last row and column new_A[:N, N] = A[:, node] new_A[N, :N] = A[node, :] # connect new node with original new_A[node, N] = new_A[N, node] = 1 # copy and adjust weights new_w[:N] = w[:N] new_w[N] = proportion * w[node] new_w[node] = (1.0 - proportion) * w[node] new_NW = Network(adjacency=new_A, directed=self.directed, node_weights=new_w, silence_level=self.silence_level) # -- Copy link attributes for a in W = self.link_attribute(a) new_W = np.zeros((N+1, N+1)) new_W[:N, :N] = W # add last row and column new_W[:N, N] = W[:, node] new_W[N, :N] = W[node, :] # assign weight between new node and original and for self loop new_W[node, N] = new_W[N, node] = new_W[N, N] = W[node, node] new_NW.set_link_attribute(a, new_W) # -- return new_NW
@property def adjacency(self): """ Return the (possibly non-symmetric) adjacency matrix as a dense matrix. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().adjacency) array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) :rtype: square numpy array [node,node] of 0s and 1s """ return self.sp_A.A @adjacency.setter def adjacency(self, adjacency): """ Set a new adjacency matrix. **Example:** >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork(); print(net) Network: undirected, 6 nodes, 7 links, link density 0.467. >>> net.adjacency = [[0,1],[1,0]]; print(net) Network: undirected, 2 nodes, 1 links, link density 1.000. :type adjacency: square array-like [[0|1]] :arg adjacency: Entry [i,j] indicates whether node i links to node j. Its diagonal must be zero. Symmetric if the network is undirected. """ # convert to sparse matrix self.sp_A = None if not sp.issparse(adjacency): adjacency = sp.csc_matrix(np.array(adjacency)) # ensure square matrix M, N = adjacency.shape if M != N: raise NetworkError("Adjacency must be square!") self.N = N if N < 32767: self.sp_dtype = np.int16 else: self.sp_dtype = np.int32 self.sp_A = adjacency.tocsc().astype(self.sp_dtype) # calculate graph attributes edges = nz_coords(adjacency) self.n_links = edges.shape[0] self.link_density = 1.0 * self.n_links / N / (N - 1) if not self.directed: self.n_links //= 2 # create graph object self.graph = igraph.Graph(n=N, edges=list(edges), directed=self.directed) self.graph.simplify() # invalidate cache self._mut_A += 1
[docs] def set_edge_list(self, edge_list, n_nodes=None): """ Reset network from an edge list representation. .. note:: Assumes that nodes are numbered by natural numbers from 0 to N-1 without gaps! **Example:** :type edge_list: array-like [[int>=0,int>=0]] :arg edge_list: [[i,j]] for edges i -> j """ # Convert to Numpy array and get number of nodes edges = np.array(edge_list) if n_nodes is None: N = edges.max() + 1 else: N = n_nodes # Symmetrize if undirected network if not self.directed: edges = np.append(edges, edges[:, [1, 0]], axis=0) # Create sparse adjacency matrix from edge list sp_A = sp.coo_matrix( (np.ones_like(edges.T[0]), tuple(edges.T)), shape=(N, N)) # Set sparse adjacency matrix self.adjacency = sp_A
@property def node_weights(self): """array of node weights""" return self._node_weights @node_weights.setter def node_weights(self, weights: Optional[np.ndarray]): """ Set the node weights to be used for node splitting invariant network measures. **Example:** >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork(); print(net.node_weights) [ 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5] >>> net.node_weights = [1,1,1,1,1,1]; print(net.node_weights) [ 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.] :type weights: array-like [float>=0] :arg weights: array-like [node] of weights (default: [1...1]) """ N = self.N if weights is None: w = np.ones(N, dtype=DWEIGHT) elif len(weights) != N: raise NetworkError("Incorrect number of node weights!") else: w = np.array(weights, dtype=DWEIGHT) self._node_weights = w self.mean_node_weight = w.mean() self.total_node_weight = w.sum() # invalidate cache self._mut_nw += 1
[docs] def sp_Aplus(self): """A^+ = A + Id. matrix used in n.s.i. measures""" return self.sp_A + sp.identity(self.N, dtype=self.sp_dtype)
[docs] def sp_diag_w(self): """Sparse diagonal matrix of node weights""" return sp.diags([self.node_weights], [0], shape=(self.N, self.N), format='csc')
[docs] def sp_diag_w_inv(self): """Sparse diagonal matrix of inverse node weights""" return sp.diags([1 / self.node_weights], [0], shape=(self.N, self.N), format='csc')
[docs] def sp_diag_sqrt_w(self): """Sparse diagonal matrix of square roots of node weights""" return sp.diags([np.sqrt(self.node_weights)], [0], shape=(self.N, self.N), format='csc')
# # Load and save Network object #
[docs] def save(self, filename, fileformat=None, *args, **kwds): """ Save the Network object to a file. Unified writing function for graphs. Relies on and partially extends the corresponding igraph function. Refer to igraph documentation for further details on the various writer methods for different formats. This method tries to identify the format of the graph given in the first parameter (based on extension) and calls the corresponding writer method. Existing node and link attributes/weights are also stored depending on the chosen file format. E.g., the formats GraphML and gzipped GraphML are able to store both node and link weights. The remaining arguments are passed to the writer method without any changes. :arg str filename: The name of the file where the Network object is to be stored. :arg str fileformat: the format of the file (if one wants to override the format determined from the filename extension, or the filename itself is a stream). ``None`` means auto-detection. Possible values are: ``"ncol"`` (NCOL format), ``"lgl"`` (LGL format), ``"graphml"``, ``"graphmlz"`` (GraphML and gzipped GraphML format), ``"gml"`` (GML format), ``"dot"``, ``"graphviz"`` (DOT format, used by GraphViz), ``"net"``, ``"pajek"`` (Pajek format), ``"dimacs"`` (DIMACS format), ``"edgelist"``, ``"edges"`` or ``"edge"`` (edge list), ``"adjacency"`` (adjacency matrix), ``"pickle"`` (Python pickled format), ``"svg"`` (Scalable Vector Graphics). """ # Store node weights as an igraph vertex attribute for saving # Link attributes/weights are stored automatically if they exist if self.node_weights is not None: self.graph.vs.set_attribute_values( "node_weight_nsi", list(self.node_weights)) self.graph.write(f=filename, format=fileformat, *args, **kwds)
[docs] @staticmethod def Load(filename, fileformat=None, silence_level=0, *args, **kwds): """ Return a Network object stored in a file. Unified reading function for graphs. Relies on and partially extends the corresponding igraph function. Refer to igraph documentation for further details on the various reader methods for different formats. This method tries to identify the format of the graph given in the first parameter and calls the corresponding reader method. Existing node and link attributes/weights are also restored depending on the chosen file format. E.g., the formats GraphML and gzipped GraphML are able to store both node and link weights. The remaining arguments are passed to the reader method without any changes. :arg str filename: The name of the file containing the Network object. :arg str fileformat: the format of the file (if known in advance). ``None`` means auto-detection. Possible values are: ``"ncol"`` (NCOL format), ``"lgl"`` (LGL format), ``"graphml"``, ``"graphmlz"`` (GraphML and gzipped GraphML format), ``"gml"`` (GML format), ``"net"``, ``"pajek"`` (Pajek format), ``"dimacs"`` (DIMACS format), ``"edgelist"``, ``"edges"`` or ``"edge"`` (edge list), ``"adjacency"`` (adjacency matrix), ``"pickle"`` (Python pickled format). :type silence_level: int >= 0 :arg silence_level: The higher, the less progress info is output. :rtype: Network object :return: :class:`Network` instance. """ # Load to igraph Graph object graph = igraph.Graph.Read(f=filename, format=fileformat, *args, **kwds) return Network.FromIGraph(graph=graph, silence_level=silence_level)
# # Graph generation methods #
[docs] @staticmethod def FromIGraph(graph, silence_level=0): """ Return a :class:`Network` object given an igraph Graph object. :type graph: igraph Graph object :arg graph: The igraph Graph object to be converted. :type silence_level: int >= 0 :arg silence_level: The higher, the less progress info is output. :rtype: :class:`Network` instance :return: :class:`Network` object. """ # Get number of nodes N = len(graph.vs) # Get directedness directed = graph.is_directed() # Extract edge list edges = np.array(graph.get_edgelist()) # Symmetrize if undirected network if not directed: edges = np.append(edges, edges[:, [1, 0]], axis=0) # Create sparse adjacency matrix from edge list sp_A = sp.coo_matrix( (np.ones_like(edges.T[0]), tuple(edges.T)), shape=(N, N)) # Extract node weights if "node_weight_nsi" in graph.vs.attribute_names(): node_weights = np.array( graph.vs.get_attribute_values("node_weight_nsi")) else: node_weights = None net = Network(adjacency=sp_A, directed=directed, node_weights=node_weights, silence_level=silence_level) # Overwrite igraph Graph object in Network instance to restore link # attributes/weights net.graph = graph # invalidate cache net._mut_la += 1 return net
[docs] @staticmethod def SmallTestNetwork(): """ Return a 6-node undirected test network with node weights. The network looks like this:: 3 - 1 | | \\ 5 - 0 - 4 - 2 The node weights are [1.5, 1.7, 1.9, 2.1, 2.3, 2.5], a typical node weight for corrected n.s.i. measures would be 2.0. :rtype: :class:`Network` instance :return: :class:`Network` object. """ nw = Network(adjacency=[[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], directed=False, node_weights=[1.5, 1.7, 1.9, 2.1, 2.3, 2.5], silence_level=1) link_weights = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1.3, 2.5, 1.1], [0, 0, 2.3, 2.9, 2.7, 0], [0, 2.3, 0, 0, 1.5, 0], [1.3, 2.9, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.5, 2.7, 1.5, 0, 0, 0], [1.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) nw.set_link_attribute("link_weights", link_weights) return nw
[docs] @staticmethod def SmallDirectedTestNetwork(): """ Return a 6-node directed test network with node and edge weights. The node weights are [1.5, 1.7, 1.9, 2.1, 2.3, 2.5], a typical node weight for corrected n.s.i. measures would be 2.0. :rtype: :class:`Network` instance :return: :class:`Network` object. """ nw = Network(adjacency=[[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], directed=True, node_weights=[1.5, 1.7, 1.9, 2.1, 2.3, 2.5], silence_level=1) nw.set_link_attribute("link_weights", np.array([[0, 1.3, 0, 2.5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1.9, 0, 1.0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 3.0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.1, 0, 2.7, 0, 0, 0], [1.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])) return nw
# # Network models #
[docs] @staticmethod def Model(network_model, **kwargs): """ Return a new model graph generated with the specified network model **Example:** >>> print(Network.Model("ErdosRenyi", n_nodes=10, n_links=18)) Generating Erdos-Renyi random graph with 10 nodes and 18 links... Network: undirected, 10 nodes, 18 links, link density 0.400. :type network_model string :arg network_model name of the corresponding network model :rtype: :class:`Network` instance :return: :class:`Network` object. Possible choices for ``network_model``: - "ErdosRenyi" - "BarabasiAlbert" - "BarabasiAlbert_igraph" - "Configuration" """ A = getattr(Network, network_model)(**kwargs) return Network(A)
[docs] @staticmethod def ErdosRenyi(n_nodes=100, link_probability=None, n_links=None, silence_level=0): """ Return adjacency matrix of a new undirected Erdos-Renyi random graph with a given number of nodes and linking probability. The expected link density equals this probability. **Example:** >>> A = Network.ErdosRenyi(n_nodes=10, n_links=18) Generating Erdos-Renyi random graph with 10 nodes and 18 links... :type n_nodes: int > 0 :arg n_nodes: Number of nodes. (Default: 100) :type link_probability: float from 0 to 1, or None :arg link_probability: If not None, each pair of nodes is independently linked with this probability. (Default: None) :type n_links: int > 0, or None :arg n_links: If not None, this many links are assigned at random. Must be None if link_probability is not None. (Default: None) :type silence_level: int >= 0 :arg silence_level: The higher, the less progress info is output. :rtype: square array-like [node,node] :return: adjacency matrix of the generated model network """ if link_probability is not None and n_links is None: if silence_level < 1: print(f"Generating Erdos-Renyi random graph with " f"{n_nodes} nodes and probability {link_probability}...") graph = igraph.Graph.Erdos_Renyi(n=n_nodes, p=link_probability) elif link_probability is None and n_links is not None: if silence_level < 1: print(f"Generating Erdos-Renyi random graph with " f"{n_nodes} nodes and {n_links} links...") graph = igraph.Graph.Erdos_Renyi(n=n_nodes, m=n_links) else: raise ValueError("`ErdosRenyi()` requires either a " "`link_probability` or `n_links` argument.") return np.array(graph.get_adjacency(type=2).data)
[docs] @staticmethod def BarabasiAlbert_igraph(n_nodes=100, n_links_each=5, silence_level=0): """ Return adjacency matrix of a new undirected Barabasi-Albert random graph generated by igraph. CAUTION: actual no. of new links can be smaller than n_links_each because neighbours are drawn with replacement and graph is then simplified. The given number of nodes are added in turn to the initially empty node set, and each new node is linked to the given number of existing nodes. The resulting link density is approx. 2 * ``n_links_each``/``n_nodes``. **Example:** Generating a random tree: >>> A = Network.BarabasiAlbert_igraph(n_nodes=100, n_links_each=1) :type n_nodes: int > 0 :arg n_nodes: Number of nodes. (Default: 100) :type n_links_each: int > 0 :arg n_links_each: Number of links to existing nodes each new node gets during construction. (Default: 5) :type silence_level: int >= 0 :arg silence_level: The higher, the less progress info is output. :rtype: square array-like [node,node] :return: adjacency matrix of generated network """ graph = igraph.Graph.Barabasi(n=n_nodes, m=n_links_each) # Remove self-loops and multiple links, this does of course change the # actual degree sequence of the generated graph, but just slightly graph.simplify() return np.array(graph.get_adjacency(type=2).data)
# FIXME: Add example
[docs] @staticmethod def BarabasiAlbert(n_nodes=100, n_links_each=5, silence_level=0): """ Return adjacency matrix of a new undirected Barabasi-Albert random graph with exactly n_links_each * (n_nodes-n_links_each) links. :type silence_level: int >= 0 :arg silence_level: The higher, the less progress info is output. :rtype: square array-like [node,node] :return: adjacency matrix of generated network """ # start with 1+m nodes of which the first is linked to the rest N, m = n_nodes, n_links_each A = sp.lil_matrix((N, N), dtype=np.int8) A[0, 1:1+m] = 1 A[1:1+m, 0] = 1 # inverse cum. degree distribution targets, last_child = np.zeros(2*m*(N-m), dtype=np.int8), np.zeros(N) targets[m:2*m] = range(1, 1+m) n_targets = 2*m for j in range(1+m, N): for it in range(m): while True: i = targets[int(random.uniform(low=0, high=n_targets))] if last_child[i] != j: break A[i, j] = A[j, i] = 1 targets[n_targets + it] = i last_child[i] = j targets[n_targets + m: n_targets + 2*m] = j n_targets += 2*m return A
[docs] @staticmethod def Configuration(degrees, silence_level=0): """ Return adjacency matrix of a new configuration model random graph with a given degree sequence. **Example:** Generate a network of 1000 nodes with degree 3 each: >>> A = Network.Configuration([3 for _ in range(0,1000)])) Generating configuration model random graph from given degree sequence... :type degrees: 1d numpy array or list [node] :arg degrees: Array or list of degrees wanted. :type silence_level: int >= 0 :arg silence_level: The higher, the less progress info is output. :rtype: square array-like [node,node] :return: adjacency matrix of generated network """ print("Generating configuration model random graph\n" + "from given degree sequence...") graph = igraph.Graph.Degree_Sequence(out=list(degrees)) # Remove self-loops and multiple links, this does of course change the # actual degree sequence of the generated graph, but just slightly graph.simplify() return np.array(graph.get_adjacency(type=2).data)
[docs] @staticmethod def WattsStrogatz(N, k, p): """ Return adjacency matrix of a Watt-Strogatz random graph. Reference: [Watts1998]_ **Example:** Generate a network of 100 nodes with rewiring probability 0.1 >>> A = Network.WattsStrogatz(N=100, k=2, p=0.1) Generating Watts-Strogatz random graph with 100 nodes and rewiring probability 0.1 :type N: int > 0 :arg N: Number of nodes. :type k: int > 0 :arg k: Each node is connected to k nearest neighbors in ring topology. :type p: float > 0 :arg p: Probability of rewiring each edge. :rtype: square array-like [node,node] :return: adjacency matrix of generated network """ print(f"Generating Watts-Strogatz random graph with {N} nodes and " f"rewiring probability {p}") graph = igraph.Graph.Watts_Strogatz(dim=1, size=N, nei=k, p=p) return np.array(graph.get_adjacency(type=2).data)
[docs] @staticmethod def GrowPreferentially_old(n_nodes=100, m=2, silence_level=0): """ EXPERIMENTAL: Return a random network grown with preferential weight increase and preferential attachment. Return a random network grown as follows: Starting with a clique of m+1 unit weight nodes, iteratively add a unit weight node and then m times increase the weight of an existing node by one unit, for n=m+2...N. Choose the growing node with probabilities proportional to the node's weight. After each node addition or weight increase, add one link from the respective node to another node, chosen with probability proportional to that node's n.s.i. degree. :type silence_level: int >= 0 :arg silence_level: The higher, the less progress info is output. """ N = n_nodes w, A = np.zeros(N, int), sp.lil_matrix((N, N)) nbs = [[] for i in range(N)] # start with m+1 fully connected nodes w[:m+1] = 1 # total weight now and in the end last_W = m+1 # this is also approx. the total no. of links in the end! W = (m+1) * (N-m) inc_target = np.zeros(W, "int") # inverse cum. w distribution inc_target[:m+1] = range(m+1) # max. possible w before step n: 1 + m(n-m-2), # so the addition in step n increases total n.s.i. degree by at most # 3 + m(n-m-2) <= nm, # each of the m weight increases increases it by at most n, totalling # mn, # and each of the m additional links increases it by at most # 2 * (1 + m(n-m-2) + m), totalling <= 2nm, all totalling <= 2nm^2 # total n.s.i. degree now and max. in the end: # last_Kstar = (m+1)**2 last_Kstar = (m+1)*m max_Kstar = N**2 * (m+1)**2 # inverse cum. k* distribution link_target = np.zeros(max_Kstar, "int") for i in range(m+1): for j in range(i): A[i, j] = A[j, i] = 1 nbs[i] = range(m+1) nbs[i].remove(i) link_target[(m+1)*i:(m+1)*(i+1)] = i for n in range(m+2, N+1): # add node n-1 with unit weight: w[n-1] = 1 inc_target[last_W] = n-1 last_W += 1 # link it to some i: i = int(link_target[int(random.uniform(last_Kstar))]) print("n", n, "i", i) A[i, n-1] = A[n-1, i] = 1 nbs[n-1] = [i] nbs[i].append(n-1) link_target[last_Kstar] = i # link_target[last_Kstar+1:last_Kstar+2+w[i]] = n-1 # last_Kstar += 2+w[i] link_target[last_Kstar+1] = n-1 last_Kstar += 2 for jj in range(m): # increase weight of some j not already linked to all: j = int(inc_target[int(random.uniform(last_W))]) while len(nbs[j]) == n-1: print(" not j", j) j = int(inc_target[int(random.uniform(last_W))]) w[j] += 1 print(" jj", jj, "j", j, "w[j]", w[j]) inc_target[last_W] = j last_W += 1 # link_target[last_Kstar] = j # last_Kstar += 1 # for i in nbs[j]: # print(" i", i) # link_target[last_Kstar] = i # last_Kstar += 1 # link it to some i not already linked to it: i = int(link_target[int(random.uniform(last_Kstar))]) while i == j or A[i, j] == 1: # print(" not i",i) i = int(link_target[int(random.uniform(last_Kstar))]) A[i, j] = A[j, i] = 1 nbs[j].append(i) nbs[i].append(j) # print(" i",i,"nbs[i]",nbs[i],"nbs[j]",nbs[j]) # link_target[last_Kstar:last_Kstar+w[j]] = i # last_Kstar += w[j] # link_target[last_Kstar:last_Kstar+w[i]] = j # last_Kstar += w[i] link_target[last_Kstar] = i link_target[last_Kstar+1] = j last_Kstar += 2 del nbs, link_target, inc_target return Network(A, node_weights=w, silence_level=silence_level)
[docs] @staticmethod def GrowPreferentially(n_nodes=100, n_growths=1, n_links_new=1, n_links_old=1, nsi=True, preferential_exponent=1, n_initials=1, silence_level=0): """ EXPERIMENTAL: Return a random network grown with preferential weight increase and n.s.i. preferential attachment. Return a random network grown as follows: Starting with a clique of 2*n_links_new+1 unit weight nodes, iteratively add a unit weight node, connect it with n_links_new different existing nodes chosen with probabilities proportional to their current n.s.i. degree, then increase the weights of n_growths nodes chosen with probabilities proportional to their current weight (with replacement), then add n_links_old new links between pairs of nodes chosen with probabilities proportional to their current weight. :type silence_level: int >= 0 :arg silence_level: The higher, the less progress info is output. """ N = n_nodes w, A = np.zeros(N, dtype=int), sp.lil_matrix((N, N)) nbs = [[] for i in range(N)] inc_target = list(range(n_initials)) if nsi: kstar = np.zeros(N) link_prob = np.zeros(N) # w * kstar w[:n_initials] = 1 link_prob[:n_initials] = 1 total_link_prob = link_prob.sum() def _link_target(): thd = random.uniform(low=0, high=total_link_prob) i = 0 cum = link_prob[0] while cum < thd: i += 1 cum += link_prob[i] return i for j in trange(n_initials, N): # add node j with unit weight: link_prob[j] = kstar[j] = w[j] = 1 total_link_prob += 1 inc_target.append(j) # link it to some i's: for _ in range(n_links_new): i = _link_target() # print(j,i) while i == j: # print("not i",i) i = _link_target() if A[i, j]: continue # print("j", j, "i", i) A[i, j] = A[j, i] = 1 nbs[i].append(j) nbs[j] = [i] total_link_prob -= link_prob[i] + link_prob[j] kstar[i] += w[j] kstar[j] += w[i] link_prob[i] = w[i] * kstar[i]**preferential_exponent link_prob[j] = w[j] * kstar[j]**preferential_exponent total_link_prob += link_prob[i] + link_prob[j] # print(total_link_prob, link_prob.sum()) for _ in range(n_growths): # increase weight of some i: i = inc_target[int( random.uniform(low=0, high=len(inc_target)))] # print(i,inc_target) total_link_prob -= link_prob[nbs[i]].sum() + link_prob[i] w[i] += 1 inc_target.append(i) kstar[i] += 1 kstar[nbs[i]] += 1 link_prob[i] = w[i] * kstar[i]**preferential_exponent link_prob[nbs[i]] = \ w[nbs[i]] * kstar[nbs[i]]**preferential_exponent total_link_prob += link_prob[nbs[i]].sum() + link_prob[i] # print(" ii",ii,"i",i,"w[i]",w[i]) # print(total_link_prob, link_prob.sum()) for ii in range(n_links_old): # j2 = _link_target() j2 = inc_target[int( random.uniform(low=0, high=len(inc_target)))] i = _link_target() while i == j2: i = _link_target() if A[i, j2]: continue A[i, j2] = A[j2, i] = 1 nbs[i].append(j2) nbs[j2].append(i) total_link_prob -= link_prob[i] + link_prob[j2] kstar[i] += w[j2] kstar[j2] += w[i] link_prob[i] = w[i] * kstar[i]**preferential_exponent link_prob[j2] = w[j2] * kstar[j2]**preferential_exponent total_link_prob += link_prob[i] + link_prob[j2] # print(total_link_prob, link_prob.sum()) else: link_target = [] # start with (2*n_links_new+1) fully connected nodes: n_initials = n_links_new+2*n_links_old+2 # max(n_links_new+2*n_links_old+2, n_growths-1) w[:n_initials] = 1 for i in range(n_initials): for j in range(i): if min(i-j, j+n_initials-i) <= \ np.ceil((n_links_new + n_links_old)/2.0): A[i, j] = A[j, i] = 1 nbs[i].append(j) nbs[j].append(i) link_target += [i for _ in range(n_links_new + n_links_old)] # last_grown = np.zeros(N) for j in range(n_initials, N): # add node j with unit weight: w[j] = 1 inc_target.append(j) link_target.append(j) # link it to some i's: for ii in range(n_links_new): i = int(link_target[int( random.uniform(low=0, high=len(link_target)))]) while i == j or A[i, j] == 1: # print("not i",i) i = int(link_target[int( random.uniform(low=0, high=len(link_target)))]) # print("j", j, "i", i) A[i, j] = A[j, i] = 1 nbs[j] = [i] nbs[i].append(j) link_target += [j for iii in range(w[i])] + [i] for ii in range(n_growths): # increase weight of some i: i = int(inc_target[int( random.uniform(low=0, high=len(inc_target)))]) # while last_grown[i] == j: # i = int(inc_target[int( # random.uniform(len(inc_target)))]) # last_grown[i] = j w[i] += 1 # print(" ii",ii,"i",i,"w[i]",w[i]) inc_target.append(i) link_target += nbs[i] + [i] for ii in range(n_links_old): # j2 = int(inc_target[int( # random.uniform(len(inc_target)))]) j2 = int(link_target[int( random.uniform(low=0, high=len(link_target)))]) # i = int(inc_target[int( # random.uniform(len(inc_target)))]) i = int(link_target[int( random.uniform(low=0, high=len(link_target)))]) while i == j2 or A[i, j2] == 1: # i = int(inc_target[int( # random.uniform(len(inc_target)))]) i = int(link_target[int( random.uniform(low=0, high=len(link_target)))]) A[i, j2] = A[j2, i] = 1 nbs[j2].append(i) nbs[i].append(j2) link_target += [j2 for iii in range(w[i])] + \ [i for iii in range(w[j2])] del link_target del nbs, inc_target return Network(A, node_weights=w, silence_level=silence_level)
[docs] @staticmethod def GrowWeights(n_nodes=100, n_initials=1, exponent=1, mode="exp", split_prob=.01, # for exponential model split_weight=100, # for reciprocal model beta=1.0, n_increases=1e100): """ EXPERIMENTAL """ N = n_nodes w = np.zeros(N) inc_prob = np.zeros(N) w[:n_initials] = 1 inc_prob[:n_initials] = 1 total_inc_prob = inc_prob.sum() hold_prob = 1 - split_prob def _inc_target(): thd = random.uniform(low=0, high=total_inc_prob) i = 0 cum = inc_prob[0] while cum < thd: i += 1 cum += inc_prob[i] return i this_N = n_initials it = 0 with tqdm(total=N) as pbar: while this_N < N and it < n_increases: it += 1 i = _inc_target() total_inc_prob -= inc_prob[i] w[i] += 1 inc_prob[i] = w[i]**exponent total_inc_prob += inc_prob[i] if (mode == "exp" and random.uniform() > hold_prob**w[i]) or \ (mode == "rec" and random.uniform() < w[i]*1.0/(split_weight+w[i])): # reciprocal # split i into i,this_N: total_inc_prob -= inc_prob[i] w[this_N] = w[i]*random.beta(beta, beta) w[i] -= w[this_N] inc_prob[this_N] = w[this_N]**exponent inc_prob[i] = w[i]**exponent total_inc_prob += inc_prob[this_N] + inc_prob[i] this_N += 1 pbar.update() return w
[docs] def randomly_rewire(self, iterations): """ Randomly rewire the network, preserving the degree sequence. **Example:** Generate a network of 100 nodes with degree 5 each: >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork(); print(net) Network: undirected, 6 nodes, 7 links, link density 0.467. >>> net.randomly_rewire(iterations=10); print(net) Randomly rewiring the network,preserving the degree sequence... Network: undirected, 6 nodes, 7 links, link density 0.467. :type iterations: int > 0 :arg iterations: Number of iterations. In each iteration, two randomly chosen links a--b and c--d for which {a,c} and {b,d} are not linked, are replaced by the links a--c and b--d. """ # TODO: verify that it is indeed as described above. if self.silence_level <= 1: print("Randomly rewiring the network," + "preserving the degree sequence...") # rewire embedded igraph.Graph: self.graph.rewire(iterations) # update all data that depends on rewired edge list: self.set_edge_list(self.graph.get_edgelist())
[docs] def edge_list(self): """ Return the network's edge list. **Example:** >>> print(Network.SmallTestNetwork().edge_list()[:8]) [[0 3] [0 4] [0 5] [1 2] [1 3] [1 4] [2 1] [2 4]] :rtype: array-like (numpy matrix or list of lists/tuples) """ return nz_coords(self.sp_A)
[docs] def undirected_adjacency(self): """ Return the adjacency matrix of the undirected version of the network as a dense numpy array. Entry [i,j] is 1 if i links to j or j links to i. **Example:** >>> net = Network(adjacency=[[0,1],[0,0]], directed=True) >>> print(net.undirected_adjacency().A) [[0 1] [1 0]] :rtype: array([[0|1]]) """ return self.sp_A.maximum(self.sp_A.T)
[docs] def laplacian(self, direction="out", link_attribute=None): """ Return the (possibly non-symmetric) dense Laplacian matrix. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().laplacian()) array([[ 3, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1], [ 0, 3, -1, -1, -1, 0], [ 0, -1, 2, 0, -1, 0], [-1, -1, 0, 2, 0, 0], [-1, -1, -1, 0, 3, 0], [-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]]) :arg str direction: This argument is ignored for undirected graphs. "out" - out-degree on diagonal of laplacian "in" - in-degree on diagonal of laplacian :arg str link_attribute: name of link attribute to be used :rtype: square array [node,node] of ints """ if link_attribute == "topological": print("WARNING: link_attribute='topological' is deprecated.\n" + "Use link_attribute=None instead.") link_attribute = None if link_attribute is None: if self.directed: if direction == "out": diagonal = self.outdegree() elif direction == "in": diagonal = self.indegree() else: print("ERROR: argument direction of Network.laplacian " "can only take values <<in>> or <<out>>.") else: diagonal = return np.diag(diagonal, 0) - self.adjacency else: raise NotImplementedError("Only implemented for link_attribute \ =None.")
[docs] def nsi_laplacian(self): """ Return the n.s.i. Laplacian matrix (undirected networks only!). **Example:** >>> Network.SmallTestNetwork().nsi_laplacian() Calculating n.s.i. degree... array([[ 6.9, 0. , 0. , -2.1, -2.3, -2.5], [ 0. , 6.3, -1.9, -2.1, -2.3, 0. ], [ 0. , -1.7, 4. , 0. , -2.3, 0. ], [-1.5, -1.7, 0. , 3.2, 0. , 0. ], [-1.5, -1.7, -1.9, 0. , 5.1, 0. ], [-1.5, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 1.5]]) :rtype: square array([[float]]) """ if self.directed: raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented for directed networks.") return (self.sp_nsi_diag_k() - self.sp_Aplus() * self.sp_diag_w()).A
# # Calculate frequency and cumulative distributions # # TODO: add sensible default for n_bins depending on len(values)
[docs] @staticmethod def _histogram(values, n_bins, interval=None): """ Return a normalized histogram of a list of values, its statistical error, and the lower bin boundaries. **Example:** Get the relative frequencies only: >>> r(Network._histogram( ... values=[1,2,13], n_bins=3, interval=(0,30))[0]) array([ 0.6667, 0.3333, 0. ]) :type values: 1d array or list of floats :arg values: The values whose distribution is wanted. :type n_bins: int > 0 :arg n_bins: Number of bins to be used for the histogram. :type interval: tuple (float,float), or None :arg interval: Optional interval to use. If None, the minimum and maximum values are used. (Default: None) :rtype: tuple (list,list,list) :return: A list of relative bin frequencies, a list of estimated statistical errors, and a list of lower bin boundaries. """ hist = np.histogram(values, bins=n_bins, range=interval, density=False) frequencies = hist[0].astype('float64') bin_starts = hist[1][:-1] # Calculate statistical error given by 1/n_i per bin i, # where n_i is the number of samples per bin error = np.zeros(n_bins) error[frequencies != 0] = 1 / np.sqrt(frequencies[frequencies != 0]) # FIXME: this seems not correct. If the true probability for the bin # is p_i, the variance of n_i / N is p_i * (1 - p_i) / N # which can be estimated from n_i by n_i * (N - n_i) / N**3 # Normalize frequencies and error rel_freqs = frequencies / frequencies.sum() error /= frequencies.sum() return (rel_freqs, error, bin_starts)
[docs] @staticmethod def _cum_histogram(values, n_bins, interval=None): """ Return a normalized cumulative histogram of a list of values, and the lower bin boundaries. **Example:** Get the relative frequencies only: >>> r(Network._cum_histogram( ... values=[1,2,13], n_bins=3, interval=(0,30))[0]) array([ 1. , 0.3333, 0. ]) :type values: 1d array or list of floats :arg values: The values whose distribution is wanted. :type n_bins: int > 0 :arg n_bins: Number of bins to be used for the histogram. :type interval: tuple (float,float), or None :arg interval: Optional range to use. If None, the minimum and maximum values are used. (Default: None) :rtype: tuple (list,list) :return: A list of cumulative relative bin frequencies (entry [i] is the sum of the frequencies of all bins j >= i), and a list of lower bin boundaries. """ (rel_freqs, _, bin_starts) = \ Network._histogram(values=values, n_bins=n_bins, interval=interval) cum_rel_freqs = rel_freqs[::-1].cumsum()[::-1] return (cum_rel_freqs, bin_starts)
# # Methods working with node attributes #
[docs] def set_node_attribute(self, attribute_name: str, values): """ Add a node attribute. Examples for node attributes/weights are degree or betweenness. :arg str attribute_name: The name of the node attribute. :type values: 1D Numpy array [node] :arg values: The node attribute sequence. """ if len(values) == self.N: self.graph.vs.set_attribute_values(attrname=attribute_name, values=values) else: print("Error! Vertex attribute data array", attribute_name, "has to have the same length as the number of nodes " "in the graph.")
[docs] def node_attribute(self, attribute_name: str): """ Return a node attribute. Examples for node attributes/weights are degree or betweenness. :arg str attribute_name: The name of the node attribute. :rtype: 1D Numpy array [node] :return: The node attribute sequence. """ return np.array(self.graph.vs.get_attribute_values(attribute_name))
[docs] def del_node_attribute(self, attribute_name: str): """ Delete a node attribute. :arg str attribute_name: Name of node attribute to be deleted. """ if attribute_name in self.graph.vs.attributes(): del self.graph.vs[attribute_name]
# # Methods working with link attributes # def find_link_attribute(self, attribute_name: str): return attribute_name in # # Degree related measures #
[docs] @Cached.method() def degree(self, key=None): """ Return list of degrees. If a link attribute key is specified, return the associated strength. **Example:** >>> Network.SmallTestNetwork().degree() array([3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 1]) :arg str key: link attribute key [optional] :rtype: array([int>=0]) """ if self.directed: return self.indegree(key) + self.outdegree(key) else: return self.outdegree(key)
[docs] @Cached.method(attrs=("_mut_la",)) def indegree(self, key=None): """ Return list of in-degrees. If a link attribute key is specified, return the associated in-strength. **Example:** >>> Network.SmallDirectedTestNetwork().indegree() array([2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0]) :arg str key: link attribute key [optional] :rtype: array([int>=0]) """ if key is None: return self.sp_A.sum(axis=0).A.squeeze().astype(int) else: return self.link_attribute(key).sum(axis=0).T
[docs] @Cached.method(attrs=("_mut_la",)) def outdegree(self, key=None): """ Return list of out-degrees. If a link attribute key is specified, return the associated out-strength. **Example:** >>> Network.SmallDirectedTestNetwork().outdegree() array([2, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1]) :arg str key: link attribute key [optional] :rtype: array([int>=0]) """ if key is None: return self.sp_A.sum(axis=1).T.A.squeeze().astype(int) else: return self.link_attribute(key).sum(axis=1).T
[docs] @Cached.method(attrs=("_mut_la",)) def bildegree(self, key=None): """ Return list of bilateral degrees, i.e. the number of simultaneously in- and out-going edges. If a link attribute key is specified, return the associated bilateral strength. **Exmaple:** >>> Network.SmallDirectedTestNetwork().bildegree() array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=int16) >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork() >>> (net.bildegree() == True """ if key is None: return (self.sp_A * self.sp_A).diagonal() else: w = self.link_attribute(key) return (w @ w).diagonal()
[docs] def sp_nsi_diag_k(self): """Sparse diagonal matrix of n.s.i. degrees""" return sp.diags([self.nsi_degree()], [0], shape=(self.N, self.N), format='csc')
[docs] def sp_nsi_diag_k_inv(self): """Sparse diagonal matrix of inverse n.s.i. degrees""" return sp.diags([np.power(self.nsi_degree(), -1)], [0], shape=(self.N, self.N), format='csc')
[docs] @Cached.method(attrs=("_mut_nw", "_mut_la")) def nsi_degree(self, key=None, typical_weight=None): """ For each node, return its uncorrected or corrected n.s.i. degree. If a link attribute key is specified, return the associated n.s.i. strength. **Examples:** >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork() >>> net.nsi_degree() Calculating n.s.i. degree... array([ 8.4, 8. , 5.9, 5.3, 7.4, 4. ]) >>> net.splitted_copy().nsi_degree() Calculating n.s.i. degree... array([ 8.4, 8. , 5.9, 5.3, 7.4, 4. , 4. ]) >>> net.nsi_degree(typical_weight=2.0) array([ 3.2 , 3. , 1.95, 1.65, 2.7 , 1. ]) >>> net.splitted_copy().nsi_degree(typical_weight=2.0) Calculating n.s.i. degree... array([ 3.2 , 3. , 1.95, 1.65, 2.7 , 1. , 1. ]) as compared to the unweighted version: >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork() >>> r( array([3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 1]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy().degree()) array([4, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2]) :arg str key: link attribute key (optional) :type typical_weight: float > 0 :arg float typical_weight: Optional typical node weight to be used for correction. If None, the uncorrected measure is returned. (Default: None) :rtype: array([float]) """ if self.directed: res = self.nsi_indegree(key) + self.nsi_outdegree(key) else: if key is None: res = self.sp_Aplus() * self.node_weights else: w = self.link_attribute(key) res = (self.node_weights @ w).squeeze() if typical_weight is None: return res else: return res/typical_weight - 1.0
[docs] @Cached.method(attrs=("_mut_nw", "_mut_la")) def nsi_indegree(self, key=None, typical_weight=None): """ For each node, return its n.s.i. indegree. If a link attribute key is specified, return the associated n.s.i. in-strength. **Examples:** >>> net = Network.SmallDirectedTestNetwork() >>> net.nsi_indegree() array([ 6.3, 5.3, 5.9, 3.6, 4. , 2.5]) >>> net.splitted_copy().nsi_indegree() array([ 6.3, 5.3, 5.9, 3.6, 4. , 2.5, 2.5]) as compared to the unweighted version: >>> net = Network.SmallDirectedTestNetwork() >>> net.indegree() array([2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0]) >>> net.splitted_copy().indegree() array([3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1]) :arg str key: link attribute key [optional] :type typical_weight: float > 0 :arg typical_weight: Optional typical node weight to be used for correction. If None, the uncorrected measure is returned. (Default: None) :rtype: array([float]) """ if key is None: res = self.node_weights * self.sp_Aplus() else: res = (self.node_weights @ self.link_attribute(key)).squeeze() if typical_weight is None: return res else: return res/typical_weight - 1.0
[docs] @Cached.method(attrs=("_mut_nw", "_mut_la")) def nsi_outdegree(self, key=None, typical_weight=None): """ For each node, return its n.s.i. outdegree. If a link attribute key is specified, return the associated n.s.i. out-strength. **Examples:** >>> net = Network.SmallDirectedTestNetwork() >>> net.nsi_outdegree() array([ 5.3, 5.9, 1.9, 3.8, 5.7, 4. ]) >>> net.splitted_copy().nsi_outdegree() array([ 5.3, 5.9, 1.9, 3.8, 5.7, 4. , 4. ]) as compared to the unweighted version: >>> net = Network.SmallDirectedTestNetwork() >>> net.outdegree() array([2, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1]) >>> net.splitted_copy().outdegree() array([2, 2, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2]) :arg str key: link attribute key [optional] :type typical_weight: float > 0 :arg typical_weight: Optional typical node weight to be used for correction. If None, the uncorrected measure is returned. (Default: None) :rtype: array([float]) """ if key is None: res = self.sp_Aplus() * self.node_weights else: res = (self.link_attribute(key) @ self.node_weights).squeeze() if typical_weight is None: return res else: return res/typical_weight - 1.0
[docs] @Cached.method(attrs=("_mut_nw",)) def nsi_bildegree(self, key=None, typical_weight=None): """ For each node, return its n.s.i. bilateral degree. If a link attribute key is specified, return the associated n.s.i. bilateral strength. :arg str key: link attribute key [optional] :type typical_weight: float > 0 :arg typical_weight: Optional typical node weight to be used for correction. If None, the uncorrected measure is returned. (Default: None) :rtype: array([float]) """ assert key is None, "nsi_bildegree is not implemented with key yet" Ap = self.sp_Aplus() res = (Ap * sp.diags(self.node_weights) * Ap).diagonal() if typical_weight is None: return res else: return res/typical_weight - 1.0
[docs] @Cached.method(name="the degree frequency distribution") def degree_distribution(self): """ Return the degree frequency distribution. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().degree_distribution()) Calculating the degree frequency distribution... array([ 0.1667, 0.3333, 0.5 ]) :rtype: 1d numpy array [k] of ints >= 0 :return: Entry [k] is the number of nodes having degree k. """ k = return self._histogram(values=k, n_bins=k.max())[0]
[docs] @Cached.method(name="the in-degree frequency distribution") def indegree_distribution(self): """ Return the in-degree frequency distribution. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().indegree_distribution()) Calculating in-degree frequency distribution... array([ 0.1667, 0.3333, 0.5 ]) :rtype: 1d numpy array [k] of ints >= 0 :return: Entry [k] is the number of nodes having in-degree k. """ ki = self.indegree() return self._histogram(values=ki, n_bins=ki.max())[0]
[docs] @Cached.method(name="the out-degree frequency distribution") def outdegree_distribution(self): """ Return the out-degree frequency distribution. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().outdegree_distribution()) Calculating out-degree frequency distribution... array([ 0.1667, 0. , 0.3333, 0.5 ]) :rtype: 1d numpy array [k] of ints >= 0 :return: Entry [k] is the number of nodes having out-degree k. """ ko = self.outdegree() return self._histogram(values=ko, n_bins=ko.max()+1)[0]
[docs] @Cached.method(name="the cumulative degree distribution") def degree_cdf(self): """ Return the cumulative degree frequency distribution. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().degree_cdf()) Calculating the cumulative degree distribution... array([ 1. , 0.8333, 0.5 ]) :rtype: 1d numpy array [k] of ints >= 0 :return: Entry [k] is the number of nodes having degree k or more. """ k = return self._cum_histogram(values=k, n_bins=k.max())[0]
[docs] @Cached.method(name="the cumulative in-degree distribution") def indegree_cdf(self): """ Return the cumulative in-degree frequency distribution. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().indegree_cdf()) Calculating the cumulative in-degree distribution... array([ 1. , 0.8333, 0.8333, 0.5 ]) :rtype: 1d numpy array [k] of ints >= 0 :return: Entry [k] is the number of nodes having in-degree k or more. """ ki = self.indegree() return self._cum_histogram(values=ki, n_bins=ki.max() + 1)[0]
[docs] @Cached.method(name="the cumulative out-degree distribution") def outdegree_cdf(self): """ Return the cumulative out-degree frequency distribution. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().outdegree_cdf()) Calculating the cumulative out-degree distribution... array([ 1. , 0.8333, 0.8333, 0.5 ]) :rtype: 1d numpy array [k] of ints >= 0 :return: Entry [k] is the number of nodes having out-degree k or more. """ ko = self.outdegree() return self._cum_histogram(values=ko, n_bins=ko.max() + 1)[0]
[docs] @Cached.method(name="a n.s.i. degree frequency histogram", attrs=("_mut_nw",)) def nsi_degree_histogram(self, typical_weight=None): """ Return a frequency (!) histogram of n.s.i. degree. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().nsi_degree_histogram()) Calculating a n.s.i. degree frequency histogram... Calculating n.s.i. degree... (array([ 0.3333, 0.1667, 0.5 ]), array([ 0.1179, 0.1667, 0.0962]), array([ 4. , 5.4667, 6.9333])) :type typical_weight: float > 0 :arg typical_weight: Optional typical node weight to be used for correction. If None, the uncorrected measure is returned. (Default: None) :rtype: tuple (list,list) :return: List of frequencies and list of lower bin bounds. """ nsi_k = self.nsi_degree(typical_weight=typical_weight) return self._histogram(values=nsi_k, n_bins=int(nsi_k.max()/nsi_k.min()) + 1)
[docs] @Cached.method(name="a cumulative n.s.i. degree frequency histogram", attrs=("_mut_nw",)) def nsi_degree_cumulative_histogram(self, typical_weight=None): """ Return a cumulative frequency (!) histogram of n.s.i. degree. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().nsi_degree_cumulative_histogram()) Calculating a cumulative n.s.i. degree frequency histogram... Calculating n.s.i. degree... (array([ 1. , 0.6667, 0.5 ]), array([ 4. , 5.4667, 6.9333])) :type typical_weight: float > 0 :arg typical_weight: Optional typical node weight to be used for correction. If None, the uncorrected measure is returned. (Default: None) :rtype: tuple (list,list) :return: List of cumulative frequencies and list of lower bin bounds. """ nsi_k = self.nsi_degree(typical_weight=typical_weight) return self._cum_histogram(values=nsi_k, n_bins=int(nsi_k.max()/nsi_k.min()) + 1)
[docs] @Cached.method(name="average neighbours' degrees") def average_neighbors_degree(self): """ For each node, return the average degree of its neighbors. (Does not use directionality information.) **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().average_neighbors_degree()) Calculating average neighbours' degrees... array([ 2. , 2.3333, 3. , 3. , 2.6667, 3. ]) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats >= 0 """ k = * 1.0 return self.undirected_adjacency() * k / k[k != 0]
[docs] @Cached.method(name="maximum neighbours' degrees") def max_neighbors_degree(self): """ For each node, return the maximal degree of its neighbors. (Does not use directionality information.) **Example:** >>> Network.SmallTestNetwork().max_neighbors_degree() Calculating maximum neighbours' degree... array([3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of ints >= 0 """ nbks = self.undirected_adjacency().multiply( return nbks.max(axis=1).T.A.squeeze()
[docs] @Cached.method(name="n.s.i. average neighbours' degrees", attrs=("_mut_nw",)) def nsi_average_neighbors_degree(self): """ For each node, return the average n.s.i. degree of its neighbors. (not yet implemented for directed networks.) **Example:** >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork() >>> r(net.nsi_average_neighbors_degree()) Calculating n.s.i. average neighbours' degree... Calculating n.s.i. degree... array([ 6.0417, 6.62 , 7.0898, 7.0434, 7.3554, 5.65 ]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy().nsi_average_neighbors_degree()) Calculating n.s.i. average neighbours' degree... Calculating n.s.i. degree... array([ 6.0417, 6.62 , 7.0898, 7.0434, 7.3554, 5.65 , 5.65 ]) as compared to the unweighted version: >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork() >>> r(net.average_neighbors_degree()) Calculating average neighbours' degrees... array([ 2. , 2.3333, 3. , 3. , 2.6667, 3. ]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy().average_neighbors_degree()) Calculating average neighbours' degrees... array([ 2.25 , 2.3333, 3. , 3.5 , 3. , 3. , 3. ]) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats >= 0 """ if self.directed: raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented for directed networks.") # A+ * (Dw * k) is faster than (A+ * Dw) * k nsi_k = self.nsi_degree() return self.sp_Aplus() * (self.sp_diag_w() * nsi_k) / nsi_k
# TODO: enable correction by typical_weight
[docs] @Cached.method(name="n.s.i. maximum neighbours' degrees", attrs=("_mut_nw",)) def nsi_max_neighbors_degree(self): """ For each node, return the maximal n.s.i. degree of its neighbors. (not yet implemented for directed networks.) **Example:** >>> Network.SmallTestNetwork().nsi_max_neighbors_degree() Calculating n.s.i. maximum neighbour degree... Calculating n.s.i. degree... array([ 8.4, 8. , 8. , 8.4, 8.4, 8.4]) as compared to the unweighted version: >>> print(Network.SmallTestNetwork().max_neighbors_degree()) Calculating maximum neighbours' degree... [3 3 3 3 3 3] :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats >= 0 """ if self.directed: raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented for directed networks.") self.nsi_degree() # matrix with the degrees of nodes' neighbours as rows return (self.sp_Aplus() * self.sp_nsi_diag_k()).max(axis=1).T.A[0]
# TODO: enable correction by typical_weight # # Measures of clustering, transitivity and cliquishness #
[docs] @Cached.method(name="local clustering coefficients") def local_clustering(self): """ For each node, return its (Watts-Strogatz) clustering coefficient. This is the proportion of all pairs of its neighbors which are themselves interlinked. (Uses directionality information, if available) **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().local_clustering()) Calculating local clustering coefficients... array([ 0. , 0.3333, 1. , 0. , 0.3333, 0. ]) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats between 0 and 1 """ C = np.array(self.graph.transitivity_local_undirected()) C[np.isnan(C)] = 0 return C
[docs] @Cached.method(name="the global clustering coefficient (C_2)") def global_clustering(self): """ Return the global (Watts-Strogatz) clustering coefficient. This is the mean of the local clustering coefficients. [Newman2003]_ refers to this measure as C_2. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().global_clustering()) Calculating global clustering coefficient (C_2)... Calculating local clustering coefficients... 0.2778 :rtype: float between 0 and 1 """ return self.local_clustering().mean()
[docs] def _motif_clustering_helper(self, t_func, T, key=None, nsi=False, typical_weight=None, ksum=None): """ Helper function to compute the local motif clustering coefficients. For each node, returns a specific clustering coefficient, depending on the input arguments. :arg function t_func: multiplication of adjacency-type matrices :arg 1d numpy array [node]: denominator made out of (in/out/bil)degrees :arg str key: link attribute key (optional) :arg bool nsi: flag for nsi calculation (default: False) :type typical_weight: float > 0 :arg float typical_weight: Optional typical node weight to be used for correction. If None, the uncorrected measure is returned. (Default: None) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats between 0 and 1 """ if nsi: nodew = sp.csc_matrix(np.eye(self.N) * self.node_weights) if key is None: A = self.sp_Aplus() * nodew if nsi else self.sp_A AT = self.sp_Aplus().T * nodew if nsi else A.T else: M = sp.csc_matrix(self.link_attribute(key)**(1/3.)) A = M * nodew if nsi else M AT = M.T * nodew if nsi else M.T t = t_func(A, AT).diagonal() T = T.astype(float) T[T == 0] = np.nan if typical_weight is None: C = t / (self.node_weights * T) if nsi else t / T C[np.isnan(C)] = 0 return C else: bilk = self.nsi_bildegree(typical_weight=typical_weight) numerator = t / self.node_weights return ((numerator/typical_weight**2 - 3.0*bilk - 1.0) / (T - ksum/typical_weight - bilk + 2))
[docs] @Cached.method(name="the local cycle motif clustering coefficients") def local_cyclemotif_clustering(self, key=None): """ For each node, return the clustering coefficient with respect to the cycle motif. If a link attribute key is specified, return the associated link weighted version. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallDirectedTestNetwork().local_cyclemotif_clustering()) Calculating local cycle motif clustering coefficient... array([ 0.25, 0.25, 0. , 0. , 0.5 , 0. ]) :arg str key: link attribute key (optional) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats between 0 and 1 """ def t_func(x, xT): return x * x * x T = self.indegree() * self.outdegree() - self.bildegree() return self._motif_clustering_helper(t_func, T, key=key)
[docs] @Cached.method(name="the local mid. motif clustering coefficients") def local_midmotif_clustering(self, key=None): """ For each node, return the clustering coefficient with respect to the mid. motif. If a link attribute key is specified, return the associated link weighted version. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallDirectedTestNetwork().local_midmotif_clustering()) Calculating local mid. motif clustering coefficient... array([ 0. , 0. , 0. , 1. , 0.5, 0. ]) :arg str key: link attribute key (optional) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats between 0 and 1 """ def t_func(x, xT): return x * xT * x T = self.indegree() * self.outdegree() - self.bildegree() return self._motif_clustering_helper(t_func, T, key=key)
[docs] @Cached.method(name="the local in motif clustering coefficients") def local_inmotif_clustering(self, key=None): """ For each node, return the clustering coefficient with respect to the in motif. If a link attribute key is specified, return the associated link weighted version. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallDirectedTestNetwork().local_inmotif_clustering()) Calculating local in motif clustering coefficient... array([ 0. , 0.5, 0.5, 0. , 0. , 0. ]) :arg str key: link attribute key (optional) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats between 0 and 1 """ def t_func(x, xT): return xT * x * x T = self.indegree() * (self.indegree() - 1) return self._motif_clustering_helper(t_func, T, key=key)
[docs] @Cached.method(name="the local out motif clustering coefficients") def local_outmotif_clustering(self, key=None): """ For each node, return the clustering coefficient with respect to the out motif. If a link attribute key is specified, return the associated link weighted version. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallDirectedTestNetwork().local_outmotif_clustering()) Calculating local out motif clustering coefficient... array([ 0.5, 0.5, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ]) :arg str key: link attribute key (optional) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats between 0 and 1 """ def t_func(x, xT): return x * x * xT T = self.outdegree() * (self.outdegree() - 1) return self._motif_clustering_helper(t_func, T, key=key)
[docs] @Cached.method(name="the local n.s.i. cycle motif clustering coefficients", attrs=("_mut_nw",)) def nsi_local_cyclemotif_clustering(self, key=None, typical_weight=None): """ For each node, return the nsi clustering coefficient with respect to the cycle motif. If a link attribute key is specified, return the associated link weighted version. Reference: [Zemp2014]_ **Examples:** >>> net = Network.SmallDirectedTestNetwork() >>> r(net.nsi_local_cyclemotif_clustering()) Calculating local nsi cycle motif clustering coefficient... array([ 0.1845, 0.2028, 0.322 , 0.3224, 0.3439, 0.625 ]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy(node=1).nsi_local_cyclemotif_clustering()) Calculating local nsi cycle motif clustering coefficient... array([ 0.1845, 0.2028, 0.322 , 0.3224, 0.3439, 0.625 , 0.2028]) as compared to the unweighted version: >>> net = Network.SmallDirectedTestNetwork() >>> r(net.local_cyclemotif_clustering()) Calculating local cycle motif clustering coefficient... array([ 0.25, 0.25, 0. , 0. , 0.5 , 0. ]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy(node=1).local_cyclemotif_clustering()) Calculating local cycle motif clustering coefficient... array([ 0.3333, 0.125 , 0. , 0. , 0.5 , 0. , 0.125 ]) :arg str key: link attribute key (optional) :type typical_weight: float > 0 :arg float typical_weight: Optional typical node weight to be used for correction. If None, the uncorrected measure is returned. (Default: None) """ def t_func(x, xT): return x * x * x ink = self.nsi_indegree(typical_weight=typical_weight) outk = self.nsi_outdegree(typical_weight=typical_weight) T = ink * outk ksum = ink + outk return self._motif_clustering_helper( t_func, T, key=key, nsi=True, typical_weight=typical_weight, ksum=ksum)
[docs] @Cached.method(name="the local n.s.i. mid. motif clustering coefficients", attrs=("_mut_nw",)) def nsi_local_midmotif_clustering(self, key=None, typical_weight=None): """ For each node, return the nsi clustering coefficient with respect to the mid motif. If a link attribute key is specified, return the associated link weighted version. Reference: [Zemp2014]_ **Examples:** >>> net = Network.SmallDirectedTestNetwork() >>> r(net.nsi_local_midmotif_clustering()) Calculating local nsi mid. motif clustering coefficient... array([ 0.4537, 0.5165, 1. , 1. , 0.8882, 1. ]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy(node=4).nsi_local_midmotif_clustering()) Calculating local nsi mid. motif clustering coefficient... array([ 0.4537, 0.5165, 1. , 1. , 0.8882, 1. , 0.8882]) as compared to the unweighted version: >>> net = Network.SmallDirectedTestNetwork() >>> r(net.local_midmotif_clustering()) Calculating local mid. motif clustering coefficient... array([ 0. , 0. , 0. , 1. , 0.5, 0. ]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy(node=4).local_midmotif_clustering()) Calculating local mid. motif clustering coefficient... array([ 0. , 0. , 0. , 1. , 0.8, 0. , 0.8]) :arg str key: link attribute key (optional) :type typical_weight: float > 0 :arg float typical_weight: Optional typical node weight to be used for correction. If None, the uncorrected measure is returned. (Default: None) """ def t_func(x, xT): return x * xT * x ink = self.nsi_indegree(typical_weight=typical_weight) outk = self.nsi_outdegree(typical_weight=typical_weight) T = ink * outk ksum = ink + outk return self._motif_clustering_helper( t_func, T, key=key, nsi=True, typical_weight=typical_weight, ksum=ksum)
[docs] @Cached.method(name="the local n.s.i. in motif clustering coefficients", attrs=("_mut_nw",)) def nsi_local_inmotif_clustering(self, key=None, typical_weight=None): """ For each node, return the nsi clustering coefficient with respect to the in motif. If a link attribute key is specified, return the associated link weighted version. Reference: [Zemp2014]_ **Examples:** >>> net = Network.SmallDirectedTestNetwork() >>> r(net.nsi_local_inmotif_clustering()) Calculating local nsi in motif clustering coefficient... array([ 0.5288, 0.67 , 0.6693, 0.7569, 0.7556, 1. ]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy(node=1).nsi_local_inmotif_clustering()) Calculating local nsi in motif clustering coefficient... array([ 0.5288, 0.67 , 0.6693, 0.7569, 0.7556, 1. , 0.67 ]) as compared to the unweighted version: >>> net = Network.SmallDirectedTestNetwork() >>> r(net.local_inmotif_clustering()) Calculating local in motif clustering coefficient... array([ 0. , 0.5, 0.5, 0. , 0. , 0. ]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy(node=1).local_inmotif_clustering()) Calculating local in motif clustering coefficient... array([ 0. , 0.5 , 0.6667, 0. , 1. , 0. , 0.5 ]) :arg str key: link attribute key (optional) :type typical_weight: float > 0 :arg float typical_weight: Optional typical node weight to be used for correction. If None, the uncorrected measure is returned. (Default: None) """ def t_func(x, xT): return xT * x * x ink = self.nsi_indegree(typical_weight=typical_weight) T = ink**2 ksum = ink * 2 return self._motif_clustering_helper( t_func, T, key=key, nsi=True, typical_weight=typical_weight, ksum=ksum)
[docs] @Cached.method(name="the local n.s.i. out motif clustering coefficients", attrs=("_mut_nw",)) def nsi_local_outmotif_clustering(self, key=None, typical_weight=None): """ For each node, return the nsi clustering coefficient with respect to the out motif. If a link attribute key is specified, return the associated link weighted version. Reference: [Zemp2014]_ **Examples:** >>> net = Network.SmallDirectedTestNetwork() >>> r(net.nsi_local_outmotif_clustering()) Calculating local nsi out motif clustering coefficient... array([ 0.67 , 0.6693, 1. , 0.7528, 0.5839, 0.7656]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy(node=0).nsi_local_outmotif_clustering()) Calculating local nsi out motif clustering coefficient... array([ 0.67 , 0.6693, 1. , 0.7528, 0.5839, 0.7656, 0.67 ]) as compared to the unweighted version: >>> net = Network.SmallDirectedTestNetwork() >>> r(net.local_outmotif_clustering()) Calculating local out motif clustering coefficient... array([ 0.5, 0.5, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy(node=0).local_outmotif_clustering()) Calculating local out motif clustering coefficient... array([ 0.5 , 0.5 , 0. , 0. , 0.3333, 1. , 0.5 ]) :arg str key: link attribute key (optional) :type typical_weight: float > 0 :arg float typical_weight: Optional typical node weight to be used for correction. If None, the uncorrected measure is returned. (Default: None) """ def t_func(x, xT): return x * x * xT outk = self.nsi_outdegree(typical_weight=typical_weight) T = outk**2 ksum = outk * 2 return self._motif_clustering_helper( t_func, T, key=key, nsi=True, typical_weight=typical_weight, ksum=ksum)
[docs] @Cached.method(name="transitivity coefficient (C_1)") def transitivity(self): """ Return the transitivity (coefficient). This is the ratio of three times the number of triangles to the number of connected triples of vertices. [Newman2003]_ refers to this measure as C_1. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().transitivity()) Calculating transitivity coefficient (C_1)... 0.2727 :rtype: float between 0 and 1 """ return self.graph.transitivity_undirected()
[docs] def higher_order_transitivity(self, order, estimate=False): """ Return transitivity of a certain order. The transitivity of order n is defined as: - (n x Number of cliques of n nodes) / (Number of stars of n nodes) It is a generalization of the standard network transitivity, which is included as a special case for n = 3. :arg int order: The order (number of nodes) of cliques to be considered. :arg bool estimate: Toggles random sampling for estimating higher order transitivity (much faster than exact calculation). :rtype: number (float) between 0 and 1 """ if self.silence_level <= 1: print("Calculating transitivity of order", order, "...") if order in [0, 1, 2]: raise NetworkError("Higher order transitivity is not defined for \ orders 0, 1 and 2.") if order == 3: return self.transitivity() if order == 4: if estimate: motif_counts = self.graph.motifs_randesu( size=4, cut_prob=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) else: motif_counts = self.graph.motifs_randesu(size=4) # Sum over all motifs that contain a star n_stars = motif_counts[4] + motif_counts[7] + \ 2 * motif_counts[9] + 4 * motif_counts[10] n_cliques = motif_counts[10] # print(motif_counts) if n_stars != 0: return 4 * n_cliques / float(n_stars) else: return 0. if order > 4: raise NotImplementedError("Higher order transitivity is not yet \ implemented for orders larger than 4.") raise ValueError("Order has to be a positive integer.")
[docs] def local_cliquishness(self, order): """ Return local cliquishness of a certain order. The local cliquishness measures the relative number of cliques (fully connected subgraphs) of a certain order that a node participates in. Local cliquishness is not defined for orders 1 and 2. For order 3, it is equivalent to the local clustering coefficient :meth:`local_clustering`, since cliques of order 3 are triangles. Local cliquishness is always bounded by 0 and 1 and set to zero for nodes with degree smaller than order - 1. :type order: number (int) :arg order: The order (number of nodes) of cliques to be considered. :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats between 0 and 1 """ if self.directed: raise NetworkError("Not implemented yet...") if self.silence_level <= 1: print("Calculating local cliquishness of order", order, "...") if order in [0, 1, 2]: raise NetworkError("Local cliquishness is not defined for orders \ 0, 1 and 2.") if order == 3: return self.local_clustering() if order == 4: return _local_cliquishness_4thorder( self.N, to_cy(self.adjacency, ADJ), to_cy(, DEGREE)) if order == 5: return _local_cliquishness_5thorder( self.N, to_cy(self.adjacency, ADJ), to_cy(, DEGREE)) if order > 5: raise NotImplementedError("Local cliquishness is not yet \ implemented for orders larger than 5.") raise ValueError("Order has to be a positive integer.")
[docs] @staticmethod def weighted_local_clustering(weighted_A): """ For each node, return its weighted clustering coefficient, given a weighted adjacency matrix. This follows [Holme2007]_. **Example:** >>> print(r(Network.weighted_local_clustering(weighted_A=[ ... [ 0. , 0. , 0. , 0.55, 0.65, 0.75], ... [ 0. , 0. , 0.63, 0.77, 0.91, 0. ], ... [ 0. , 0.63, 0. , 0. , 1.17, 0. ], ... [ 0.55, 0.77, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ], ... [ 0.65, 0.91, 1.17, 0. , 0. , 0. ], ... [ 0.75, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ]]))) Calculating local weighted clustering coefficient... [ 0. 0.2149 0.3539 0. 0.1538 0. ] as compared to the unweighted version: >>> print(r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().local_clustering())) Calculating local clustering coefficients... [ 0. 0.3333 1. 0. 0.3333 0. ] :type weighted_A: square numpy array [node,node] of floats >= 0 :arg weighted_A: Entry [i,j] is the link weight from i to j. A value of 0 means there is no link. :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats between 0 and 1 """ # TODO: must be symmetric? directed version? print("Calculating local weighted clustering coefficient...") wA = np.array(weighted_A) max_w = np.ones_like(wA).dot(wA.max()) return (np.linalg.matrix_power(wA, 3).diagonal() / (
[docs] def nsi_twinness(self): """ For each pair of nodes, return an n.s.i. measure of 'twinness'. This varies from 0.0 for unlinked nodes to 1.0 for linked nodes having exactly the same neighbors (called twins). **Example:** >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork() >>> print(r(net.nsi_twinness())) Calculating n.s.i. degree... [[ 1. 0. 0. 0.4286 0.4524 0.4762] [ 0. 1. 0.7375 0.475 0.7375 0. ] [ 0. 0.7375 1. 0. 0.7973 0. ] [ 0.4286 0.475 0. 1. 0. 0. ] [ 0.4524 0.7375 0.7973 0. 1. 0. ] [ 0.4762 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. ]] >>> print(r(net.splitted_copy().nsi_twinness())) Calculating n.s.i. degree... [[ 1. 0. 0. 0.4286 0.4524 0.4762 0.4762] [ 0. 1. 0.7375 0.475 0.7375 0. 0. ] [ 0. 0.7375 1. 0. 0.7973 0. 0. ] [ 0.4286 0.475 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. ] [ 0.4524 0.7375 0.7973 0. 1. 0. 0. ] [ 0.4762 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. ] [ 0.4762 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. ]] :rtype: square array [node,node] of floats between 0 and 1 """ # TODO: implement other versions as weĺl N, k, Ap = self.N, self.nsi_degree(), self.sp_Aplus() commons = Ap * self.sp_diag_w() * Ap kk = np.repeat([k], N, axis=0) return Ap.A * commons.A / np.maximum(kk, kk.T)
# # Measure Assortativity coefficient #
[docs] def assortativity(self): """ Return the assortativity coefficient. This follows [Newman2002]_. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().assortativity()) -0.4737 :rtype: float """ degrees = degrees_sq = [deg**2 for deg in degrees] m = float(self.graph.ecount()) num1, num2, den1 = 0, 0, 0 for source, target in self.graph.get_edgelist(): num1 += degrees[source] * degrees[target] num2 += degrees[source] + degrees[target] den1 += degrees_sq[source] + degrees_sq[target] num1 /= m den1 /= 2*m num2 = (num2 / (2 * m)) ** 2 return (num1 - num2) / (den1 - num2)
[docs] @Cached.method(name="n.s.i. local clustering", attrs=("_mut_nw",)) def nsi_local_clustering(self, typical_weight=None): """ For each node, return its uncorrected (between 0 and 1) or corrected (at most 1 / negative / NaN) n.s.i. clustering coefficient. (not yet implemented for directed networks) **Example:** >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork() >>> r(net.nsi_local_clustering()) Calculating n.s.i. degree... array([ 0.5513, 0.7244, 1. , 0.8184, 0.8028, 1. ]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy().nsi_local_clustering()) Calculating n.s.i. degree... array([ 0.5513, 0.7244, 1. , 0.8184, 0.8028, 1. , 1. ]) as compared to the unweighted version: >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork() >>> r(net.local_clustering()) Calculating local clustering coefficients... array([ 0. , 0.3333, 1. , 0. , 0.3333, 0. ]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy().local_clustering()) Calculating local clustering coefficients... array([ 0.1667, 0.3333, 1. , 0. , 0.3333, 1. , 1. ]) :type typical_weight: float > 0 :arg typical_weight: Optional typical node weight to be used for correction. If None, the uncorrected measure is returned. (Default: None) :rtype: array([float]) """ if self.directed: raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented for directed networks.") k = self.nsi_degree(typical_weight=typical_weight) if typical_weight is None: if self.silence_level <= 1: print("Calculating uncorrected n.s.i. " "local clustering coefficients...") w = self.node_weights A_Dw = self.sp_A * self.sp_diag_w() numerator = (A_Dw * self.sp_Aplus() * A_Dw.T).diagonal() return (numerator + 2*k*w - w**2) / k**2 else: if self.silence_level <= 1: print("Calculating corrected n.s.i. " "local clustering coefficients...") Ap = self.sp_Aplus() Ap_Dw = Ap * self.sp_diag_w() numerator = (Ap_Dw * Ap_Dw * Ap).diagonal() return (numerator/typical_weight**2 - 3.0*k - 1.0) / (k * (k-1.0))
[docs] @Cached.method(name="the n.s.i. global topological clustering coefficient", attrs=("_mut_nw",)) def nsi_global_clustering(self): """ Return the n.s.i. global clustering coefficient. (not yet implemented for directed networks.) **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().nsi_global_clustering()) Calculating n.s.i. global topological clustering coefficient... Calculating n.s.i. degree... 0.8353 as compared to the unweighted version: >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().global_clustering()) Calculating global clustering coefficient (C_2)... Calculating local clustering coefficients... 0.2778 :rtype: float between 0 and 1 """ if self.directed: raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented for directed networks.") return (self.nsi_local_clustering().dot(self.node_weights) / self.total_node_weight)
[docs] @Cached.method(name="n.s.i. transitivity", attrs=("_mut_nw",)) def nsi_transitivity(self): """ Return the n.s.i. transitivity. .. warning:: Not yet implemented! :rtype: float between 0 and 1 """ if self.directed: raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented for directed networks.") A = self.sp_Aplus() A_Dw = A * self.sp_diag_w() num = (A_Dw * A_Dw * A_Dw).diagonal().sum() denum = (self.sp_diag_w() * A_Dw * A_Dw).sum() return num / denum
[docs] @Cached.method(name="the n.s.i. local Soffer clustering coefficients", attrs=("_mut_nw",)) def nsi_local_soffer_clustering(self): """ For each node, return its n.s.i. clustering coefficient with bias-reduction following [Soffer2005]_. (not yet implemented for directed networks.) **Example:** >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork() >>> r(net.nsi_local_soffer_clustering()) Calculating n.s.i. local Soffer clustering coefficients... Calculating n.s.i. degree... array([ 0.7665, 0.8754, 1. , 0.8184, 0.8469, 1. ]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy().nsi_local_soffer_clustering()) Calculating n.s.i. local Soffer clustering coefficients... Calculating n.s.i. degree... array([ 0.7665, 0.8754, 1. , 0.8184, 0.8469, 1. , 1. ]) as compared to the version without bias-reduction: >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().nsi_local_clustering()) Calculating n.s.i. degree... array([ 0.5513, 0.7244, 1. , 0.8184, 0.8028, 1. ]) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats between 0 and 1 """ if self.directed: raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented for directed networks.") # numerator is determined as above Ap = self.sp_Aplus() Ap_Dw = Ap * self.sp_diag_w() numerator = (Ap_Dw * Ap_Dw * Ap).diagonal() # denominator depends on degrees of neighbours N, k = self.N, self.nsi_degree() mink = np.array([[min(k[i], k[j]) for j in range(N)] for i in range(N)]) denominator = (mink * (self.sp_diag_w() * Ap)).diagonal() return numerator / denominator
# # Measure path lengths #
[docs] @Cached.method(name="path lengths") def path_lengths(self, link_attribute=None): """ For each pair of nodes i,j, return the (weighted) shortest path length from i to j (also called the distance from i to j). This is the shortest length of a path from i to j along links, or infinity if there is no such path. The length of links can be specified by an optional link attribute. **Example:** >>> print(Network.SmallTestNetwork().path_lengths()) Calculating all shortest path lengths... [[ 0. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1.] [ 2. 0. 1. 1. 1. 3.] [ 2. 1. 0. 2. 1. 3.] [ 1. 1. 2. 0. 2. 2.] [ 1. 1. 1. 2. 0. 2.] [ 1. 3. 3. 2. 2. 0.]] :arg str link_attribute: Optional name of the link attribute to be used as the links' length. If None, links have length 1. (Default: None) :rtype: square array [[float]] """ if link_attribute == "topological": print("WARNING: link_attribute='topological' is deprecated.\n" + "Use link_attribute=None instead.") link_attribute = None if link_attribute is None: if self.silence_level <= 1: print("Calculating all shortest path lengths...") # fixed negative numbers to infinity! pl = np.array(self.graph.distances(), dtype=float) pl[pl < 0] = np.inf return pl else: if self.silence_level <= 1: print("Calculating weighted shortest path lengths...") return np.array( self.graph.distances(weights=link_attribute, mode=1))
[docs] def average_path_length(self, link_attribute=None): """ Return the average (weighted) shortest path length between all pairs of nodes for which a path exists. **Example:** >>> print(r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().average_path_length())) Calculating average (weighted) shortest path length... 1.6667 :arg str link_attribute: Optional name of the link attribute to be used as the links' length. If None, links have length 1. (Default: None) :rtype: float """ if link_attribute == "topological": print("WARNING: link_attribute='topological' is deprecated.\n" + "Use link_attribute=None instead.") link_attribute = None if self.silence_level <= 1: print("Calculating average (weighted) shortest path length...") if link_attribute is None: return self.graph.average_path_length() else: path_lengths = self.path_lengths(link_attribute) # Identify unconnected pairs and save in binary array isinf unconnected_pairs = np.isinf(path_lengths) # Count the number of unconnected pairs n_unconnected_pairs = unconnected_pairs.sum() # Set infinite entries corresponding to unconnected pairs to zero path_lengths[unconnected_pairs] = 0 # Take average of shortest geographical path length matrix # excluding the diagonal, since it is always zero, and all # unconnected pairs. The diagonal should never contain # infinities, so that should not be a problem. average_path_length = (path_lengths.sum() / float( self.N * (self.N - 1) - n_unconnected_pairs)) # Reverse changes to path_lengths path_lengths[unconnected_pairs] = np.inf return average_path_length
[docs] @Cached.method(name="the n.s.i. average shortest path length", attrs=("_mut_nw",)) def nsi_average_path_length(self): """ Return the n.s.i. average shortest path length between all pairs of nodes for which a path exists. The path length from a node to itself is considered to be 1 to achieve node splitting invariance. **Example:** >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork() >>> r(net.nsi_average_path_length()) Calculating n.s.i. average shortest path length... Calculating all shortest path lengths... 1.6003 >>> r(net.splitted_copy().nsi_average_path_length()) Calculating n.s.i. average shortest path length... Calculating all shortest path lengths... 1.6003 as compared to the unweighted version: >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork() >>> r(net.average_path_length()) Calculating average (weighted) shortest path length... 1.6667 >>> r(net.splitted_copy().average_path_length()) Calculating average (weighted) shortest path length... 1.7619 :rtype: float """ w = self.node_weights # set diagonal to 1 (nodes get unit distance to themselves) nsi_distances = self.path_lengths() + np.identity(self.N) weight_products = np.outer(w, w) # Set infinite entries corresponding to unconnected pairs to zero unconnected_pairs = np.isinf(nsi_distances) nsi_distances[unconnected_pairs] = 0 weight_products[unconnected_pairs] = 0 # nsi_distances is not sparse, so we use matrix product return / weight_products.sum()
[docs] def diameter(self, directed=True, only_connected=True): """ Return the diameter (largest shortest path length between any nodes). **Example:** >>> print(Network.SmallTestNetwork().diameter()) 3 :arg bool directed: Indicates whether to respect link directions if the network is directed. (Default: True) :arg bool only_connected: Indicates whether to use only pairs of nodes with a connecting path. If False and the network is unconnected, the number of all nodes is returned. (Default: True) :rtype: int >= 0 """ return self.graph.diameter(directed=directed, unconn=only_connected)
# # Link valued measures #
[docs] @Cached.method(name="matching index matrix") def matching_index(self): """ For each pair of nodes, return their matching index. This is the ratio of the number of common neighbors and the number of nodes linked to at least one of the two nodes. **Example:** >>> print(r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().matching_index())) Calculating matching index matrix... [[ 1. 0.5 0.25 0. 0. 0. ] [ 0.5 1. 0.25 0. 0.2 0. ] [ 0.25 0.25 1. 0.3333 0.25 0. ] [ 0. 0. 0.3333 1. 0.6667 0.5 ] [ 0. 0.2 0.25 0.6667 1. 0.3333] [ 0. 0. 0. 0.5 0.3333 1. ]] :rtype: array([[0<=float<=1,0<=float<=1]]) """ commons = (self.sp_A * self.sp_A).astype(DFIELD).A kk = np.repeat([], self.N, axis=0) return commons / (kk + kk.T - commons)
[docs] def edge_betweenness(self): """ For each link, return its betweenness. Alias to :meth:`link_betweenness`. This measures on how likely the link is on a randomly chosen shortest path in the network. (Does not respect directionality of links.) **Example:** >>> print(Network.SmallTestNetwork().edge_betweenness()) Calculating link betweenness... [[ 0. 0. 0. 3.5 5.5 5. ] [ 0. 0. 2. 3.5 2.5 0. ] [ 0. 2. 0. 0. 3. 0. ] [ 3.5 3.5 0. 0. 0. 0. ] [ 5.5 2.5 3. 0. 0. 0. ] [ 5. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ]] :rtype: square numpy array [node,node] of floats :return: Entry [i,j] is the betweenness of the link between i and j, or 0 if i is not linked to j. """ return self.link_betweenness()
# # Node valued centrality measures #
[docs] @Cached.method(name="node betweenness") def betweenness(self): """ For each node, return its betweenness. This measures roughly how many shortest paths pass through the node. **Example:** >>> Network.SmallTestNetwork().betweenness() Calculating node betweenness... array([ 4.5, 1.5, 0. , 1. , 3. , 0. ]) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats >= 0 """ # Return the absolute value of normed tbc, since a bug sometimes # results in negative signs # The measure is normed by the maximum betweenness centrality achieved # only by the star (Freeman 1978): (n**2-3*n+2)/2 # This restricts TBC to 0 <= TBC <= 1 # maxTBC = ( self.N**2 - 3 * self.N + 2 ) / 2 return np.abs(np.array(self.graph.betweenness()))
[docs] def interregional_betweenness(self, sources=None, targets=None): """ For each node, return its interregional betweenness for given sets of source and target nodes. This measures roughly how many shortest paths from one of the sources to one of the targets pass through the node. **Examples:** >>> Network.SmallTestNetwork().interregional_betweenness( ... sources=[2], targets=[3,5]) Calculating interregional betweenness... array([ 1., 1., 0., 0., 1., 0.]) >>> Network.SmallTestNetwork().interregional_betweenness( ... sources=range(0,6), targets=range(0,6)) Calculating interregional betweenness... array([ 9., 3., 0., 2., 6., 0.]) as compared to >>> Network.SmallTestNetwork().betweenness() Calculating node betweenness... array([ 4.5, 1.5, 0. , 1. , 3. , 0. ]) :type sources: 1d numpy array or list of ints from 0 to n_nodes-1 :arg sources: Set of source node indices. :type targets: 1d numpy array or list of ints from 0 to n_nodes-1 :arg targets: Set of target node indices. :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats """ return self.nsi_betweenness(sources=sources, targets=targets, nsi=False)
[docs] def nsi_interregional_betweenness(self, sources, targets): """ For each node, return its n.s.i. interregional betweenness for given sets of source and target nodes. This measures roughly how many shortest paths from one of the sources to one of the targets pass through the node, taking node weights into account. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().nsi_interregional_betweenness( ... sources=[2], targets=[3,5])) Calculating n.s.i. interregional betweenness... array([ 3.1667, 2.3471, 0. , 0. , 2.0652, 0. ]) as compared to the unweighted version: >>> Network.SmallTestNetwork().interregional_betweenness( ... sources=[2], targets=[3,5]) Calculating interregional betweenness... array([ 1., 1., 0., 0., 1., 0.]) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats """ return self.nsi_betweenness(sources=sources, targets=targets)
[docs] def nsi_betweenness(self, sources=None, targets=None, nsi: bool = True, parallelize: bool = False): """ For each node, return its n.s.i. betweenness. [Newman2001]_ This measures roughly how many shortest paths pass through the node, taking node weights into account. **Example:** >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork() >>> r(net.nsi_betweenness()) Calculating n.s.i. betweenness... array([ 29.6854, 7.7129, 0. , 3.0909, 9.6996, 0. ]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy().nsi_betweenness()) Calculating n.s.i. betweenness... array([ 29.6854, 7.7129, 0. , 3.0909, 9.6996, 0. , 0. ]) as compared to the unweighted version: >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork() >>> net.betweenness() Calculating node betweenness... array([ 4.5, 1.5, 0. , 1. , 3. , 0. ]) >>> net.splitted_copy().betweenness() Calculating node betweenness... array([ 8.5, 1.5, 0. , 1.5, 4.5, 0. , 0. ]) :arg bool parallelize: Toggle multiprocessing :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats """ # initialize node lists is_source = np.zeros(self.N, dtype=MASK) if sources is not None: is_source[sources] = 1 else: is_source[range(0, self.N)] = 1 if targets is not None: targets = np.array(list(map(int, targets))) else: targets = np.arange(0, self.N) # call cached worker method with hashable arguments return self._nsi_betweenness( tuple(is_source), tuple(targets), nsi, parallelize)
@Cached.method(name="n.s.i. betweenness", attrs=("_mut_nw",)) def _nsi_betweenness(self, is_source: Tuple[MASK], targets: Tuple[NODE], nsi: bool, parallelize: bool): # type cast inputs assert all(isinstance(arg, tuple) for arg in [is_source, targets]) is_source = np.array(is_source, dtype=MASK) targets = np.array(targets, dtype=NODE) k = to_cy(self.outdegree(), DEGREE) # initialize node weights w = to_cy(self.node_weights, DWEIGHT) w = w if nsi else np.ones_like(w) # sort links by node indices (contains each link twice!) links = nz_coords(self.sp_A) # neighbours of each node flat_neighbors = to_cy(np.array(links)[:, 1], NODE) assert k.sum() == len(flat_neighbors) == 2 * self.n_links # call Cython implementation worker = partial(_nsi_betweenness, self.N, w, k, flat_neighbors, is_source) if parallelize: # (naively) parallelize loop over nodes n_workers = cpu_count() batches = np.array_split(targets, n_workers) with get_context("spawn").Pool() as pool: betw_w = np.sum(, batches), axis=0) pool.close() pool.join() else: betw_w = worker(targets) return betw_w / w
[docs] @Cached.method(name="eigenvector centrality") def eigenvector_centrality(self): """ For each node, return its eigenvector centrality. This is the load on this node from the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix, normalized to a maximum of 1. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().eigenvector_centrality()) Calculating eigenvector centrality... array([ 0.7895, 0.973 , 0.7769, 0.6941, 1. , 0.3109]) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats """ # TODO: allow for weights _, evecs = eigsh(self.sp_A.astype(float), k=1, sigma=self.N**2, maxiter=100, tol=1e-8) ec = evecs.T[0] ec *= np.sign(ec[0]) return ec / ec.max()
[docs] @Cached.method(name="n.s.i. eigenvector centrality", attrs=("_mut_nw",)) def nsi_eigenvector_centrality(self): """ For each node, return its n.s.i. eigenvector centrality. This is the load on this node from the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue of the n.s.i. adjacency matrix, divided by sqrt(node weight) and normalized to a maximum of 1. For a directed network, this uses the right eigenvectors. To get the values for the left eigenvectors, apply this to the inverse network! **Example:** >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork() >>> r(net.nsi_eigenvector_centrality()) Calculating n.s.i. eigenvector centrality... array([ 0.8045, 1. , 0.8093, 0.6179, 0.9867, 0.2804]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy().nsi_eigenvector_centrality()) Calculating n.s.i. eigenvector centrality... array([ 0.8045, 1. , 0.8093, 0.6179, 0.9867, 0.2804, 0.2804]) as compared to the unweighted version: >>> r(net.eigenvector_centrality()) Calculating eigenvector centrality... array([ 0.7895, 0.973 , 0.7769, 0.6941, 1. , 0.3109]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy().eigenvector_centrality()) Calculating eigenvector centrality... array([ 1. , 0.8008, 0.6226, 0.6625, 0.8916, 0.582 , 0.582 ]) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats """ DwR = self.sp_diag_sqrt_w() sp_Astar = DwR * self.sp_Aplus() * DwR _, evecs = eigsh(sp_Astar, k=1, sigma=self.total_node_weight**2, maxiter=100, tol=1e-8) ec = evecs.T[0] / np.sqrt(self.node_weights) ec *= np.sign(ec[0]) return ec / ec.max()
[docs] def pagerank(self, link_attribute=None, use_directed=True): """ For each node, return its (weighted) PageRank. This is the load on this node from the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue of a modified adjacency matrix, normalized to a maximum of 1. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().pagerank()) Calculating PageRank... array([ 0.2184, 0.2044, 0.1409, 0.1448, 0.2047, 0.0869]) :arg str link_attribute: Optional name of the link attribute to be used as the links' weight. If None, links have weight 1. (Default: None) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of """ if link_attribute == "topological": print("WARNING: link_attribute='topological' is deprecated.\n" + "Use link_attribute=None instead.") link_attribute = None if link_attribute is None: if self.silence_level <= 1: print("Calculating PageRank...") return np.array(self.graph.personalized_pagerank( directed=use_directed, weights=None)) else: if self.silence_level <= 1: print("Calculating weighted PageRank...") return np.array(self.graph.personalized_pagerank( directed=use_directed, weights=link_attribute))
[docs] def closeness(self, link_attribute=None): """ For each node, return its (weighted) closeness. This is the inverse of the mean shortest path length from the node to all other nodes. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().closeness()) Calculating closeness... array([ 0.7143, 0.625 , 0.5556, 0.625 , 0.7143, 0.4545]) :arg str link_attribute: Optional name of the link attribute to be used as the links' length. If None, links have length 1. (Default: None) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats between 0 and 1 """ # TODO: check and describe behaviour for unconnected networks if link_attribute == "topological": print("WARNING: link_attribute='topological' is deprecated.\n" + "Use link_attribute=None instead.") link_attribute = None if link_attribute is None: if self.silence_level <= 1: print("Calculating closeness...") # Return the absolute value of tcc, since a bug sometimes results # in negative signs return np.abs(np.array(self.graph.closeness())) else: CC = np.zeros(self.N) path_lengths = self.path_lengths(link_attribute) if self.silence_level <= 1: print("Calculating weighted closeness...") # Identify unconnected pairs and save in binary array isinf unconnected_pairs = np.isinf(path_lengths) # Set infinite entries corresponding to unconnected pairs to # number of vertices path_lengths[unconnected_pairs] = self.N # Some polar nodes have an assigned distance of zero to all their # neighbors. These nodes get zero geographical closeness # centrality. path_length_sum = path_lengths.sum(axis=1) CC[path_length_sum != 0] = \ (self.N - 1) / path_length_sum[path_length_sum != 0] # Reverse changes to weightedPathLengths path_lengths[unconnected_pairs] = np.inf return CC
[docs] @Cached.method(name="n.s.i. closeness", attrs=("_mut_nw",)) def nsi_closeness(self): """ For each node, return its n.s.i. closeness. This is the inverse of the mean shortest path length from the node to all other nodes. If the network is not connected, the result is 0. **Example:** >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork() >>> r(net.nsi_closeness()) Calculating n.s.i. closeness... Calculating all shortest path lengths... array([ 0.7692, 0.6486, 0.5825, 0.6417, 0.7229, 0.5085]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy().nsi_closeness()) Calculating n.s.i. closeness... Calculating all shortest path lengths... array([ 0.7692, 0.6486, 0.5825, 0.6417, 0.7229, 0.5085, 0.5085]) as compared to the unweighted version: >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork() >>> r(net.closeness()) Calculating closeness... array([ 0.7143, 0.625 , 0.5556, 0.625 , 0.7143, 0.4545]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy().closeness()) Calculating closeness... array([ 0.75 , 0.5455, 0.5 , 0.6 , 0.6667, 0.5 , 0.5 ]) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats between 0 and 1 """ # similar to nsi_average_path_length: nsi_distances = self.path_lengths() + np.identity(self.N) return (self.total_node_weight /, self.node_weights))
[docs] @Cached.method(name="n.s.i. harmonic closeness", attrs=("_mut_nw",)) def nsi_harmonic_closeness(self): """ For each node, return its n.s.i. harmonic closeness. This is the inverse of the harmonic mean shortest path length from the node to all other nodes. If the network is not connected, the result is not necessarily 0. **Example:** >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork() >>> r(net.nsi_harmonic_closeness()) Calculating n.s.i. harmonic closeness... Calculating all shortest path lengths... array([ 0.85 , 0.7986, 0.7111, 0.7208, 0.8083, 0.6167]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy().nsi_harmonic_closeness()) Calculating n.s.i. harmonic closeness... Calculating all shortest path lengths... array([ 0.85 , 0.7986, 0.7111, 0.7208, 0.8083, 0.6167, 0.6167]) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats between 0 and 1 """ # similar to nsi_average_path_length: nsi_distances = self.path_lengths() + np.identity(self.N) return ( / nsi_distances, self.node_weights) / self.total_node_weight)
[docs] @Cached.method(name="n.s.i. exponential closeness centrality", attrs=("_mut_nw",)) def nsi_exponential_closeness(self): """ For each node, return its n.s.i. exponential harmonic closeness. This is the mean of 2**(- shortest path length) from the node to all other nodes. If the network is not connected, the result is not necessarily 0. **Example:** >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork() >>> r(net.nsi_exponential_closeness()) Calculating n.s.i. exponential closeness centrality... Calculating all shortest path lengths... array([ 0.425 , 0.3906, 0.3469, 0.3604, 0.4042, 0.2958]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy().nsi_exponential_closeness()) Calculating n.s.i. exponential closeness centrality... Calculating all shortest path lengths... array([ 0.425 , 0.3906, 0.3469, 0.3604, 0.4042, 0.2958, 0.2958]) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats between 0 and 1 """ # similar to nsi_average_path_length: nsi_distances = self.path_lengths() + np.identity(self.N) return (**(-nsi_distances), self.node_weights) / self.total_node_weight)
[docs] @Cached.method(name="Arenas-type random walk betweenness") def arenas_betweenness(self): """ For each node, return its Arenas-type random walk betweenness. This measures how often a random walk search for a random target node from a random source node is expected to pass this node. (see [Arenas2003]_) **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().arenas_betweenness()) Calculating Arenas-type random walk betweenness... (giant component size: 6 (1.0)) array([ 50.1818, 50.1818, 33.4545, 33.4545, 50.1818, 16.7273]) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats >= 0 """ t0 = time.time() # Initialize the array to hold random walk betweenness arenas_betweenness = np.zeros(self.N) # Random walk betweenness has to be calculated for each component # separately Therefore get different components of the graph first components = self.graph.connected_components() # Print giant component size if self.silence_level <= 1: print(" (giant component size: " + str(components.giant().vcount()) + " (" + str(components.giant().vcount() / float(self.graph.vcount())) + "))") for c, comp in enumerate(components): # If the component has size 1, set random walk betweenness to zero if len(comp) == 1: arenas_betweenness[comp[0]] = 0 # For larger components, continue with the calculation else: # Get the subgraph corresponding to component i subgraph = components.subgraph(c) # Get the subgraph A matrix A = np.array(subgraph.get_adjacency(type=2).data) # Generate a Network object representing the subgraph subnetwork = Network(adjacency=A, directed=False) # Get the number of nodes of the subgraph (the component size) N = subnetwork.N # Initialize the RWB array component_betweenness = np.zeros(N) # Get the subnetworks degree sequence k ='float64') # Clean up del subgraph, subnetwork # Get the P that is modified and inverted by the C++ code P = / k), A) for i in range(N): # Store the kth row of the P row_i = np.copy(P[i, :]) # Set the i-th row of the P to zero to account for the # absorption of random walkers at their destination P[i, :] = 0 # Calculate the b^i matrix B = - P), P) # Perform the summation over source node c component_betweenness += B.sum(axis=0) # Restore the P P[i, :] = row_i # Normalize RWB by component size # component_betweenness *= N # Get the list of vertex numbers in the subgraph nodes = comp # Copy results into randomWalkBetweennessArray at the correct # positions for j, node in enumerate(nodes): arenas_betweenness[node] = component_betweenness[j] if self.silence_level <= 0: print("...took", time.time()-t0, "seconds") return arenas_betweenness
# parallelized main loop @staticmethod def _mpi_nsi_arenas_betweenness( N, sp_P, this_Aplus, w, this_w, start_i, end_i, exclude_neighbors, stopping_mode, this_twinness): error_message, result = '', None try: component_betweenness = np.zeros(N) for i in range(start_i, end_i): # For i and each neighbour of it, modify the corresponding row # of P to account for the absorption of random walkers at their # destination sp_Pi = sp_P.copy() Aplus_i = this_Aplus[i-start_i, :] update_keys = [k for k in sp_Pi.keys() if Aplus_i[k[0]] == 1] if stopping_mode == "twinness": twinness_i = this_twinness[i-start_i, :] update_vals = [sp_Pi[k] * (1.0 - twinness_i[k[0]]) for k in update_keys] else: # "neighbors" update_vals = np.zeros(len(update_keys)) update_rows, update_cols = zip(*update_keys) sp_Pi[update_rows, update_cols] = update_vals sp_Pi = sp_Pi.tocsc() sp_Pi.eliminate_zeros() # solve (1 - sp_Pi) * V = sp_Pi V = splu(sp.identity(N, format='csc') - sp_Pi).solve(sp_Pi.A) if exclude_neighbors: # for the result, we use only those targets i which are not # neighboured to our node of interest j B_sum = * (1 - Aplus_i)).T) * (1 - Aplus_i) else: B_sum = component_betweenness += this_w[i-start_i] * B_sum result = component_betweenness, start_i, end_i except RuntimeError: e = sys.exc_info() error_message = (str(e[0]) + '\n' + str(e[1])) return error_message, result # TODO: settle for some suitable defaults
[docs] def nsi_arenas_betweenness(self, exclude_neighbors=True, stopping_mode="neighbors"): """ For each node, return its n.s.i. Arenas-type random walk betweenness. This measures how often a random walk search for a random target node from a random source node is expected to pass this node. (see [Arenas2003]_) **Examples:** >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork() >>> r(net.nsi_arenas_betweenness()) Calculating n.s.i. Arenas-type random walk betweenness... (giant component size: 6 (1.0)) Calculating n.s.i. degree... array([ 20.5814, 29.2103, 27.0075, 19.5434, 25.2849, 24.8483]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy().nsi_arenas_betweenness()) Calculating n.s.i. Arenas-type random walk betweenness... (giant component size: 7 (1.0)) Calculating n.s.i. degree... array([ 20.5814, 29.2103, 27.0075, 19.5434, 25.2849, 24.8483, 24.8483]) >>> r(net.nsi_arenas_betweenness(exclude_neighbors=False)) Calculating n.s.i. Arenas-type random walk betweenness... (giant component size: 6 (1.0)) Calculating n.s.i. degree... array([ 44.5351, 37.4058, 27.0075, 21.7736, 31.3256, 24.8483]) >>> r(net.nsi_arenas_betweenness(stopping_mode="twinness")) Calculating n.s.i. Arenas-type random walk betweenness... (giant component size: 6 (1.0)) Calculating n.s.i. degree... Calculating n.s.i. degree... array([ 22.6153, 41.2314, 38.6411, 28.6195, 38.5824, 30.2994]) as compared to its unweighted version: >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork() >>> r(net.arenas_betweenness()) Calculating Arenas-type random walk betweenness... (giant component size: 6 (1.0)) array([ 50.1818, 50.1818, 33.4545, 33.4545, 50.1818, 16.7273]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy().arenas_betweenness()) Calculating Arenas-type random walk betweenness... (giant component size: 7 (1.0)) array([ 90.4242, 67.8182, 45.2121, 45.2121, 67.8182, 45.2121, 45.2121]) :arg bool exclude_neighbors: Indicates whether to use only source and target nodes that are not linked to the node of interest. (Default: True) :arg str stopping_mode: Specifies when the random walk is stopped. If "neighbors", the walk stops as soon as it reaches a neighbor of the target node. If "twinnness", the stopping probability at each step is the twinnness of the current and target nodes as given by :meth:`nsi_twinness()`. (Default: "neighbors") :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats >= 0 """ if self.silence_level <= 1: print("Calculating n.s.i. Arenas-type random walk betweenness...") t0 = time.time() # Initialize the array to hold random walk betweenness nsi_arenas_betweenness = np.zeros(self.N) # Random walk betweenness has to be calculated for each component # separately. Therefore get different components of the graph first components = self.graph.connected_components() # Print giant component size if self.silence_level <= 1: print(" (giant component size: " + str(components.giant().vcount()) + " (" + str(components.giant().vcount() / float(self.graph.vcount())) + "))") for c, comp in enumerate(components): # If the component has size 1, set random walk betweenness to zero if len(comp) == 1: nsi_arenas_betweenness[comp[0]] = 0 # For larger components, continue with the calculation else: # Get the subgraph corresponding to component i subgraph = components.subgraph(c) A = np.array(subgraph.get_adjacency(type=2).data) del subgraph # Get the list of vertex numbers in the subgraph nodes = comp # Extract corresponding area weight vector w = np.zeros(len(nodes)) for j, node in enumerate(nodes): w[j] = self.node_weights[node] # Generate a Network object representing the subgraph subnet = Network(adjacency=A, directed=False, node_weights=w) N = subnet.N # Calculate the subnetworks degree sequence subnet.nsi_degree() Aplus = (A + np.identity(N)).astype(int) if stopping_mode == "twinness": twinness = self.nsi_twinness() # Get the sparse P matrix that gets modified and inverted sp_P = (subnet.sp_nsi_diag_k_inv() * subnet.sp_Aplus() * subnet.sp_diag_w()).todok() if mpi.available: parts = max(1, int(np.ceil( min((mpi.size-1) * 10.0, 0.1 * N)))) step = int(np.ceil(1.0 * N / (1.0 * parts))) if self.silence_level <= 0: print(f" parallelizing on {mpi.size-1}" f" slaves into {parts} parts with " f"{step} nodes each...") for index in range(parts): start_i = index * step end_i = min((index + 1) * step, N) if start_i >= end_i: break this_Aplus = Aplus[start_i:end_i, :] this_w = w[start_i:end_i] if stopping_mode == "twinness": this_twinness = twinness[start_i:end_i, :] else: this_twinness = None if self.silence_level <= 0: print(" submitting", index) mpi.submit_call( "Network._mpi_nsi_arenas_betweenness", (N, sp_P, this_Aplus, w, this_w, start_i, end_i, exclude_neighbors, stopping_mode, this_twinness), module="pyunicorn", id=index) # Retrieve results of all submited jobs component_betweenness = np.zeros(N) for index in range(parts): start_i = index * step if self.silence_level <= 0: print(" retrieving results from", index) error_message, result = mpi.get_result(index) if error_message != '': print(error_message) sys.exit() this_betweenness, start_i, end_i = result component_betweenness += this_betweenness else: component_betweenness = np.zeros(N) if stopping_mode == "twinness": this_twinness = twinness else: this_twinness = None error_message, result = \ Network._mpi_nsi_arenas_betweenness( N, sp_P, Aplus, w, w, 0, N, exclude_neighbors, stopping_mode, this_twinness) if error_message != '': print(error_message) sys.exit() this_betweenness, start_i, end_i = result component_betweenness += this_betweenness component_betweenness /= w # here I tried several ways to correct for the fact that k is # not neighboured to j (see above): # component_betweenness *= 1-w/nsi_k # component_betweenness += subnet.total_node_weight*nsi_k # component_betweenness -= subnet.total_node_weight*nsi_k # is this an improvement??? # Clean up del subnet # Copy results into randomWalkBetweennessArray at the correct # positions for j, node in enumerate(nodes): nsi_arenas_betweenness[node] = component_betweenness[j] if self.silence_level <= 0: print("...took", time.time()-t0, "seconds") return nsi_arenas_betweenness
[docs] @Cached.method(name="Newman's random walk betweenness") def newman_betweenness(self): """ For each node, return Newman's random walk betweenness. This measures how often a random walk search for a random target node from a random source node is expected to pass this node, not counting when the walk returns along a link it took before to leave the node. (see [Newman2005]_) **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().newman_betweenness()) Calculating Newman's random walk betweenness... (giant component size: 6 (1.0)) array([ 4.1818, 3.4182, 2.5091, 3.0182, 3.6 , 2. ]) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats >= 0 """ t0 = time.time() # Initialize the array to hold random walk betweenness newman_betweenness = np.zeros(self.N) # Random walk betweenness has to be calculated for each component # separately. Therefore get different components of the graph first components = self.graph.connected_components() # Print giant component size if self.silence_level <= 1: print(" (giant component size: " + str(components.giant().vcount()) + " (" + str(components.giant().vcount() / float(self.graph.vcount())) + "))") for c, comp in enumerate(components): # If the component has size 1, set random walk betweenness to zero if len(comp) < 2: newman_betweenness[comp[0]] = 0 # For larger components, continue with the calculation else: # Get the subgraph A matrix corresponding to component c subgraph = components.subgraph(c) A = np.array(subgraph.get_adjacency(type=2).data, dtype=ADJ) # Generate a Network object representing the subgraph subnetwork = Network(adjacency=A, directed=False) N, sp_A = subnetwork.N, subnetwork.sp_A # Kirchhoff matrix sp_M = sp.diags([subnetwork.indegree()], [0], shape=(N, N), format='csc') - sp_A # invert it without last row/col # FIXME: in rare cases (when there is an exact twin to the last # node), this might not be invertible and a different row/col # would need to be removed! V = sp.lil_matrix((N, N)) V[:-1, :-1] = inv(sp_M[:-1, :-1]) V = V.A del subgraph, subnetwork, sp_A, sp_M component_betweenness = np.zeros(N) if mpi.available: # determine in how many parts we split the outer loop: parts = max(1, int(np.ceil( min((mpi.size-1) * 10.0, 0.1 * N)))) # corresponding step size for c index of outer loop: step = int(np.ceil(1.0 * N / (1.0 * parts))) if self.silence_level <= 0: print(" parallelizing on " + str((mpi.size-1)) + " slaves into " + str(parts) + " parts with " + str(step) + " nodes each...") # now submit the jobs: for index in range(parts): start_i = index * step end_i = min((index + 1) * step, N) if start_i >= end_i: break this_A = A[start_i:end_i, :] # submit the job and add it to the list of jobs, so # that later the results can be retrieved: if self.silence_level <= 0: print("submitting part from", start_i, "to", end_i) mpi.submit_call( "_mpi_newman_betweenness", (to_cy(this_A, ADJ), to_cy(V, DFIELD), N, start_i, end_i), module="pyunicorn", id=index, time_est=this_A.sum()) # Retrieve results of all submitted jobs: component_betweenness = np.zeros(N) for index in range(parts): # the following call connects to the submitted job, # waits until it finishes, and retrieves the result: if self.silence_level <= 0: print("retrieving results from ", index) this_betweenness, start_i, end_i = \ mpi.get_result(index) component_betweenness[start_i:end_i] = this_betweenness else: component_betweenness, start_i, end_i =\ _mpi_newman_betweenness( to_cy(A, ADJ), to_cy(V, DFIELD), N, 0, N) component_betweenness += 2 * (N - 1) component_betweenness /= (N - 1.0) # TODO: why is this? # sort results into correct positions nodes = comp for j, node in enumerate(nodes): newman_betweenness[node] = component_betweenness[j] if self.silence_level <= 0: print("...took", time.time()-t0, "seconds") return newman_betweenness
[docs] def nsi_newman_betweenness(self, add_local_ends=False): """ For each node, return its n.s.i. Newman-type random walk betweenness. This measures how often a random walk search for a random target node from a random source node is expected to pass this node, not counting when the walk returns along a link it took before to leave the node. (see [Newman2005]_) In this n.s.i. version, node weights are taken into account, and only random walks are used that do not start or end in neighbors of the node. **Example:** >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork() >>> r(net.nsi_newman_betweenness()) Calculating n.s.i. Newman-type random walk betweenness... (giant component size: 6 (1.0)) Calculating n.s.i. degree... array([ 0.4048, 0. , 0.8521, 3.3357, 1.3662, 0. ]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy().nsi_newman_betweenness()) Calculating n.s.i. Newman-type random walk betweenness... (giant component size: 7 (1.0)) Calculating n.s.i. degree... array([ 0.4048, 0. , 0.8521, 3.3357, 1.3662, 0. , 0. ]) >>> r(net.nsi_newman_betweenness(add_local_ends=True)) Calculating n.s.i. Newman-type random walk betweenness... (giant component size: 6 (1.0)) Calculating n.s.i. degree... array([ 131.4448, 128. , 107.6421, 102.4457, 124.2062, 80. ]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy().nsi_newman_betweenness( ... add_local_ends=True)) Calculating n.s.i. Newman-type random walk betweenness... (giant component size: 7 (1.0)) Calculating n.s.i. degree... array([ 131.4448, 128. , 107.6421, 102.4457, 124.2062, 80. , 80. ]) as compared to its unweighted version: >>> net = Network.SmallTestNetwork() >>> r(net.newman_betweenness()) Calculating Newman's random walk betweenness... (giant component size: 6 (1.0)) array([ 4.1818, 3.4182, 2.5091, 3.0182, 3.6 , 2. ]) >>> r(net.splitted_copy().newman_betweenness()) Calculating Newman's random walk betweenness... (giant component size: 7 (1.0)) array([ 5.2626, 3.5152, 2.5455, 3.2121, 3.8182, 2.5556, 2.5556]) :arg bool add_local_ends: Indicates whether to add a correction for the fact that walks starting or ending in neighbors are not used. (Default: false) :rtype: array [float>=0] """ if self.silence_level <= 1: print("Calculating n.s.i. Newman-type random walk betweenness...") t0 = time.time() # Initialize the array to hold random walk betweenness nsi_newman_betweenness = np.zeros(self.N) # Random walk betweenness has to be calculated for each component # separately. Therefore get different components of the graph first components = self.graph.connected_components() # Print giant component size if self.silence_level <= 1: print(" (giant component size: " + str(components.giant().vcount()) + " (" + str(components.giant().vcount() / float(self.graph.vcount())) + "))") for c, comp in enumerate(components): # If the component has size 1, set random walk betweenness to zero # FIXME: check why there was a problem with ==1 if len(comp) < 2: nsi_newman_betweenness[comp[0]] = 0 # For larger components, continue with the calculation else: # Get the subgraph corresponding to component i subgraph = components.subgraph(c) # Get the subgraph A matrix A = np.array(subgraph.get_adjacency(type=2).data, dtype=ADJ) # Get the list of vertex numbers in the subgraph nodes = comp # Extract corresponding area weight vector: w = to_cy(self.node_weights[nodes], DWEIGHT) # Generate a Network object representing the subgraph subnet = Network(adjacency=A, directed=False, node_weights=w) N = subnet.N # Initialize the RWB array component_betweenness = np.zeros(N) # sp_M = area-weighted Kirchhoff matrix * diag(w)^(-1) Ap = subnet.sp_Aplus() Dw, DwI = subnet.sp_diag_w(), subnet.sp_diag_w_inv() Dk, DkI = subnet.sp_nsi_diag_k(), subnet.sp_nsi_diag_k_inv() sp_M = Dw * (Dk - Ap * Dw) * DwI # invert sp_M without last row/col (see above) sp_M_inv = sp.lil_matrix((N, N)) sp_M_inv[:-1, :-1] = inv(sp_M[:-1, :-1]) # Note: sp_M_inv is not necessarily sparse, so the order is # important for performance V = ((DkI * Ap) * sp_M_inv).T.astype(DFIELD).A del subgraph, Ap, Dw, DwI, Dk, DkI, sp_M, sp_M_inv # TODO: verify that this was indeed wrong # w = self.node_weights # indicator matrix that i,j are not neighboured or equal not_adjacent_or_equal = (1 - A - np.identity(N)).astype(MASK) if mpi.available: parts = max(1, int(np.ceil(min((mpi.size-1) * 10.0, 0.1 * N)))) step = int(np.ceil(1.0*N/(1.0*parts))) if self.silence_level <= 0: print(" parallelizing on " + str((mpi.size-1)) + " slaves into " + str(parts) + " parts with " + str(step) + " nodes each...") for idx in range(parts): start_i = idx * step end_i = min((idx+1)*step, N) if start_i >= end_i: break this_A = A[start_i:end_i, :] this_not_adjacent_or_equal = \ not_adjacent_or_equal[start_i:end_i, :] mpi.submit_call( "_mpi_nsi_newman_betweenness", (to_cy(this_A, ADJ), to_cy(V, DFIELD), N, w, this_not_adjacent_or_equal, start_i, end_i), module="pyunicorn", id=idx) # Retrieve results of all submited jobs component_betweenness = np.zeros(N) for idx in range(parts): this_betweenness, start_i, end_i = mpi.get_result(idx) component_betweenness[start_i:end_i] = this_betweenness else: component_betweenness, start_i, end_i = \ _mpi_nsi_newman_betweenness( to_cy(A, ADJ), to_cy(V, DFIELD), N, w, not_adjacent_or_equal, 0, N) # Correction for the fact that we used only s,t not # neighboured to i if add_local_ends: nsi_k = subnet.nsi_degree() component_betweenness += (2.0 * w.sum() - nsi_k) * nsi_k # Copy results into randomWalkBetweennessArray at the correct # positions for j, node in enumerate(nodes): nsi_newman_betweenness[node] = component_betweenness[j] if self.silence_level <= 0: print("...took", time.time()-t0, "seconds") return nsi_newman_betweenness
# # Efficiency measures #
[docs] def global_efficiency(self, link_attribute=None): """ Return the global (weighted) efficiency. (see [Costa2007]_) **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().global_efficiency()) Calculating all shortest path lengths... Calculating global (weighted) efficiency... 0.7111 :arg str link_attribute: Optional name of the link attribute to be used as the links' length. If None, links have length 1. (Default: None) :rtype: float """ if link_attribute == "topological": print("WARNING: link_attribute='topological' is deprecated.\n" + "Use link_attribute=None instead.") link_attribute = None path_lengths = self.path_lengths(link_attribute) if self.silence_level <= 1: print("Calculating global (weighted) efficiency...") # Set path lengths on diagonal to infinity to avoid summing over those # entries when calculating efficiency np.fill_diagonal(path_lengths, np.inf) # Calculate global efficiency efficiency = (1/float(self.N * (self.N-1)) * (1/path_lengths).sum()) # Restore path lengths on diagonal to zero np.fill_diagonal(path_lengths, 0) return efficiency
[docs] @Cached.method(name="n.s.i. global efficiency", attrs=("_mut_nw",)) def nsi_global_efficiency(self): """ Return the n.s.i. global efficiency. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().nsi_global_efficiency()) Calculating n.s.i. global efficiency... Calculating all shortest path lengths... 0.7415 :rtype: float """ w = self.node_weights # Set path lengths on diagonal to 1 nsi_dist = self.path_lengths() + np.identity(self.N) return / self.total_node_weight**2
[docs] def distance_based_measures(self, replace_inf_by=None): """ Return a dictionary of local and global measures that are based on shortest path lengths. This is useful for large graphs for which the matrix of all shortest path lengths cannot be stored. EXPERIMENTAL! :type replace_inf_by: float/inf/None :arg replace_inf_by: If None, the number of nodes is used. (Default: None) :rtype: dictionary with keys "closeness", "harmonic_closeness", "exponential_closeness", "average_path_length", "global_efficiency", "nsi_closeness", "nsi_harmonic_closeness", "nsi_exponential_closeness", "nsi_average_path_length", "nsi_global_efficiency" """ N, w, W = self.N, self.node_weights, self.total_node_weight if replace_inf_by is None: replace_inf_by = N closeness = np.zeros(N) harmonic_closeness = np.zeros(N) exponential_closeness = np.zeros(N) average_path_length = 0 nsi_closeness = np.zeros(N) nsi_harmonic_closeness = np.zeros(N) nsi_exponential_closeness = np.zeros(N) nsi_average_path_length = 0 for i in range(N): if self.silence_level == 0: print(i) di = np.array(self.graph.distances(i), dtype=float).flatten() di[np.where(di == np.inf)] = replace_inf_by closeness[i] = 1.0 / di.sum() average_path_length += di.sum() di[i] = np.inf harmonic_closeness[i] = (1.0/di).sum() exponential_closeness[i] = (0.5**di).sum() di[i] = 1 nsi_closeness[i] = 1.0 / (w*di).sum() nsi_average_path_length += w[i] * (w*di).sum() nsi_harmonic_closeness[i] = (w/di).sum() nsi_exponential_closeness[i] = (w * 0.5**di).sum() return { "closeness": closeness * (N-1), "harmonic_closeness": harmonic_closeness / (N-1), "exponential_closeness": exponential_closeness / (N-1), "average_path_length": average_path_length / N*(N-1), "global_efficiency": harmonic_closeness.mean() / (N-1), "nsi_closeness": nsi_closeness * W, "nsi_harmonic_closeness": nsi_harmonic_closeness / W, "nsi_exponential_closeness": nsi_exponential_closeness / W, "nsi_average_path_length": nsi_average_path_length / W**2, "nsi_global_efficiency": / W**2 }
# # Vulnerability measures #
[docs] def local_vulnerability(self, link_attribute=None): """ For each node, return its vulnerability. (see [Costa2007]_) **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().local_vulnerability()) Calculating all shortest path lengths... Calculating global (weighted) efficiency... Calculating (weighted) node vulnerabilities... array([ 0.2969, 0.0625, -0.0313, -0.0078, 0.0977, -0.125 ]) :arg str link_attribute: Optional name of the link attribute to be used as the links' length. If None, links have length 1. (Default: None) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats """ if link_attribute == "topological": print("WARNING: link_attribute='topological' is deprecated.\n" + "Use link_attribute=None instead.") link_attribute = None vulnerability = np.zeros(self.N) # Calculate global efficiency of complete network E global_efficiency = self.global_efficiency(link_attribute) if self.silence_level <= 1: print("Calculating (weighted) node vulnerabilities...") for i in trange(self.N, disable=self.silence_level > 1): # Remove vertex i from graph graph = self.graph - i # Generate Network object from this reduced graph network = Network.FromIGraph(graph, 2) # Calculate global topological efficiency E_i after removal of # vertex i node_efficiency = network.global_efficiency(link_attribute) # Calculate local topological vulnerability of vertex i vulnerability[i] = ((global_efficiency - node_efficiency) / global_efficiency) # Clean up del graph, network return vulnerability
# # Community measures #
[docs] @Cached.method(name="coreness") def coreness(self): """ For each node, return its coreness. The k-core of a network is a maximal subnetwork in which each node has at least degree k. (Degree here means the degree in the subnetwork of course). The coreness of a node is k if it is a member of the k-core but not a member of the (k+1)-core. **Example:** >>> Network.SmallTestNetwork().coreness() Calculating coreness... array([2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1]) :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats """ return np.array(self.graph.coreness())
# # Synchronizability measures #
[docs] @Cached.method(name="the master stability function synchronizability") def msf_synchronizability(self): """ Return the synchronizability in the master stability function framework. This is equal to the largest eigenvalue of the graph Laplacian divided by the smallest non-zero eigenvalue. A smaller value indicates higher synchronizability and vice versa. This function makes sense for undirected climate networks (with symmetric Laplacian matrix). For directed networks, the undirected Laplacian matrix is used. (see [Pecora1998]_) .. note:: Only defined for undirected networks. **Example:** >>> r(Network.SmallTestNetwork().msf_synchronizability()) Calculating master stability function synchronizability... 6.7784 :rtype: float """ # TODO: use sparse version to speed up! # Get undirected graph laplacian laplacian = self.laplacian() # Get eigenvalues of laplacian eigenvalues = np.real(linalg.eigvals(laplacian)) # Sort eigenvalues in ascending order eigenvalues.sort() # Get smallest non-zero eigenvalue (Fiedler value) i = 0 fiedler_value = 0 # The limited accuracy of eigenvalue calculation forces the use of # some threshold, below which eigenvalues are considered to be zero accuracy = 10**(-10) while (eigenvalues[i] <= accuracy) and (i < self.N - 1): fiedler_value = eigenvalues[i+1] i += 1 # Calculate synchronizability R R = eigenvalues[-1] / fiedler_value return R
# # Distance measures between two graphs #
[docs] def hamming_distance_from(self, other_network): """ Return the normalized hamming distance between this and another network. This is the percentage of links that have to be changed to transform this network into the other. Hamming distance is only defined for networks with an equal number of nodes. :rtype: float between 0 and 1 """ # Get own adjacency matrix A = self.adjacency # Get the other graph's adjacency matrix B = other_network.adjacency # Check if the graphs have the same number of vertices if self.N == other_network.N: # Calculate the hamming distance hamming = (A != B).sum() # Return the normalized hamming distance return hamming / float(self.N * (self.N - 1)) else: raise NetworkError("Only defined for networks with same number of \ nodes.")
[docs] def spreading(self, alpha=None): """ For each node, return its "spreading" value. .. note:: This is still EXPERIMENTAL! :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats """ if alpha is None: alpha = 1.0 / return expm(np.log(2.0) * ( alpha * self.adjacency - np.identity(self.N))).sum(axis=0).flatten()
[docs] def nsi_spreading(self, alpha=None): """ For each node, return its n.s.i. "spreading" value. .. note:: This is still EXPERIMENTAL! :rtype: 1d numpy array [node] of floats """ N, Aplus = self.N, self.sp_Aplus().A w, k = self.node_weights, self.nsi_degree() if alpha is None: alpha = self.total_node_weight / return ( expm(np.log(2.0) * (Aplus * alpha * w - sp.identity(N))).dot(Aplus) * w.reshape((N, 1))).sum(axis=0)
[docs] def do_nsi_pca_clustering(self, max_n_clusters=None): """ Perform a clustering of the nodes using principal components analysis. Perform a PCA for the columns of the adjacency matrix, extract the largest eigenvalues, and assign each node to that eigenvalue whose eigenvector explains the largest amount of the node's column's variance, i.e. the one that maximizes the value of eigenvalue * corresponding factor load on that node's column. .. note:: This is still EXPERIMENTAL! :type max_n_clusters: int >= 1 :arg max_n_clusters: Number of clusters to find at most. (Default: ceil(sqrt(N))) :rtype: tuple (list[node], list[node], list[cluster], 2d numpy array) :return: A list of cluster indices for each node, a list with the fraction of the node's column's variance explained by chosen eigenvector, for each node, a list of eigenvalues corresponding to each cluster, and an array whose columns are the corresponding eigenvectors """ # TODO: works only for undirected graphs so far. For directed, A # stacked with its transpose would have to be used! # CSS (corrected sum of squares); proportional to covariance matrix DwR = self.sp_diag_sqrt_w() DAD = DwR * self.sp_Aplus() * DwR corr = self.nsi_degree() * np.sqrt(self.node_weights) CSS = DAD * DAD - np.outer(corr, corr) / self.total_node_weight # extract max_n_clusters largest eigenvalues and eigenvectors from CSS N = self.N if max_n_clusters is None: max_n_clusters = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(N))) # total variance is proportional to trace of CSS var = CSS.diagonal().A[0] # target eigenvalue (known upper bound) -> largest eigenvalues tau = sum(var) evals, evecs = eigsh(CSS, k=max_n_clusters, sigma=tau, maxiter=100*max_n_clusters, tol=1e-8) # fraction of node's variance explained by each eigenvector explained_var = np.power(evecs, 2.0) * evals.reshape((1, evals.size)) # assign each node to cluster 2*i or 2*i+1 # for that eigenvector i which explains the largest part of the node's # variance. assign node to cluster 2*i if eigenvector positive at the # node, otherwise to cluster 2*i+1: cluster_index = 2 * np.argmax(explained_var, axis=1) for i in range(0, N): if evecs[i, cluster_index[i]/2] < 0.0: cluster_index[i] += 1 cluster_explained_var = np.max(explained_var, axis=1) cluster_index_set = set(cluster_index) cluster_sizes = np.zeros(max(cluster_index_set)+1) for i in range(0, N): cluster_sizes[cluster_index[i]] += self.node_weights[i] cluster_sizes = cluster_sizes[list(cluster_index_set)] cluster_fit = cluster_explained_var / var if self.silence_level <= 1: print("max_n_clusters was", max_n_clusters) print(f"found {len(evals)} eigenvalues and " f"{len(cluster_index_set)} clusters") print(f"cluster sizes range from {cluster_sizes.min()} to " f"{cluster_sizes.max()} with median " f"{np.median(cluster_sizes)}: {cluster_sizes}") print(f"max and min found eigenvalues are {max(evals)} and " f"{min(evals)} (average of all was {tau/N})") print(f"pca and clusters explain {sum(evals)/tau} and " f"{sum(cluster_explained_var)/tau} of total variance.") return (cluster_index, # cluster_index for each node cluster_fit, # fraction of node's variance explained by # chosen eigenvector, for each node evals, # eigenvalues evecs) # matrix with columns=eigenvectors
[docs] def do_nsi_clustering(self, d0=None, tree_dotfile=None, distances=None, candidates=None): """ Perform agglomerative clustering based on representation accuracy. This minimizes in each step the mean squared error of representing the pairwise node distances by their cluster averages. .. note:: This is still EXPERIMENTAL! See the code for arguments and return value. Clusters 0...n-1 are the singletons (cluster i containing just node i). Clusters n...2n-2 are numbered in the order in which clusters are joined (a cluster with id c is a union of two earlier clusters with ids c1,c2 < c). In particular, cluster 2n-2 is the full set of nodes. :rtype: dictionary :return: A dictionary containing the following keys: - "min_clusters": int > 0. Smallest number of clusters generated. - "error": array(n+1). Entry [k] is the representation error for the solution with k clusters. - "node2cluster": array(n,n+1). Entry [i,k] is the id of the cluster that contains node i in the solution with k clusters. - "cluster_weight": array(2n-1). Entry [c] is the total weight of cluster c. - "cluster2rank": array(2n-1,n+1). Entry [c,k] is the descending order rank of cluster c in the k-cluster solution, i.e., the number of larger clusters in that solution. Use this to convert cluster ids in 0...2n-1 to cluster ids in 0...k-1. - "node_in_cluster": array(n,2n-1). Entry [i,c] indicates whether node i is in the cluster with id c. - "children": array(2n-1,2). Entries [c,0] and [c,1] are the ids of the two clusters that were joined to give cluster c. - "sibling": array(2n-2). Entry [c] is the id of the cluster with which cluster c is joined. - "parent": array(2n-2). Entry [c] is the id of the cluster that results from joining cluster c with its sibling. """ N = self.N N2 = 2*N - 1 rN = range(N) w = to_cy(self.node_weights, FIELD) k = self.nsi_degree() # TODO: link weight # init result structures: error = np.zeros(N+1) + np.inf error[-1] = 0.0 node2cluster = np.zeros((N, N+1), dtype=np.int16) node2cluster[:, 0] = -1 node2cluster[:, N] = rN cluster_weight = np.zeros(N2) cluster_weight[0:N] = w cluster2rank = np.zeros((N2, N+1), dtype=np.int16) - 1 cluster2rank[0, 1] = 0 node_in_cluster = np.zeros((N, N2), dtype=np.int8) # or bool? children = np.zeros((N2, 2), dtype=np.int16) children[:N] = -1 sibling = np.zeros(N2-1, dtype=np.int16) - 1 parent = np.zeros(N2-1, dtype=np.int16) - 1 clid = np.arange(N) # a dynamic doubly linked list of distance matrix entries: # D_firstpos[cl] = pos. of first nb. of cl. # D_lastpos[cl] = pos. of last nb. of cl. # D_nextpos[pos] = pos. of next nb. of the same cl. # D_prevpos[pos] = pos. of previous nb. of the samle cl. # D_cluster[pos] = cluster index of the neighbour at this pos. # D_invpos[pos] = pos. of cl. in nbs. list of nbs. # all needed link attributes are stored with the same pos. # when cls are joined, the resp. lists are concatenated and duplicates # are unlinked (but their pos. not reused), so we need 2M many # pos., 1...2M, where pos 0 remains empty: if distances is None: # contains each link twice! distance_keys = nz_coords(self.sp_A) else: try: distance_keys = distances.keys() except AttributeError: distance_keys = [(i, j) for i in range(N) for j in range(N)] M = len(distance_keys) rM = range(M) rpos = range(1, M+1) D_firstpos = np.zeros(N, NODE) # pos. of first nb. of cl. D_lastpos = np.zeros(N, NODE) # pos. of last nb. of cl. # pos. of next nb. of the same cl. D_nextpos = np.zeros(2*M+1, NODE) # pos. of previous nb. of the samle cl. D_prevpos = np.zeros(2*M+1, NODE) # pos. of cl. in nbs. list of nbs. D_invpos = np.zeros(2*M+1, NODE) # cluster index of the neighbour at this pos. D_cluster = np.zeros(2*M+1, DEGREE) # compute average distance of unconnected pairs, # which will be used as an estimate for them: n_pairs = N * (N-1) / 2 if d0 is None: t0 = time.time() if n_pairs > M: d0 = (self.average_path_length()*1.0 * n_pairs - M) /\ (n_pairs - M) # TODO: link weight else: d0 = 1.0 * N print(f"calculated {d0} as average non-linked distance, " f"needed {time.time()-t0} sec.") dict_D = {} # weighted sum of distances between clusters dict_Delta = {} # error increase upon join, only i<j # init the list: t0 = time.time() posj = 0 posi = M for i0, j0 in distance_keys: if i0 == j0: dict_D[(N+1)*i0] = w[i0] * distances[i0, i0] continue if i0 < j0: i, j = i0, j0 else: i, j = j0, i0 ij = i*N+j if ij in dict_D: continue posj = posj + 1 if D_firstpos[i] == 0: D_firstpos[i] = D_lastpos[i] = posj else: D_prevpos[posj] = lpos = D_lastpos[i] D_nextpos[lpos] = D_lastpos[i] = posj D_cluster[posj] = j if distances is None: # i.e., use dist 1 if linked, d0 otherwise Dij = dict_D[ij] = dict_D[j*N+i] = w[i] * w[j] else: Dij = dict_D[ij] = dict_D[j*N+i] = \ w[i] * w[j] * distances[i0, j0] D_invpos[posj] = posi = posi + 1 if D_firstpos[j] == 0: D_firstpos[j] = D_lastpos[j] = posi else: D_prevpos[posi] = lpos = D_lastpos[j] D_nextpos[lpos] = D_lastpos[j] = posi D_cluster[posi] = i D_invpos[posi] = posj del distance_keys print("initialization of distances needed", time.time()-t0, "sec.") # init candidates: t0 = time.time() if candidates is None: candidates = nz_coords(self.sp_A) for i0, j0 in candidates: if i0 < j0: i, j = i0, j0 else: i, j = j0, i0 ij = i*N+j if ij in dict_Delta: continue wi = w[i] wj = w[j] wc = wi + wj wiwj = wi * wj if ij in dict_D: Dcc_wc2 = 2 * dict_D.get(ij, wiwj*d0) / wc**2 else: dict_D[ij] = dict_D[j*N+i] = wiwjd0 = wiwj*d0 Dcc_wc2 = 2 * wiwjd0 / wc**2 dict_Delta[ij] = (wi**2 + wj**2) * (Dcc_wc2)**2 + \ 2 * wiwj * (Dcc_wc2-1)**2 print("initialization of candidates needed", time.time()-t0, "sec.") t0 = time.time() cands = to_cy(dict_Delta.keys(), NODE) n_cands = len(cands) dict_Delta = _do_nsi_clustering_I(n_cands, cands, D_cluster, w, d0, D_firstpos, D_nextpos, N, dict_D, dict_Delta) print(f"initialization of error increments needed" f"{time.time()-t0} sec.") # successively join the best pair: sumt1 = sumt2 = sumt3 = 0.0 actives = range(N) min_clusters = 1 for n_clusters in range(N-1, 0, -1): # find best pair a<b: t0 = time.time() vals = dict_Delta.values() if not vals: min_clusters = n_clusters + 1 break minpos = np.argmin(vals) ab = dict_Delta.keys()[minpos] del dict_Delta[ab] a = ab / N b = ab % N this_error = vals[minpos] sumt1 += time.time()-t0 # remove duplicates in D and rewire nbs c1 of b to point to a: delkeys = [(b, b)] t0 = time.time() lpos = D_lastpos[a] D_nextpos[lpos] = posc1 = D_firstpos[b] D_prevpos[posc1] = lpos D_lastpos[a] = D_lastpos[b] while posc1 != 0: c1 = D_cluster[posc1] delkeys += [(c1, b)] if c1 < a: c1akey = c1*N+a else: c1akey = a*N+c1 if c1 < b: c1bkey = c1*N+b else: c1bkey = b*N+c1 if c1bkey in dict_Delta: # rewire cand. c1-b to c1-a: del dict_Delta[c1bkey] dict_Delta[c1akey] = 0.0 # will later be recomputed! if c1 == a or c1akey in dict_D: iposc1 = D_invpos[posc1] ippos = D_prevpos[iposc1] inpos = D_nextpos[iposc1] if ippos > 0: D_nextpos[ippos] = inpos else: D_firstpos[c1] = inpos if inpos > 0: D_prevpos[inpos] = ippos else: D_lastpos[c1] = ippos ppos = D_prevpos[posc1] posc1 = D_nextpos[posc1] if ppos > 0: D_nextpos[ppos] = posc1 else: D_firstpos[a] = posc1 if posc1 > 0: D_prevpos[posc1] = ppos else: D_lastpos[a] = ppos else: D_cluster[D_invpos[posc1]] = a posc1 = D_nextpos[posc1] D_firstpos[b] = D_lastpos[b] = 0 sumt2 += time.time()-t0 # TODO: this is the bottleneck, so speed it up: # first update Delta[a1,b1] for each pair a1,b1 with a1 linked to c # and b1 != c, and compute Delta[a1,c] for each a1 linked to c: wa = w[a] wb = w[b] wc = wa + wb wad0 = wa * d0 wbd0 = wb * d0 t0 = time.time() dict_Delta = _do_nsi_clustering_II(a, b, D_cluster, w, d0, D_firstpos, D_nextpos, N, dict_D, dict_Delta) sumt3 = time.time()-t0 # finally update D: Daa = dict_D.get(a*(N+1), 0.0) Dbb = dict_D.get(b*(N+1), 0.0) dict_D[a*(N+1)] = Daa + Dbb + 2*dict_D[a*N+b] posc1 = D_firstpos[a] while posc1 > 0: c1 = D_cluster[posc1] Dac1 = dict_D.get(a*N+c1, w[c1]*wad0) Dbc1 = dict_D.get(b*N+c1, w[c1]*wbd0) dict_D[c1*N+a] = dict_D[a*N+c1] = Dac1 + Dbc1 posc1 = D_nextpos[posc1] # update result structures: c = N2 - n_clusters error[n_clusters] = error[n_clusters+1] + this_error # TODO: node2cluster cluster_weight[c] = wc # TODO: cluster2rank # TODO: node_in_cluster children[c, 0] = ca = clid[a] children[c, 1] = sibling[ca] = cb = clid[b] sibling[cb] = ca parent[ca] = parent[cb] = c parent[c] = N2 - 1 # initially, until joined. # remove b and replace a by c: for k1, k2 in delkeys: try: del dict_D[k1*N+k2], dict_D[k2*N+k1] except KeyError: pass actives.remove(b) clid[a] = c w[a] = wc print(n_clusters, ": joining", ca, cb, "to", c, "at", this_error) if n_clusters < 10: print("D", dict_D) print("Delta", dict_Delta) print("part 1 needed", sumt1, "sec.") print("part 2 needed", sumt2, "sec.") print("part 3 needed", sumt3, "sec.") if tree_dotfile is not None: # use penwidth and len! edges = [(int(n), int(parent[n])) for n in range(N2-1)] minlen = [int(parent[n]-max(n, N-1)) for n in range(N2-1)] # TODO: eps + error difference edgelen = np.array( [max(0.0, error[N2-parent[n]]) for n in range(N)] + [max(0.0, error[N2-parent[n]]-error[N2-n]) for n in range(N, N2-1)]) # minlen # TODO: 1/(eps + error difference) # [1.0 for i in range(N2-1)] penwidth = 30.0 / (1.0 + 29.0*edgelen/edgelen.max()) tree = igraph.Graph(edges, directed=True)"minlen", minlen)"len", edgelen)"penwidth", penwidth) tree["rankdir"] = "BT" tree.write_dot(tree_dotfile) del tree return { "min_clusters": min_clusters, "node2cluster": node2cluster, "cluster2rank": cluster2rank, "cluster_weight": cluster_weight, "node_in_cluster": node_in_cluster, "error": error, "children": children, "sibling": sibling, "parent": parent }
[docs] def do_nsi_hamming_clustering(self, admissible_joins=None, alpha=0.01, tree_dotfile=None): """ Perform agglomerative clustering based on Hamming distances. This minimizes in each step the Hamming distance between the original and the "clustered" network. .. note:: This is still EXPERIMENTAL! See the code for arguments and return value. Clusters 0...n-1 are the singletons (cluster i containing just node i). Clusters n...2n-2 are numbered in the order in which clusters are joined (a cluster with id c is a union of two earlier clusters with ids c1,c2 < c). In particular, cluster 2n-2 is the full set of nodes. :rtype: dictionary :return: A dictionary containing the following keys: - "error": array(n+1). Entry [k] is the representation error for the solution with k clusters. - "node2cluster": array(n,n+1). Entry [i,k] is the id of the cluster that contains node i in the solution with k clusters. - "cluster_weight": array(2n-1). Entry [c] is the total weight of cluster c. - "cluster2rank": array(2n-1,n+1). Entry [c,k] is the descending order rank of cluster c in the k-cluster solution, i.e., the number of larger clusters in that solution. Use this to convert cluster ids in 0...2n-1 to cluster ids in 0...k-1. - "node_in_cluster": array(n,2n-1). Entry [i,c] indicates whether node i is in the cluster with id c. - "children": array(2n-1,2). Entries [c,0] and [c,1] are the ids of the two clusters that were joined to give cluster c. - "sibling": array(2n-2). Entry [c] is the id of the cluster with which cluster c is joined. - "parent": array(2n-2). Entry [c] is the id of the cluster that results from joining cluster c with its sibling. """ # took about 15h on Zuse for HadCM3 globe # ?takes about 90*(N/800)^4 seconds on a 1.67 GHz i686, # which makes about 10 days for N=8000 (e.g. a HadCM3 globe) t0 = time.time() # initialize data structures: n = self.N n2 = 2*n-1 w = self.node_weights WW = self.total_node_weight**2 # join admissibility matrix: if admissible_joins is None: print("all joins admissible") mayJoin = np.zeros((n2, n2), dtype=MASK) + 1 else: print("only some joins admissible") mayJoin = np.zeros((n2, n2), dtype=MASK) mayJoin[0:n, 0:n] = admissible_joins # cluster membership indicators: clusterMembers = np.zeros((n2, n), dtype=int) clusterMembers[0:n, 0:n] = np.identity(n) # cluster weights: clusterWeights = np.zeros(n2) clusterWeights[0:n] = w # weight products: weightProducts = np.zeros((n2, n2), dtype=DFIELD) weightProducts[0:n, 0:n] =, 1)), w.reshape((1, n))) # linked weights: A, Aplus = self.adjacency, self.sp_Aplus().A linkedWeights = np.zeros((n2, n2), dtype=DFIELD) linkedWeights[0:n, 0:n] = \ self.node_weights.reshape((n, 1)) * Aplus * \ self.node_weights.reshape((1, n)) # error contributions of cluster pairs # (sum up to total error = 2*Hamming distance): errors = np.zeros((n2, n2), dtype=DFIELD) # distance = increase of Hamming distance: # and find first pair to join: distances = np.zeros((n2, n2), dtype=DFIELD) # list of active cluster indices: activeIndices = range(0, n) # final Hamming distances: hamming = np.zeros(n2) # list of parents and siblings: sibling = np.zeros(n2-1, dtype=int) parent = np.zeros(n2-1, dtype=int) # list of parts: parts = np.zeros((n2, 2), dtype=int) parts[:n] = -1 node2cluster = np.zeros((n, n+1), dtype=int) node2cluster[:, 0] = -1 node2cluster[:, n] = range(n) cluster2rank = np.zeros((n2, n+1), dtype=int) - 1 cluster2rank[0, 1] = 0 lastunited = part1 = part2 = -1 # iteratively join those two clusters which increase Hamming distance # the least: for united in range(n, n2): # find next optimal pair: nActiveIndices = len(activeIndices) theActiveIndices = np.sort(activeIndices) mind0 = float(np.power(1.0*self.total_node_weight, 3.0)) minwp0 = float(2.0*weightProducts.max()) result = np.zeros(3, dtype=DFIELD) _do_nsi_hamming_clustering( n2, nActiveIndices, mind0, minwp0, lastunited, part1, part2, to_cy(distances, DFIELD), to_cy(theActiveIndices, NODE), to_cy(linkedWeights, DFIELD), to_cy(weightProducts, DFIELD), to_cy(errors, DFIELD), result, to_cy(mayJoin, NODE)) mind = result[0] part1 = int(result[1]) part2 = int(result[2]) assert mind >= 0 cluster2rank[np.array(activeIndices)[ (-clusterWeights[activeIndices]).argsort()], n2+1-united] = \ range(n2+1-united) hamming[united] = hamming[united-1] + 2.0 * mind if united < n + 100 or united % (1 + n2/100) == 0 or \ united >= n2 - 100: print(f"for {n2-united} clusters with error " f"{hamming[united]/WW} we join clusters " f"{part1} and {part2} to get cluster {united}") sys.stdout.flush() # unite parts: parent[part1] = parent[part2] = united parts[united, 0] = sibling[part2] = part1 parts[united, 1] = sibling[part1] = part2 clusterMembers[united, :] = \ clusterMembers[part1, :] + clusterMembers[part2, :] node2cluster[:, n2-united] = \ node2cluster[:, 1+n2-united] * (1-clusterMembers[united, :]) +\ united*clusterMembers[united, :] activeIndices.remove(part1) activeIndices.remove(part2) activeIndices.append(united) # compute new entries in clusterWeights, weightProducts, # linkedWeights, errors, mayJoin: clusterWeights[united] = \ clusterWeights[part1] + clusterWeights[part2] weightProducts[united, 0:united] = \ weightProducts[part1, 0:united] + \ weightProducts[part2, 0:united] weightProducts[0:united, united] = \ weightProducts[united, 0:united].flatten() weightProducts[united, united] = \ np.power(clusterWeights[united], 2.0) linkedWeights[united, 0:united] = \ linkedWeights[part1, 0:united] + linkedWeights[part2, 0:united] linkedWeights[0:united, united] = \ linkedWeights[united, 0:united].flatten() linkedWeights[united, united] = \ linkedWeights[part1, part1] + linkedWeights[part2, part2] + \ 2.0 * linkedWeights[part1, part2] mayJoin[united, 0:united] = \ mayJoin[part1, 0:united] + mayJoin[part2, 0:united] mayJoin[0:united, united] = mayJoin[united, 0:united].flatten() for c in range(0, united): lw = linkedWeights[united, c] errors[united, c] = errors[c, united] = \ min(lw, weightProducts[united, c] - lw) errors[united, united] = \ weightProducts[united, united] - linkedWeights[united, united] assert errors.min() >= -1e-10 lastunited = united print(time.time()-t0, "seconds") # node2cluster = np.array(range(0, n2)).reshape((n2, 1))*clusterMembers node_in_cluster = clusterMembers.T.astype(int) error = np.zeros(n+1) error[0] = np.inf error[-1-np.arange(n)] = hamming[-n:] / WW if tree_dotfile is not None: edges = [(int(i), int(parent[i])) for i in range(n2-1)] minlen = [int(parent[i]-max(i, n-1)) for i in range(n2-1)] tree = igraph.Graph(edges, directed=True)"minlen", minlen) tree["rankdir"] = "LR" tree.write_dot(tree_dotfile) del tree return { "node2cluster": node2cluster, "cluster2rank": cluster2rank, "cluster_weight": clusterWeights, "node_in_cluster": node_in_cluster, "error": error, "children": parts, "sibling": sibling, "parent": parent }