Source code for pyunicorn.climate.havlin

# This file is part of pyunicorn.
# Copyright (C) 2008--2024 Jonathan F. Donges and pyunicorn authors
# URL: <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)
# Please acknowledge and cite the use of this software and its authors
# when results are used in publications or published elsewhere.
# You can use the following reference:
# J.F. Donges, J. Heitzig, B. Beronov, M. Wiedermann, J. Runge, Q.-Y. Feng,
# L. Tupikina, V. Stolbova, R.V. Donner, N. Marwan, H.A. Dijkstra,
# and J. Kurths, "Unified functional network and nonlinear time series analysis
# for complex systems science: The pyunicorn package"

Provides classes for generating and analyzing complex climate networks.

from typing import Tuple
from import Hashable

import numpy as np
from tqdm import trange

from .climate_data import ClimateData
from .climate_network import ClimateNetwork

[docs] class HavlinClimateNetwork(ClimateNetwork): """ Encapsulates a Havlin climate network. The similarity matrix associated with a Havlin climate network is the maximum-lag correlation matrix with each entry normalized by the cross-correlation function's standard deviation. Havlin climate networks are undirected so far. Havlin climate networks were studied for daily data in [Yamasaki2008]_, [Gozolchiani2008]_, [Yamasaki2009]_. .. note:: So far, the cross-correlation functions are estimated using \ convolution in Fourier space (FFT). This may not be reliable \ for larger delays. """ # # Defines internal methods #
[docs] def __init__(self, data, max_delay, threshold=None, link_density=None, non_local=False, node_weight_type="surface", silence_level=0): """ Initialize an instance of HavlinClimateNetwork. .. note:: Either threshold **OR** link_density have to be given! Possible choices for ``node_weight_type``: - None (constant unit weights) - "surface" (cos lat) - "irrigation" (cos**2 lat) :type data: :class:`.ClimateData` :arg data: The climate data used for network construction. :arg float threshold: The threshold of similarity measure, above which two nodes are linked in the network. :arg float link_density: The networks's desired link density. :param int max_delay: Maximum delay for cross-correlation functions. :arg bool non_local: Determines, whether links between spatially close nodes should be suppressed. :arg str node_weight_type: The type of geographical node weight to be used. :arg int silence_level: The inverse level of verbosity of the object. """ if silence_level <= 1: print("Generating a Havlin climate network...") self.silence_level = silence_level # Set instance variables self._max_delay = 0 self._correlation_lag = None assert isinstance(data, ClimateData) ClimateData = data """The climate data used for network construction.""" self.N = data.grid.N self._prescribed_link_density = link_density self._mut_clim: int = 0 self._set_max_delay(max_delay) ClimateNetwork.__init__(self,, similarity_measure=self._similarity_measure, threshold=threshold, link_density=link_density, non_local=non_local, directed=False, node_weight_type=node_weight_type, silence_level=silence_level)
[docs] def __cache_state__(self) -> Tuple[Hashable, ...]: return ClimateNetwork.__cache_state__(self)
[docs] def __rec_cache_state__(self) -> Tuple[object, ...]: return ClimateNetwork.__rec_cache_state__(self) + (,)
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Return a string version of the instance of HavlinClimateNetwork. """ return f'HavlinClimateNetwork:\n \ {ClimateNetwork.__str__(self)}\n \ Maximum delay used for correlation strength estimation: \ {self.get_max_delay()}'
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """ Clean up cache. """ try: del self._correlation_lag except AttributeError: pass
# # Defines methods to calculate correlation strength and lags # # TODO: Implement an algorithm, which is NOT based on FFT!
[docs] def _calculate_correlation_strength(self, anomaly, max_delay, gamma=0.2): """ Calculate correlation strength and maximum lag matrices. Follows the method described in [Yamasaki2008]_. Also returns the time lag at maximum correlation for each link. :type anomaly: 2D array [time, index] :arg anomaly: The anomaly data for network construction. :arg int max_delay: The maximum delay for cross-correlation functions. :arg float gamma: The width of decay region in cosine shaped window used for FFT cross-correlation estimation. :rtype: tuple of two 2D arrays [index, index] :return: the correlation strength and maximum lag matrices. """ N = self.N anomaly *=, gamma) # Zero pad windowed data to set the length of each time series to # a power of two anomaly = correlation_strength = np.empty((N, N)) max_lag_matrix = np.empty((N, N)) # Calculate the inverse Fourier transform of all time series ifft = np.fft.ifft(anomaly, axis=0) for i in trange(N, disable=self.silence_level > 1): # Calculate the cross correlation function of node i to all other # nodes which is not normalized yet. # The real part has to be taken to get rid of small imaginary # parts due to rounding errors. cc_one_to_all = np.conjugate(np.tile(ifft[:, i], (N, 1)).transpose()) * ifft cc_one_to_all = np.real(np.fft.fft(cc_one_to_all, axis=0)) # Consider only the cross correlations between -max_delay and # +max_delay. # Correlation values at negative lag are now stored left of the # correlation values at positive lag. cc_one_to_all = np.concatenate((cc_one_to_all[-max_delay:-1, :], cc_one_to_all[0:max_delay, :])) # Consider only absolute values cc_one_to_all = np.abs(cc_one_to_all) # Store correlation strengths correlation_strength[i, :] = \ cc_one_to_all.max(axis=0) / cc_one_to_all.std(axis=0) # Store time delays at maximum cross correlation max_lag_matrix[i, :] = cc_one_to_all.argmax(axis=0) - max_delay return (correlation_strength, max_lag_matrix)
[docs] def get_max_delay(self): """ Return the maximum delay used for cross-correlation estimation. :return float: the maximum delay used for cross-correlation estimation. """ return self._max_delay
[docs] def _set_max_delay(self, max_delay): """ Set the maximum lag time used for cross-correlation estimation. :arg int max_delay: The maximum delay for cross-correlation functions. """ self._mut_clim += 1 self._max_delay = max_delay results = self._calculate_correlation_strength(, max_delay) self._similarity_measure = results[0] self._correlation_lag = results[1]
[docs] def set_max_delay(self, max_delay): """ Set the maximum lag time used for cross-correlation estimation. (Re)generates the current Havlin climate network accordingly. :arg int max_delay: The maximum delay for cross-correlation functions. """ self._set_max_delay(max_delay) self._regenerate_network()
[docs] def correlation_strength(self): """ Return the correlation strength matrix. :rtype: 2D array [index, index] :return: the correlation strength matrix. """ return self._similarity_measure
[docs] def correlation_lag(self): """ Return the lag at maximum cross-correlation matrix. :rtype: 2D array [index, index] :return: the lag at maximum cross-correlation matrix. """ return self._correlation_lag
# # Methods to calculate weighted network measures #
[docs] def correlation_strength_weighted_average_path_length(self): """ Return correlation strength weighted average path length. :return float: the correlation strength weighted average path length. """ return self._weighted_metric( "correlation_strength", lambda: np.abs(self.correlation_strength()), "average_path_length")
[docs] def correlation_strength_weighted_closeness(self): """ Return correlation strength weighted closeness. :rtype: 1D array [index] :return: the correlation strength weighted closeness sequence. """ return self._weighted_metric( "correlation_strength", lambda: np.abs(self.correlation_strength()), "closeness")
[docs] def correlation_lag_weighted_average_path_length(self): """ Return correlation lag weighted average path length. :return float: the correlation lag weighted average path length. """ return self._weighted_metric( "correlation_lag", lambda: np.abs(self.correlation_lag()), "average_path_length")
[docs] def correlation_lag_weighted_closeness(self): """ Return correlation lag weighted closeness. :rtype: 1D array [index] :return: the correlation lag weighted closeness sequence. """ return self._weighted_metric( "correlation_lag", lambda: np.abs(self.correlation_lag()), "closeness")
[docs] def local_correlation_strength_weighted_vulnerability(self): """ Return correlation strength weighted vulnerability. :rtype: 1D array [index] :return: the correlation strength weighted vulnerability sequence. """ return self._weighted_metric( "correlation_strength", lambda: np.abs(self.correlation_strength()), "local_vulnerability")
[docs] def local_correlation_lag_weighted_vulnerability(self): """ Return correlation lag weighted vulnerability. :rtype: 1D array [index] :return: the correlation lag weighted vulnerability sequence. """ return self._weighted_metric( "correlation_lag", lambda: np.abs(self.correlation_lag()), "local_vulnerability")