Impacts of Global Change on the Water Cycle in the Elbe Region - Risks and Options

River Elbe


GLOWA-Elbe Book 2008 (english)

GLOWA-Elbe Book 2005 (german)

| Models | Data

GIS based Water Information System for River Basin Management and Tasks deriving from the European Water Framework Directive

Model Description:


WISYS is a database- and GIS based system for administration and use of

Model structure

water resources and water-ecological information. WISYS allows the structured,


integrated, detailed, and spatially-referenced mapping of surface water,


groundwater, and of all relevant objects within a river basin.

Role within GLOWA-Elbe

The water information systems object model is a standardised object model in

Model results

terms of content and technology and integrates a wide range of classes, relations, domains and extensions related to water specific systems and to the European Water Framework Directive.
Special integral WISYS tools perform migration of already existing digital spatial data into the WISYS object model. WISYS provides tools for space and time-related data management and analysis. The system can be used as standalone or workgroup solution and as a client-server system.



Input Data: River basin district, river basins, sub-basins, ...; River segments, segment nodes (mouths, balance points, buildings in the waters and more); Buildings and structures around the waters and in the river basin; Administrative data, competent authorities; Monitoring (surface waters, groundwater); Discharges and withdrawals; Protected areas; Regional / land-use planning; Urban hydrology; Hydrogeology and groundwater; Leisure and recreation; Meteorology; External or internal time series data...  (300 classes, 3000 attributes)

Results: Harmonized Data Storage in ArcGIS Geodatabases

Resolution: Spatial resolution: River Basin District, River Basin, Sub-Basin, Water Body

Operating system: Windows

Programming language: Visual Basic, C++, C#


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