Impacts of Global Change on the Water Cycle in the Elbe Region - Risks and Options

River Elbe


GLOWA-Elbe Book 2008 (english)

GLOWA-Elbe Book 2005 (german)

| Models | Data

MOdelling Nutrient Emissions in RIver Systems

R O L E . OF . T H E . M O D E L . W I T H I N . T H E . G L O W A -.E L B E . P R O J E C T

Temporal and spatial high-dissolved modelling of water supply without management and the plant yields in the entire Elbe basin under global change (climate and land use changes)

Model interfaces to (input data): SWIM; RAUMIS, Land Use Scanner

Model interfaces to (output data): QSim

Peculiarities of the MONERIS-Elbe implementation: 948 subcatchments which can be aggregated to the working areas and administrative units (countries and regions). The model has a surface which allows a none modeller to calculate scenarios for certain measures in agriculture, urban settlements and waste water management based on a calibrated model.

Time frames: Validation: 1993 - 2005

Projection: mean, wet and dry years for 2025 - 2055

Potential users and application areas:

a) Consultants supporting water authorities in identification of programmes of measures for the establishment of management plans for the Water Framework Directive and in general at sustainable water and land use management;
b) Researchers and Universities investigating processes and developments in water quality, as well as tool supporting further modelling within the water bodies (rivers, lakes, estuaries, seas.

Availability: For code and documentation please contact or

Resources needed for set-up of site-specific model: High. Depending on the size of investigated catchment, the availability of input data and experience of modeller 3-6 month.



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