Impacts of Global Change on the Water Cycle in the Elbe Region - Risks and Options

River Elbe


GLOWA-Elbe Book 2008 (english)

GLOWA-Elbe Book 2005 (german)

| Models | Data

Land Use Scanner

R O L E . OF . T H E . M O D E L . W I T H I N . T H E . G L O W A - E L B E . P R O J E C T

Spatially high-resolution modelling of land use and land cover changes, especially residential land use development and the derivation of regionally disaggregated socioeconomic indicators (population, sealing) for the entire Elbe basin.

Model interfaces to (input data): SWIM; RAUMIS; REGE

Model interfaces to (output data): SWIM; MONERIS; RAUMIS

Peculiarities of the Land Use Scanner – Elbe implementation: Basic units for land use claims are 44 spatial planning regions and 143 districs. Allocation of land use change is performed on 250m grid

Time frames: Validation: 1990 - 2000

Projection: 200o - 2020

Potential users and application areas:

a) Consultants supporting water resource and spatial planning authorities in identification of potential hot spots of developments and in general at sustainable water and land use management;
b) Researchers and universities investigating processes and impacts of sectoral policies on land use and land cover

Availability: For code and documentation please contact or see

Resources needed for set-up of site-specific model: High. Depending on complexity of the modelling problem and experience of user 2-3 months (without calibration).


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