Source code for pyunicorn.core.interacting_networks

# This file is part of pyunicorn.
# Copyright (C) 2008--2024 Jonathan F. Donges and pyunicorn authors
# URL: <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)
# Please acknowledge and cite the use of this software and its authors
# when results are used in publications or published elsewhere.
# You can use the following reference:
# J.F. Donges, J. Heitzig, B. Beronov, M. Wiedermann, J. Runge, Q.-Y. Feng,
# L. Tupikina, V. Stolbova, R.V. Donner, N. Marwan, H.A. Dijkstra,
# and J. Kurths, "Unified functional network and nonlinear time series analysis
# for complex systems science: The pyunicorn package"

Provides classes for analyzing spatially embedded complex networks, handling
multivariate data and generating time series surrogates.

import numpy as np
from numpy import random

from ._ext.types import to_cy, ADJ, NODE, DWEIGHT, DFIELD
from ._ext.numerics import _randomlySetCrossLinks, _randomlyRewireCrossLinks, \
    _cross_transitivity, _nsi_cross_transitivity, _cross_local_clustering, \

from .network import Network, NetworkError

[docs] class InteractingNetworks(Network): """ Encapsulates an ensemble of interacting networks. Provides measures to analyze the interaction topology of different pairs of subnetworks (groups of vertices). So far, most methods only give meaningful results for undirected networks! The idea of interacting networks and measures for their analysis are described in [Donges2011a]_. Consistently node-weighted measures for interacting network topologies are derived, described and applied in [Wiedermann2011]_. """ # # Definitions of internal methods #
[docs] def __init__(self, adjacency, directed=False, node_weights=None, silence_level=0): """ Initialize an instance of InteractingNetworks. :type adjacency: square numpy array or list [node,node] of 0s and 1s :arg adjacency: Adjacency matrix of the new network. Entry [i,j] indicates whether node i links to node j. Its diagonal must be zero. Must be symmetric if directed=False. :arg bool directed: Indicates whether the network shall be considered as directed. If False, adjacency must be symmetric. :type node_weights: 1d numpy array or list [node] of floats >= 0 :arg node_weights: Optional array or list of node weights to be used for node splitting invariant network measures. Entry [i] is the weight of node i. (Default: list of ones) :arg int silence_level: The inverse level of verbosity of the object. """ Network.__init__(self, adjacency=adjacency, directed=directed, node_weights=node_weights, silence_level=silence_level)
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Return a string representation of InteractingNetworks object. """ return 'InteractingNetworks:\n' + Network.__str__(self)
# # Graph generation methods #
[docs] @staticmethod def SmallTestNetwork(): """ Return a 6-node undirected test network. The network looks like this:: 3 - 1 | | \\ 5 - 0 - 4 - 2 :rtype: InteractingNetworks instance :return: an InteractingNetworks instance for testing purposes. """ nw = InteractingNetworks(adjacency=[[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], directed=False, node_weights=[0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6], silence_level=2) link_weights = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1.3, 2.5, 1.1], [0, 0, 2.3, 2.9, 2.7, 0], [0, 2.3, 0, 0, 1.5, 0], [1.3, 2.9, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.5, 2.7, 1.5, 0, 0, 0], [1.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) nw.set_link_attribute("link_weights", link_weights) return nw
[docs] @staticmethod def SmallDirectedTestNetwork(): """ Return a 6-node directed test network with node and edge weights. The node weights are [1.5, 1.7, 1.9, 2.1, 2.3, 2.5], a typical node weight for corrected n.s.i. measures would be 2.0. :rtype: InteractingNetworks instance """ nw = InteractingNetworks(adjacency=[[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], directed=True, node_weights=[0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6], silence_level=1) nw.set_link_attribute("link_weights", np.array([[0, 1.3, 0, 2.5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1.9, 0, 1.0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 3.0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2.1, 0, 2.7, 0, 0, 0], [1.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])) return nw
# # Define methods for handling the interacting networks #
[docs] def subnetwork(self, node_list): """ Return the subnetwork induced by a subset of nodes as a Network object. This can be used to conveniently analyze the subnetwork separately, e.g., for calculation network measures solely this subnetwork. :arg [int] node_list: list of node indices describing the subnetwork :rtype: Network :return: the subnetwork induced by the nodes in node_list. """ return Network(adjacency=self.internal_adjacency(node_list), directed=self.directed, node_weights=self.node_weights[node_list], silence_level=self.silence_level)
[docs] def internal_adjacency(self, node_list): """ Return the adjacency matrix of a subnetwork induced by a subset of nodes. **Examples:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ internal_adjacency([0,3,5]) array([[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]], dtype=int8) >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ internal_adjacency([1,2,4]) array([[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]], dtype=int8) :arg [int] node_list: list of node indices describing the subnetwork :rtype: 2D array [node index, node index] :return: the subnetwork's adjacency matrix. """ # Create igraph Graph object describing the subgraph subgraph = self.graph.subgraph(node_list) # Get adjacency matrix return np.array(subgraph.get_adjacency(type=2).data).astype(np.int8)
[docs] def cross_adjacency(self, node_list1, node_list2): """ Return cross adjacency matrix describing the interaction of two subnetworks. The cross adjacency matrix entry :math:`CA_{ij} = 1` describes that node i in the first subnetwork is linked to node j in the second subnetwork. Vice versa, :math:`CA_{ji} = 1` indicates that node j in the first subnetwork is linked to node i in the second subnetwork. .. note:: The Cross adjacency matrix is NEITHER square NOR symmetric in general! **Examples:** >>> r(InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_adjacency([1,2,4], [0,3,5])) array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]]) >>> r(InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_adjacency([1,2,3,4], [0,5])) array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0]]) :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :rtype: 2D array [node index_1, node index_2] :return: the cross adjacency matrix. """ return self.adjacency[node_list1, :][:, node_list2]
[docs] def cross_adjacency_sparse(self, node_list1, node_list2): """ Return cross adjacency matrix describing the interaction of two subnetworks. The cross adjacency matrix entry M{CA_ij = 1} describes that node i in the first subnetwork is linked to node j in the second subnetwork. Vice versa, M{CA_ji = 1} indicates that node j in the first subnetwork is linked to node i in the second subnetwork. .. note:: The Cross adjacency matrix is NEITHER square NOR symmetric in general! Examples: >>> print(InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_adjacency_sparse([1,2,4], [0,3,5])) [[0 1 0] [0 0 0] [1 0 0]] :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :rtype: 2D array [node index_1, node index_2] :return: the cross adjacency matrix. """ return self.sp_A[node_list1, :][:, node_list2].A
[docs] def internal_path_lengths(self, node_list, link_attribute=None): """ Return internal path length matrix of an induced subnetwork. Contains the paths length between all pairs of nodes within the subnetwork. However, the paths themselves will generally contain nodes from the full network. To avoid this and only consider paths lying within the subnetwork, do the following: >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ subnetwork([0,3,5]).path_lengths() array([[ 0., 1., 1.], [ 1., 0., 2.], [ 1., 2., 0.]]) **Examples:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ internal_path_lengths([0,3,5], None) array([[ 0., 1., 1.], [ 1., 0., 2.], [ 1., 2., 0.]]) >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ internal_path_lengths([1,2,4], None) array([[ 0., 1., 1.], [ 1., 0., 1.], [ 1., 1., 0.]]) :arg [int] node_list: list of node indices describing the subnetwork :arg str link_attribute: Optional name of the link attribute to be used as the links' length. If None, links have length 1. (Default: None) :rtype: 2D array [node index, node index] :return: the internal path length matrix of an induced subnetwork. """ return self.\ path_lengths(link_attribute)[node_list, :][:, node_list]
[docs] def cross_path_lengths(self, node_list1, node_list2, link_attribute=None): """ Return cross path length matrix for a pair of subnetworks. Contains the path length between nodes from different subnetworks. The paths may generally contain nodes from the full network. **Examples:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_path_lengths([0,3,5], [1,2,4], None) array([[ 2., 2., 1.], [ 1., 2., 2.], [ 3., 3., 2.]]) >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_path_lengths([0,5], [1,2,3,4], None) array([[ 2., 2., 1., 1.], [ 3., 3., 2., 2.]]) :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :arg str link_attribute: Optional name of the link attribute to be used as the links' length. If None, links have length 1. (Default: None) :rtype: 2D array [index1, index2] :return: the cross path length matrix for a pair of subnetworks. """ return self.path_lengths(link_attribute)[node_list1, :][:, node_list2]
# # Define scalar statistics for interacting networks #
[docs] def total_cross_degree(self, node_list1, node_list2): """ Return the total cross degree of the two subnetworks. **Examples:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ toal_cross_degree([0,3,5], [1,2,4]) 1.0 >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ total_cross_degree([0,5], [1,2,3,4]).round(4) 0.6667 :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :return int: the total cross degree. """ return np.mean(self.cross_degree(node_list1, node_list2))
[docs] def cross_degree_density(self, node_list1, node_list2): """ Return the density of degrees, i.e., the cross degree sequence of the first subnetwork normalized to the number of nodes in the second subnetwork **Example:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_degree_density([0,3,5], [1,2,4]) array([0.33333333, 0.33333333, 0. ]) :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :rtype: 1D array [node index] :return: the cross degree sequence. """ N2 = len(node_list2) return self.cross_degree(node_list1, node_list2) / N2
[docs] def internal_global_clustering(self, node_list): """ Return internal global clustering coefficients for an induced subnetwork. Internal global clustering coefficients are calculated as mean values from the local clustering sequence of the whole network. This implies that triangles spanning different subnetworks will generally contribute to the internal clustering coefficient. To avoid this and consider only triangles lying within the subnetwork: >>> r(InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ subnetwork([0,3,5]).global_clustering()) 0.0 **Examples:** >>> r(InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ internal_global_clustering([0,3,5])) 0.0 >>> r(InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ internal_global_clustering([1,2,4])) 0.5556 :arg [int] node_list: list of node indices describing the subnetwork :return float: the internal global clustering coefficient for a subnetwork. """ clustering = self.local_clustering() internal_clustering = clustering[node_list].mean() return internal_clustering
[docs] def cross_global_clustering(self, node_list1, node_list2): """ Return global cross clustering for a pair of subnetworks. The global cross clustering coefficient C_v gives the average probability, that two randomly drawn neighbors in subnetwork 2 of node v in subnetwork 1 are also neighbors and vice versa. It counts triangles having one vertex in subnetwork 1 and two vertices in subnetwork 2 and vice versa. **Examples:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_global_clustering([0,3,5], [1,2,4]) 0.0 >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_global_clustering([2], [1,3,4]) 1.0 >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_global_clustering([3,4], [1,2]) 0.5 :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :return float: the cross global clustering coefficient for a pair of subnetworks. """ # Get cross local clustering sequences cc = InteractingNetworks.cross_local_clustering(self, node_list1, node_list2) return cc.mean()
[docs] def cross_global_clustering_sparse(self, node_list1, node_list2): """ Return global cross clustering for a pair of subnetworks. The global cross clustering coefficient C_v gives the average probability, that two randomly drawn neighbors in subnetwork 2 of node v in subnetwork 1 are also neighbors and vice versa. It counts triangles having one vertex in subnetwork 1 and two vertices in subnetwork 2 and vice versa. Examples: >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_global_clustering_sparse([0,3,5], [1,2,4]) 0.0 >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_global_clustering_sparse([2], [1,3,4]) 1.0 >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_global_clustering_sparse([3,4], [1,2]) 0.5 :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :return float: the cross global clustering coefficient for a pair of subnetworks. """ # Get cross local clustering sequences cc = self.cross_local_clustering_sparse(node_list1, node_list2) return cc.mean()
[docs] def cross_transitivity(self, node_list1, node_list2): """ Return cross transitivity for a pair of subnetworks. The cross transitivity is the probability, that two randomly drawn neighbors in subnetwork 2 of node v in subnetwork 1 are also neighbors. It counts triangles having one vertex in subnetwork 1 and two vertices in subnetwork 2. Cross transitivity tends to weight low cross degree vertices less strongly when compared to the global cross clustering coefficient (see [Newman2003]_). **Examples:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_transitivity([0,3,5], [1,2,4]) 0.0 >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_transitivity([2], [1,3,4]) 1.0 >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_transitivity([3,4], [1,2]) 1.0 :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :return float: the cross transitivity for a pair of subnetworks. """ return _cross_transitivity( to_cy(self.adjacency, ADJ), np.array(node_list1, dtype=NODE), np.array(node_list2, dtype=NODE))
[docs] def cross_transitivity_sparse(self, node_list1, node_list2): """ Return cross transitivity for a pair of subnetworks. The cross transitivity is the probability, that two randomly drawn neighbors in subnetwork 2 of node v in subnetwork 1 are also neighbors. It counts triangles having one vertex in subnetwork 1 and two vertices in subnetwork 2. Cross transitivity tends to weight low cross degree vertices less strongly when compared to the global cross clustering coefficient (see Newman, SIAM Review, 2003). Examples: >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_transitivity_sparse([0,3,5], [1,2,4]) 0.0 >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_transitivity_sparse([3,4], [1,2]) 1.0 :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :return float: the cross transitivity for a pair of subnetworks. """ cross_degree = self.cross_degree(node_list1, node_list2) # Get sparse adjacency matrix A = self.sp_A[node_list1+node_list2, :][:, node_list1+node_list2] # Get subnetwork sizes N1, N2 = len(node_list1), len(node_list2) # Initialize cross_transitivity = 0.0 # Set counter counter_triangles = 0.0 counter_triples = 0.0 # Calculate cross transitivity from subnetwork 1 to subnetwork 2 # Loop over nodes in subnetwork 1 for i in range(N1): node1 = i if cross_degree[i] > 1: # Loop over unique pairs of nodes in subnetwork 2 for j in range(N1, N1+N2): node2 = j for k in range(N1, j): node3 = k if A[node1, node2] == 1 and A[node1, node3] == 1: counter_triples += 1 if A[node2, node3] == 1: counter_triangles += 1 if counter_triples: cross_transitivity = counter_triangles / counter_triples return cross_transitivity
[docs] @staticmethod def _calculate_general_average_path_length(path_lengths, internal=False): """ Calculate general average path length for interacting networks. :type path_lengths: 2D array [index, index] :arg path_lengths: The path length matrix. :arg bool internal: Indicates, whether internal or cross average path length shall be calculated. :return float: the general average path length. """ # Get shape of path lengths array for normalization (N, M) = path_lengths.shape # Identify unconnected pairs and save in binary array isinf unconnected_pairs = np.isinf(path_lengths) # Count the number of unconnected pairs n_unconnected_pairs = unconnected_pairs.sum() # Set infinite entries corresponding to unconnected pairs to zero path_lengths[unconnected_pairs] = 0 # Take average of shortest geographical path length matrix optionally # excluding the diagonal, since it is always zero, and all unconnected # pairs. The diagonal should never contain infinities, so that should # not be a problem. if internal: norm = float((N - 1) * M - n_unconnected_pairs) else: norm = float(N * M - n_unconnected_pairs) average_path_length = path_lengths.sum() / norm # Reverse changes to path_lengths path_lengths[unconnected_pairs] = np.inf return average_path_length
[docs] def cross_average_path_length(self, node_list1, node_list2, link_attribute=None): """ Return cross average path length. Return the average (weighted) shortest path length between two induced subnetworks. **Examples:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_average_path_length([0,3,5], [1,2,4], None) 2.0 >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_average_path_length([0,5], [1,2,3,4], None) 2.0 :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :arg str link_attribute: Optional name of the link attribute to be used as the links' length. If None, links have length 1. (Default: None) :return float: the cross average path length between a pair of subnetworks. """ path_lengths = InteractingNetworks.cross_path_lengths( self, node_list1, node_list2, link_attribute) return self._calculate_general_average_path_length( path_lengths, internal=False)
[docs] def internal_average_path_length(self, node_list, link_attribute=None): """ Return internal average path length for an induced subnetwork. Return the average (weighted) shortest path length between all pairs of nodes within a subnetwork separately for which a path exists. Paths between nodes from different subnetworks are not included in the average! However, even if the end points lie within the same layer, the paths themselves will generally contain nodes from the whole network. To avoid this and only consider paths lying within the subnetwork, do the following: >>> r(InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ subnetwork([0,3,5]).average_path_length(None)) 1.3333 **Examples:** >>> r(InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ internal_average_path_length([0,3,5], None)) 1.3333 >>> r(InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ internal_average_path_length([1,2,4], None)) 1.0 :arg [int] node_list: list of node indices describing the subnetwork :arg str link_attribute: Optional name of the link attribute to be used as the links' length. If None, links have length 1. (Default: None) :return float: the internal average path length. """ path_lengths = self.internal_path_lengths(node_list, link_attribute) return self._calculate_general_average_path_length(path_lengths, internal=True)
[docs] def average_cross_closeness(self, node_list1, node_list2, link_attribute=None): """ Return the average cross closeness. **Example:** >>> r(InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ average_cross_closeness([0,5], [1,2,3,4])) 1.7143 :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :arg str link_attribute: Optional name of the link attribute to be used as the links' length. If None, links have length 1. (Default: None) :return float: the average cross closeness. """ return np.mean(self.cross_closeness(node_list1, node_list2, link_attribute))
[docs] def global_efficiency(self, node_list1, node_list2, link_attribute=None): """ Return the global efficiency. **Example:** >>> r(InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ global_efficiency([0,5], [1,2,3,4])) 1.7143 :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :arg str link_attribute: Optional name of the link attribute to be used as the links' length. If None, links have length 1. (Default: None) :return float: the global efficiency. """ local_efficiency = self.local_efficiency(node_list1, node_list2, link_attribute) return 1/np.mean(local_efficiency)
# # Define local measures for interacting networks #
[docs] def cross_degree(self, node_list1, node_list2, link_attribute=None): """ Return the cross degree sequence for one subnetwork with respect to a second subnetwork. Gives the number of links from a specific node in the first subnetwork projecting to the second subnetwork. If a link attribute is specified, return the associated strength **Examples:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_degree([0,3,5], [1,2,4]) array([1, 1, 0]) >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_degree([1,2,4], [0,3,5]) array([1, 0, 1]) >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_degree([1,2,3,4], [0,5]) array([0, 0, 1, 1]) :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :arg str key: link attribute key (optional) :rtype: 1D array [node index] :return: the cross degree sequence. """ if self.directed: return (self.cross_indegree(node_list1, node_list2, link_attribute) + self.cross_outdegree(node_list1, node_list2, link_attribute)) else: return self.cross_outdegree(node_list1, node_list2, link_attribute)
[docs] def cross_indegree(self, node_list1, node_list2, link_attribute=None): """ Return the cross indegree sequence for the first given subnetwork with respect to the second given subnetwork Gives the number of links from nodes in subnetwork two to a specific node from subnetwork one. If a link attribute is specified, return the associated in strength. **Example:** >>> net = InteractingNetworks.SmallDirectedTestNetwork() >>> net.cross_indegree([1, 2], [0, 3, 4]) array([2, 1]) :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :arg str key: link attribute key (optional) :rtype: 1D array [node index] :return: the cross in degree sequence. """ if link_attribute is None: return np.sum(self.cross_adjacency(node_list2, node_list1), axis=0) else: return np.sum(self.cross_link_attribute(link_attribute, node_list2, node_list1), axis=0)
[docs] def cross_outdegree(self, node_list1, node_list2, link_attribute=None): """ Return the cross outdegree sequence for the first given subnetwork with respect to the second given subnetwork Gives the number of links from a specific node in subnetwork one to nodes in subnetwork two. If a link attribute is specified, return the associated out strength. **Example:** >>> net = InteractingNetworks.SmallDirectedTestNetwork() >>> net.cross_outdegree([1, 2], [0, 3, 4]) array([1, 0]) :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :arg str key: link attribute key (optional) :rtype: 1D array [node index] :return: the cross out degree sequence. """ if link_attribute is None: return np.sum(self.cross_adjacency(node_list1, node_list2), axis=1) else: return np.sum(self.cross_link_attribute(link_attribute, node_list1, node_list2), axis=1)
[docs] def internal_degree(self, node_list, link_attribute=None): """ Return the internal degree sequence of one induced subnetwork. Gives the number of links from a specific node to other nodes within the same induced subnetwork. If a link attribute is specified, return the associated strength. **Examples:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().internal_degree([0,3,5]) array([2, 1, 1]) >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().internal_degree([1,2,4]) array([2, 2, 2]) :arg [int] node_list: list of node indices describing the subnetwork :arg str key: link attribute key (optional) :rtype: 1D array [node index] :return: the internal degree sequence. """ if self.directed: return (self.internal_indegree(node_list, link_attribute) + self.internal_outdegree(node_list, link_attribute)) else: return self.internal_outdegree(node_list, link_attribute)
[docs] def internal_indegree(self, node_list, link_attribute=None): """ Return the internal indegree sequence of one induced subnetwork. Gives the number of links from other nodes to a specific node within the same induced subnetwork. If a link attribute is specified, return the associated in strength. **Example:** >>> net = InteractingNetworks.SmallDirectedTestNetwork() >>> net.internal_indegree([0, 1, 3]) array([0, 2, 1]) :arg [int] node_list: list of node indices describing the subnetwork :arg str key: link attribute key (optional) :rtype: 1D array [node index] :return: the internal in degree sequence. """ if link_attribute is None: return np.sum(self.internal_adjacency(node_list), axis=0) else: return np.sum(self.internal_link_attribute(link_attribute, node_list), axis=0)
[docs] def internal_outdegree(self, node_list, link_attribute=None): """ Return the internal outdegree sequence of one induced subnetwork. Gives the number of links from a specific node to other nodes within the same induced subnetwork. If a link attribute is specified, return the associated out strength. **Example:** >>> net = InteractingNetworks.SmallDirectedTestNetwork() >>> net.internal_outdegree([0, 1, 3]) array([2, 0, 1]) :arg [int] node_list: list of node indices describing the subnetwork :arg str key: link attribute key (optional) :rtype: 1D array [node index] :return: the internal out degree sequence. """ if link_attribute is None: return np.sum(self.internal_adjacency(node_list), axis=1) else: return np.sum(self.internal_link_attribute(link_attribute, node_list), axis=1)
[docs] def cross_local_clustering(self, node_list1, node_list2): """ Return local cross clustering for a pair of subnetworks. The local cross clustering coefficient C_v gives the probability, that two randomly drawn neighbors in subnetwork 1 of node v in subnetwork 1 are also neighbors. It counts triangles having one vertex in subnetwork 1 and two vertices in subnetwork 2. **Examples:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_local_clustering([0,3,5], [1,2,4]) array([ 0., 0., 0.]) >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_local_clustering([2], [1,3,4]) array([ 1.]) >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_local_clustering([3,4], [1,2]) array([ 0., 1.]) :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :rtype: 1D array [node index] :return: the cross local clustering coefficient. """ nodes1 = np.array(node_list1, dtype=NODE) nodes2 = np.array(node_list2, dtype=NODE) # Get cross degree sequence cross_degree = InteractingNetworks.cross_degree(self, nodes1, nodes2) # Prepare normalization factor norm = cross_degree * (cross_degree - 1) / 2. # Initialize cross_clustering = np.zeros_like(nodes1, dtype=DFIELD) _cross_local_clustering(to_cy(self.adjacency, ADJ), to_cy(norm, DFIELD), nodes1, nodes2, cross_clustering) return cross_clustering
[docs] def cross_local_clustering_sparse(self, node_list1, node_list2): """ Return local cross clustering for a pair of subnetworks. The local cross clustering coefficient C_v gives the probability, that two randomly drawn neighbors in subnetwork 1 of node v in subnetwork 1 are also neighbors. It counts triangles having one vertex in subnetwork 1 and two vertices in subnetwork 2. Examples: >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_local_clustering_sparse([0,3,5], [1,2,4]) array([ 0., 0., 0.]) >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_local_clustering_sparse([2], [1,3,4]) array([ 1.]) >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_local_clustering_sparse([3,4], [1,2]) array([ 0., 1.]) :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :rtype: 1D array [node index] :return: the cross local clustering coefficient. """ # Get cross degree sequence cross_degree = self.cross_degree(node_list1, node_list2) # Get full adjacency matrix A = self.sp_A[node_list1+node_list2, :][:, node_list1+node_list2] # Get layer sizes N1, N2 = len(node_list1), len(node_list2) # Convert node lists to Numpy arrays nodes1, nodes2 = np.array(node_list1), np.array(node_list2) # Initialize cross_clustering = np.zeros(N1) # Prepare normalization factor norm = cross_degree * (cross_degree - 1) / 2 # Calculate cross clustering from subnetwork 1 to subnetwork 2 counter = 0 for node1 in range(N1): if not norm[node1] == 0: # Reset counter counter = 0 # Loop over unique pairs of nodes in subnetwork 2 for node2 in range(N1, N1+N2): for node3 in range(N1, node2): if (A[node1, node2] == 1 and A[node2, node3] == 1 and A[node3, node1] == 1): counter += 1 cross_clustering[node1] = counter / norm[node1] return cross_clustering
[docs] def _calculate_general_closeness(self, path_lengths, internal=True): """ Calculate general closeness sequence for interacting networks. :type path_lengths: 2D array [node,node] of floats :arg path_lengths: Path lengths to use :arg bool internal: Indicates, whether internal or cross closeness shall be calculated. :rtype: 1D array [index] :return: the general closeness sequence. """ # Get shape of path lengths array (N, M) = path_lengths.shape # Set total number of nodes to be considered for calculation if internal: n_nodes = N norm = M - 1 else: n_nodes = self.N # All nodes of the whole network here! norm = M # Closeness has the length of the first dimension of path lengths closeness = np.zeros(N) # Identify unconnected pairs and save in binary array isinf unconnected_pairs = np.isinf(path_lengths) # Set infinite entries corresponding to unconnected pairs to maximum # possible path length. path_lengths[unconnected_pairs] = n_nodes - 1 # Some nodes have a distance of zero to all their # neighbors. These nodes get zero closeness centrality. path_length_sum = path_lengths.sum(axis=1) # M entries have been summed over, so we also have to normalize by M closeness[path_length_sum != 0] = \ norm / path_length_sum[path_length_sum != 0] # Reverse changes to path_lengths path_lengths[unconnected_pairs] = np.inf return closeness
[docs] def cross_closeness(self, node_list1, node_list2, link_attribute=None): """ Return cross closeness sequence for a pair of induced subnetworks. Gives the inverse average geodesic distance from a node in subnetwork 1 to all nodes in subnetwork 2. **Examples:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_closeness([0,3,5], [1,2,4], None) array([ 0.6 , 0.6 , 0.375]) >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_closeness([0,5], [1,2,3,4], None) array([ 0.66666667, 0.4 ]) :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :arg str link_attribute: Optional name of the link attribute to be used as the links' length. If None, links have length 1. (Default: None) :rtype: 1D arrays [index] :return: the cross closeness sequence. """ path_lengths = InteractingNetworks.cross_path_lengths( self, node_list1, node_list2, link_attribute) return self._calculate_general_closeness(path_lengths, internal=False)
[docs] def internal_closeness(self, node_list, link_attribute=None): """ Return internal closeness sequence for an induced subnetwork. Gives the inverse average geodesic distance from a node to all other nodes in the same induced subnetwork. However, the included paths will generally contain nodes from the whole network. To avoid this, do the following: >>> r(InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ subnetwork([0,3,5]).closeness(None)) array([ 1. , 0.6667, 0.6667]) **Examples:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ internal_closeness([0,3,5], None) array([ 1. , 0.66666667, 0.66666667]) >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ internal_closeness([1,2,4], None) array([ 1., 1., 1.]) :arg [int] node_list: list of node indices describing the subnetwork :arg str link_attribute: Optional name of the link attribute to be used as the links' length. If None, links have length 1. (Default: None) :rtype: 1D array [index] :return: the internal closeness sequence. """ path_lengths = self.internal_path_lengths(node_list, link_attribute) return self._calculate_general_closeness(path_lengths, internal=True)
[docs] def cross_betweenness(self, node_list1, node_list2): """ Return the cross betweenness sequence for the whole network with respect to a pair of subnetworks. Gives the normalized number of shortest paths only between nodes from **two** subnetworks, in which a node :math:`i` is contained. This is equivalent to the inter-regional / inter-group betweenness with respect to subnetwork 1 and subnetwork 2. **Examples:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_betweenness([2], [3,5]) array([ 1., 1., 0., 0., 1., 0.]) >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ cross_betweenness(range(0,6), range(0,6)) array([ 9., 3., 0., 2., 6., 0.]) :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :rtype: 1D arrays [node index] :return: the cross betweenness sequence for the whole network with respect to two subnetworks. """ return self.interregional_betweenness(sources=node_list1, targets=node_list2)
[docs] def internal_betweenness(self, node_list): """ Return the internal betweenness sequence for an induced subnetwork. Gives the normalized number of shortest paths only between nodes from subnetwork 1, in which a node :math:`i` from the whole network is contained. This is equivalent to the inter-regional / inter-group betweenness with respect to subnetwork 1 and subnetwork 1. **Examples:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ internal_betweenness(range(0,6)) array([ 9., 3., 0., 2., 6., 0.]) :arg [int] node_list: list of node indices describing the subnetwork :rtype: 1D array [node index] :return: the internal betweenness sequence for layer 1. """ return self.interregional_betweenness(sources=node_list, targets=node_list)
[docs] def local_efficiency(self, node_list1, node_list2, link_attribute=None): """ Return the local efficiency sequence for an induced subnetwork. **Example:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ local_efficiency([0,5], [1,2,3,4]) array([0.75 , 0.41666667]) :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :arg str link_attribute: Optional name of the link attribute to be used as the links' length. If None, links have length 1. (Default: None) :rtype: 1D arrays [index] :return: the local efficiency sequence. """ path_lengths = self.cross_path_lengths(node_list1, node_list2, link_attribute) return np.mean(1/path_lengths, axis=1)
[docs] def nsi_cross_degree(self, node_list1, node_list2): """ Return the n.s.i. cross-degree for a pair of induced subnetworks. Gives an estimation about the quota of the whole domain of interest of the subnetwork 2 any node in the subnetwork 1 is connected to. **Examples:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ nsi_cross_degree([0,1,2],[3,4,5]) array([ 4.2, 2.6, 1.4]) >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ nsi_cross_degree([0,2,5],[1,4]) array([ 1.4, 2.2, 0. ]) :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the subnetwork 1 :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the subnetwork 2 :rtype: 1D array [node index] :return: the n.s.i. cross-degree for layer 1. """ cross_A = (self.adjacency + np.eye(self.N))[node_list1, :][:, node_list2] return (cross_A * self.node_weights[node_list2]).sum(axis=1)
[docs] def nsi_cross_mean_degree(self, node_list1, node_list2): """ Return the n.s.i. cross-mean degree for a pair of induced subnetworks. **Examples:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ nsi_cross_mean_degree([0,1,2],[3,4,5]) 2.5 >>> r(InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ nsi_cross_mean_degree([0,2,5],[1,4])) 0.95 :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the subnetwork 1 :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the subnetwork 2 :return float: the n.s.i. cross-mean degree for layer 1. """ nsi_cross = self.nsi_cross_degree(node_list1, node_list2) node_weights = self.node_weights[node_list1] W_i = sum(node_weights) return sum(nsi_cross * node_weights) / W_i
[docs] def nsi_internal_degree(self, node_list): """ Return the n.s.i. internal degree sequence of one induced subnetwork. **Examples:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ nsi_internal_degree([0,3,5]) array([ 3.4, 1.8, 2.2]) >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ nsi_internal_degree([0,1,3,5]) array([ 3.4, 2. , 2.6, 2.2]) :arg [int] node_list: list of node indices describing the subnetwork :rtype: 1D array [node index] :return: the n.s.i. internal degree sequence """ return self.nsi_cross_degree(node_list, node_list)
[docs] def nsi_cross_local_clustering(self, node_list1, node_list2): """ Return the n.s.i. cross-local clustering coefficient for a pair of induced subnetworks. **Examples:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ nsi_cross_local_clustering([0,1,2],[3,4,5]) array([ 0.33786848, 0.50295858, 1. ]) >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ nsi_cross_local_clustering([0,2,5],[1,4]) array([ 1., 1., 0.]) :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the subnetwork 1 :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the subnetwork 2 :rtype: 1D array [node index] :return: the n.s.i. cross-local clustering coefficient for layer 1. """ nodes1 = np.array(node_list1, dtype=NODE) nodes2 = np.array(node_list2, dtype=NODE) nsi_cc = np.zeros(nodes1.shape, dtype=DFIELD) _nsi_cross_local_clustering( to_cy(self.adjacency + np.eye(self.N, dtype=ADJ), ADJ), nsi_cc, nodes1, nodes2, to_cy(self.node_weights, DWEIGHT)) norm = self.nsi_cross_degree(nodes1, nodes2) ** 2 nsi_cc[norm != 0] = nsi_cc[norm != 0] / norm[norm != 0] nsi_cc[norm == 0] = 0 return nsi_cc
[docs] def nsi_cross_closeness_centrality(self, node_list1, node_list2): """ Return the n.s.i. cross-closeness centrality for a pair of induced subnetworks. **Examples:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ nsi_cross_closeness_centrality([0,1,2],[3,4,5]) array([ 1. , 0.56756757, 0.48837209]) >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ nsi_cross_closeness_centrality([0,2,5],[1,4]) array([ 0.73333333, 1. , 0.42307692]) :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the subnetwork 1 :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the subnetwork 2 :rtype: 1D array [node index] :return: the n.s.i. cross-closeness for layer 1. """ shortest_paths = self.path_lengths() node_weights = self.node_weights nsi_shortest_paths = shortest_paths + np.eye(len(shortest_paths)) nsi_shortest_paths[np.isinf(nsi_shortest_paths)] = self.N - 1 nsi_cross_paths = nsi_shortest_paths[node_list1, :][:, node_list2] W = sum(node_weights[node_list2]) return W /, node_weights[node_list2])
[docs] def nsi_internal_closeness_centrality(self, node_list): """ Return the n.s.i. internal closeness sequence of one induced subnetwork. **Examples:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ nsi_internal_closeness_centrality([0,3,5]) array([ 1. , 0.68 , 0.73913043]) >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ nsi_internal_closeness_centrality([0,1,3,5]) array([ 0.84 , 0.525 , 0.72413793, 0.6 ]) :arg [int] node_list: list of node indices describing the subnetwork :rtype: 1D array [node index] :return: the n.s.i. internal closeness sequence """ return self.nsi_cross_closeness_centrality(node_list, node_list)
[docs] def nsi_cross_global_clustering(self, node_list1, node_list2): """ Return the n.s.i. cross-global clustering coefficient for an induced subnetwork 1 with regard to a second induced subnetwork 2. **Examples:** >>> r(InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ nsi_cross_global_clustering([0,1,2],[3,4,5])) 0.6688 :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the subnetwork 1 :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the subnetwork 2 :return float: the n.s.i. cross-global clustering coefficient for the subnetwork 1 with regard to subnetwork 2. """ nsi_cc = self.nsi_cross_local_clustering(node_list1, node_list2) node_weights = self.node_weights[node_list1] return sum(node_weights * nsi_cc) / sum(node_weights)
[docs] def nsi_internal_local_clustering(self, node_list): """ Return the n.s.i. internal cross-local clustering coefficient for an induced subnetwork. **Examples:** >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ nsi_internal_local_clustering([1,2,3,5]) array([ 0.73333333, 1. , 1. , 1. ]) >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ nsi_internal_local_clustering([0,2,4]) array([ 1. , 1. , 0.86666667]) :arg [int] node_list: list of node indices describing the subnetwork :rtype: 1D numpy array [node_index] :return: the n.s.i. internal-local clustering coefficient for all nodes within the induced subnetwork """ return self.nsi_cross_local_clustering(node_list, node_list)
[docs] def nsi_cross_betweenness(self, node_list1, node_list2): """ Return the n.s.i. cross betweenness sequence for the whole network with respect to a pair of subnetworks. **Examples:** >>> r(InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ nsi_cross_betweenness([0,4,5],[1,3])) array([ 6.5333, 1.2 , 0. , 0.6769, 0.6769, 0. ]) >>> r(InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ nsi_cross_betweenness([0,1],[2,3,4,5])) array([ 2.1333, 0. , 0. , 0.4923, 0.9209, 0. ]) :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :rtype: 1D arrays [node index] :return: the n.s.i. cross betweenness sequence for the whole network with respect to two subnetworks. """ return self.nsi_interregional_betweenness(sources=node_list1, targets=node_list2)
[docs] def nsi_cross_edge_density(self, node_list1, node_list2): """ Return the n.s.i. density of edges between two subnetworks. **Examples:** >>> r(InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ nsi_cross_edge_density([1,2,3],[0,5])) 0.1091 >>> r(InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ nsi_cross_edge_density([0],[1,4,5])) 0.7895 :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :return float: the n.s.i. cross density of edges between two subnetworks 1 and 2. """ W_j = sum(self.node_weights[node_list2]) return self.nsi_cross_mean_degree(node_list1, node_list2) / W_j
[docs] def nsi_cross_transitivity(self, node_list1, node_list2): """ Return n.s.i. cross-transitivity for a pair of subnetworks. **Examples:** >>> r(InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ nsi_cross_transitivity([1,2],[0,3,4,5])) 0.6352 >>> InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork().\ nsi_cross_transitivity([0,2,3],[1]) 1.0 :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :return float: the n.s.i. cross transitivity for a pair of subnetworks 1 and 2. """ return _nsi_cross_transitivity( to_cy(self.adjacency + np.eye(self.N, dtype=ADJ), ADJ), np.array(node_list1, dtype=NODE), np.array(node_list2, dtype=NODE), to_cy(self.node_weights, DWEIGHT))
[docs] def nsi_cross_average_path_length(self, node_list1, node_list2): """ Return n.s.i. cross average path length between two induced subnetworks. **Examples:** >>> net = InteractingNetworks.SmallTestNetwork() >>> r(net.nsi_cross_average_path_length([0,5],[1,2,4])) 3.3306 >>> r(net.nsi_cross_average_path_length([1,3,4,5],[2])) 0.376 :arg [int] node_list1: list of node indices describing the first subnetwork :arg [int] node_list2: list of node indices describing the second subnetwork :return float: the n.s.i. cross-average path length between a pair of subnetworks. """ shortest_paths = self.path_lengths() nsi_shortest_paths = shortest_paths + np.eye(len(shortest_paths)) node_weights = self.node_weights Wi = sum(node_weights[node_list1]) Wj = sum(node_weights[node_list1]) w_v = np.zeros([len(node_list2), len(node_list1)]) w_v[:] = node_weights[node_list1] w_q = np.zeros([len(node_list1), len(node_list2)]) w_q[:] = node_weights[node_list2] Wij = w_v.transpose() + w_q nsi_cross_paths = nsi_shortest_paths[node_list1, :][:, node_list2] Wij = Wij[np.isinf(nsi_cross_paths)].sum() nsi_shortest_paths[np.isinf(nsi_shortest_paths)] = self.N - 1 nsi_cross_paths = nsi_shortest_paths[node_list1, :][:, node_list2] Lij = np.sum(nsi_cross_paths*node_weights[node_list2], axis=1) Lij = np.sum(Lij * node_weights[node_list1], axis=0) return Lij / (Wi*Wj - Wij)