Impact details: changes in ecosystem structure and functions

impact chain for tropical coastal areas / ocean warming (click nodes to view details):
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Case study recommendations
Hoegh-Guldberg, O. (2011). Coral reef ecosystems and anthropogenic climate change. Regional Environmental Change, 11(1), 215-227. Global Due to ocean warming different organisms will replace the current ones and they may have different physiological and ecological characteristics, leading to rapid changes in the quantity and quality of species suitable for harvesting by coastal people. The understanding of how reef-dependent economies would be affected by a decline in reef resources is still in its infancy, so further research is needed.

Przeslawski, R., Ahyong, S., Byrne, M., Woerheide, G., & Hutchings, P. (2008). Beyond corals and fish: the effects of climate change on noncoral benthic invertebrates of tropical reefs. Global Change Biology, 14(12), 2773-2795. Australia Increasing sea surface temperatures may decrease survivorship and increase the developmental rate of non-coral tropical benthic invertebrates, as well as alter the timing of gonad development, spawning, and food availability. In order to accurately predict a species' response to climate stressors, one must consider the magnitude and duration of exposure to each stressor, as well as the physiology, mobility, and habitat requirements of the species. Stressors will not act independently, and many organisms will be exposed to multiple stressors concurrently, including anthropogenic stressors.

Moser, S. C., Jeffress Williams, S., & Boesch, D. F. (2012). Wicked Challenges at Land's End: Managing Coastal Vulnerability Under Climate Change. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 37, 51-78. Global Increased sea temperatures have been implicated in declining phytoplankton biomass, which limits nutrients supply from below in coastal and marine ecosystems. This affects population and community dynamics, and ultimately ecosystem structure and function. Coastal management must better account for the cumulative, synergistic, and mounting stresses arising from climate change and concurrent human activities.

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