Iceberg calving

    • simple formula for first-order kinematic contribution to iceberg calving
    • Volume loss through calving at ice front is proportional to the determinant of the strain rate tensor, i.e. the product of its eigenvalues.
    • Eigencalving yields multiple stable ice fronts for a number of ice shelves including Larsen A and B and the Ross Ice Shelf.


    T. Albrecht & A. Levermann
    Fracture-induced softening for large-scale ice dynamics
    The Cryosphere 8 (2014), 587-605, doi:10.5194/tc-8-587-2014.
    bibtex entry - endnote entry

    T. Albrecht & A. Levermann
    Spontaneous ice-front retreat induced by disintegration of adjacent ice shelf in Antarctica
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters 393 (2014), 26-30, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2014.02.034.
    » movie of retreat
    bibtex entry - endnote entry

    T. Albrecht and A. Levermann
    Fracture field for large-scale ice dynamics
    Journal of Glaciology 58 (2012), 165-176.
    bibtex entry - endnote entry

    Stages of Larsen ice front
    Eigencalving consistent with eigencalving

    A. Levermann, T. Albrecht, R. Winkelmann, M. A. Martin, M. Haseloff, I. Joughin
    Kinematic first-order calving law implies potential for abrupt ice-shelf retreat
    The Cryosphere, 6 (2012), 273-286, doi:10.5194/tc-6-273-2012, 2012.
    bibtex entry - endnote entry

    A. Levermann
    Oceanography: When glacial giants roll over
    Nature 472 (2011), 43-44.
    bibtex entry - endnote entry

    T. Albrecht, M.A. Martin, R. Winkelmann, M. Haseloff, A. Levermann
    Parameterization for Subgrid-Scale Motion of Ice-Shelf Calving-Fronts
    The Cryosphere 5 (2011), 35-44.
    bibtex entry - endnote entry

    T. Hattermann and A. Levermann
    Response of Southern Ocean circulation to global warming may enhance basal ice shelf melting around Antarctica
    Climate Dynamics 35 (2010), 741-756.
    bibtex entry - endnote entry