library(OpenStreetMap) library(png) library(raster) library(rgl) library(classInt) clouds <- function(ra, offset, mypal=c("#ffffff00","#0b13ff7f","#050773ff"), n = 10, style = "equal", fixed = NULL){ z <- rotate(matrix(ra[], nrow = ra@nrows, ncol = ra@ncols, byrow = T)) x <- seq(ra@extent@xmin, ra@extent@xmax, length.out = ra@ncols) y <- seq(ra@extent@ymin, ra@extent@ymax, length.out = ra@nrows) h5 <- classIntervals(as.numeric(z[]), n=n, style = style, fixedBreaks = fixed) h5Colours <- findColours(h5, mypal) opac <- as.numeric(z[]) opac[] <- 0 opac <- opac/max(opac) surface3d(x, y, offset*z/z, color = h5Colours, alpha = opac, back = "lines") } get.CellWidth <- function(dem){ ((xres(dem)*pi/180) * 6371000) #* cos(mean(c(dem@extent@ymin,dem@extent@ymax)) * pi/180) } rotate <- function(x) t(apply(x, 2, rev)) rotate_cc <- function(x) apply(t(x), 2, rev) pan3d <- function(button) { start <- list() begin <- function(x, y) { start$userMatrix <<- par3d("userMatrix") start$viewport <<- par3d("viewport") start$scale <<- par3d("scale") start$projection <<- rgl.projection() start$pos <<- rgl.window2user( x/start$viewport[3], 1 - y/start$viewport[4], 0.5, projection=start$projection) } update <- function(x, y) { xlat <- (rgl.window2user( x/start$viewport[3], 1 - y/start$viewport[4], 0.5, projection = start$projection) - start$pos)*start$scale mouseMatrix <- translationMatrix(xlat[1], xlat[2], xlat[3]) par3d(userMatrix = start$userMatrix %*% t(mouseMatrix) ) } rgl.setMouseCallbacks(button, begin, update) # cat("Callbacks set on button", button, "of rgl device",rgl.cur(),"\n") } download.srtm <- function(region, v=1, dem_temp=NULL){ if(is.null(dem_temp)) dem_temp <- tempfile(fileext=".tif") url <- paste0("",v, "&west=",region@xmin, "&south=",region@ymin, "&east=",region@xmax, "&north=",region@ymax,"&outputFormat=GTiff") download.file(url = url, destfile = dem_temp) dem <- raster(dem_temp) return(dem) } dem3d <- function(dem, sf=1, texture=F, zoom=NULL, type="bing", tmp_texture=NULL, col=NULL){ # z <- rotate(as.matrix(dem)) z <- rotate(matrix(dem[], nrow = dem@nrows, ncol = dem@ncols, byrow = T)) x <- seq(dem@extent@xmin, dem@extent@xmax, length.out = dem@ncols) y <- seq(dem@extent@ymin, dem@extent@ymax, length.out = dem@nrows) # open3d() if(!texture){ if(is.null(col)){ z[z[]<=0 |[])] <- 1 zlim <- range(z[]) zlen <- zlim[2] - zlim[1] + 1 colorlut <- terrain.colors(zlen) # height color lookup table col <- colorlut[z] # assign colors to heights for each point } # surface3d(x, y, z*xres(dem)/sf, color = col, back = "lines") persp3d(x, y, z, color = col, back = "lines", aspect=c(1,length(y)/length(x),diff(range(z))/(get.CellWidth(dem)/sf)/length(x)), axes=F, xlab="", ylab = "", zlab="") }else{ if(!file.exists(paste0(tmp_texture,""))){ if(is.null(zoom))stop("zoom = ??? Specify zoomlevel!") tmp_texture <- load.texture(dem, zoom, type, tmp_texture) } # surface3d(x, y, z*xres(dem)/sf, color = "white", texture=tmp_texture, texmipmap=T, back = "lines") persp3d(x, y, z, color = "white", back = "lines", # aspect=c(length(x),length(y),1/xres(dem)/sf), aspect=c(1,length(y)/length(x),diff(range(z, na.rm = T))/(get.CellWidth(dem)/sf)/length(x)), axes=F, xlab="", ylab = "", zlab="", texture=tmp_texture, texmipmap=T) } pan3d(3) } load.texture <- function(dem, zoom, type="bing", tmp_texture=NULL){ map <- openmap(c(dem@extent@ymax, dem@extent@xmin),c(dem@extent@ymin, dem@extent@xmax), zoom, type) map <- openproj(map) map <- matrix(map$tiles[[1]]$colorData, nrow = map$tiles[[1]]$yres, ncol = map$tiles[[1]]$xres) map <- map[rowSums(!=ncol(map), ] map <- map[ ,colSums(!=nrow(map)] map <- rotate_cc(map) if(is.null(tmp_texture)) tmp_texture <- tempfile(fileext=".png") rgba <- array(dim = c(dim(map), 4)) <- col2rgb(map) rgba[, , 4] <- 1 rgba[, , 4][] <- 0 rgba[, , 1] <-[1, ]/255 rgba[, , 2] <-[2, ]/255 rgba[, , 3] <-[3, ]/255 writePNG(image=rgba,target = tmp_texture) return(tmp_texture) } shape3d <- function(shape,name,pal=c("darkgreen","orange","red")){ n <- length(shape@data[,1]) class <- classIntervals(shape@data[,name], n=n, style="equal") colf <- findColours(class, pal=pal) open3d() for(i in 1:n){ lat <- shape@polygons[[i]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,2] long <- shape@polygons[[i]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,1] lat.m <- matrix(lat, ncol=length(lat), nrow=2, byrow=T) long.m <- matrix(long, ncol=length(lat), nrow=2, byrow=T) z.m <- matrix(c(rep(0,length(lat)),rep(shape@data[i,name],length(lat))), nrow=2, byrow=T) if(i==1){ persp3d(long.m, lat.m, z.m, col=colf[i], aspect=c(1,diff(range(lat))/diff(range(long)),1), xlab="", ylab="", zlab="", axes=F) }else{ persp3d(long.m, lat.m, z.m, col=colf[i], add=TRUE) } # use gpc.poly for fast triangulation! xy <- as(cbind(long,lat), "gpc.poly") triangles <- triangulate(xy) triangles3d(triangles[,1],triangles[,2], z.m[2,1], col=colf[i]) # shorter code, but to slow # shade3d( extrude3d(lat, long, shape@data[i,name]/100000), col = "red" ) } pan3d(3) } <- function (raster, name = "test", mypal = c("wheat1", "red3", "green"), n = 10, style = "equal", fixed = NULL, trans = 1, legend = FALSE, flip=F){ png.path <- getOption("png.path", default = getwd()) matrix <- matrix(raster[], nrow = raster@nrows, ncol = raster@ncols, byrow = TRUE) if(flip) matrix <- matrix[nrow(matrix):1,] h5 <- classIntervals(as.numeric(matrix[]), n = n, style = style, fixedBreaks = fixed) h5Colours <- findColours(h5, mypal) if (legend == TRUE) { pdf(paste(png.path, "/", name, "_legend.pdf", sep = "")) plot(1, axes = FALSE, ann = F, type="n") l.text <- gsub(","," - ",gsub("\\]","",gsub("\\)","",gsub("\\[","",names(attr(h5Colours,"table")))))) legend("top", col = attr(h5Colours, "palette"), pch=15, pt.cex = 2.5, legend = l.text, text.col ="grey10", bg = "grey90", box.col = "grey80") } rgba <- array(dim = c(dim(matrix), 4)) rgba[, , 4] <- trans rgba[, , 4][] <- 0 <- col2rgb(h5Colours) rgba[, , 1] <-[1, ]/255 rgba[, , 2] <-[2, ]/255 rgba[, , 3] <-[3, ]/255 writePNG(rgba, target = paste0(png.path, "/", name, ".png")) write.table(c(xres(raster),0,0,-yres(raster),extent(raster)[1]+xres(raster)/2,extent(raster)[1]-yres(raster)/2), paste0(png.path, "/", name, ".pngw"), col.names = F, row.names = F) }