
GUANTING - Sustainable water and agricultural land use in the Guanting Watershed under limited water resources. The project is part of the Research Program "Integrated Water Research Management (IWRM)" funded by BMBF.
Project Duration: 2009-2012
Assignments: coordination and project management

GLOWA-Elbe - Effects of global change on the water cycle in the Elbe river basin
A project in the GLOWA - Global Change in the Water Cycle - research initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Project Duration: 2000-2010
Assignments: coordination and project management

INKA-BB - Innovationsnetzwerk Klimaanpassung Region Brandenburg Berlin. Teilprojekt 2: Klimafolgenkataster: Regionales Informationssystem für Berlin-Brandenburg zum Klima, Witterungsextremen, Schwellwerten für die Verträglichkeit und Schäden bei Schwellwertüberschreitung.
Funded by BMBF.
Project Duration: 2009-2014
Assignments: coordination and project management

CLIMREG - Climate Impact Register for Germany
A PIK flaggship-project for developing a climate impact register on Germany based on present knowledge and specific interviews of stakeholders and experts. Beside such factors as water availability, flood risks, agriculture and nature conservation, further sectors will be considered, such as conurbations and health. 2008-2012

>> Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment Experiment <<
An international project to investigate the influence of Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment on plant physiology with temporary stay in Phoenix/Arizona (USA) funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). 1993-1998