Dr. Jan Minx

Jan Minx

Jan Minx, PhD in Environmental Economics and Management from the University of York, is interested in analyzing spatial aspects of climate change policy and in the development of models providing holistic representations of systems of production and consumption and their environmental impacts. Under this umbrella research topics include consumption based emission accounting at different (spatial) scales (“carbon footprinting”), drivers of structural change, regional emission drivers, urban metabolism, and the application of geo-demographic data systems for lifestyle analysis and the analysis of the relationship between urban form and emissions. Jan is also interested in methodological developments in life cycle assessment and the integration of modelling approaches. Currently he is acting as the Head of the Technical Support Unit (TSU) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group III, where he coordinates the Working Group III contribution to the 5th Assessment Report of the IPCC together with team.

Peer reviewed articles:

·         Minx, J.C., G. Baiocchi, G. P. Peters, C. L. Weber, D. Guan and K. Hubacek (2011). "A Carbonizing Dragon: China’s Growing CO2 Emissions Revisited." Environmental Science & Technology, forthcoming.

·         Sinden, G.; Peters, G.; Minx, J. C.; Weber, C., International Flows of Embodied CO2 with an Application to Aluminium and the EU ETS. Climate Policy 2011, 11, (5), 1226-1245.

·         Peters, G. P., J. C. Minx, C. L. Weber and O. Edenhofer (2011). "Emission transfers via international trade exceed emission reductions in the Kyoto Protocol." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(21): 8903-8908.

·         Kagawa, S., K. Nansai, Y. Kondo, K. Hubacek, S. Suh, J. C. Minx, Y. Kudoh, T. Tasaki and S. Nakamura (2011). "The Role of Motor Vehicle Lifetime Extension in Climate Change Policy." Environmental Science & Technology 45(4): 1184-1191.

·         Creutzig, F., E. McGlynn, J. C. Minx and O. Edenhofer (2011). "Climate Policies for Road Transport Re-visited: Evaluation of the Current Framework." Energy Policy 39(5): 2396-2406.

·         Feng, K., K. Hubacek, J. C. Minx, Y. L. Siu, A. K. Chapagain, Y. Yang, D. Guan and J. Barrett (2011). "Spatially Explicit Analysis of Water Footprints in the UK." Water 3(1): 47-63.

·         Peters, G. P., D. Guan, K. Hubacek, J. C. Minx and C. L. Weber (2010). "China's road to sustainability: A response." Science 328: 824-825 (Letters Section).

·         Baiocchi, G. and J. C. Minx (2010). "Understanding Changes in the UK's CO2 Emissions: A Global Perspective." Environmental Science & Technology 44(4): 1177-1184.

·         Paul, A., T. Wiedmann, J. Barrett, J. C. Minx, K. Scott, E. Dawkins, A. Owen, J. Briggs and I. Gray (2010). A Plain English Guide to Input-Output Analysis: The Resources and Energy Analysis Programme. The Sustainability Practitioner's Guide to Input-Output Analysis. R. Wood and J. Murray. Illinois, USA, CommonGround.

·         Wiedmann, T., R. Wood, J. C. Minx, M. Lenzen, D. Guan and R. Harris (2010). "A Carbon Footprint Time Series of the UK - Results from a Multi-Region Input-Output Model." Economic Systems Research 22(1) forthcoming.

·         Baiocchi, G., J. C. Minx and K. Hubacek (2010). "The Impact of Social Factors and Consumer Behavior on CO2 emissions in the UK: a Panel Regression Based on Input-Output and Geo-demographic Consumer Segmentation Data." Journal of Industrial Ecology 14(1): 50-72.

·         Feng, K., K. Hubacek, D. Guan, M. Contestabile, J. C. Minx and J. Barrett (2010). "Distributional Effects of Climate Change Taxation." Environmental Science & Technology 44(10): 3670-3676.

·         Minx, J. C., T. Wiedmann, R. Wood, G. Peters, M. Lenzen, A. Owen, K. Scott, J. Barrett, K. Hubacek, G. Baiocchi, A. Paul, E. Dawkins, J. Briggs, D. Guan, S. Suh and F. Ackerman (2009). "Multi-regional Input-Output Analysis and Carbon Footprinting: An overview of UK applications." Economic Systems Research 21(3): 187-216.

·         Munksgaard, J., J. C. Minx, L. B. Christofferson and L.-L. Pade (2009). Models for National CO2  Accounting. Handbook on Input-output Economics for Industrial Ecology. S. Suh. Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Springer. 23: 533-560.

·         Minx, J. C. and G. Baioccchi (2009). Time Use and Sustainability. Handbook for Input-Output Economics in Industrial Ecology. S. Suh. Dordrecht, Springer: 819-846.

·         Minx, J. (2008). Integrated Data Frameworks in Monetary, Physical and Time Units for Quantitative Sustainable Consumption Research. Environment Department. York, University of York. PhD.

·         Wiedmann, T. and J.C. Minx (2008). A Definition of 'Carbon Footprint'. Ecological Economics Research Trends. C. C. Pertsova, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. vol 2: Chapter 1, 55-65.

·         Wiedmann, T., J.C. Minx, J. Barrett and M. Wackernagel (2006). "Allocating ecological footprints to final consumption categories with input-output analysis." Ecological Economics 56(1): 28-48.

·         Minx, J.C. and Tschochohei, H., 2006, Die Bedeutung des Flächenverbrauchs für die Halbtagsgesellschaft, in: Harthard, S., Schaffer, A. and Stahmer, C. (eds.), Die Halbtagsgesellschaft: Konkrete Utopie für eine Zukunftsfähige Gesellschaft, Nomos, Baden-Baden: 153-165.

·         Munksgaard, J., L.-L. Pade, J.C. Minx and M. Lenzen (2005). "Influence of trade on national CO2 emissions." International Journal of Global Energy Issues 23(4): 324.


Other publications:

·         Peters, G. P., D. Guan, K. Hubacek, J. C. Minx and C. L. Weber (2010). " Effects of China's Economic Growth." Science 328: 824-825 (Letters Section).

·         Baioccchi, G. and J. C. Minx (2010). "Consumer Emissions." The New Scientist February 27 - March 5 2010: 26-27.

·         Minx, J. C., F. Creutzig, V. Medinger, T. Ziegler, A. Owen and G. Baiocchi (2010). Developing a pragmatic approach to assess urban metabolism in Europe: A Report to the European Environment Agency, Stockholm Environment Institute and Technische Universität Berlin.

·         Minx, J. C., G. Baiocchi, T. Wiedmann and J. Barrett (2010). Understanding Changes in the UK's CO2 Emissions: A Structural Decomposition Approach. London, Report to the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

·         Creutzig, F., Flachsland, C., McGlynn, E., Minx, J.C., Brunner, S. and Edenhofer, O., 2010, CITIES – Car Industry, Road Transport and and International Emission Trading Scheme. A Report commissioned by BMW, Technische Universität Berlin and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

·         SEI, ECI and Cambridge Econometrics (2010). The Contribution of Products to Meeting UK Climate Change Targets. London, Report to the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. forthcoming.

·         Scott, K., J. Barrett, G. Baiocchi and J. C. Minx (2009). Meeting the UK Climate Change Challenge: The Contribution of Resource Efficiency. York, Report to the Waste and Resources Action Programme, UK.

·         Minx, J.C. (2008). Integrated Data Frameworks in Monetary, Physical and Time Units for Quantitative Sustainable Consumption Research. Environment Department. York, University of York. PhD.

·         Minx, J. C., T. Wiedmann, J. Barrett and S. Suh (2008). Methods Review to Support the PAS Process for the Calculation of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Embodied in Good and Services: Report to the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. York, Stockholm Environment Institue and University of Minnesota.

·         Wiedmann, T., R. Wood, M., Lenzen, J.C. Minx, D. Guan and J. Barrett (2008). Development of an Embedded Carbon Emissions Indicator - Producing a Time Series of Input-Output Tables and Embedded Carbon Dioxide Emissions for the UK by Using a MRIO Data Optimisation System. Revised Final Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs by Stockholm Environment Institute at the University of York and Centre for Integrated Sustainability Analysis at the University of Sydney. London, UK, Defra.

·         Minx, J. C., K. Scott, G. Peters and J. Barrett (2008). An Analysis of Sweden's Carbon Footprint. Stockholm, WWF Sweden.

·         Barrett, J., J.C. Minx, A. Paul and S. D. Frey (2007). Towards a low footprint Scotland - Living well, within our ecological limits. A report to Scotland’s Global Footprint project, Stockholm Environment Institute, York, UK.

·         Stockholm Environment Institute (2007). The Right Climate to Change: The Carbon Footprint of UK Local Authorities. Godalming, WWF-UK.

·         Haq, G., J. C. Minx, Whitelegg and A. Owen (2007). Greening the Greys: Climate Change and the Over 50's. York, Stockholm Environment Institute.

·         GAP, SEI and Eco-Logica (2006). UK Schools Carbon Footprint Scoping Study. London  Report by Global Action Plan, Stockholm Environment Institute and Eco-Logica Ltd for the Sustainable Development Commission.

·         SEI, WWF and CURE (2006). Counting Consumption - CO2 emissions, material flows and Ecological Footprint of the UK by region and devolved country. WWF-UK. Godalming, Surrey, UK, Published by WWF-UK.

·         Wiedmann, T., J.C. Minx, J. Barrett, R. Vanner and P. Ekins (2006). Sustainable Consumption and Production - Development of an Evidence Base: Resource Flows. London, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, London, UK.