Lecture: Complex Networks Dynamics (WS18)

Complex Network Dynamics, Thursday 3-5pm (starting Oct, 18), NEW 14 1'14

For students who wish to study networked dynamical systems.

The course covers both classical results and very recent research.

You can find the course description at http://vlvz1.physik.hu-berlin.de/ws2018/physik/kvlinfo/de/?lvnummer=40497

and the location on the map.

Participation in the course requires that a student project is delivered.

Further details are going to appear soon at this place.


The course is aimed at students that hold a bachelor degree in physics or mathematics.

Prior knowledge of the course Nonlinear Dynamics [P25.3.b] is helpful

but not necessary.

Semester Projects

The list of projects can be found here.


  1. Network basics
  2. A recap on dynamical systems
  3. Linear dynamics on networks: Diffusion
  4. Linear dynamics on networks: Master stability function
  5. Non-Linear dynamics on networks: Synchronisation
  6. ...

Script (in progress)

Find it here.

Suggested Reading

Complex Networks:

  • Newman, M. E. J.Networks: An Introduction. (Oxford University Press, 2010).
  • Jungnickel, D. Graphs, networks and algorithms. (Springer, 2005).

Dynamical Systems:

  • Guckenheimer, J. \& Holmes, P. J. Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields. Applied Mathematical Sciences, Volume 42 (Springer-Verlag, 2002).

Dynamics on Networks

  • Lovász, L. Random walks on graphs: A survey. Comb. Paul Erdos is Eighty 2, 1–46 (1993).
  • Pikovsky, A., Rosenblum, M., Kurths, J. Synchronization: a universal concept in nonlinear sciences. Vol. 12. Cambridge university press, 2003.

Dynamics of Networks

  • tba

Adaptive Networks

  • tba