PalMod 1.3

PalMod 1.3 Lange transiente Simulationen Teilprojekt 4 Transiente Klimasimulationen zu glazialen Zyklen und Klimaereignissen

The overarching goal of the working package is the transient model simulation of climate evolution during the last glacial termination to assess the importance of various feedback mechanisms between various compartments of the climate system, including novel representations of e.g. shelf-ocean interactions and the effect of solid Earth responses. In particular we aim to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of millennial scale (abrupt) climate changes for the last glacial termination and to investigate the imprint of the deglacial phase on our current interglacial.

The main task of the first PostDoc will be to perform an ensemble of transient simulations with the CLIMBER-2 model for the entire glacial cycle and for the deglaciation using different initialisation techniques. Reinhard Calov will perform stability analysis of the climate-cryosphere system and will analyze the sensitivity of deglacial runs to reorganisation of the ocean circulation and dynamics of the ice sheets. These tasks require experience in earth system modelling. The main task of the second PostDoc will be to analyze the stability of the AMOC for the LGM state and other time slices using the CLIMBER-4 model. The PostDoc will also perform deglaciation,Dansgaard-Oeschger and Heinrich event experiments with CLIMBER-4 in transient simulations. Both PostDocs will use 50% of their time each in PalMod 1.1 and PalMod 1.3 respectively.


Sep 01, 2015 until Aug 31, 2019

Funding Agency


Funding Call

Nationale Paläoklimamodellierungsinitiative PalMod


Stefan Rahmstorf

Project Website