Trans-Sec 2

Innovating Strategies to safeguard Food Security using Technology and Knowledge Transfer: A people-centred Approach

Trans-SEC over a period of five years pursues five central objectives to effectively enhance the Tanzanian food security situation. They correspond to specific project outcomes: 1) establishment of a sustainable multidisciplinary German-African R&D&I network; 2) in-depth analysis of the present Tanzanian food systems, their failures and advantages; 3) identification of successful innovations and/or upgrading strategies along the food value chain for increasing food security; 4) testing the implementation feasibility of upgrading strategies among food value chain components under sitespecific conditions through action research; 5) determining the explanatory power and transferability of the Trans-SEC results to other areas in Tanzania


May 01, 2013 until Dec 31, 2018

Funding Agency


Funding Call

BioEconomy 2030, Securing the Global Food Supply – GlobE (Afrika)


Christoph Gornott, Fred Hattermann, Christoph Müller

Project Website