HYDROCARE Project Kick-Off Meeting 13/14 February at PIK

09 Feb. 2006

On 13/14 February 2006, the HYDROCARE kick-off meeting will take place at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. The project HYDROCARE – (Hydrological cycle of the CADSES regions) has been approved in the 3rd call of the INTERREG IIIB – CADSES EU neighbourhood programme. CADSES stands for Central, Adriatic, Danubian and South-Eastern European Space.

The project will develop an integrated system for assessing the impact of hydrometeorological events as floods and droughts on the water resources in the CADSES regions, which includes the federal state of Brandenburg. Main points of the project will be reconstructing the large and basin-scale hydrological cycle in the CADSES area and developing a high level ICT (Information and Communication Technology) network on a transnational level for collecting and exchanging hydrometeorological data and providing relevant information to end-users such as farmers, entrepreneurs, public administrations and agencies. Emphasis will be put on the development of effective tools for a rational exploitation and management of the water resources, with the purpose of preserving and enhancing economical and environmental welfare.

The Potsdam Institute coordinates as one of the 6 project partners the workpackage “Reconstruction of the hydrometeorological cycle”.

The public presentation of HYDROCARE has been jointly organized by the Lead Partner CINFAI (Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Fisica delle Atmosfere e delle Idrosfere - National Consortium of Universities for the Physics of Atmospheres and Hydrospheres) and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and will take place in Potsdam on Tuesday February 14th 2006 at 15.30 in the Hotel Mercure. More details can be found at http://www.hydrocare-cadses.net/press_release.htm.

Contact at PIK:
Dr. Uwe Böhm, email Uwe.Böhm@pik-potsdam.de,
phone +49/(0)331/288-2584